Interest in Red Hand of Doom (Recruiting)



Ok, this is my take on it. With double-slice, you wield both weapons with the same amount of power, so treat both as -1, +2 etc. Although you're already down -2 i believe from fighting with two weapons so you'll have to be careful when choosing when to power attack.


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First Post
Absolutely, but it does give that extra power boost when I need it. Alright, another question, where do I post my character at? Is there a form that is regularly accepted?


First Post
Name - Brutus Tarsi

Human Fighter

(I am going to wait till someone posts their character, and then follow suit)

Brutus is a 23 year old trying to make a name for himself. His father was a gladiator in [insert large city with arena here] who chose to stay once he gained his freedom. He stayed because he loved the glory, he loved the fame, and it was something he drilled into his son's head.

"You must earn your place in this world Brutus, you must fight for the respect you desire."

Brutus knew the mantra well, to be treated like a man with his father, he had to fight. As soon as he was old enough, Tarnak, Brutus' father took him to the Arena to train with him. He trained him in all forms of combat, from hand to hand combat, to the use of thrown weapons, even teaching him how to use the impressive 8-10 foot polearms. He hated those trips to the Arena, he hated his father and he hated the idea of fighting. But when his father died 10 years ago, Brutus had little other option. He could go work in the mines, or work in the Arena, but that was about all he was cut out to do. So he entered the Arena in his father's place. He excelled in ranged combat, and was even better when he picked up two short swords and begin to make a name for himself as a tornado of steel and blood.

One night, on his way home from the Arena, Brutus was cornered by a group of men. They worked for a local, "business man," who had made a significant wager on his next fight. If he took a dive, then his family wouldn't perish, and if he could survive the loss, he would get a hefty sum. Brutus couldn't bring himself to take a dive, and after getting his family out of town, he reported to the Arena the next day. He fought bravely and defeated his opponent. When he left the Arena that night, he was jumped in an alley. Two men with swords and another who wielded fire in his hands. He killed one and escaped, and ran straight to the recruitment office for the military.

He joined up on the spot, and spent 5 years as a member of the [Insert large nation here] guard. He excelled in small strike forces, groups sent out to deal with larger numbers of foes, and he was promoted quickly. On one such mission, his entire force, save for himself and one another, were wiped out by a goblin ambush that no one saw coming. Brutus dragged his wounded ally out of harms way, but that night, they hunted them down. Brutus was forced to leave his friend behind, and made his way in the dark back to his base of operations. When he returned, he was questioned, he was accused, and finally, when nothing was proven, he was discharged and exiled to the frontier.

It was out there that Brutus starting adventuring, more a mercenary for hire than anything else. As time passed, and his fresh wounds began to heal, a sense of purpose grew, along with a growing sense of doubt. He begin hearing his fathers voice again in his sleep, "You must earn your place in this world Brutus, you must fight for the respect you desire." He was haunted by the idea of running away from a fight, of losing his honor, of losing the respect he deserved. He would arise with a purpose in his eyes, and would fight to gain glory in battle. He stumbled upon this group of adventurers that spoke of rumors of goblins running wild in Elsir Vale. His hatred for the enemy that defeated him welled up within him and he joined immediately, not caring about the risks or the dangers.

Now, Brutus Tarsi is a man who has proven himself in combat, but the loss of his friends and fellow soldiers has rattled him a bit. He struggles more and more with the voice of his once proud father who fought for respect, and for fame. To be a man, he must prove himself in combat. No man would lose his entire troop and then run away in the dark with his tail between his legs. This is what drives him, to take risks that would be unwise, to throw himself into battle with near animal intensity and ferocity. This man fights to find himself, and in hopes, of restoring the honor he feels he has lost.

Brutus Tarsi

Sorry about the out of order rolls, and the missing lvl 5, stupid dice roller. Anyways, I thought I read at some point we were rolling HP or taking half whichever is better... so would my total be 32 (before con, and toughness) or would it be 35? Either way, doesn't matter but I figured I would roll these up here.
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First Post
not sure, i've typed mine out on the few i've been in, maybe some of the more experienced pbpers here can give suggestions.

Normally, you post draft characters in this forum. Then SolosAddie should create a new thread in the Rogues Galley Forum When character's are approved they are placed in. This is treated as the Master copy, which is updated as necessary.

Also, large blocks of text, such as backgrounds, usually go in "sblocks".

Walking Dad

First Post

Oriong: Pali/Sorc
WalkinDad : gnome summoner if space
Ghostcat: something if space
S@squatch: Sorceror
Nothinpoetic: Human Fighter
HandofMystara: Halfling Bard
RangerJohn: Ranger

Looks nice and balanced, but my summoner isn't really coming along :(
I had in mind to summon evil outsiders to do evil work for the good cause and having the eidolon for backup... that isn't really possible with the rules how the eidolon and the summon monster ability interact...

But I got a great idea for a shady Chelaxian Conjurer :D

Solos, I'm not very keen to characters building items. In pathfinder it is only a way to save money :(. Could I use the Pathfinder Society variant and get Spell Focus instead of Scribe scrolls?

Here is the crunch (not fully finished), fluff will coming shortly:

Human (Chelaxian) Wizard (Conjurer/Teleportation) 5
Lawful Neutral
Diety: Asmodeus
Languages: Commen, draconic, infernal, abyssal, celestial

Str: 10 (0 Points)
Dex: 14 (5 points)
Con: 14 (5 points)
Int: 18 (10 points) (+2 racial)
Wis: 12 (2 points)
Cha: 13 (3 Points)
Points Spent: 25

Base Attack Bonus +2
Basic Melee Attack +2
Basic Ranged Attack +4

HP: ? = [5d6 + 5xCON (10) + FC (5)] (Wizard)]
AC: ? = [10 + DEX (02) + Armor (00) + Shield (00) + Natural (00) + Size (00) + Misc (0)]
AC Touch: ? = [10 + DEX (02) + Size (00) + Misc (00)]
AC Flatfooted: ? = [10 + Armor (00) + Shield (02) + Natural (05) + Size (00) + Misc (02)]
INIT: +8 = [DEX (02) + Familiar (2) + Feat (4)]

Fortitude Save +4 = 1 [base] +2 [Con] +1 [Cloak]
Reflex Save +4 = 1 [base] +2 [Dex] +1 [Cloak]
Will Save +6 = 4 [base] +1 [Wis] +1 [Cloak]
CMB +2 = 2 [BAB] +0 [Str] +0 [size]
CMD +15 = 2 [BaB] +0 [Str] +2 [Dex] +0 [size] + 1 [Deflection] + 10
Concentartion +6 = 4 [Int] + 2 [Trait]

Racial Traits:
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Eye for Talent: Humans have great intuition for hidden potential. They gain a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
In addition, when they acquire an animal companion, bonded mount, cohort, or familiar, that creature gains a +2 bonus to one ability score of the character’s choice.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Class features:
Arcane bond (Familiar = Scorpion)
arcane school (Conjuration/Teleportation)
bonus feat

W1) Spell Focus (Conjuration)
2) Acadamae Graduate
3) Augmented Summoning
5) Improved Initiative

Duabolical Dabbler (Each fiendish animal you conjure with any summon spell gains +1 hit point per hit die for the duration of the spell that summoned it.)
Desperate Focus (+2 bonus to concentration)


Spells in spellbook:
0 (-) - all, but read magic & Enchantment and Necromancy spells
1 (9) - magic missile, mage armor, mount, color spray, shield, summon monster 1, stumble gap, alarm, protection from evil
2 (4) - resist energy, glitterdust, flaming sphere, stone call
3 (2) - summon monster 3, stinking cloud

Equipment: 10,500 gold

Level 1 spell cost = 15
Level 1 spell cost = 60
Level 1 spell cost = 135

1 -
2 -
3 -

Possible Items:
Handy Haversack 2,000
Headband of Intelligence
Cloak of resistance +1
Amulet of nat. Armor +1
Ring of Protection +1

Metamagic Rod (Extoplasmic, lesser) 3,000
Wand ... 750

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First Post
First draft of my Rogue/Cleric. background, etc. to follow. Hit points have been calculated based on half hit dice for 2nd - 5th levels.

[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Rogue(2)/Cleric(3)
Level: 5
Experience: 15000
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Languages: Common
Deity: Calistria[/sblock]
STR 10 (+0) [base 10] {0 pts}
DEX 19 (+4) [base 16] {10 pts} + 2 [Human] + 1 [4th level]
CON 14 (+2) [base 14] {5 pts}
INT 10 (+0) [base 10] {0 pts}
WIS 16 (+3) [base 16] {10 pts}
CHA 10 (+0) [base 10] {0 pts}[/sblock]
HP: 41 = [(2d8) [Rogue] +(3d8) [Cleric] +10 [CON] + 2 [FC] +5 [Toughness]]
AC: 17 = 10 + 3 [Armor] + 0 [shield] + 4 [DEX]
Touch: 14 = 10 + 4 [DEX]
Flatfooted: 13 = 10 + 3 [Armor] + 0 [shield]
INIT: +4 = +4 [DEX]
BAB: +3 = 1 [Rogue] + 2 [Cleric]
Fort: +6 = +3 [base] + 2 [CON] + 1 [Cloak of Resistance]
Reflex: +10 = +4 [base] + 4 [DEX] + 1 [Cloak of Resistance] +1 [trait]
Will: +7 = +3 [base] + 3 [WIS] + 1 [Cloak of Resistance]
Speed: 30 ft.
CMB: +3
CMD: +17[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Crossbow, Light +7 = +3 [BAB] +4 [DEX] +0 [feat] / DMG = 1d8, 19-20x2, 80 ft. [Range]
Masterwork Sword (Short) +9 = +3 [BAB] +4 [DEX (weapon finesse)] +1 [weapon focus] +1 [masterwork] / DMG = 1d6, 19-20x2
Two Weapon Masterwork Sword (Short) +7 = +3 [BAB] +4 [DEX (weapon finesse)] +1 [weapon focus] +1 [masterwork -2 [TWF feat]/ DMG = 1d6, 19-20x2
Whip 3 = +3 [BAB] +0 [STR] +0 [feat] / DMG = 1d3, 20x2
[sblock=Cleric Class Features]
Aura of Chaos
Bit of Luck - Luck Domain
Channel Positive Energy
Copycat - Trickery Domain
Spontaneous Casting[/sblock]
[sblock=Rogue Class Features]
Sneak Attack
Weapon Training: Weapon Focus (Sword (Short))
Combat Reflexes
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Finesse[/sblock]
Deft Dodger - (+1 trait bonus on Reflex saves)
Calistrian Prostitute - (+1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive)
Skill Points: 27 [16 [Rogue] + 6 [Cleric] + 5 [human]] Max Ranks: 5/5
ACP: +0
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Acrobatics                 2    +4    +3    +9
Appraise                   0    +0    +0    +0
Bluff                      2    +0    +3    +5
Climb                      0    +0    +0    +0
Craft (Untrained)          0    +0    +0    +0
Diplomacy                  2    +0    +4    +6
Disable Device             2    +4    +4    +10
Disguise                   0    +0    +0    +0
Escape Artist              2    +4    +3    +9
Fly                        0    +4    +0    +4
Heal                       3    +3    +3    +9
Intimidate                 0    +0    +0    +0
Knowledge (Local)          2    +0    +3    +5
Knowledge (Religion)       3    +0    +3    +6
Perception                 2    +3    +3    +8
Perception (Trapfinding)   2    +3    +4    +9
Perform (Untrained)        0    +0    +0    +0
Ride                       0    +4    +0    +4
Sense Motive               2    +3    +4    +9
Spellcraft                 3    +0    +3    +6
Stealth                    2    +4    +8    +14
Survival                   0    +3    +0    +3
Swim                       0    +0    +0    +0
Equipment                                Cost   Weight
Bolts, Crossbow (10)                     1gp    1lbs
Cloak of Resistance +1                   1000gp 1lbs
Crossbow, Light                          35gp   4lbs
Handy Haversack                          2000gp 5lbs
- Bedroll                                1sp    0lbs
- Tent                                   10gp   0lbs
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds              750gp  0lbs
- Waterskin (Filled)                     1gp    0lbs
- Waterskin (Filled)                     1gp    0lbs
- Waterskin (Filled)                     1gp    0lbs
- Waterskin (Filled)                     1gp    0lbs
- Waterskin (Filled)                     1gp    0lbs
- Waterskin (Filled)                     1gp    0lbs
- Waterskin (Filled)                     1gp    0lbs
- Blanket (Winter)                       5sp    0lbs
- Candle                                 1cp    0lbs
- Candle                                 1cp    0lbs
- Chalk (1 Piece)                        1cp    0lbs
- Chalk (1 Piece)                        1cp    0lbs
- Everburning Torch                      110gp  0lbs
- Flint and Steel                        1gp    0lbs
- Rations (Trail/Per Day)                5sp    0lbs
- Rations (Trail/Per Day)                5sp    0lbs
- Rations (Trail/Per Day)                5sp    0lbs
- Rations (Trail/Per Day)                5sp    0lbs
- Rations (Trail/Per Day)                5sp    0lbs
- Rations (Trail/Per Day)                5sp    0lbs
- Rations (Trail/Per Day)                5sp    0lbs
- Rope (Silk/50 ft.)                     10gp   0lbs
- Sunrod                                 2gp    0lbs
- Sunrod                                 2gp    0lbs
Leather +1 (Shadow)                      4910gp 15lbs
Masterwork Sword (Short)                 310gp  2lbs
Peasant's Outfit                         0cp    2lbs
Whip                                     1gp    2lbs
Treasure: 282gp, 8sp, 5cp Gems:
Total weight carried: 32 lbs. (Light)
Light: 33, Medium: 66, Heavy: 100
Maximum weight possible: 100 [/sblock]
Size: M
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:[/sblock] [/sblock]


cool characters both of you. i was worried for a second that when you said shady you meant evil, but LN leaning is ok.

You may trade scribe scroll for any other wizard bonus feat, that you can get at first level. And if you could remind me how your summons are improved at least the first couple times, till i get used to what to add.

Possible idea for your fluff. In your research into summoning and conjuration, you have come to the realization that someone is messing with the fiendish planes. You have determined something is going on in Elsir Vale and that amount of power (out of YOUR hands :) ) must be stopped.

Feel free to add, modify or disregard entirely as it suits you.

Thread up in Rogues Galley
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