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(IR) Do you want to rule the world?


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Hey there Azmodean, welcome to the 5th IR! Serpenteye is our Gamemaster (currently on Christmas break, I think, but I'm putting new people in the roster for him. :) )

Shall I add your name to the roster?


Good races?

Elves. Any and all except the Grugach and Drow.
Dwarves. We do not have a Dwarven Player yet. We have three Elven Players (effectively) but not one Dwarven player. Mountain dwarves and hill dwarves are good aligned.
Halflings. We do not have one halfling player. There must be a Nation of the Halflings somewhere on Oerth.
Gnomes. We do not have a Gnome Player yet. And there are gnomes aplenty on Oerth (there are even Krynnish Tinker Gnomes out there in Greyspace, but Airwhale and Zelda have claimed them.)

Winged Folk. The Avariel. The Aarocrocka who are their allies.
The Merfolk. We have only two undersea claims so far, and both of those are evil.
The Tritons. Nobody has claimed any of them.

The Faerie. Serpenteye says the Faerie aren't a major force, but perhaps you could talk him into thinking otherwise? A Nation of the Sidhe would be neat (especially since we HAVE a nation of the vampires already!)

Werefolk of Good alignment such as Werebears. We have none of those yet.

How about good lizard men? We have two claims on evil type lizard men, but no good ones.

Nobody has claimed the Good Drow of Eilistraee. Perhaps they could come into this?

Hmmm ... what about the Unearthed Arcana races? Perhaps Serpenteye would allow those? (You need only ask.)
I mean, Oerik is a BIG continent, and all sorts of beings could live on it. TSR and WOTC never fully detailed out the place, so it's kinda lassie-faire concerning what's out there.

Again, shall I put you in the roster?

Yours Sincerely

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First Post
If you're going for a good aligned horde (as in a vast horde of beings) why not dwarves?
Or, ask William. I'm sure he's got a ton of suggestions. His e-mail is in the roster on page 1 (it's a big post, with lots of sblocks. You can't miss it.)
Or try the Fiend Folio. I don't have any of the books in front of me, but I'm sure there are good aligned monstrous races who breed into hordes.

I'll tell William and the others that you are here, and asking for help. Try to get them to post here, and help you!


Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Azmodean ... good aligned horde ?! I have nasty suggestion. Take Sanctified Khyton.
Who are spawned by devils but unobedient, Zerg/Tyranid type of critters normally, but what if one brood was nearly wiped out by Celestials ? And out of pity fev remaining broodlings were raised by those bleeding hearts, who in rare strike of reason, first use spells to change evil tendencies of abominations into good tendencies. Of course for the onlookers they are just another Khyton brood, but who said that Khyton shouldn't defend themselves ? :]


First Post
Thanks, but We had a more "traditional" concept in mind, though We must say that is an extremely evil... er... good idea you have there.

William Ronald

Here are some ideas for factions.

In addition to dwarves, gnomes, and halflings in the Flanaess, there are large mountain ranges in the west and center of the Oerik Continent. Possibly some of these might be home to a great civilization. (Heck, you might even convince some players to grant you gnomes dwarves or halflings in their territories. Plus, I do have the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer and some populations are associated more with natural features like mountains and hills than nations.)

I also suggested a neutral and good aligned underdark civilization -- deep dwarves, deep gnomes, deep halflings (Yeah, they exist on Oerth -- I guy I meet at a Living Greyhawk game plays one), pech, the desmodu and others. Maybe have them in one region or slightly spread out.

There are also aquatic races, such as the sea elves, locathah, and mermen.

For human cultures, there are the free Olman and Touv of Hepmonaland. (The Touv are a black-skinned human culture loosely modeled on some African cultures.)

Similarly, there is room in the Oerik continent and beyond for many concepts. There are people ready to lend you a hand if you want to join in.


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(grins most evilly, takes out a megaphone, turns it way up, then speaks)




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I am now closing recruitment for the first turn of the 5th IR. We're still open for new players, but you'll have to wait until turn 2 to join the game.

Azmodean, you're our last player for t1. Welcome :).


First Post

Well, if that wasn't a request for me ...

Although the rules look pretty scary. Maybe i'm better staying in retirement.
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First Post
Hi there, I'd like to try and join. But the threads linked to in the first post here are 404 so I don't know what to do...


First Post

The links are of course no longer valid due to the server change, but they should still be in here somewhere.

The Game is currently in stasis, waiting for our missing DM to return. (Where are you Serpenteye?)
here is a link to the last OOC thread : http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=113085&page=1
Here is a list of unclaimed powers


Continent of Oerik:

Dragons' Island: 700,000 = 35 IC
Island of Fireland: 1,600,000 = 66 IC
The Nation of Komal: 3,500,000 = 180 IC
The Red Kingdom 5,700,000 = 220 IC


Interior Amedio Jungle: 540,000 = 14 IC
City Of Garrel Enkdal: 40,000 = 2 IC
Sable Forest: 10,000 = 0.3 IC
Spikey Forest: 12,000 = 0.4 IC
Old Faith: N/A (possible addition to PL)
Old Lore: N/A (possible addition to PL)

Of course this is just a sampling (and may not be current), you can create you own faction if you so wish. There are large areas off-map which are still unclaimed

Voidrunner's Codex

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