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(IR) Setting up for the IR


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You're right of cource. I admit that the Dark Union of Eastern Oerth is a little bit illogical with two megalomaniacal powerful leaders, both aspiring to divinity and expecting perfect obedience from their subjects, working together as equals without a thought of betraying each others. But although we both represent the union and both will post the actions of the union there is also some separateness between us. Mr Draco will have greater representation of Kas while I will have greater representation of the God-Emperor. This will make our union work with some semblance of realism, we will still be two separate personalities with similar but not identical goals and ways to reach them. It's somewhat of an experiment, but I think it will work out just great.

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Serpenteye could you email it to me? Also who is in control of Dark Union of Eastern Oerth, you or Mr. Draco? Alliance between us would be a terrible force indeed, for you are allied with Kas and his minions, who remember Arcane Age of Oerth, and Netherese Shade are heirs of Netheril`s Arcane Might.

I have no problem with you taking Nyrond, but Urnst is in direct neighbourhood of our future capitol, what about northeast? And remember that we fiercely oppose Torillian Commonwealth and everyone who assosiates with those degenerate scoundrels.

William Ronald

Alyx does have a point, although I have been talking to a few players. I think it is one thing out of character to talk among ourselves. But major alliances should have the diplomatic statements announced on the board. Thus, the alliance between Mr. Draco and Serpent Eye will begin on the new thread. Probably with an announcement of talks between Kas and the Emperor of Aerdi.

However, I think it is fine if we do some out of character discussion amongst ourselves. If you wish to talk to me about your faction and mine, you can reach me at wronald1@yahoo.com or more quickly at williamwronald@aol.com.

Edena, it is probably best that you play Vecna. In all likelihood, everyone will try to hit him hard and fast. Is Forrester still in on the thread. I think he can represent the UC of Toril quite well.

Also, please check out the Legendary Persons and Places in the World of Greyhawk. Hopefully, we can get some more useful stuff for the thread.

Zelda, good to have you back. One of my problems with the aborted thread was that you and several other people who had decided to participate did not. A little more time will mean more fun for us all.

Edena: What do you think of my suggestion that we have a chance to state what has been done between Common Year 584 and CY 624 when the thread starts. (I will later post the appropriate years in everyone's calendar, including the Dale Reckoning of Toril. I don't want to leave Lord Melkor feeling left out on this bit of info. (If there is a Netherese calendar in the FRCS, let me know and I will give you the dates in both Dale Reckoning and the Netherese Calendars.))

Let's also try to recruit people to this thread. Talk to you soon.


First Post
Lord Melkor

Mr Draco and I both control The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth, we are equal partners. The reason I agreed to his suggestion was that it would be a whole new angle to the replay-IR-thread and that I might otherwise be forced to figt him for Rel Astra and Medegia again. Further, it will be interesting to have some real power behind my words and not be mostly occupied with internal disturbances.
The perverse influences of the UC of Toril are a threat to all Oerth, especially the factions of evil. They have the power to defeat us all and recreate our nations in their own bizarre image unless we work against them. We shall see about Urnst, maybe you could take the Duchy- but not the County of Urnst. The Duchy is the larger part but the county is of some strategic value to us.
This you must realize: The church of Shade will hold no sway in the lands of The Dark Union, the souls of our people are the property of the future church of Aerdi and the cult of Kas.

Melkor: You have Mail.
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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Maudlin said:
As a possible suggestion to help keep things managable for Edena, maybe we could put all text adressed to him in a specific colour, like bright green or something?
Sounds good, but bright green might not be easy on poor Edena's eyes! ;)

Kalanyr said:
I think each of us should choose a colour and all posts to that person be made in that colour, since many of my points were overlooked by various people (often the people they were addressed to).
I second that. Also, I choose crimson as my color. :cool:

Actually Netherese Shade are only part of Shadow Empire, see my post on top of page 3 concerning Shadowlords to see what kind of beings form The Empire( liches are, or rather were, humans). It is rumored that there is power behind The Shadow Council, but these are only rumors.

And your offer seem reasonable, note that Shade sent messangers to major evil powers on Oerth, please email me if you are interested, note that I go skiing at Friday for 10 days and won`t have access to computer.

William Ronald

Darkness, you have a good point. By the way, is the member's list functional.

Also, I am beginning to get information from the Legendary Persons and Places of Greyhawk thread. (Possible evil power and foe of the Solistarim.) Check it out.

I will choose a color for the Kevellond League. We chose the color of Oerth's skies and oceans: [color= blue]blue.[/color]

Darkness, will the features that allow automatic color and quotes be back up soon? Also, did you get my e-mail?

I think we should try to round up a few more people. I want the thread to succeed. Expect a few e-mails from me soon people.
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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Re: Darkness

Serpenteye said:
You will probably think I'm an idiot, but how do you post in colour?.
The vb tag for this is "(Color=crimson)enter your text here(/color)", only with [ and ] instead of ( and ). :)
Edit: If you want to write in crimson, that is. :p Also, no-one thinks of you as an idiot just because you don't know some silly tags of a message board software that's completely new to you! :)

Originally posted by William Ronald:
... is the member's list functional.
No, sorry; seems it eats up too many resources. :(
No HTML at the moment; the Admins are worried about java applets (or something like that :p). We are working on finding a solution, though. :)
Darkness, will the features that allow automatic color and quotes be back up soon?
Yes, but at the moment, I wouldn't dare to define what "soon" means. ;)
Also, did you get my e-mail?
I think, but I haven't come around to answering it yet. Will do so in a sec, though. :)
I think we should try to round up a few more people. I want the thread to succeed. Expect a few e-mails from me soon people.
Agreed. Still, I think we have a slight problem since people will have to wait for almost three weeks 'til we start, and might lose interest or just forget it in the meantime. :(
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William Ronald


I used to be a reporter and did a lot of publicity work for student organizations in college. I will use my bag of tricks to drum up support. Maybe you can e-mail a few people on the boards.

Also, I plan to keep this thread up and running over the next few weeks.

Lord Talos(Melkor): Enjoy your ski trip? Where are you going?

Here is an interesting Greyhawk Link I found thanks to Zenon:
http://grimwulf47.tripod.com/CampaignReference/Player Reference Files/notables_of_the_flanaess.htm

Also check out my Legendary Persons and Places Thread:

and this interesting thread on St. Cuthbert: http://www.enworld.org/messageboards/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2052
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