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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR

Guilt Puppy

First Post
The Scarlet Brotherhood can commit to no aid in Gnibble until the TEC Summit has resolved. When it has, we will send what military might we can afford to send, but we can guarantee no specific measure of force until that time. We hope that other members of the Pact will do the same, and strongly encourage those powers not involved in the TEC to issue troops immediately.

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First Post
Kalanyr said:
OOC - Wonders if thats a good 'zzz' or a god your attempt to be soothing stunk 'zzz'

:D. A good 'zzz', a 'zzz' of calm and untroubled sleep, a 'zzz' of true rest, a 'zzz' of a lazy DM with too little time on his hands.

Edena_of_Neith said:
(It seems I can post again. :) )

Everyone, please note that Eilistraee is now my NPC.

Serpenteye, Eilistraee (if Morwel gives permission: Kalanyr, up to you) is going to bathe in the Evergold.
Eilistraee was scarred in battle with another demipower, and it would appear no normal magic is ever going to erase the scarring. But the Evergold is not mortal magic: it is divine magic. The deities of beauty (and love, passion, and other things) share this pool, in the Court of Stars, and it maintains their beauty. I'm hoping it will erase Eilistraees' scarring, which I consider very unfortunate.

Morwel has given Eclavdra permission to bathe in the Evergold. (Kalanyr gave his ok) I need to know what effect the Evergold would have on a mere mortal who fully bathed in it's waters.

Also note that Morwel (as per Kalanyrs perrmission) and her eladrin people are giving sips of the Evergold to the drow laying stricken in the Court of Stars (now temporarily known as the Hospice of Stars.)
Hopefully, this will further improve their situation.

(Me too :))

The healing powers of the Artifact work where no spell of healing did. Over the coming weeks Elistraee's scars gradually fade away. One scar remains, though, a thin white line running down her cheek from her eye, like the trail of a tear. It will be said by poets and romantic philisophers that that scar was not caused by Iuz' weapon, but by her many days and nights spent grieving for her suffering people.

James Heard said:
OOC: SE, since Ellistrae is now controlled by a player Zagyg is immediately taking his divine "boost" back. I don't have any good reason for such, but if I'd had any indication whatsoever that the NPC would fall under a PC control I'd have never helped her out at all. I can afford to be a nice, sweet gnome to NPCs - but players? If that kills her then I'm not going to shed any tears either- and if there's some sort of contest about my action I'm immediately assaulting Ellistrae with all available forces to get it back - Elite and Epic, including all artifacts. I won't pull any punches, but I'm not going to be there to do anything but murder the deity to regain my presumably stolen essence.

ooc: Zagyg doesn't know the difference between a "player" and an "NPC"... But no, there's no contest. Elistraee wouldn't be able to resist it even if she wanted to and she gave it back gratefully.

(I had no good reason to keep Elistraee as an NPC now when Edena has altered his faction to suit perfectly together with her, and has on his own initiative drastically weakened his original faction.)

Kalanyr said:
Morwel will lend Ellistrae 1 epic PL until such a time as she heals, to allow Zagyg to recover his essence without any trouble.

Elistraee, who was teetering on the brink of unconsciousness for a moment, continues her care for the wounded Drow.

Rikandur Azebol said:
I will post soon, in 4 to 5 hours. Sorry for delays.

Sorry right back at you ;).

Rikandur Azebol said:
Wasn't I stating often enough, that Iuz isn't forcing Drow to his worship ? His priesstesses were doing minimum to optimise Drow's survivability, that's all. They are still proparty of Eclavdra ... but as alvays, those unhappy with her rule could imigrate to Iuz's Empire. >smile<

It's not really a question of forcing. The sick Drow are in a very sensitive state. They can sense the evil in the hearts of your clerics, they can sense Iuz' evil there. And Evil is the drug they need more than anything else. They bask in the darkness of even the weakest of your clerics and eagerly draw it into themselves. Your clerics help (or harm) simply by being there. That's the same thing that was happening to the Drow under the care of the Tempest or Rary (before he had them killed).
If you had done more (and, more importantly, if the Good and Neutral factions would have done less) you could have won over the majority of the Drow fairly easily. For the Drow under your care take the path of least resistance while their Drow take a long and difficult journey fighting their own nature all the way.

Rikandur Azebol said:
Chmm ... Could Iuz suprise one of them during the party ? The least powerful ... to make fine example. >devious<

Yes, you could make a visit. How many PLs do you bring?

Edena_of_Neith said:
Currently, every one of these cities is in a full state of readiness. Elves by the hundreds of thousands, men and women, youths and maids, have their spells, swords, and bows ready.
In Varna itself, in the capital, the city is a sea of swords, shields, armor, defensive preparations, and elves working busily to build further defenses, both mundane and magical.

The Armies of Aliador have also deployed along the borders of the Theocracy of the Pale to protect it.
The Armies of the Theocracy of the Pale have mobilized and moved to the borders also.
Great forces from Aliador have been deployed to Ratik to protect it, and all of Ratiks small army is mobilized.
Aliador has also sent sizeable contingents to the Lendore Isles, to protect them, and the elves of those isles have mobilized into full war readiness.

The Guardians - the Norns, Nymphs, and other mighty beings that have always been the protectors of Aliador - have moved into secret positions across the region.

Likewise, the faerie of Aliador have readied themselves. Quite a potent force themselves, albeit small in numbers, they are waiting for the expected onslaught.

Noted. Do you mobilize any Militia, and in that case how many? (Mobilizing Militia can reduce your usable IC if you mobilize people from the work-force)

Edena_of_Neith said:
There are a lot of drow going through Withdrawal in the Hospice of Stars. Far, far more than a million.
And the first few are recovered, have become good, and they are all heading to Aliador. Every last one.

True. The coordinated efforts of three Demigods, two Artifacts and tens of thousands of healers from dozens of countries make a tremendous difference. As the weeks pass more and more Drow recover, and many of them turn Good. Others, who return as Neutral or Evil, are put into stasis to be treated again.
You estimate that the vast majority will have recovered within two months.

Paxus Asclepius said:
OOC: I feel obligated to point out that the cosmetic surgery required to reattach hands and keep them from turning gangrenous, let alone be usable, is a fairly recent development; looks like a Tech Level somewhere in the 80s to me. Best of luck with that.

Rikandur Azebol said:
Nope buddy. It is mostly, knowledge of anatomy, not the tools. Besides, don't You think that with little help of magic this gap in technology could be easily jumped over ? For example,Mend like spell, to reattach hand better than best of modern surgeons. Gentle Response, to keep it from catching gangrene. And huge influx of lifeforce to speed up healing process. ;)

After a Miracle or two the new hand works decently, but the ugly red scar around his wrist doesn't fade. Iuz is still weak after the injuries he suffered in the recent battles, but he'll recover in time.

Edena_of_Neith said:

Leathnor of Aliador makes the following proposal:

Let every power send forces to Gnibble immediately to aid Lord Gallador, establish control over that world, and afterwards establish joint control over it.
Let us do this now, before the forces of undead there wake up Vecna.

Aliador is willing to commit 50,000 elves to this venture.

We call on Baklunim, Orcreich, Miranda, Gigantea, Hyperboria, Aestia, Polaria, Highfolk and Delrune, the League of Athyr, and Greater Nyrond to help us.
We call on the Wolf, Greater Aerdi, the Empire of Iuz, the mighty city of Greyhawk, the Scarlet Brotherhood, and the Solistarim to help us.
We cannot call on the Illithid for the good reason no emissaries to them have survived. Yet we believe the Illithid would think this in their best interest as well.

Who will join us? Who will help cleanse Gnibble of the Minions of Vecna?

((OOC: The proposal is that each of us send 50 Regular PL, aided by 1 Epic PL to transport there, to Gnibble. And then we destroy the Lady Lich and her forces, and we hunt the followers of Vecna to extinction.))

The leaders of the League of Athyr (NPCed by me) express sceptisism to the idea. They politely insinuate that the invokation of the name of Vecna is simply a political tactic used by some nations to gain political and military advantages. Selisita built her empire on the fear of Vecna. Gallador, Iuz and the mysterious lord of Ginsel all use that same fear to justify their war of conquest and gain a carte-blanche to commit other crimes and atrocities on Oerth. The signs that point to Vecna's presence in the Sphere are too vague to base a decision on.
They continue their reasoning by stating that if Vecna is not here within the seal then his cult and their allies are not a credible threat and a war against them would be unjustified. But if Vecna is indeed awakening then the worst we can do is provoke him, for if we do he will surely retaliate. They remind you that Vecna is undoubtedly a lot more powerful than any of the other deities remaining with us and question your ability to fight a true Deity. Certainly Vecna is evil, but he's surely no more evil than all the other evils we're willing to coexist with. If we leave him in peace then he'll leave us in peace, for it is hardly in his interest to destroy the world.

They answer, in a sad tone, that either way a war would be unjustifyable. The constitution of the League of Athyr does not allow them to start wars of agression, but only allows them to act in an unequivocal definition of self-defence. Violating the constitution, or perverting its intent with demagoguery, is for them unthinkable. They have been granted the responsibility to rule Athyr, not for territorial aggrandizement or to 'fight evil', but to protect the lives, freedoms and wellbeing of the peoples of Athyr. That is their only responsibility.

They will not join your alliance.

William Ronald said:
The Malkuvah Baklunim, the restored Baklunish Empire, lends its aid in bringing the stricken drow to the Hospice of Stars. Al'Akbar, Daoud, and Azor'alq aid in the task.

Al'Akbar addresses the drow:

"As you struggle, remember your own strength. When you have stood together against common foes, you have often emerged triumphant. I believe that Oerth and Greyspace will need your courage in the days to come. Also, find the seed of compassion that lies within all beings. You are loved and valued by those who have risked much for you. Each of you is a voice in a great chorus, mighty and beautiful in your own right. However, together you are much stronger and more beautiful than you know. You are loved and valuable in your own right as individuals. However, as a community you are also loved and valuable. Consider the nature of families among some of those who have helped you. While they are not perfect, there is much of value among them. Remember that there is love also in this world."

Al'Akbar tries to share the feelings of community and love among a human family and then among an elven family. This may be the first time many drow experience these emotions.

Most of them cannot reply to you, but one old woman does. "I was powerful once. For five hundred years I was the Matron of House Sa'nat and millions of slaves, endless generations of their short and miserable lives, lived and died by my word. I was a Priestess and a Sorceress and none could defy my will without fear." She sighs wearily.
"I lived my life for power, like all other truly great Drow, unlike the pathetic mass of fearful, hateful and lustful wretches beneath me. For almost a thousand years I killed and schemed and seduced without remorse, to defend and expand my greatness and power. The hunger for power consumed me and fulfilled me. It made me the person I am." She's silent for a moment, her expression unreadable.
"If you knew the atrocities I have committed, the pain I have inflicted and the souls, both Good and Evil, that I have irreversibly damned or destroyed you would not look at me with compassion in your heart. You loathe me already, though you hide it well, but if you truly understood the depth of my evil you would kill me this very moment. There is so much I regret and so little I can undo."
"One thing I have learned, and know to be true. Whatever abomination I have been turned into, whatever I am in my current form. There is no true forgiveness. There is no true redemtion. There is no true salvation. The evil that I have done will always stay with me, whatever else I will become it is one thing I will always carry with me."

William Ronald said:
(OOC: Serpenteye, I meant for Al'Akbar's gift to the clerics of other deities to extend beyond the Baklunish Empire if possible. So, hence the origin of this next part of the post. Clerics of LN, LG, and NG can benefit from this. The clergy of the deities I mention below are among some of those who can benefit from this. These would include the LN priests of some LE deities. Thus, LN priests of Hextor can receive spells if they so chose. However, Tiamat only has priests of LE and NE alignment -- which is outside of the normal range of clerical alignment for Al'Akbar. Note that many priests of True Neutral deity can be of NG or LN alignments, and can therefore receive spells. No spells for the priests of Wastri the Hopping Prophet.)

Al'Akbar speaks to the clergies of many faiths throughout Oerth and Greyspace.

ooc: Ok. What I wrote about the bakluni faiths is still true.

Some will accept your offer, but others won't. The ones weakest of faith (though perhaps greatest in wisdom) eagerly seek your power, but the strongest endure what they see as a test of their faith. Even in the goodly churches the accusation of heresy is never far away.
In the end your offer gains you much respect, and suspicion.

William Ronald said:
(OOC: Serpenteye, the next part is a nod of the head to the 3rd IR.)

Al'Akbar addresses Archcleric Hazen of Veluna in the League of Athyr personally in a vision. "May the peace of Rao be upon you always. Know that your god is most pleased with your service. Know also that I honor your devotion, for I value faithfulness."

Archcleric Hazen bows to Al'Akbar. "I thank you, and I too honour your devotion." He smiles.
"We live in interesting times, don't you think? Times of change and times of potential. The return of the Mordhrel gives great promise for the future. Perhaps soon there will be no more evil in the world...
I have heard of times, dimensions and planets that have been cleansed of evil after times of great unheaval and loss. Rumoured legends of all-powerful celestials and ritual spells cast by an entire world. If the will of the original Creator allows it the same can surely happen here. We must keep our faith, above all else, if we do there's nothing we cannot accomplish."

ooc: Sorry, it doesn't quite live up to your Hazen. :eek:
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First Post
ooc: Could someone please copy-paste the posts on the Bugboards here. For some reason I'm unable to register on the boards. I get a message saying that I'm already registered and when I request that they send me the account-information again I get nothing. I could always register to another e-mail adress but it's so much work too set it all up.


The situation in the Celestial Imperium, long unstabile, turns into fullscale warfare after the failed attempt of asassination against one of the major warlords opposing the Sikari. The asassin, a male of uncertain description disguised by shapechanging into a female courtesan, fled after the failure of his first strike and has so far defied all divination. There is little doubt that he was an agent of the Sikari.
The wounded warlord Wuang-Li, his allies Su Tchen, Gao Fan and Sucheian struck fast and hard against Sikari positions across the Empire and the Sikari retaliation was brutal. The ancient and beautiful City of the Golden Moon was partially ruined in a particularly violent clash between great numbers of powerful spellcasters.


One month has now passed since the beginning of the turn.
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First Post
Eilistraee takes back the Regalia of Lordly Might, when King Rhynnon returns them.
Eilistraee does not give the Regalia to Eclavdra, though.
Eilistraee, uses the Regalia as she promised she would, to aid the drow through their Withdrawal, in the Hospice of Stars.

Eilistraee also protests that she in no way threatened King Rhynnon.
She pleaded, she begged, she explained, but she did not threaten.
Emnity against Greater Nyrond, states Eilistraee, would be suicidal folly on the part of the drow. When has Greater Nyrond ever been anything but a friend and ally? ((And it's true enough!))


First Post

Aliador is offering immediate asylum to anyone in the Celestial Imperium that desires it.
50 Elite PL of elves from Aliador risk their lives to go to the Celestial Imperium, open Teleportation Circles, and help the people (from peasants to Lords and Ladies) flee for their lives.
There are a lot of elven cities in Aliador, and in every one of them massive refuge centers are opened, and those who arrive from Aliador are made comfortable in the great, cathedral halls and chambers of the Treespirits of Aliador.
There is NO limit to the number of people Aliador is willing to take. The 50 Elite PL can transport ... what? ... 100 Regular Armies at a time, which is about 300,000 people? So, if necessary, Aliador takes in the people of the Celestial Imperium by the millions.

Aliador informs the Silkari that they are not to come to Aliador to attack the refugees, and that if they do, Aliador will give battle to them.
If they wish to come and PEACEFULLY DISCUSS the situation with their former enemies, that will be allowed on a single person by person basis.

Aliador informs Orcreich and the Baklunish Empire that in no way can Aliador halt the civil war in the Celestial Imperium. That is completely beyond it's power.
If the Celestial Imperium is to avoid being reduced to ruins and death, a multinational force is going to have to intervene to stop the fighting.
All Aliador can do is assist all those who can flee to do so, and bring what possessions they could save with them.

Aliador is grateful that it can save the children of another country like this, by the way.
Other countries moved to save it's children, when it asked for their succor, and Aliador is happy it could repay the favor to someone.
That is the way of elves.

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First Post
Serpenteye (super-duper private):
[sblock]As long as Aliador is so politely opening up its borders to those in need, I'll sneak one of my elven spies in to the Celestial Imperium, and from there to get picked up by Edena's forces. Ideally, he should be able to just walk on in, but otherwise I'll burn an rPL on it if necessary.[/sblock]


First Post
Serpenteye said:
ooc: Could someone please copy-paste the posts on the Bugboards here. For some reason I'm unable to register on the boards. I get a message saying that I'm already registered and when I request that they send me the account-information again I get nothing. I could always register to another e-mail adress but it's so much work too set it all up.


[sblock]William Ronald
Al'Akbar, after leaving Rel Mord, returns to Ekbir. The clergy of main faiths, including priests of Moradin, Garl Glittergold, Yondalla, Heironeous, Pelor, Saint Cuthbert, Wee Jas, Lendor and many others ask to meet with the demigod. Their common concerns are why have Oerth and all of Greyspace has been isolated from the rest of the multiverse and why have they lost contact with their gods.

"I do not know what has happened on the other planes. I believe the gods set up the barrier around Greyspace to protect us from invasion from those forces attacking the planes. It is my hope that one day you shall all hear from your gods."

"Until such time, I am granting spells to those whose philosophical outlooks parallel those of my own clergy. I do this to honor your deities. I have high regard for them and their teachings. I will not require any priest to convert to my worship. However, if any chose to worship me, let them do so out of free will. I have welcomed people of many lands and many races to my faith and my clergy."

"Let me say a few words on behalf of some of your gods. Heironeous is brave, as is his brother Hextor. Perhaps as we speak, the fight side by side against those who would threaten our world. The courage, compassion, and wisdom of the dwarven gods led by Moradin, the gnomish pantheon led by Garl Glittergold, and the halfling gods led by Yondalla are reknowned. I respect the Suel deities Lendor, Wee Jas, and many others. Indeed, they have temples in the lands of my allies, the League of Athyr and Greater Nyrond."

"In this time of crises, I believe that all those of good will should stand together. Indeed, all Oerth and Greyspace should stand against the Whispered One and others who would bring us to ruin. My mullahs and qadis will treat the clergy of all neutral and good clergy as allies. Similarly, we will treat the worshippers of those neutral and good deities who are not present on Oerth or Greyspace with respect and friendship."

"The only exception I make to my gift is that of the Hopping Prophet. (OOC: Wastri.) While I respect the intelligent amphibian races, I disagree with the Hopping Prophets declaration that elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes should be exterminated while orcs, bullywugs, and goblins exist only to be slaves. I have no use for bigotry."

"Instead, I think that all the peoples of Oerth and Greyspace should work together. What should matter is the content of one's character, not one's race, gender, nation, or culture. I am honored to have priests of many human cultures, as well as those of other races. In my view, those societies that have worked to include people of many races as full members, such as Orcreich and the Khanates or the Malkuvah Baklunim, the Baklunish Empire, have benefitted from the diverse views and skills of their citizens."

(OOC: Uvenelei, you said the stars were gone. However, Oerth and Greyspace operate under a Ptolemaic solar system model. So, the stars are actually inside the shell at the edge of the Crystal Sphere. Or at least some of them are. Also, if we had s-blocks I would have put a description of Al'Akbar's religion in it as I did in the OOC thread.)

Paxus Asclepius
OOC: Does this gift extend to clerics in nations other than that of the Baklunish? Does it cover LN clerics of LE deities (such as Hextor)?

William Ronald
Al'Akbar continues his dialogue with the drow and the elven peoples.

"In the future, I believe we have many perils and opportunities. There is the risk that nation will war against nation, while our common foes plot against us. This is folly, as these foes could take advantage of these wars for their benefit and our ruin."

"However, there is much to be said for understanding and cooperation. I promised Vesharess Eclavdra when I first returned to Oerth that I would stand with her against those who would bring ruin upon all. Furthermore, I promised Eclavdra that I would ensure that even if the drow were overcome, I would ensure that at least some of her people would survive."

"While there are many with whom I disagree on important issues, I can still respect their abilities. We can build a better future, one that honors the sacrifices of our forebears and is held in trust for our posterity. There are many who have fought side by side, and many who will fight side by side for the first time in defense of what they love."

"There are great changes occuring in our time. The changes that the drow are going though is but one of them. The drow are rediscovering a part of their nature they forgot. To aid them in this change, I will show them and you some of the things they have forgotten as I first experienced them."

The drow and others see, in a way that does not hurt their vision, the beauty of the heavens. "These are the stars of Greyspace, at the outermost limit of the Crystal Sphere."

The drow see an overview of Greyspace from the edge of the Crystal Sphere. "These are the worlds of Greyspace, of which you can learn more. Many are places of great beauty and wonder, home to life and civilizations."

Next, the drow see the image of the moons Luna and Celene in their beauty. "These are the moons of Oerth. The large moon is Luna and the smaller moon is Celene."

Next, the drow and others see a mostly round globe. It has blue seas, land masses with the colors of forests, deserts, and plains. The world's ice caps can be seen by those watching the scene, as can the clouds above the surface of the world. "Behold Oerth as seen from a distance. Our beautiful world, home to many diverse peoples and cultures, is shown in its true beauty."

The drow and others also see some of the beautiful sights of Oerth, from waterfalls, to coastlines, to the stark beauty of the deserts to the verdant wonders of the jungles and forests. They also see the city of Ekbir, where people of many races are engaged in trade, commerce, and in living as a community.

"We must ensure that the beauty and wonder of Oerth and all of Greyspace is preserved. Life is precious, found in a variety of forms that can amaze even the keenest intellect. I believe that all sentience is akin in a great family of Being. All of us are voices in a chorus, unique and valuable but capable of so much more in convert with others."

"You are loved by many, who have risked much for you. You should remember that your lives have value in and of themselves. Though you have faced great losses, you can only begin to guess at your true potential for strength and goodness. Some of you have never experienced love or forgivenes. There are many kinds of love."

For the first time, the drow sense the type of love that elven children have for their parents.
They sense the love of elven siblings for each other, the passion of youth, the devotion of a married couple, the love of parents for children, and the love of the individual for the community and the love of the community for the individual.

"Many other races have similar feelings. Although there are differences between races and cultures, I believe what unites us is ultimately more important and powerful than what divides us. When societies isolate themselves from others, they seem to inevitably suffer. However, those cultures that work with others, and have learned to even accept members of other races into their society. In the Baklunish Empire, people of many races have long been fully accepted as citizens in society. Ultimately, the best standard to judge others on is the content of their character. Goodness and compassion are found in many cultures, many philosophies, many shapes and many forms. Remember that you are loved and are not alone. I believe that all peoples can build a future worthy of our true potential as sentient beings. Reach out for the hand of friendship, and step into the Light of a new dawn."

For the first time, the drow see the sun rising out of the sea, bringing light to a darkened land.

OOC - Clarification, Morwel already stated she would extend her aid to any clerics of appropriate alignment who wish it (CG,CN,NG) (no strings attached). . However acts she cannot approve of (evil or lawful) will result in the revocation of access. [/sblock]



Serpenteye:As Eclavdra writhes in pain great bolts of pure and uncontrolled energy strike at random around her from the artifact she wears. The carefully placed spells and wards around the city cannot withstand this onslaught from within. They unravel, like a burning web, and the city is open.

Iuz, already present in the city, is the first one to act.

This Scrying should be enough to remove all doubts. My lord removed Regalia from convulsing queen Eclavdra before she made more damage to her City.

*Imp, representing Iuz, only grinned overhearing lies spoken by Brotherhood leader.*

Criminal is alive, Brother Abbon, and undergoes rightful punishment for crimes against innocent citizens of Empire. His attempt at sucidal escape from the grasp of Justice was futile. And I propose us to work under Detect Lies spell from now on, to avoid other such ... mistakes.

Bugger, Rikandur here. I don't know why Quotation didn't worked. Well see reasons of Iuz's removal of Artifact from Eclavdra. And she is only person who should judge if she holds Iuz guilty for removal of her Regalia. Not Brotherhood.

Paxus Asclepius
"A cunning argument. I suppose, then, that you donned the Regalia as a similar protective measure? And likewise, that you feared Eclavdra's health so dire that you not only took no actions to aid her, nor called anyone to do so where you would not, but actively attacked the first individual on the scene to attempt to heal her?"


Rary firmly intones, "The Summit has not yet mounted."

Iuz isn't present. Besides ... look on the things from CE perspective. Attack on one "responsible" for bad condition of ally is help. CE creatures aren't as planning and scheming as LE, including Wolf God, and ... his clerics might loose favor of Iuz.

I remind, that Iuz is represented here by Imp, lawyer perhaps, who casted this "video record", from a ring/ wand/ globe/ whatever.

*Imp gazed at Wolf God and cleared his throat, before speaking in neutral tone, visibly coloured with fear directed towards dangerous Barghest.*

First, I'm willing to apologise our host.

*Imp bowed to Rary.*

Then I, humble representative, will respond to Your questioning ... Wolf God. Motives behind actions of my liege are apparent to all who will look on whole situation. And repeat Your questions when it will be right time, than You and all interested will recive their anservs.


Edited by: Yarudazuigu at: 1/20/05 3:26 am

Rary claps, and the light becomes more even, more vivid, in the room around us.

"The summit has now begun."

"Our first order of business: voting procedures. Are there any objections to the voting procedures put forth by the Miranda Alliance? The Triumvirate Rebellious has none."

Paxus Asclepius
"Nor do I," rumbles the Wolf God.

"Gallador`s Concord agrees to those voting rules"- Exclaims Princess Lanfear.

OOC: I am Melkor.

"No objections from Aerdi."
What surpasses Ashardalon, is more despicable than the great wyrm?

"No objections from Lynn." The gray-robed Mercane responds.

"I have no objections," states the Tempest.

Guilt Puppy

The Brotherhood also accepts the proposed voting rules.

Ogrim Scarseer states clearly "No objections from Orcreich".

Alright, that's 8 out of 12. Under the new voting rules, or under any other voting rules currently in existence on Oerth, that's enough for a decision whatever votes the others cast.

Here are the voting rules:

2/3 Majority to pass a motion. Any who fail to attend do not count, any who choose to abstain form voting do not count. (This prevents a tie and prevents political finagling). If the vote is for a member's expulsion that member may not vote.
This means that any expulsion votes need to come first. A vote to waive a counterstrike also requires a 2/3 majority (likewise if a member is the subject of the counterstrike he may not vote).

Any motions that alter an existing part of the TEC (except as noted above re expulsion and counter strikes) require unanimous approval of all members. Additions to the TEC require only the 2/3 majority.

Addendum: At this meeting and this meeting only the TEC is subject to change by 2/3 majority, simply because it seems ,we agree, the terms are unclear. Once they have been agreed upon they will go to the unanimous approval for all further meetings.


Now, the esteemed King Rhynnon has put forth this tentative agenda:

Day One
-Introductions and opening speeches
-The Means of Consensus (to determine the means of voting among members)
-The Iuz Question (to determine the status of Iuz)
-The Gallidor Question (to determine the status of Gallidor)
-The Elder Brother Question (to determine the status of the Brotherhood)
-The Eclavdor Question (to determine the status of The Empire of Eclavdor)
-The Allidor Question (to determine the status of Allidor)

Day Two
-Trials for any parties found in violation of the proposed charter (Where those found in violation of the Pact are judged)
-Reading of proposed Charter (A reading of the current Pact charter)
-Proposals to amend the Proposed charter (Where any member in good standing may propose changes to the charter)
-Votes to amend the Proposed Charter (A general vote on each proposed change)
-Reading of the Amended Charter (Once all changes have been voted on, the Amended charter will then be read)

Day Three:
-Trials continued (if necessary) and judgments carried out
-Closing Statements
-Official Signing Ceremony

Obviously, we have already established the means of consensus. I vote in favor of this agenda, what say you?


Faerinaal confers with the rest of the representatives from the Miranda Alliance and then nods.

"We agree to both."

Greater Nyrond Votes in favor of the Agenda put forth by Great Nyrond

Edited by: Bugbear at: 1/21/05 11:10 pm

*Imp representative simply nodded.*


Guilt Puppy

The Scarlet Brotherhood approves of this agenda.

Eclavdra stands with quiet dignity, dressed in robes of white and silver, coronet of the Queenship of Eclavdor on her head. She holds the Queens' Wand (an honorary item only) in her right hand. (Under my alignment system, Eclavdra is neutral good now.)
Eclavdra looks around at the great assemblage of powers, at the deities and lords and ladies, at the vast chamber with implications far more vast yet, with a solemn, serious, and contemplative gaze.
There is quiet respect and a somber acknowledgement of the deadly seriousness of these proceedings in this (apparently) very young lady.
Eclavdra curtsies deeply to the whole assemblage, inclining her head, eyes lowered. Her hair, held back, falls about her shoulders and down to her waist.
Then she speaks in her quiet, soft spoken way, affirming the Miranda Voting Rules, then reseats herself.

The Lord of the Yuan-Ti, here on an honorary basis, nods respectfully and cautiously to the whole assemblage, then reseats himself. He does not speak or vote, having reacknowledged Eclavdras' authority. (Under my alignment system, the Lord is neutral evil.)

The King of the Ice Elves, also here on an honorary basis, stands and bows to the assemblage, then reseats himself. Again, he does not speak or vote, maintaining his original recognition of Eclavdras' status within the TEC Pact. (Under my alignment system, the King is lawful evil.)


The Speaker of the Dark Drow stands.
Lady Shadow, a young woman like Eclavdra, wears no regalia of rulership, but she wears a striking cloak of purple and black, the classic black adamantite armor of the drow, and carries a pennant of purple upon which no emblem is present.
Puzzlingly, no symbol of Lolth is present upon this woman. Apparently, this drow does not recognize Lolth. She radiates a red aura of great evil for those who can see it (Under my alignment system, Lady Shadow is chaotic evil, and she is evil to a profound degree.)
She nods to the assemblage - out of custom and etiquette - then quietly states the Drow agree to the Miranda Voting Rules.


Lady Gwyndilyn of Aliador is here to represent Aliador and Ratik (I claimed Ratik today for Thomas' power, since Ratik has been unclaimed, and Serpenteye agreed. Upon his agreement, I had Ratik immediately sign the TEC Pact.)
Lady Gwyndilyn is a Nymph, and as a Nymph has the otherworldly, ethereal beauty and allure of those beings. She has majesty and a noble bearing to match her beauty.
She is dressed in soft, silken robes of blue and white, wearing a coronet and carrying the Scepter of Aliador (honorary item.)
Her inner power is hushed, so looking at her is safe, but a great aura of power and white and silver radiance is yet around her, dim but perceptable.
Lady Gwyndilyn looks around at the assemblage, appreciating just what this meeting means, appreciating in no uncertain terms what is at stake here.
She curtsies and inclines her head, in humility it almost seems, to all present.
She softly, in a lilting soprano voice, affirms the Miranda Voting System, then reseats herself. (Under my alignment system, Lady Gwyndilyn is lawful good.)

The Lord of Ratik, here on an honorary basis, stands and bows deeply to the whole assemblage, and speaks a few words of respect and honor to those present, and gratitude for being allowed to be here. Then he reseats himself. (Under my alignment system, the Lord is lawful good.)
In addition to Ratiks' colors, the Lord wears Aliadors' colors.
Ratik has acknowledged Aliadors' Overlordship over it, indefinitely. Ratik is now a part of Aliador (both Lady Gwyndilyn and the Lord of Ratik will affirm this.)

Edited by: Edena at: 1/22/05 1:57 am



Queen Eclavdra agrees to the procedural order as laid out by King Rhynnon.
Lady Gwyndilyn agrees to the procedural order as laid out by King Rhynnon.

The Lord of the Yuan-Ti, and King of the Ice Elves are quiet, as it is not their place to speak.
The Lord of Ratik is also silent, as it is also not his place to speak.

Lady Shadow of the Dark Drow agrees to the procedural order as laid out by King Rhynnon, ignoring Eclavdra and speaking as if Eclavdra did not exist.

The mercane draped in gray would gladly agree to the procedural matters except with a single addendum, that the Eclavdor question be moved up due to his interpretation of the TEC Pact that between Queen Eclavdra and Lady Shadow there should only reside one vote, and that giving them two for even one case would be too much.




Both Eclavdra and Lady Shadow agree with the Mercanes' motion of addendum.
Both move that the Procedural Matter begin with the removal of the other person from this Summit.

Each claims to represent Eclavdor. Eclavdra, and Lady Shadow.

Both women are rather quiet about the matter, simply and quietly stating the other has no right to be present.

Imp gazed at both Eclavdra, seemingly different from woman described by Lord Iuz, and Lady Shadow. He spoke first to Lady Shadow. (In Edena's aligment system Imp is lawful evil, and radiates strong aura ... purple, perhaps. )

"Lady Shadow, lack of slave-symbols of Llolth warms heart of my Liege and Master, God-Tzar Iuz. Empire hopes that our future relationships will be as fruitfull and amicable as were ... before disaster, that struck Drow people. I repeat offer of Empire of Iuz, every persecuted for their philosophy person, could emigrate to Empire. Freedom of opinions, excluding religious matters, was our pride from long time."

Then little deviling gazed at Eclavdra with pity. And spoke gently to her. This time with neutral expression.

"Empire is struck that founder of TEC Pact was hurt by Withdrawal. And God-Tzar sends his personal condolences to You, m'lady. He regrets that his help was futile ... And reminds that he gave Your Regalia to King of Nyrondy, in deposit, for You to take it whenever You please. he would give back it to You in person, but ufortunately is busy with war against Selitisia, arch servant of enemy against who TEC Pact was founded by Velsharess Eclavdra, not so long ago."

Then Eclavdra reckognised gray, but of good quality, clothes of Imp. And symbol enblazoned on his forehead. he's one of Untouchables, personal slaves of Iuz. Nobody can touch them, under gravest punishments that Iuz in person is capable of dealing. And these slaves are only people in Empire who walk unarmed and without fear almost everywhere.

After the conference, Imp will approach Eclavdor delegation with simple proposal. May true Black Elves remain themselves, those who choosed Light should return wholly to their elvish roots. Iuz proposes Miracle, to change pigmentation of all "Good Drow", white skin, ebon hair. Photo negative. Then Lady Shadow would represent Black Elves, becaust without Llolth they aren't Drow anymore, and Queen Eclavdra will represent majority. And will name her people as she pleases.


Paxus Asclepius
The Wolf God agrees to the suggestion that the matter of the vote of Eclavdor be dealt with before the matter of Iuz, and concurs that the order of business is otherwise acceptable.

Eclavdra has no reply to the Imp, the Speaker of the Empire of Iuz, since she agreed to the procedurial matter of doing things as set down by King Rhynnon, she appreciates etiquette, she isn't about to insult the entire assemblage by speaking out of turn, and she has a grave appreciation of just how serious the situation is here.

However, Lady Shadow does speak. Just for a moment. And what she has to say, says much indeed.
Her voice is soft also, like Eclavdras' voice, but it is not pleasant: it is filled with a strange glee, and hearing it makes one think of knives, and parting flesh under those knives, and gushing blood. And the screams of victims as they are being slowly grilled over a slow fire, and the sound of flames burning away home and field.

'I cannot accept any offers from the Empire of Iuz, Ambassador.'
'The Empire of Iuz cannot offer me anything when it has been reduced to a heap of ash and charred bodies, and Iuz hangs from a gibbet.'
'That fate hangs over Iuz and all his subjects. Or why do you think this Assemblage is gathered?'

Lady Shadow smiles, from within her purple and black cloak, and continues:

'However, Ambassador, I have full faith in your capabilities. I am certain you will prove the innocence of Iuz to this Assemblage.'

Then the Lady Shadow sits back and says nothing more ...

Edited by: Edena at: 1/22/05 4:59 am

(Normally, I'd keep Lady Shadow here, and use her for a plot device. However, everyone wants to get on the with the Summit, I don't blame them, and I'm in Quiet Mode anyways. So I'm going to have Lady Shadow say a few things, then leave the Summit.)

Lady Shadow stands, and regards the assemblage:

'I realize that you will choose Eclavdra over me as representative of the Drow of Eclavdor.'
'So be it. It is too late anyways.'

Lady Shadow turns and looks at Eclavdra, and her face twists in a sneer, then a look of absolute contempt, then finally a look of murderous hate and rage comes over her fair features:

'It doesn't work like that, fool.'
'Do you believe you can just wake up from the Bad Dream?'
'Do you believe you can wallow in the Darkness, and then just turn your back on it? And that everything will be ok?'
'WHO do you think you ARE, to choose the fate of the Drow?'
'WHO do you think you ARE, to FORCE your people to change who they are, to your whim?'
'In your pride and your arrogance, you have turned from Lolths' paradise, and doomed yourself and your people to her fury and the fire!'
'The drow will curse your name for all eternity. You are the Betrayer of your people! Forever, the Betrayer!'
'YOU are not even worthy of Lolths' fire. You are not even worthy of that!'

And with that, Lady Shadow whispers to her magic, and disappears from the TEC Summit.

Eclavdra just sits there, looking kind of stunned.
The Lord of the Yuan-Ti and King of the Ice Elves are keeping carefully blank faces. They sit there motionless, faces empty of expression, like statues.
Lady Gwyndilyn of Aliador looks solemn and aggrieved, but the Lord of Ratik is quietly angry.

(The TEC Summit can now continue in peace. Eclavdra represents Eclavdor, Gwyndilyn represents Aliador, and the others are honorary guests. Back to the business at hand.)

(Lady Shadow is easily chased down, found, and killed, if any of you wish to have your people do this IC. She's only a drow wizard/cleric of moderate level, so she is easily caught and dealt with.)

Edited by: Edena at: 1/22/05 6:19 am

First I would like to welcome lady Eclavdra, whom I have been told has recovered from her madness, to this conference. None of this would be happening if it were not for her efforts, in fact we would all very likely be at war with one another. May this day always be remembered.

(King Rhynnon bows his head to Eclavdra and then continues)

As for the Question raised by the Honorable Mercane, Greater Nyrond has no objection to this change of agenda. Despite Lady Shadow's outburst, the matter of who controls the Empire of Eclavdor must be settled. I vote Aye.

Edited by: Bugbear at: 1/22/05 9:06 am

Imp only frowned upon hearing Lady's Shadow statement and prayed quietly for mercy on her. Then turned to King of Nyrond.

"Empire of Iuz belives, that Eclavdor have it's ruler ... Founder of TEC Pact. In Drow society change of ruler is ... unquestionably visible. And usually permament. Maybe You should return Queen ... Eclavdra Her Regalia to dispel any doubts. Chm ?"

Imp stopped for moment, as if contemplating something, and resumed his speech with renewed vigor.

"I'm allowed to represent my liege as he have more important matters, vital to further existence of TEC Pact, at hand ... forgive me, but I will repeat his words. More important cases than meaningless bureaucracy ! I propose continuing with the shedule, lady Eclavdra lives, so she owns Eclavdor. That is Drow right."

OOC: Cool title, Bugbear. But Iuz lies not as often to be called Price of Lies. And for curious people peeking at Imp, he have ethereal crowd of devil lawyers and speech designers advising him.


"I agree with the proposed change to the schedule," the Tempest says.

edit: I believe my vote makes it 8 out of 12 for accepting the first schedule, and 5 votes for accepting the revision.

Edited by: Uvenelei at: 1/22/05 10:15 am

I also agree to this change in agenda, and for the moment, barring objection, will offer my vote on the matter.


Eli Tomorast rises, speaking for the Triumvirate, his hands cloaked in the great sleeves of his robes. "The Dark Drow," he says gravely, "Are no laughing matter. All of us recall the predations of the drow in the dark times before Lady Eclavdra stepped in to enforce some semblance of order upon their society - the raids upon our populace, their ravage upon the underdark. The Dark Drow are far more monstrous than they."
"My servitors did give succor to those drow driven from the dark by Iuz's demons and Melkor's vampires, though I freely admit that, upon doing so, we did send our agents to their abandoned cities to claim the wealth there as our own."
He shakes his head mournfully. "Sadly, our choice of servitors was perhaps... ill-advised." He shoots a glance to Rary, who merely raises an eyebrow, before returning his attention to the congregation. "The Drow we rescued did not become Mordheil, but instead, Dark Drow. Their madness, malevolence, and depravity killed over a quarter of them as they established a pecking order amongst themselves using what weapons they had - we killed the rest out of horror, for which I must apologize to Lady Shadow (in absentia) and Eclavdra, as it was perhaps unnecessary, and offer recompense of her choosing."
"Because of this, because of what the Dark Drow ARE, I must recommend that full sovereignty over their nation be granted to Eclavdra, and that, if it becomes necessary to preserve the public order, Lady Shadow be restrained and possibly executed."

"I vote that Eclavdra rule the drow."

He then coughs politely. "Also, Rhynnon should return her Regalia, when her title is returned to her."

Edited by: RiotGearEpsilon at: 1/22/05 10:30 am

Paxus Asclepius

"With the absence of any rival, Eclavdra's power is hers to claim freely. Neither the yuan-ti nor the Ice Elves have claimed voting power, and the Lady of Shadows has renounced any claim she might have. The matter appears settled, so there is no need for any revision."


"The Dark Drow have a point. From a temperamental point of view, they may be viewed as the legitimate heirs of the old drow. Yet, with Eclavdra alive, and having chosen the other path willingly, she is the natural choice to represent the drow."

And while I have not been to the Spiderweb Pits, I don't think there is much fire there...
What surpasses Ashardalon, is more despicable than the great wyrm?

The beautiful face of Princess Lanfear is twisted in rage when Lady Shadow leaves, it takes few seconds for her to regain composure:

"It seems Evlavdra doesn`t even have support of her own people! And do the Lord of Yuan-Ti, and ambassador of Ice Elves agree to be represented by someone with completely diffrent views and beliefs?!"

"And I propose adding the subject of my father`s war against Vecna`s followers on GIbenei to the agenda. Or have you all forgotten about Vecna!?"

Edited by: Kooligar at: 1/22/05 1:39 pm

Paxus Asclepius
"Eclavdra's internal affairs are precisely that: internal. Nowhere in the pact that she wrote does it provide authority for us to interfere in them, or indeed reason to desire to do so. As to your father's war, it is not an issue for the Treaty. Had he been attacked, yes; but wars of aggression are not covered by the Treaty.


"Wasn`t one of the main purposes of this Treaty to oppose Vecna? Well, he is awakening, but it seems it is the least of your concerns."


Assuming we do not have at least 5 objections to this agenda, this is what we'll go with:

Day One
-Introductions and opening speeches (skipped for now)
-The Means of Consensus (to determine the means of voting among members) (X)
-The Eclavdor Question (to determine the status of The Empire of Eclavdor) (In process)
-The Iuz Question (to determine the status of Iuz)
-The Gallidor Question (to determine the status of Gallidor)
-The Gibenei Question (to determine the duties of the pact in regards to the deadworld of Gibenei)
-The Elder Brother Question (to determine the status of the Brotherhood)
-The Allidor Question (to determine the status of Allidor)

Day Two
-Trials for any parties found in violation of the proposed charter (Where those found in violation of the Pact are judged)
-Reading of proposed Charter (A reading of the current Pact charter)
-Proposals to amend the Proposed charter (Where any member in good standing may propose changes to the charter)
-Votes to amend the Proposed Charter (A general vote on each proposed change)
-Reading of the Amended Charter (Once all changes have been voted on, the Amended charter will then be read)

Day Three:
-Trials continued (if necessary) and judgments carried out
-Closing Statements
-Official Signing Ceremony

Guilt Puppy
The Scarlet Brotherhood wholly supports adding the Gibenei Wars to the agenda. Regardless of the Concord's status in the Pact, which remains to be decided, the early weakening of Vecna's forces is clearly in the interest of the Pact as a whole.

"I have not forgotten about Vecna, Princess Lanfear, but at the moment, he is the least of our concerns.
At the moment, we cannot confront the Whispered One. We would be a random bunch that assaults some place without thinking, without planning, without coordination. Where that leads we have seen a week ago, and those events lead to this Summit. If we were to confront the Arch-Lich under these conditions, we might as well commit suicide now, in this room. Underestimating him is an error we should not make.

Aerdi does not support adding the Gibenei Wars to the agenda. The war against the Whispered One deserves more attention than being a quick throw-in. Once we have ironed out the disorganization we are in, we can perform this war more efficiently. I am sure that this would be in Lord Gallador's interest."
What surpasses Ashardalon, is more despicable than the great wyrm?

Paxus Asclepius

The Wolf God likewise opposes the addition of any Gibenei question.

Princess Lanfear smiles mischievously:

"In this case, I withdraw the Gibenei matters from the agenda! Lord Gallador doesn`t need the whole Pact to bring peace to this world!"

"That's three votes against, Princess Lanfear, but the matter is still up for debate. It's possible it will end up on the agenda whether you like it or not."

"Most surprisingly, I find myself in agreement with Ashardollon As things stand now, none of us could stand against the Maimed one should he appear. Greater Nyrond Votes against the Lady Lanfear's proposed addition to the agenda."

"In the interest of resolving the situation, I will cast the deciding vote against including the Gibenei situation on the agenda. Thus, we now return to the issue of drow sovereignty."

"The Wolf God, the Triumvirate Rebellious, and Ashardalon have voted that Eclavdra will rule her nation of Eclavdor, what-ever the spiritual and psychological state of her subjects. Gallador has not actually voted in favor of Lady Shadow, but his representative Princess Lanfear has made some pointed arguments in favor of her, which should be recognized."

"Voting on the subject of the Drow Sovereignty will now continue."

Paxus Asclepius
"I will note that this 'Lady of Shadows,' should she choose to do so, and should she actually possess an independent state, may apply to the Council for membership in the Treaty, just as any other nation might. It would, however, be a travesty of unparalleled proportions if the founder of the Treaty were to be denied her rightful position in the council merely as a result of minor internal strife. Eclavdra, and not some nebulous entity named 'the people of the Empire of Eclavdor,' was the original signatory to the Treaty; the territories controlled by a member are in no way relevant to membership or voting power."

"Given that the status of the greater part of Eclavdra's subjects is currently unknown, I would agree that Eclavdra makes the best representative. If the Ice Elves or the Yuan-ti object to her representation they like Lady Shadow can make a petition to enter the treaty as independent nations. "

Guilt Puppy
"Given that Eclavdra has returned to health, the Brotherhood sees no reason to question whose authority is paramount in the Empire of Eclavdor. However, we do wish to make certain of one thing..."

Addressing Eclavdra directly, Abbon asks a question clearly. "Do you still claim rulership over the whole of the Empire, and most importantly, do you still take full responsibility for its actions? If so, we vote that Eclavdra be recognized as ruler of these territories; if not, we vote that their steward shall be recognized as the leader of the Yuan-Ti."

"Understand, we do not wish to see Eclavdra fall from power in either case. We have some concern, however, about the instability of the Drow Empire, and refuse to see any protections bestowed upon its subjects if there are none to assert accountability for their actions."


Eclavdra stands, bows her head, and says quietly:

'If the Gathered Assemblage will recognize it, I will assume rulership of Eclavdor. I will take all responsibility for it's actions, and the weight of responsibility that a ruler must bear.'

The King of the Ice Elves stands, and speaks for a moment:

'Our people recognize the pre-existing alliance with Eclavdor. There shall be no change in our status.'

Eclavdra smiles at the King, and reseats herself.
The King does not smile, but nods to Eclavdra and reseats himself.


The Lord of the Yuan-Ti Empire then stands, and speaks:

'The interests of my nation, and the interests of the drow, no longer coincide, and I wish to take this moment to sever relations with Eclavdra, and withdraw my nation from Eclavdor.'
'By means of Domination magic was I made into a puppet of Eclavdra, and unwillingly and unknowingly did her bidding, to the detriment and harm of my people.'
'Under the tyranny of Eclavdor were my people murdered, enslaved, their labor going to the greater good of the drow and their creed.'
'No more. Our alliance is ended. I speak for the Yuan-Ti, and we wish no further dealings with the drow, be they Eclavdor drow or Dark Drow.'
'I petition the Assemblage to recognize the Empire of the Yuan-Ti as an independent entity, a sovereign nation of 2 million individuals, accorded the rights and guarantees under the TEC Pact.'
'In particular, I petition the Wolf to accept and endorse the independence of the Yuan-Ti People, and to realize our common interests and our common bonds.'

The Lord of the Yuan-Ti, with dignity, steps away from Eclavdra and the King of the Ice Elves, and walks to a new seat distant from them, which was sitting there anonymously for no apparently reason - now, it is obvious to all why it was put there, and who did so.
The Lord of the Yuan-Ti then seats himself upon this chair, and ceremoniously takes out his own High Staff of Authority (honorary item) proclaiming to all his declaration of independence from the drow.

((Please note that if they are recognized as independent now, on Turn 2 I will bequeath the Yuan-Ti Empire to someone elses' power. It is unclear who at this time.))

Edited by: Edena at: 1/23/05 12:12 am

Eli states, "If we do not have at least 5 powers refusing to recognize the Yuan Ti as an independent empire by the end of the meeting, then we may presume that the Yuan-Ti have been recognized by this body of nations as a sovereign nation - unprotected by the terms of the pact here under discussion..."

"Interesting discussion, but I woul like to remind everybody that eventual separation of Yuan-Ti empire from Eclavdor, as well as philosophical differences between ex-drow ... I will call these political and philosophical factions, for clarification, Returned-those ex-drow who choosed their ancient elven roots and Black Elves-those ex-drow who choosed their ... usual ways."

Imp paused to look on everybody assembled.

"Empire would like to remind everybody, that these matters are, in fact, internal troubles of Eclavdor and shouldn't be discussed here but left to Eclavdor's ruler to decide. Unless council took mantle of leadership over her Nation from Velsharess Eclavdra ... In wich case, Empire have nothing to say."


Paxus Asclepius
"It is a valid question, as to whether we as a body politic have the right or responsibility to grant what is, in effect, political asylum to an entire nation. As I have been directly appealed to, I must answer, and so I will answer as follows: the question of the Yuan-ti Empire as an independent entity is one which we must discuss, but one which I do not feel we can properly discuss at quite this present time. I would thus ask all concerned, particularly the Velsharess (unless there is another title she wishes to assume), to refrain from any action which might be prejudicial to the ultimate answer of this question, or any action which might unduly impact any of the groups at hand, until such a time as the matter may be addressed with the attention it is due."


Imp nodded to Wolf God, and smiled slightly toward Velsharess and sat again on his seat in pose that would be full of dignity if not dimunitive posture of deviling.



Queen Eclavdra nods to the Imp, and to the Assemblage, and speaks for a moment:

'Yes, we must proceed with the Summit. Time is precious.'

"Before any of can address the Lord of the Yaun-Ti's request, I think it is important to hear Eclavdra's view on the matter. Does Eclavdor still claim the Yaun-Ti as it's subjects? Does Eclavdra consider them to by in rebellion against her throne? Or will Eclavdor recognize the independance of a new Yaun-Ti state?"

"I, too, am curious as to your decision on this matter, Queen Eclavdra."


Eclavdra stands, looking unhappy in spite of her efforts to conceal it, and speaks softly:

'I, Queen Eclavdra of Eclavdor, recognize the independence of the Yuan-Ti Empire and the yuan-ti people.'
'I also recognize all the accusations of the Lord of the Yuan-Ti regarding the past behavior of the drow ... and myself.'

With a shudder and a sad look, Eclavdra reseats herself.


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:

Leathnor of Aliador makes the following proposal:

Let every power send forces to Gnibble immediately to aid Lord Gallador, establish control over that world, and afterwards establish joint control over it.
Let us do this now, before the forces of undead there wake up Vecna.

Aliador is willing to commit 50,000 elves to this venture.

We call on Baklunim, Orcreich, Miranda, Gigantea, Hyperboria, Aestia, Polaria, Highfolk and Delrune, the League of Athyr, and Greater Nyrond to help us.
We call on the Wolf, Greater Aerdi, the Empire of Iuz, the mighty city of Greyhawk, the Scarlet Brotherhood, and the Solistarim to help us.
We cannot call on the Illithid for the good reason no emissaries to them have survived. Yet we believe the Illithid would think this in their best interest as well.

Who will join us? Who will help cleanse Gnibble of the Minions of Vecna?

((OOC: The proposal is that each of us send 50 Regular PL, aided by 1 Epic PL to transport there, to Gnibble. And then we destroy the Lady Lich and her forces, and we hunt the followers of Vecna to extinction.))

From the desk of the Honerable Imperial Elven navy, Grayspace division, Delta and Gamma Regiments, under service to all of elven kind.

We find the Leadership of Aliador's proposal to attack Veneca's leagons *before* he shows himselve to be highly advantagious to all of grayspace. We would pledge five of our ships to this effort, to join along with the Ginselian War-mage, Foran. We have been strongly urged by our allys on Ginsal not to join this force unless it is a large, multinational force, and so we urge all nations to do their duty to the Sphere, and to strike at the power base of the God-lich before he strikes us.

In Honor, Faith, and Oath,

General Legubim


First Post
N'grath's reply in responce to Leathnor of Aliador's proposal:
Our nation is in dissarray still from the departure of the Gods and from the... affliction of the drow. We cannot spare such a force at this time, all of Our resources are directed at re-establishing order in Barundi and tending to the drow, as well as preparing Our people for the shock which will undoubtedly accompany the drow becoming a part of Our nation.

We also find it disturbing that the TEC pact convieniently have an excuse as to why they cannot join this effort, and at the same time they urge all others to deplete their forces in this struggle.


Just wanted to say with the semester starting up and the boards going down for a couple days, I've been out of IR-mode for a bit. I'll try to get back into it when I start getting some more free time.

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