Insanely high powered entities from my storyline/ Gods and Monsters update

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Hey guys just an update, I have a couple of interesting things in the works right now, a Neutronium and Orichalcum Dragon, a new Ship, and a bunch of non-epic stuff you guys might enjoy. Either way I just wanted to touch base and let you all know what's up. :)

Hey guys, same as before, got some stuff upcoming. I'll be posting in a couple days hopefully. Sorry about the delay and thanks for being patient. Ideas come to me via inspiration and each one is a process to make, it's fun making high powered things but alot of time I have to make ideas basically from scratch and attempt to put that idea on paper in a way that could be, potentially, playable in the right campaign and also have some kind of foil. Regardless, thank you guys again, you all are awesome, can't wait to hear your feedback on some of the upcoming projects. :)

Orichalcum Dragon, Great Wyrm

“Star Dragon, Dragon of the White Sphere”

Upon the surface of a strangely luminous white dwarf star, you notice something peculiar. The Surface of the star looks to have tunnels dug throughout it, but how does one dig into a substance such as ‘that?’, solid uncooled Orichalcum, still burning with the light of the long dead sun it used to be.

Suddenly as your ship moves around the circumference of the star you see a mighty Dragon upon it’s surface, over a mile long, seemingly cast of pure Orichalcum, even now millions of miles off, you can feel it’s heat blasting against you, it’s vibrant light harshly stinging your eyes. The source of the light anomaly, but what is it? It’s body is both thick and heavily built with a dangerously muscled jaw, but somehow it looks graceful and refined, smooth and sweeping it seems a thing of beauty and power. It’s wings stretching out for a mile in either direction, it looks towards you beckoningly, even through your vessel, it’s two brilliant glowing white eyes piercing into your own, and smiles, perhaps a threat, perhaps a challenge, perhaps just saying hello…

Macro-Medium Extraplanar (True Neutral) Dragon

Hit Dice:
260d100+23,400 Con, +10,000 Density (59,400 hp)
Armor Class: 1,198 (10, -36 Size, +780 Natural, +260 Density, +77 Deflection, +60 Divine) 158 Touch, 1,198 Flat-Footed

Initiative: Always Goes First (+68 Superior Initiative, Cosmic Traits)
Speed: 180,000 ft (36 Miles), 390,000 ft Fly (good) (78 Miles)
Base Attack/Grapple: 330/ 971

-Claws: +895 Melee (ignores Armor and Nat armor bonus)
Wings: +895 Melee
Bite: +895 Melee (ignores Armor and Nat armor bonus)
Crush: +895 Melee, smashes all foes underneath it with the bulk of it’s body (1 Mile, 5,000 feet)
Tail Sweep: +895 Melee, hits all foes in the arch of it’s tail’s path (½ mile, 2,500 ft, semicircle)

Full Attack:
- Claws: 260d20,+444 Str, +260d6 Divine Fire x4, ignores Nat and Armor Bonus, 2 attacks (28,816 average per hit, 172,896 on a charge)

- Wings: 260d20,+444 Str, +260d6 Divine Fire x4, 2 attacks (28,816 average per hit, 172,896 on a charge)

- Bite: 390d20,+888 Str, +260d6 Divine Fire x4, ignores Nat and Armor Bonus (40,992 Average, 245,952 on a charge)

Crush: 260d20,+666 Str, +260d6 Divine Fire x4, can hit multiple attackers, foes crushed are pinned and damage is inflicted every round automatically if the foe cannot escape. (29,038 average, 175,228 on a charge)

Tail Sweep: 260d20,+666 Str, +260d6 Divine Fire x4, can hit multiple attackers. (29,038 average, 175,228 on a charge)

Special Attacks:
Heat Aura, Spell Like Abilities, Breath of the Collapsing Star, Nova, Cosmic Might, Crushing Bite

Special Qualities:
DR: 290/--, SR: 330, Cosmic Traits, Fire Absorption, Density, Cold Immunity, Adaption, Star Flight, Regeneration 230, Resurgence, Orichalcum Shine, Cosmic String, Immunities, Keen Senses, Omnicompetent , Overwhelming Presence

Str 444 (+222)
Dex 10
Con 180 (+90)
Int 72 (+36)
Wis 104 (+52)
Cha 154 (+77)

Saves: Fort 669, Ref 579, Will 631

Skills: 323+ Relevant ability modifier

As needed, Anyfeat x20, Spring Attack, Flyby Attack, Bestial Charge, Superior Initiative, Sixth Sense

Divine Abilities:
Anyfeat x20, Strong Soul, Strong Spirit, Strong Mind, Amaranthine Soul, Amaranthine Spirit, Amaranthine Mind, Heavenly Soul, Heavenly Spirit, Heavenly Mind, Nescience, Quantum Effect, Regeneration, X-Ray Vision, Perfect Initiative, Super Charge, Distant Gaze, Heavy Handed, Seventh Sense (60 rounds), Celerity,

Cosmic Abilities: Inner Eye, Degeneration, Supersonic, Orichalcum Body, Hyperostosis

Transcendental Abilities: Transmortality

Environment: Space, in the heart of collapsed stars
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 280

Treasure: Triple Standard
Alignment: Neutral

Orichalcum Dragons bridge the gap between Adamic and Nehaschimic dragons, composed of matter usually reserved for transcendent entities but only wielding power similar to Sidereals. Orichalcum dragons lay their eggs on dying main sequence stars near the end of their life. As the star grows to red giant size, the Orichalcum dragon boors into the heart of the star, laying a single egg in it’s absolute gravitic center, as the star collapses the resulting white dwarf incubates the egg and over time it hatches and the dragon begins feeding on the burning hot molten star metal eventually eating it’s way out of the star itself. Such feats take millions of years and Orichalcum dragons tend to live about ten times as long as other Adamic dragons, with a maximum lifespan of just over a billion years. (except for Void Dragons who have no lifespan)

Orichalcum dragons appear as mile long dragons made of pure solid brilliant glowing white hot coppery metal that when cooled shines brighter than gold. Orichalcum dragons begin their life brilliantly white, and shining like a Quasar dragon, though far smaller, and slowly reduce in luminosity reaching a pure metallic shimmer at great wyrm only slightly luminous, making the scales shine as if reflecting light vice truly glowing. They have a dense and heavily armored appearance but smooth and sweeping. Unlike most Adamic dragons, Orichalcum Dragons only sport a single head.

As it nears the end of it’s life cycle, it will devour the last bits of the White Dwarf star it called it’s home and incubator. the dragon will take flight, find a star on the verge of death and lay a single egg in the star. It will then lose it’s shine, turning into a dreaded Black Dwarf Dragon (The same stats as above, but no Orichalcum Shine ability and double damage on melee abilities. It will gorge itself on planets and stars, whole solar systems, becoming denser and denser. Eventually once enough energy and matter has been gathered, it will find a Blue Giant star on the verge of death, boor into it’s center and transform into a Black Sphere, the egg of a Neutronium dragon.


Orichalcum Dragons appear ponderous to most casual observers, preferring to ignore opponents than engage, relying on their high armor class, regeneration, degeneration, heat aura, and density to both deteriorate would be threats and keep themselves safe, perfectly okay with allowing feeble attackers to slowly disintegrate themselves for days at times, it gains the biggest ego boost defeating attackers without lifting a finger, even if the opponent can chip away at the dragon, the dragon knows it’s regeneration and Transmortality will keep it far away from true death.

If opponents are able to actually harm the beast or otherwise anger it, it will unleash a blast of pure concentrated starfire upon a foe irradiating it, disintegrating it, and incinerating it with incredible heat, If it’s foe proves to be strong enough to withstand even this, the Dragon, excited with the prospect of a real challenge will repeatedly charge the foe, attacking with a full attack on every charge with it’s Bestial Charge feat and moving out of range with Spring Attack, or Flyby Attack making full use of it’s Super Charge Divine Ability increasing it’s damage output 6 fold stacking with it’s Quantum Effect power allowing it to deal x24 damage. Additionally it will use it’s Wish ability if needed as the situation calls for it. If destroyed it will explode in a catastrophic explosion and will reform at full health with it’s resurgence ability if threatened with true destruction, the dragon will attempt to flee using Star Flight,
Wish, and Plane Shift to unusually hostile planes it has previously adapted to, and Teleportation.

Spell Like Abilities: (Su)
Unlike most dragons, Orichalcum Dragons have no access to spells, but can cast Wish 1/round

-At Will: Wish, Astral Projection, Etherealness, Greater Teleport, Plane Shift, Shape Change

Heat Aura (Ex): An Orichalcum Dragon’s body produces incredible heat not unlike a small star out to a range of 2.6 Astronomical Units (Roughly 260 million miles) the heat at it’s edges is significant but close to the dragon is unbearable.
-260,000,000 Miles: 10d6 Fire (60 average)
-26,000,000 Miles: 10d6 Divine Fire (60 average)
-2,600,000 Miles: 26d6 Divine Fire (156 average), plus Degeneration (230 Untyped Damage)
-260,000 Miles: 100d6 Divine Fire (600 average), plus Degeneration
-26,000 Miles: 260d6 Divine Fire (1,560 average), plus Degeneration, plus Disintegration upon death
-Melee: All melee attacks made upon the dragon deal the 260d6 Divine Fire damage to the attacker regardless of reach and deal this damage directly to an opponent’s weapons, and all melee attacks made by the dragon deal an additional 260d6 Divine Fire damage as well.

Star Flight (Ex): Can compress space to allow travel to any point in the Cosmos in 3d20 days.

Density(Ex): The Orichalcum Dragon’s entire body, not just it’s Scales, is made entirely of ultra dense Orichalcum, Thie grants it a Density bonus to it’s AC equal to it’s Hit Dice though this is treated exactly like Natural Armor, it is a different armor type and must be removed separately from Natural AC, and grants it an additional 10,000 Hp, it’s claws and teeth ignore Armor not made of Pure Orichalcum or other such hyperdense materials (Neutronium, Strange Matter, Quark Matter, Katcheen, etc).

Regeneration (Ex): The Orichalcum Dragon regenerates 230 hp every round. There is no known means of stopping this regeneration, and can even bring the dragon back from death unless it is somehow mitigated.

Degeneration (Ex): The Orichalcum Dragon deals 230 untyped damage to all enemies within the second range of it’s Heat Aura (.26 AU) every round with no save.

Hyperostosis (Ex): The Orichalcum Dragon's incredible durability grants it an additional amount to it's Natural AC equal to double it's Hit Dice.

Adaption (Ex): Can adapt to comfortably exist in any natural domain from the surface of a star to the coldest depths of space to regions of space time quivering with ever fluxing possibilities.

Resurgence (Ex): Once per day the Dragon if destroyed by any attack may as an automatic immediate action instantly reform itself as if it’s Cosmic String ability had regenerated it, returning to life with full Hp.

Strong, Amaranthine, Heavenly Mind, Spirit, Soul (Su): The Orichalcum Dragon gains it's Strength, Constitution and Charisma bonuses to it's DCs, it's Attack Rolls and Saving Throws.

Transmortality (Ex): The Orichalcum Dragon is nearly invincible regenerating from destruction immediately.

Nova (Ex): If destroyed the Dragon releases all the energy in it’s body in a crushing explosion to a range of 3.9 Astronomical Units (390,000,000 miles) This deals 260d20 Divine Fire Damage, 260d6 Kinetic (Bludgeoning) Damage and knocking foes back 10 feet per point of kinetic damage done, Disintegrates all foes who fail a Fort save of 290, intense radiation deals 52 points of Str Dex and Con Damage, and destroys or otherwise ruins all electrical or technological equipment not designed to withstand the energy output of a supernova.

Breath of The Collapsing Star (Su): Once every 1d2 rounds, the Dragon can release a concentrated blast of pure Supernova energy. Dealing 260d100 Divine Fire damage, 260d100 Divine damage and 260d20 Kinetic damage, blasting foes back 10 feet per point of kinetic damage done, disintegrating foes into subatomic particles if killed, and dealing an additional 260d20 Divine Fire damage (5,200) for 12 rounds and irradiating foes for 26 points of Str, Dex, and Con damage, this is a Line attack with a reach equal to double the range of it’s Heat Aura (520,000,000 Miles) or a Wave attack 1350 feet wide and 260,000,000 miles long; 62,400 damage average, 5,200 lingering damage for 11 additional rounds (factored into first round damage already) ; 15,600 ft pushback, Reflex Save DC 679 for 1/2 damage and no secondary lingering damage)

Crushing Bite: The Dragon’s tremendous weight and strength along with it’s overdeveloped jaw allows it to bite with extraordinary force. It deals x2 Str damage, and 1.5x dice damage (from 260d20 to 390d20) and has a permanent True Strike (+20 to attack) on bite attacks.

Orichalcum Shine: The Dragon’s beautiful shining visage gives it a deflection bonus on AC equal to it’s Charisma Bonus and it’s body produces light like the Daylight spell out to the range of it’s Heat Aura (2.6 AU).

Orichalcum Body: It’s body being comprised entirely of star metal gives it a considerable edge. It gains +232 to strength, +60 to Con, 15 virtual size categories, an additional 100/- to it’s Damage Reduction which stacks with previously existing Damage Reduction, increases base damage output to 260d20 for all melee attacks, and allows the Dragon to ignore the first 100 points of an opponent’s DR.

Inner Eye (Ex): The Dragon controls it’s own destiny and is considered to be rolling natural ‘20’s on all rolls.

Cosmic String (Ex): The Dragon cannot be slain by any being with less HD than itself simply regenerating with full health in 1d10 hours.

Immunities: Orichalcum Dragons are Healed by Fire, and Immune to cold, conjuration, enchantment, illusions, necromantic effects, transmutation, death by massive damage, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, and negative energy effects.

Keen Senses: Orichalcum Dragons can see forty times as well as humans in shadowy illumination and twenty times as well in normal conditions, they have blind sense out to the range of their heat aura and blindsight and darkvision up to 1200 feet.

Omnicompetent: The Dragon knows all skills and has maximum ranks in each.

Anyfeat (Ex): The Dragon has 30 feats it can change at will.

Cosmic Traits: Orichalcum Dragons have a Density bonus equal to 60 (12+4/age category) to all saves, checks, ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, armor class, attack rolls, initiative, Spell Resistance, spell like abilities, turning checks, and DCs for all abilities.

Overwhelming Presence (Ex): An Orichalcum Great Wyrm causes palpable terror in foes who see the creature up close. All creatures not immune to fear within 7,680 feet of the being must make a DC 679 Fort save or die of fear on the spot. Foes who make this save are badly shaken with a -4 instead of -2 for the duration of the encounter.

Quantum Effect: Variable damage with attacks. (x4 permanently with Inner Eye)

Bestial Charge: Allows for a full attack on a charge

Celerity/Supersonic: x30 Movement Speed

Super Charge: Deal 6x damage on a charge

X-Ray Vision: Can see through solid objects

Distant Gaze: Can automatically Teleport/Plane Shift foes to wherever it likes on a failed Will Save of 277

Cosmic Might: Deal up to 260d20 damage with basic attacks.

Heavy Handed: Deal double strength damage with attacks.
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This work not only extend Dragon family. Also made very interesting cosmology explanation for your world. I am very curiously if black hole also take shape by some kind of Dragon

If they only lay one egg in their lives, how do they replace casualties?

An interesting conundrum, I like to think they were created at the beginning of the Existence in the fires of the big bang, and are otherwise created by the breath of Gankyil dragons. With second births being legendary Orichalcum dragons, and twins having some other great significance.

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