(IR) IR Interlude Turn 4 - 5 (thread 2)

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Creamsteak wrote:

Sanctus Punitor-

I think I'm going to go to Fellreeve forest for a night... I want to see how the forest is surviving up close...


There is no Fellreev Forest now, not in the sense Sanctus remembers.
It was a large forest, and it took 3 direct hits from Antimatter Missiles.
The resulting firestorms, and others started by hits outside of Fellreev Forest, burned down 80% of the woodland.

The remaining 20% is broken into stands of forest, some here, some there, a hodgepodge of surviving areas of green.
Most of the people of Fellreev Forest who survived the Bombardment fled east to Delrune in the ensuing chaos, seeking the safety of the elven cities of that Realm.

A hard, grim, determined group remains in the ruins, and remaining areas of standing woods, determined that Iuz and his humanoids won't take all that is left.
They are backed by the surviving treants and woodland spirits.
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Annoucements and Rulings:

Two of the Powers, through determined search, have located Artifacts.

Dagger's Kingdom of Keoland has located the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords.

Tokiwong's Empire of Iuz (thanks to John Brown's efforts) has located the Machine of Lum the Mad.

For the moment, the only benefits of these devices is a major increase in PL.
For unlike 10th level magic, these devices harm (ala major malevolent effects, remember that?) the wielder who uses their primary powers, and thus renders them less effective.

Dagger gains 20 PL immediately from the Axe.
One of his PCs or NPCs may directly use this Axe in battle, and the PL of PC/NPC and Axe stack.
Or, he may choose to allocate the 20 PL to general PL, and use that PL for whatever purpose that pleases him.

Iuz gains 20 PL immediately from the Machine.
Again, one of his PCs or NPCs may use the Machine, and the PL of PC/NPC and Machine stack.
Or, once again, Tokiwong may choose to dump the extra PL into his general PL, and spend it however he pleases.

- - -

Ruling: The True Staff gained by Anabstercorian raises his PL by 20, not 16.

- - -

Ruling: Forsaken One has outfitted his entire army in Red Steel.
This gives them an (incredible) bonus of + 2 / + 3 to all rolls.
The drawbacks, will come later.

- - -

Anabstercorian, the Gem Dragons state they rarely eat living things at all, and then only in battles.
They prefer to eat precious metals, jewelry, and gems.
Especially gems. (Heh, surprise, surprise!)
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Edena- I have sent you some emails. Template will come when I get your replies.

Kalanyr listens to Siobhan and grins. He nods and teleports of to see what can be done.

"Farewell and be well"

Mr Draco/Serpent Eye- The drow set up an embassy in the Union. The non-aggression pact is agreed to.

Black Omega

First Post
To the Union of Oerth.

Bargained well and done. We'll get to work on the forest non tech zones. And a embassy will be set up in the alotted spot.
To Valkys,
I know the Unseelie are also active in the Adri(sp) forest. I hope we can continue the peace between us and perhaps even meet for some further discussion. The spread of technology over Oerth doesn't do either of us any good.

Mr. Draco

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Edena- Regarding artifacts: I take it this means the Sword of Kas lost its artifact status when Kas and his legions went forward in time?

Edena, it seems you have miscalculated Shade pl, we have 53 from regular armies, 16 from NPC`s, 3 from PC, 57 from Arms Races. And I assume we have Red Steel?

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