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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 5 - Turn 6 (thread 4)


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Mina regards the emissary of the Emerald Order, and speaks:

I never said anything about taking your lands.
I do not want your lands.

I am offering to you a chance to join the new confederation that is forming.
A chance to stand with the One God, the God Emperor, the Lord Melkor, to accept them into your hearts.

With faith and with courage, with strength and determination, we can build Oerth anew.
Stronger, better, greater.

The wisdom of Acererak shall be known to Oerth's great mages.
The power of Shade shall be known to Oerth's seers.
The noble heritage of the Aerdi shall be everyones.

Oerth will stand, strong and invincible, under the rule of the Pantheon, and with faith they will strike down under foot all invaders.
The Oerth's forests and it's fields will be restored.
The Oerth shall achieve a grandeur in magic that staggers the Arcane Age.
The Oerth will achieve superscience to rival the City of the Gods.

ALL of this we will accomplish, for faith makes it ALL possible, and our faith in the One God is absolute.
The faith of the people of Aerdi in the God Emperor is absolute.
The faith of the Shade in the Lord Melkor is absolute.

With faith as our shield, and with unity as our sword, we will cut away the rot and weakness that divides and paralyzes Oerth, renders it helpless and defenseless before it's enemies, and we will bring it into a new reality.

The Emerald Order is invited to stand with us.
The Emerald Order, was created to renew the Oerth.
Stand with us, and help us renew Oerth, and make it greater and stronger than it has ever been before.

Luna, join us. Join the winning side. Stand with the victors, and when we are victorious, the Emerald Order will make of Oerth a garden.
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Dagger, AnaKeris is a large continent in Oerth's southern hemisphere.
It is far to the southeast of the Flanaess, basically due south of the Isle of the Phoenix, which lies 2,500 miles east of the east coast of the Flanaess.

It is a continent where a polynesian type people live, and it's demihumans are likewise different from those in the Flanaess.

It's people are highly civilized, but aren't very warlike, except for the halflings - they are quite warlike.

I have given the 5 nations of AnaKeris to you because you were the weakest Power in the Alliance of Oerth, and I wished you to have more of a say in the IR.
More fun, thus.

The people of AnaKeris share the same tenets as the Alliance of Oerth in many respects.
They wish to be left in peace.
They don't want marauders running all over their continent and them.
They don't really want war.
They are a friendly people, and have been friendly to those who were friendly to them.
They, like most ordinary people, are just trying to make a living, and their lush tropical land helps - it is an unusually friendly place for the tropics, devoid of the horrors and dangers usually found in tropical settings.

Of course, the continent of AnaKeris extends clear into the temperate zone, but nobody has explored those regions of AnaKeris yet (including me.)


First Post
Mina stands up, and with her elite Knights teleports to Veluna City, in the Kevellond League.

She requests an audience with Archcleric Hazen, leader of the Kevellond League.
If he is not available, she will speak with any of the leaders of the Alliance of Oerth who will come and speak with her.
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Thank you for the information.

If there is any way I give them access to any technology I have for free.

I also want to start constuction a portal to ease transport back and forth between us. A portal big enough to transport maybe, 5pl of troops per day if neccassary. If that is possible.


First Post
Luna, dazzled by this appearance of Mina, crawls back a bit. She never expected such a response from this person. She looks around, regarding what Mina claims to be the winning side. Thinking deeply for a moment, she remembers what her leader and her Wise told her:
"Do not listen to the words evil spreads as evil tries to corrupt beauty with visual beauty. Remember what your heart tells you and remember what's best for Oerth."

Luna takes a deep breath, making eyecontact with Mina and she finds the courage to speak again. To make the same statement she made earlier.

"The Emerald Order will not join. We shall keep Oerth the way it is, since the rebuilding of Oerth does not provide that Good will be able to take the upper hand in Oerth. There's no way to tell what your real intentions are, nor is it possible to hope for the best. The Emerald Order will NOT join this party of destruction. If Oerth is going to be renewed, we, The Emerald Order, will make sure Good will be the part that makes the renewal. We will not make a big mistake by listening to the words the Dark speaks, the lies that Evil give us. We reject your offer and I know the people for who I speak agree with me. The real good will come from the heart and not from force."

Speaking these words Luna gains believe in herself, in Oerth and in her orders. She believes her own words fully and does not show any intention of being persuaded by words nor by force.


Edena, about my PC, what lvl is she supposed to be?
At what powerlevel is the Emerald Order at this moment?

My Red Goo Rating will be 0.


"Emerald Order representative, greetings to you. Heh, not joining them will do as much good as fighting them. I feel depressed every time we maninpulate things to get the slightest upperhand, something like that (points at Mina and the Shade) appears from outside our world to help them."

Kalanyr sends a sending to the Fleet of Darkness.

It stands in its full Glory, a 16 foor drow with feathered wings 32 feet in span surrounded by an aura of Golden Light, awaiting their reaction.

The unseelie flies right up to Mina's face and looks at her...

<<The Queen doesn't need your flattery, the Queen is here for clarification and true words. The Queen doesn't need your sweet talk and promises, the Queen wants you to tell her about yourself and explain why you are here... the version which you gave here is not of interest, any interest at all.>>

<<The Queen wants to comprehend, the Queen wants to understand, the Queen senses truth, but she knows there is always more to the truth then it seems.>>

<<We feel your power, but we do not fear it, for in power lies strenght, but in faith, there true power lies. We hear you speak words of wisdom, but you are much wiser and the Queen senses you know much wiser knowledge then you share with us. The Queen desires clarification. The Queen doesn't want a ally, the Queen wants to preserve her body, the Swarm.. the Hive for she is its mind, she alone.>>

<<You may approach the Queen, for she wants to hear what you have to say.. what you truly have to say if you want to awake any interest in her at all. You may sweet talk and promise much here and many may think it as truth and words of wisdom, the Queen most certainly does not. She will not be mislead by any fascade, like you appearance. Let's start with your true form, and who you truly are. >>

<<Approach the Queen and speak, speak wisdom and truth and she will listen.>>

And with those last words the Unseelie flies a few feet back and hovers at a 15 feet high glaring over all assembled here today.

Vaeregoth reaches deep and calls out...

<<Alzem, you requested for me... here I stand and you deny me?>>

<<If you wish to speak but not here, announce it to me and I shall come, for I know you are a being of trust and honor, a being tortured by eternal grief and sadness, caused by the hurt others cause eachother. I understand, I respect you greatly for you are following your path, you follow your belief, for in belief and faith lies strength. In Faith lies true power, you and Kalanyr and Acererak earned my respect, you stood there when destiny called, you climbed the wall and you stood there and faced the flood, some stood, others fell.. but you stood there. You dare to follow you faith and follow the path.>>

<<Tortured being, never shall you fall and always shall I trust a heavenly being, darkness I know, to great evil I am capable but the things that truly matter are a gift few dare to wield and follow. You are such a one, Kalanyr is such a one, Forrester is such a one, Acererak is such a one, Anabstercorian is such a one.>>

<<Come to me, or let me come to you, speak wisdom and truth to me and I shall listen.>>

Vaeregoth sends out a few other sendings.

<<Acererak... faith made you strong, you had many followers, you followed your path and you reached its end. You stood in the flood, you manned those walls, you stood and fell. And while you fell you held faith, and faith rescued you.
You walk the path, you believe. You are to be well respected and well I do.>>

<<Kalanyr, redeemed one, follower of the true path, he who opened his eyes and saw a path, he who stood in the flood, manned the walls. He who stood, and when destruction fell upon him, he stood tall and faced destruction. Faith came to your aid. No.. you found faith.. you found destiny. You stand now on those walls of destiny, a dark tide is comming upon you. I bid you well for you are truly a being to be respected, for you follow your path where ever it may lead.>>

<<Forrester..... You have proven your might, you distrust me as you should, you are cunning, malicious, devious, caring ... and loving. You are a man of power.. you know where to go, faith you do not have, trust in yourself and your kind you have. Powerfull you are but if you were to find you true destiny.. if you were to find faith... I would tremble. Respect you I do, respect is what I bring you no matter how you may think of me. May destiny be kind to you, for rightchous it will.

<<Anabstercorian, here me! Squid they call you, a squid you may seem, you are more, you know you are more, you feel your power, you act lost without the staff, yo act lost, you have to power to be the chosen you are without. You have faith, more maybe then any other on this plane. Now these hard times are upon us I ask you, keep the respect you earned from me, stand in the flood, crush your enemies and stand on top of their battered bodies and feast on there remains.. why? because you can.. and because there destiny will lead you. Have faith my illithid, have faith for it is the one thing not to lose, even when all is lost and all is doomed. Faith will allow you reprieve even in the darkest of times, faith will strengthen you when you are defeated. Faith will fuel your pride when you conquer. Faith will always be strong.. and you follow your faith, you believe. I envy your faith, I respect you Chosen one, I respect you greatly for you are a chosen, and not for the least of reasons.>>


OOC: I'm awaiting with definate answers and decisions untill ALL have spoken to me that I deem necissary to hear.


First Post

Edena, about my PC, what lvl is she supposed to be?

ANSWER: She may be up to 200th level.

At what powerlevel is the Emerald Order at this moment?

ANSWER: Around 320 PL.

- - -

Kalanyr, they jeer at it, laugh at it, then utter dire statements about their intentions towards all the drow of Oerth.
Then they use their magic to blow the image to smithereens.
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First Post
Faith? No thank you.

Say what you will, Queen, about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile.

Your god, Mina's One True God, the God-Emperor, Melkor, Anabstercorian and his Ilsesine . . . I tire of them all.

In each case, your Great Diety is either a crutch, or a bludgeon. We do not want them, we do not need them, and I implore the inhabitants of Oerth to turn away from them.

They will bring you only misery.


(PS Yes, I stole the quote from Vonnegut. It was just too apropos to let go.)

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