Invasion of Mori - IC [3.5][CE/NE][planar]

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First Post
Loriel waits to hear the sound of spellcasting...then attempts to plink the caster with a shot from her crossbow, using the noise to zero in on the location.

(OOC - delay for spellcasting, then use Listen check to try to determine square and suck down the 50% miss chance :))


First Post
This Post is OOC

OOC Map Clarifications:
Kelteror is the figure with the katana in the map (sorry, nothing particularly babau-ish was available.) He's right behind where the kobolds are.

Snargle is the brutish-looking figure surrounded by kobolds.

Loriel is the fiendish figure with wings at the top of the map.

Pyre is the half-snake figure with stylized flames.

Maug and Rose are represented by the two figures with two-bladed swords (nothing was available that looked dervish-like, alas.)

Hanaav is represented by the figure with the bow.

The remaining spellcasters are represented by the four cloaked/robed/staffbearing icons.

FWIW, I'm attempting to resolve your "delays" as "readied" where possible, because otherwise your invisible enemies will have taken their entire turns before your delayed turn can be taken. Do I read your intent correctly?


If any of the kobolds are flanked by Snargle and Kelteror, they would be the ones Snargles targets first so as to get in his troll sneaky attack damage to their now vulnerable giblets as they are distracted by the threat of two BBGs looming immediately on either side.

Isn't the icon with the Katana a WoW jungle troll? Is the one representing the troll Snargle an Ogre?

Steve Gorak

moritheil said:
OOC Map Clarifications:
Kelteror is the figure with the katana in the map (sorry, nothing particularly babau-ish was available.) He's right behind where the kobolds are.

The remaining spellcasters are represented by the four cloaked/robed/staffbearing icons.

OCC: Ok, am I correct to assume that Kelteror was unable to hide and has a Kobolt next to him? Please keep in mind that he has 20 ft reach, so if the Kobolt got closer, Kelteror would have had several AoO.


First Post
Map clarification

OOC The map is not accurate with respect to distances, only with respect to directions. That is, things like Kelteror and Snargle being on one side of the scorpion while the casters are on the other side are accurate. Things like the distance between kobolds and Kelteror, the distance between any given character and the scorpion, or the distance between Loriel and the group are not necessarily to scale. Consider that the scorpion is 40-50 feet long, but it isn't proportionately that large on the map - it would have to be bigger to preserve a sense of scale.

This is why I called it a "crude" tactical map. Question is right when he suggests that a grid with letters would be more tactically accurate (though, as Voadam pointed out, it might also be painful to look at.)

The following information is for those who can see invisible (Kelteror and Vedak):
[sblock]You see the invisible forms of two robed kobolds. They have both moved from their initial placement, each moving thirty feet to the side (they are now 60' apart.)[/sblock]

The following information is for Hanaav and Loriel:
[sblock]Based on hints of movement, there appear to have been two independently moving invisible creatures in the vicinity of that initial blast.[/sblock]

Kelteror - The kobolds are all aiming for Snargle. I thought that your efforts to hide would mean that you would remain hiding and not take AOOs if they wandered near you. In any event, round two (wherein you activate see invisible) has not yet been resolved, so you'll have plenty of time to decide on your round three actions.
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Dog Moon

OOC: Okay, going to change my round 2 action from what I had it before.

Vedak, seeing the Kobolds spellcasters, watches them intently, knowing that his next spell, albeit a gamble, would pay off well if successful. He then proceeds to cast Dominate Person on the Wizard who has been injured the least, hoping for the best.

Steve Gorak

moritheil said:
OOC Kelteror - The kobolds are all aiming for Snargle. I thought that your efforts to hide would mean that you would remain hiding and not take AOOs if they wandered near you. In any event, round two (wherein you activate see invisible) has not yet been resolved, so you'll have plenty of time to decide on your round three actions.

OCC: Allright, we're on the same page. My goal was no AoO untill he could see invisibility, so if he can still get some AoOs this round, he'll use them. If not, it'll be next round.

FYI: Special abilities and effects usually active[sblock]

• +2 mythral guisarme of frost (2 handed): +25/+20 to hit, 2d6+1d6 (frost) +23 damage, x3, S, 20 ft reach
• Natural weapons: +23/+23/+18 to hit with claw/claw/bite; 1d8+14/1d8+14/1d8+7 damage, 20/x2 S/P
• +1 composite longbow (+12 Str): +14/+9 to hit, 1d8+12 damage, x3, P, 110ft range

Feats & other:
5 Attacks of opportunity per round (combat reflexes)
20 ft reach with guisarme, 10 foot reach with natural weapons (claw, claw bite)

Leap attack(feat):
You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If your jump covers at least 10’ of horizontal distance and end in a square which threatens your opponent, you can double the damage bonus from your Power Attack (triple if using a two-handed weapon).
Charge action:
You get a +2 bonus on the attack roll and take a -2 penalty to your AC until the start of your next turn; x3 power attack damage (from leap attack)

Adaptation (from necklace)
freedom of movement (from ring)
Hat of disguise

Spell resistance 15
(14 base, +1 8HD)
Damage reduction 10/cold iron or good
darkvision 60 ft.
Immunity to electricity and poison
resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10
Telepathy 100 ft
See invisibility (SLA at will, always renewed)

Spell-Like Abilities, at will: darkness, dispel magic, see invisibility, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only). Caster level 7th.

Sneak Attack (Ex): 2d6

Protective Slime (Su): A slimy red jelly coats the babau’s skin. Any weapon that touches it takes 1d8 points of acid damage from the corrosive goo, and the weapon’s hardness does not reduce this damage. A magic weapon may attempt a DC 18 Reflex save to avoid taking this damage. A creature who strikes the babau with an unarmed attack, unarmed strike, touch spell, or natural weapon takes this damage as well but can negate the damage with a DC 18 Reflex save. The save DCs are Constitution-based.

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First Post
Round Two

The dervish and construct again square off against the giant scorpion, Rose and the maug managing to bleed it to death – though not before the great claws of the beast have wounded the latter. With a heavy thud, the monstrous vermin collapses, its remains already dissolving. On the far side of where the scorpion stood, Rose feels a burning in his veins and knows that its potent poison is still in his system.

Meanwhile, Snargle lays into the kobolds with his bare claws and teeth, backed by a volley of Arxas’s life-draining missiles. Though nimble, the wounded reptilians are no match for the fiendish troll’s raw ferocity. Two of them perish. The kobold hanging on Snargle’s back drinks a potion. Carefully hidden behind a nearby rock outcropping, Kelteror focuses his fiendish powers to grant him sight of the unseen, finally locating the kobold mages.

Only one mage can be heard chanting, and it is this unfortunate fellow that draws Loriel’s crossbow fire. The bolt catches him in mid-chant, and his spell breaks off with a choked cry. From elsewhere in the cave, another glowing bead streaks in to detonate amongst the group’s casters, this one more accurately positioned to hit several of them.

With the scorpion dead, Pyre slithers back to tend to Gabriel, while Hanaav seems to be coaxing something large out of a section of black cloth. Gabriel’s inspirational rant goes largely unheeded by his fellows, who presumably were not prepared for the sudden change in music. Vedak attempts to dominate the kobold not hit by Loriel’s shaft, but does not seem to meet with much success. Roillard begins a set of actions similar to those he performed in the hallway earlier.

Initiatives – Rose Arxas Snargle Loriel Kobolds Scorpion Maug Kelteror Gabriel Pyre Hanaav Vedak Roillard.

With the scorpion out of the way, targeting the whole group is easier. However, much of the group has moved, and is no longer in one place.

Maug got a critical. Rose realizes he was poisoned when hit by the great stinger.

Fireball: 53 damage. Gabriel, Hanaav, Roillard, and Arxas all save for half (26). Maug resists completely, while Vedak avoids the blast entirely.

Total damage taken thus far:
Rose: 88 +3 con (no change)
Maug: 54 +18+22 = 94
Kelteror: 8 (no change)
Hanaav: 18 +26 = 44
Arxas: 31 +26 – 5/resist = 52
Vedak: none (no change)
Gabriel: 36 +26 – 11/csw = 51
Snargle: 22 – 5/regen +7+7+3+4+4+8 = 50 (nonlethal)
Pyre: none
Loriel: none

Melee Kobolds: 32 (2 deceased, 3 have negative levels and additional 2, 4, 5 damage)
Sorc Kobold(s): 13 and none
Scorpion: deceased

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