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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR


First Post
Something a bit unusual


The following message arrives from Lord Leathnor of Aliador to Lord Gallador on Gnibble:

'We appreciate your war against the servants of Vecna, and we appreciate even more the threat of Vecna to us.'
'We do not agree that mortal beings are lesser lifeforms to the undead ... but that is not relevant here.'
'You have our support. You would have our aid, if we could send you military aid against the undead forces of Gnibble who seek the return of Vecna. If we could send aid to help you, we would send aid.'
'However, we cannot send aid when humanoid and demonic armies sit on our borders on the west, north, and east. The TEC Pact supposedly protects us through threat of retaliation: but retaliation is useless to us if we are dead, our cities destroyed, and our lands burned.'
'Thus, unfortunately, we are mired in old quarrels, while Vecnas' servants seek to return him to Greyspace.'
'We are extremely FRUSTRATED by this situation, but it is beyond our power to rectify it. We sincerely regret we cannot send aid to you, Lord Gallador.'
'Now, if Iuz would AGREE to send HIS forces, and if the Wolf would agree to send HIS forces, and the Scarlet Brotherhood would agree to send THEIR forces, and the Illithid Empire below us agree to send THEIR forces, in a joint COOPERATIVE effort to help you against the undead of Gnibble, we would be HAPPY to send our legions to thwart the threat.'

Again, this message is from Lord Leathnor of Aliador. Lady Gwyndilyn, at the TEC Summit, dispatches a message of further support for Leathnors' words.
The Lord of Ratik adds a few words of support for Leathnor.
The Clergy of the Theocracy of the Pale also endorse Leathnor.
The Church of Tritherion endorses the message sent to Gallador.
A reluctant vote of support for Leathnor comes from the Lendore Isles.
Celene is silent, but the Yeomanry endorses Leathnor.


EDIT: Whether Eilistraee has Eclavdras' permission is not known, or whether such permission would be meaningful in any case, concerning the Regalia of Lordly Might. Eclavdra is bound by the terms of her agreement with King Rhynnon: Eilistraee is not bound by those terms. In any case, Eilistraees' request is urgent and pleading.
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
"If the monarchs of Aliador fear my handful of legions, they do so without cause. I have no quarrel with them at this time, nor anticipate one in the future. Should a non-aggression pact be desired, I am more than willing to draft and sign one."

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Paxus Asclepius said:
OOC: I feel obligated to point out that the cosmetic surgery required to reattach hands and keep them from turning gangrenous, let alone be usable, is a fairly recent development; looks like a Tech Level somewhere in the 80s to me. Best of luck with that.

Nope buddy. It is mostly, knowledge of anatomy, not the tools. Besides, don't You think that with little help of magic this gap in technology could be easily jumped over ? For example,Mend like spell, to reattach hand better than best of modern surgeons. Gentle Response, to keep it from catching gangrene. And huge influx of lifeforce to speed up healing process. ;)

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
OOC: If magic could do it, a Heal would suffice. And, I assure you, attaching capillaries and nerves to each other takes a lot more than knowing what goes where. Danged things are tiny as all get out.


First Post
An Urgent Proposal from Aliador


Leathnor of Aliador makes the following proposal:

Let every power send forces to Gnibble immediately to aid Lord Gallador, establish control over that world, and afterwards establish joint control over it.
Let us do this now, before the forces of undead there wake up Vecna.

Aliador is willing to commit 50,000 elves to this venture.

We call on Baklunim, Orcreich, Miranda, Gigantea, Hyperboria, Aestia, Polaria, Highfolk and Delrune, the League of Athyr, and Greater Nyrond to help us.
We call on the Wolf, Greater Aerdi, the Empire of Iuz, the mighty city of Greyhawk, the Scarlet Brotherhood, and the Solistarim to help us.
We cannot call on the Illithid for the good reason no emissaries to them have survived. Yet we believe the Illithid would think this in their best interest as well.

Who will join us? Who will help cleanse Gnibble of the Minions of Vecna?

((OOC: The proposal is that each of us send 50 Regular PL, aided by 1 Epic PL to transport there, to Gnibble. And then we destroy the Lady Lich and her forces, and we hunt the followers of Vecna to extinction.))

William Ronald

The Malkuvah Baklunim, the restored Baklunish Empire, lends its aid in bringing the stricken drow to the Hospice of Stars. Al'Akbar, Daoud, and Azor'alq aid in the task.

Al'Akbar addresses the drow:

"As you struggle, remember your own strength. When you have stood together against common foes, you have often emerged triumphant. I believe that Oerth and Greyspace will need your courage in the days to come. Also, find the seed of compassion that lies within all beings. You are loved and valued by those who have risked much for you. Each of you is a voice in a great chorus, mighty and beautiful in your own right. However, together you are much stronger and more beautiful than you know. You are loved and valuable in your own right as individuals. However, as a community you are also loved and valuable. Consider the nature of families among some of those who have helped you. While they are not perfect, there is much of value among them. Remember that there is love also in this world."

Al'Akbar tries to share the feelings of community and love among a human family and then among an elven family. This may be the first time many drow experience these emotions.

(OOC: Serpenteye, I meant for Al'Akbar's gift to the clerics of other deities to extend beyond the Baklunish Empire if possible. So, hence the origin of this next part of the post. Clerics of LN, LG, and NG can benefit from this. The clergy of the deities I mention below are among some of those who can benefit from this. These would include the LN priests of some LE deities. Thus, LN priests of Hextor can receive spells if they so chose. However, Tiamat only has priests of LE and NE alignment -- which is outside of the normal range of clerical alignment for Al'Akbar. Note that many priests of True Neutral deity can be of NG or LN alignments, and can therefore receive spells. No spells for the priests of Wastri the Hopping Prophet.)

Al'Akbar speaks to the clergies of many faiths throughout Oerth and Greyspace.

"I am Al'Akbar, and I great you in peace and friendship. I do not know what has happened on the other planes. I believe the gods set up the barrier around Greyspace to protect us from invasion from those forces attacking the planes. It is my hope that one day you shall all hear from your gods who will honor you for your faithfulness and devotion."

"Until such time, I am granting spells to those whose philosophical outlooks parallel those of my own clergy. I do this to honor your deities and your faithfulness. I have high regard for them and their teachings, their courage and their wisdom. I will not require anyone to convert to my worship. However, if any chose to worship me, let them do so out of free will. I have welcomed people of many lands and many races to my faith and my clergy. "

"My clergy, my mullahs and qadi, have been instructed to treat you with the utmost respect and I pray that you shall show them the same respect in kind. For now is the time when those who would stand for Oerth and Greyspace should stand as one. I say this both as the demigod and as Emperor of the Malkuvah Baklunim, the restored Baklunish Empire. In this time of sorrow and uncertainty, remember that you do not stand alone."

"Many of you may not know me. So, here is a brief explanation of who I am. Know that I have returned to Oerth on behalf of my own people. However, I realize that there is a need to stand with others in this time. May understanding and friendship grow between us. Note that I cannot tolerate evil acts and still grant spells. I would also ask that you treat other faiths with respect as I have treated yours with respect."

(High Cleric, Restorer of Righteousness), LG demigod of Guardianship, Faithfulness, Dignity, and Duty.
Al’Akbar (ahl AHK-bar) first appeared as a wanderer in the days following the Invoked Devastation. The deity Al’Asran and other gods, who charged him to restore the Baklunish people to the path of righteousness and dignity, answered his prayers for help for his people. He was given the fabled Cup and star-shaped Talisman that now bear his name. He taught that true religion includes proper devotion to the gods, protection of the community, and guidance of the faithful. He also assisted in the founding of cities, the healing of the sick, and in trying to help the Baklunish people survive as a people and as a culture in the aftermath of the Twin Cataclysms. In the fullness of the years, he allowed his own mosque to be constructed where his followers began to call upon his name in their prayers. Shortly afterwards, he ascended to take his place among the gods, although he remains a demigod out of respect for the rest of the pantheon. His symbol is an image of the cup and talisman artifacts, which are an eight-pointed star and a jeweled cup.

Be as a vessel of kindness and emblem of devotion, for the righteous man is both steadfast and merciful. Be not as the untutored nonbeliever, but rather heed your superiors, and submit to their wisdom and guidance. Let the faithful strive always to nurture the seed of Good in the soil of Law, that by doing so they are received into the Garden of Al’Akbar.

The faith of Al’Akbar dominates the Baklunish culture with its sense of community and propriety. They teach Ancient Baklunish as the language of poetry and learning; they are generally well disposed toward other faiths. Two historical branches of this faith exist. The followers of the Exalted Faith recognize the supremacy of the holy caliph (the ruler of Ekbir); they are masters of rhetoric and diplomacy, with high regard for academic achievement. Followers of the True Faith defer to the authority of the Grand Mufti of the Yatils, taking a more fundamental approach to religion that emphasizes hard work, plain speech, and obedience. More obscure divisions exist among Paynim dervishes. . It is known that Al’Akbar has worshippers of good and neutral alignment, and that some of the worshippers are not just Baklunish humans. Humans of other races, and such nonhumans as elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, half-orcs, orcs, and kobolds, have been known to follow Al’Akbar’s teachings and to respect his faith. The faith of Al’Akbar is known for its great tolerance of good and neutral faiths and in treating other faiths and cultures with respect.

Clerics of the Exalted Faith usually bear the title of qadi, and tend toward lawful good or neutral good. Clerics of the True Faith are called mullahs, and strongly favor lawful neutral. Both types hold office as ministers, judges, scholars, and teachers in civil government, while also serving as healers, advisers, and guardians for the military. Adventuring clerics are tolerant of non-believers, though they are still expected to uphold the ideals of the faith. Ritual prays may be made at dawn and dusk.
Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Protection. The chosen weapon of Al’Akbar’s clergy is the falchion.

His paladins are known to be skilled healers, as well as brave warriors. They are closely allied with the paladins of Azor’alq, NG hero god of Light, Purity, Courage, and Strength.) Al'Akbar's priests and paladins are also working closely with the followers of Daoud, N hero god of Immediacy, Clarity, and Humility.


"Let me say a few words on behalf of some of your gods. Heironeous is brave, as is his brother Hextor. Perhaps as we speak, the fight side by side against those who would threaten our world. The courage, compassion, and wisdom of the dwarven gods led by Moradin, the gnomish pantheon led by Garl Glittergold, and the halfling gods led by Yondalla are reknowned. I respect the Suel deities Lendor, Wee Jas, and many others. Indeed, they have temples in the lands of my allies, the League of Athyr and Greater Nyrond. The wisdom of Rao has been a strength to many, while the gods of the Touv and Olman peoples such as Uvot and Quetzalcoatl are mighty and renowned."

"The deities of dragonkind are mighty as well, magnificent in their might and splendor. Io, Bahamut, Astilabor, Hlal, Lendys, Tamara and the other deities of the dragons are truly wondrous. I have been honored to speak with many of them and behold their true glory."

The priests of each god for whom Al'Akbar can grant spells hear some words of praise and respect for their divine patron. Some, such as the priests of Hextor, may be surprised by this.

(OOC: Serpenteye, the next part is a nod of the head to the 3rd IR.)

Al'Akbar addresses Archcleric Hazen of Veluna in the League of Athyr personally in a vision. "May the peace of Rao be upon you always. Know that your god is most pleased with your service. Know also that I honor your devotion, for I value faithfulness."

[sblock]It might be a good idea to again post that you are granting spells to those who are of the same alignments as your clergy. NG, CG, CN. [/sblock]

[sblock]Yes, the beings in the Underdark who would benefit from Al'Akbar's gift can receive spells if they chose. If your PC can receive the spells, and wishes to engage Al'Akbar in a dialogue, I will have him respond. (Yes, I may have found a way to engage in diplomacy with your faction.)[/sblock]
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First Post

Eilistraee expresses her profound appreciation - and it IS sincere appreciation - for this vital help from Al'Akbar in healing the drow. Without his help and Morwels' help and others' help, states Eilistraee, there won't be a good drow people.
But with them, there WILL be.

Eilistraee, now very frustrated, asks Al'Akbar if he would intervene with King Rhynnon of Greater Nyrond, to retrieve the Regalia of Lordly Might?
She has sent missives to him, in public and private, and there has been no answer.
Eilistraee explains she needs the power of the Regalia to help her in aiding the drow. She is immune to their malevolent effects, as a demipower. And she also wants them as a protection and deterrent: other powers are threatening AFTS. The drow MUST have a deterrent, says she, or their enemies will use this spell to destroy the drow.
Because the drow/elven reunification is so important in the cosmic role of things, such a symbolic statement, such a change in the order of reality, that even many elves would use AFTS to stop it. ((chuckles ... tell me I'm wrong ... ))

William Ronald

Al'Akbar responds to Ellistrae.

"I am honored to be of aid to your people. I shall contact King Seth Rhynnon of Greater Nyrond. Perhaps Eclavdra can add her voice to yours."

To Lord Gallador:

"I do not believe that mortals are a lesser form of being than your children. Indeed, your children have benefitted greatly from the civilizations built by mortal hands. With the notable exception of the Necropolitans of the Empire of Lynn, the Undead are generally not known for building civilizations of note. However, I do agree with the need to stop the worshippers of the Whispered One. I support the proposal of Aliador."

[sblock]"I would ask that you use your influence with Emperor Iuz to ensure that there are no further fights between him and other demipowers or the rulers of different lands. If the Whispered One had emerged during his recent battle, it could have proven disastrous."[/sblock]


"Leathnor, I support your proposal. While I have disagreements with Lord Gallador, I do agree with the need to oppose the Whispered One."


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:

Eilistraee expresses her profound appreciation - and it IS sincere appreciation - for this vital help from Al'Akbar in healing the drow. Without his help and Morwels' help and others' help, states Eilistraee, there won't be a good drow people.
But with them, there WILL be.

Eilistraee, now very frustrated, asks Al'Akbar if he would intervene with King Rhynnon of Greater Nyrond, to retrieve the Regalia of Lordly Might?
She has sent missives to him, in public and private, and there has been no answer.
Eilistraee explains she needs the power of the Regalia to help her in aiding the drow. She is immune to their malevolent effects, as a demipower. And she also wants them as a protection and deterrent: other powers are threatening AFTS. The drow MUST have a deterrent, says she, or their enemies will use this spell to destroy the drow.
Because the drow/elven reunification is so important in the cosmic role of things, such a symbolic statement, such a change in the order of reality, that even many elves would use AFTS to stop it. ((chuckles ... tell me I'm wrong ... ))
OOC: Sorry Edena, But I was away from things for a bit.

IC: The regalia of Lordly Might will of course be given unto the care of Eilistraee. However, we are not pleased with your threats against us. Such actions do not bode well for future relations.

At this time we have no response to the Gnibble issue.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
First Maid requested, insisting on importance of this, audience with Ruling Couple of Aliador. If she was granted with it, after all ceremonies she speaks such.

"Lord, Lady ... I urge You to not send troops unexperienced in fighting against undying, for it will be only meaningless loss of lives. Powerful war monsters, send by my Master to aid King Gallador suffered losses for no meaningful gain ... and they were aided by experienced cadre of spellcasters and clerics. If not that, losses would be much greater. Now my Master sends his most powerful undying servants, and personally enters the battle while all meaningful arcanists of Empire are searching for Selitisia the Lich, who fled from Galion Vool. And he have one, plea, to You. Would You shelter his unborn child if things go ugly ?"

Uprepared troops will only became more undead servitors for Ginbenei rulers. ;)
Iuz send 10 elPLs of Undead and 1 epPL, Drelzna ... and he Himself is also on the battlefield leading his forces. And he eats souls of those who dont surrender to Galliador or him. :]

Serpenteye, 2 elPLs of Mages and Clerics are helping in restoring morale among Galllador's legions and Iuz's fold is open for volountary converts ! And they try to help in fortyfing Galion Vool against hostile forces. And to help in rebuking/taking control of Galion Vool's rPLs of Undead. :D

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