Invasion of Mori - IC [3.5][CE/NE][planar]


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Any who care to count find that there are twelve mailed kobolds. Eight of them wield halberds, while four hold loaded crossbows. The cavern is very large here. Other entrances or exists must exist, but none are within sight.

OOC: There is a crude tactical map available in case anyone is having difficulty wrapping his or her head around the situation. The large insect is, obviously, the scorpion. Abyssal forces are depicted in red (top left, save for Loriel, who appears to the right. Of course, only one of you is aware that she is there.) The size difference between the kobolds is inaccurate - the ones that appear smaller on the map are the bowmen.


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OOC: SG - see reply below.
Kelteror does indeed have see invisibility at will, but never specified that he was taking a standard action to activate it. ("At will" means there is no limit to daily uses of a spell-like ability, not that it does not take time to activate.) To avoid a major disruption of continuity, it is ruled that Kelteror does not have it active at this time.

If you wish to indicate in the future that Kelteror will be reactivating this ability whenever it expires, that is acceptable, but must be noted in the character sheet. Thereafter, whenever combat is entered, the remaining duration on the current instance of see invisibility will be randomly determined.[/sblock]
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Round 1

With fluid movements, Rose strikes at the great vermin, opening gashes in its side and dancing back after a quick exchange of blows. Meanwhile, Loriel prepares herself, as Arxas singes several kobolds with a fireball. Snargle teleports in right on the heels of the magical blast.

A similar magical blast rocks the party, as two glowing beads streak in from perhaps sixty feet behind the main group of kobolds and detonate near the opening of the stairwell. The creature of blue flame vanishes, presumably destroyed. The kobolds with bows drop them and draw melee weapons to attack the giant in their midst. Those already wielding halberds simply charge. Without moving from its spot thirty feet off, the scorpion lashes out at Rose, using its gigantic claws and enormous tail.

So distracted is the scorpion by Rose that the maug closes with it unhindered. He lands a mighty blow. Kelteror engages in some teleportation of his own, and Gabriel begins to make a mockery of all things kobold-related. Pyre also takes advantage of the distraction to stab the scorpion. Hanaav returns fire at the source of the fireballs, but his arrow does not hit. Vedak augments his own vision. Roillard mutters something about useless pets, and blasts the scorpion with a beam of blue-white energy.

OOC: Numbers below.
Rose lands three hits and misses once - scorpion takes 49 damage.
Rose is hit by the scorpion AOO - 24 damage.
Arxas's Fireball - 32 damage.

Enemy fireballs - 36 and 72 damage. Everyone but Gabriel and the blue flame saved against the first; everyone saved against the second. Rose, Maug, Kelteror, Gabriel, Pyre, Roillard's summoned monster, and Hanaav are within the area of the first blast; Maug, Pyre, Vedak and Arxas are hit by the second (Pyre couldn't care less, as he is immune to fire. Kelteror is also within the area of the second blast, but his spell resistance protects him.) Arxas and Vedak realize that at least one of these fireballs were empowered due to the abnormally high damage they take (36 on a save is beyond what is normally possible.)
NOTE - Fire resistances have not been accounted for in the above figures.

Maug - 55 damage to scorpion.

Snargle is hit six times - 22 damage (DR has been accounted for.)
Snargle hits onrushing kobolds - 23, 20, and 28 damage.
One kobold actually climbs aboard his person (grapple check to shake it off)!

Rose is hit by both claws and the stinger - 51 damage and 3 con damage.

Pyre - 26 damage to scorpion.
Roillard - 60 damage to scorpion.[/sblock]
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It's with some dismay that Loriel notes the apparent power of the...two?...mages. In the seconds it would take her to get behind them, become material, and strike, it might already be too late for her allies. It would be inconvenient and embarrassing at BEST to have to go back to the Abyss and explain that -kobolds- had dispatched the forces sent through. At worst, and under the circumstances not hard to imagine, she'd wind up a few motes of dust from the Balor's implosive gaze.

With a muttered Abyssal oath, she readied her crossbow and faded back onto the Material...feeling a bit vulnerable now, with only invisibility to shield her from the battle at large.

(Ready as a move action, and enter Material as a standard. Sorry guys, this is the absolute fastest way I can join the battle. In the future I'll scout materially. :))
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Retracing the fireballs' paths with his eye, Hanaav quickly calculates the distance between himself and the point of origin. There you are you little bugger. Drawing an arrow to his cheek, he looses it with a look of hate plain on his face.

[sblock=OOC] Move-action spot check (Spot+5) to determine the square the fireball that hit me originated from. Standard action to fire an arrow at that square. Ranged attack +17 (+9 BAB +4 Dex +4 enhancement) 1d8+5+2d6 20/x3 (1d8 base +1 strength +4 enhancement +2d6 humanoid reptilian bane) ignores all miss chances (Seeking weapon, DMG p225)[/sblock]

[sblock=morithiel]I'm pretty sure that it's one wizard and not two. Can I make the appropriate check to determine this? If it would take anything more than a free action, I'll do it next round.[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]I think there was a mistake of communication. Rose cannot be grappled. His ring of freedom of movement allows him to always succeed on grapple checks to avoid being grappled. I apologize if I failed to note that sufficiently on my character sheet. When I have more time, I'll comb through my character sheet for any other missing data like that. I'll post my next actions until after this has been resolved.[/sblock]


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OOC: Dichotomy only -
[sblock]Whoops, somehow that escaped my notice. The matter has been corrected - the only difference is that Rose is not grappled (I didn't use being grappled to calculate anything else this round; instead I made the grapple checks after damage was sorted out.) It's improved grab, so the scorpion was just attacking the whole time either way.[/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Gabriel staggered back, burned and in excrutiating pain. He weaved unsteadily from the line of battle, withdrawing a short wand engraved with hearts and flowers. A lovely priestess of a love goddess had given it to him as a gift, and he thanked her damned shade as he drew upon its power to heal his melted flesh.

OOC: [sblock]Backing up and drawing his wand of cure light wounds, then burning off a charge. Gabriel is currently at 1 hit point.[/sblock]


Rose, for the moment ignoring his wounds, continues his great dance as he strikes at the scorpion again.

[sblock=OOC]15' back to the scorpion; attacking and moving between each attack; again tumbling only when not close enough to strike back with karmic strike. This time moving to the other side of the scorpion as much as possible while attacking (to acquire flanking bonuses when able). If the scorpion dies, or if Rose happens to have enough movement left, he then dances past the closest kobolds, hoping to make more use of karmic strike. Feel free to have Rose act as would seem prudent if something else arises.

+25/+20/+15 Melee, keen falchion +1, 2d4+21, 15-20/x2 (power attacking for 2)
AC: 24 [26 after moving 40'; 28 or 30 vs. AoO][/sblock]

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