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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 3 (thread 2)

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Rary stands on the edge of his balcony staring absently at the shining desert below

“So the Hammer has fallen….Vecna, the stories truly don’t do you justice…you are a bigger fool than they say…You doom us all”

Rary leaves his balcony and strides confidently toward the communication room. There stands a podium behind which stands the banner of the IBKSC. He gathers himself momentarily, and then motions toward some Derro technicians. The Derro then busy themselves flipping switches, pulling levers and turning knobs. The machine they are tinkering with springs to life, electricity arches, and Dweomite gems glow (think the laboratory scenes from ‘Frankenstein”).

A human sorcerer standing behind a camera chants some spell, and the camera also springs to life and all across the IBKSC and the lands of its allies the imaging techno-magic makes itself known once again.

“Citizens of the IBKSC, the time has come. The moment that we have spent these many months and years preparing for has arrived. We witness the birth of a New Age. With every birth, however, there comes pain, there comes sacrifice. I know my people that pain and suffering is something that you can bear. We will see this through. To the very end. Remember that the Pantheon of Power watches over you. We cannot fail.”

The imaging techno-magic goes quiet.

Up on the front times Lord Robilar has watched the broadcast.

“Well, its about damn time,” says Robilar under his breath. He turns to his troops. “Well, you heard the man… FIRE!”

(More to come)

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William Ronald

The Kevellond League sends messages of gratitude to the IBKSC and Lord Kas.

"Sacrifices will be needed to stem Vecna's attacks. Lord Rary of the IBKSC is correct. All births are difficult. In this hour, we offer our prayers for success to the heroic warriors of the IBKSC"

"We also extend our thanks to Lord Kas. Soon he will strike at the only being arrogant enough to deem himself the master of Kas. We look forward to the annihilation of Vecna and his deluded followers."

"Let us stand together against Vecna and his rabble."


First Post
And Anabstercorian...


He hovers over the battlefield, just watching. Who is winning? Who is losing? Soon, things will become clear...

<< Edena, Anabstercorian is maxed out on defenses, and all of his 9th level spells are Wishes. Before coming here, he used all of his 9th level Miracles (Four of them) to pray for Ilsensine's blessing, increasing the DC's of his Domination effects and Mind Blast. He also has a 9th level clerical Thrall prepared. Before the fight he's using all 4 of his Wishes to maximize the chances of that spell, and that spell ONLY, affecting it's target. I don't care if this knocks me down thirty levels. >>
<< I'm sure you know who my target with this spell is. My eventual goal in this encounter is to Enthrall Vecna himself. Anabstercorian is smarter than I am, and he's willing to sacrifice a lot to increase the odds of this happening, including ALL THE FORCES OF THE SOLISTARIM, who are currently on full battle alert, with every mage who can teleport (and given that you said they're all 9th level or higher, that means all of them) ready to bring himself and as many of my other forces as possible. >>

<< Remember, everyone... This is OOC information. >>

Finally, things seem right. Slowly, Anabstercorian draws the Dream Guns, their crimson surfaces clinging to his hands like living things. He aims, hovering a full mile above the battlefield below him, and starts to butcher the armies of Vecna under the protection of Improved Invisibility, Nondetection, and a whole bunch of similar stuff so that only Vecna himself could locate him.

BTW, how many 10th level spells per day can Vecna cast?


First Post
Too many.

Thayadon Fasfoni manifests true telekinesis and 10,000 lb. of dirt smashes into Vecna's troops. Repeat.
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A letter to Vecna

The God Emperor frowns when he hear the message from Kas, "That man is too impulsive for his own good. This is a complication we do not need." But then a thought hits him and he shrugs his shoulders and smiles, "Perhaps this is for the best, we needed to do something to appeace Iuz and Anabstercorian, Kas joining the battle should suffice. Now I need only to appeace Vecna and the Shade. Feh! It won't be easy. Shribe! take this dictation:" He takes another sip of wine and clears his throat.

"Glorious Vecna, lord of the Suel, master of secrets, perverted son of a bitch... [remove that last part] the God Emperor of the Dark Union of Oerth and the great Empire of Aerdi desires only peace with you and your people. " He laughs softly at that and then twist his mouth in a grimace. "I harbor no ill will towards you and your rule, but regrettably some in the Dark Union do. By now you must know that Kas has joined the battle against you. He did this against my advice but he, alone in the Dark Union, stands as my equal and his decisions are his to make. However, he did not in attacking you declare war on behalf of the Dark Union, he made his move as a civilian of the Union, as a volunteer. Our two nations are still at peace and it is my desire that they remain in that state. Most of the nations of the world already stand against you. Do not move against us. Do not make your victory even more remote. This is my friendly advice, do not take it as a threat but as a warning. We want only peace.

The god Emperor of the Dark Union of Oerth and the Great Empire of Aerdi"

Mr. Draco

First Post
Kas glances across the battlefield. The forces of Vecna and the Shade fill the horizon, a dark cloud moving over the plains. Slowly unsheathing his sword, he looks around at those he is fighting alongside: nearest is his trusted honorguard, he knows them well, and indeed, has chosen them for their battle abilities along with their intelligence and wisdom, yet, around them he sees the armies of Forrester. The genetically enchanced, technology wielding humanoids seem to be truly powerful allies and warriors. A blast of machine-gun fire catches his attention, turning, he sees a giant beast succumb to the lead bullets. With a grim smile, he begins casting many "buffing" spells.

After nearly five minutes, he looks around again, seeing his honorguard ready to fight, he gives hefts his sword above his head, yelling out the command "Forward! Let us crush the host of Vecna beneath us!"

With that, they rush forward into the field of battle. A continuous telepathic link between them allows them to cooridinate their actions to levels never achieved by normal troops. Ocasionally letting loose a meteor swarm or large bolts of electricity, they begin cutting a large swath of destruction through the oncomming legions. Yet, the Shades, along with Vecna's great host, keep coming...

(Let the battle rage! :) )

edit- Serpenteye, good call! Kas is acting on his own (well, with his honorguard) against Vecna. This is HIS grudge to settle, he wishes not to bring Vecna's wrath against the Dark Union if it can be avoided.
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William Ronald

Kalden will lead the forces of the Pomarj and others under the control of Turrosh Mak. (For whom I speak). The Gith Spelljammers will aid in the assault on Vecna and the Shade.

He is ready to join in on a frontal attack on Vecna.

(I will log off for a little while.)

Kaboom, Gnomeworks - keep up the Aerosol attack.

As the banner of the Oerth Alliance waves in the wind, the demigod Heward breaks into song and confuses members of the Shade army and Vecna's forces. With a glance from Keoghtom, several score of the Shade are struck by sunlight spells and other spells which are very effective against the shade. The Kevellond League forces fight fiercely against their foes with the aid of celestials, guardinals and good aligned earth elementals.

Murlynd puts aside his familiar magic six-shooters for a magically enhanced rifle. He begins firing into the Vecna-Shade army and sings:

"Well its BANG! BANG! BANG!
And down you go!
It's just a job I do!
The harder you run, the harder you fall!
I'm coming down on you! Down on you!
(I hope my aim is true.)
I've got your name and I've got your number
And I'm coming down on you!"

Heward speaks while laughing "Your music needs a little more work, Murlynd. But not your marksmanship!"

(Give yourself 10 x.p.s if you identify the tune)
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First Post
IBKSC troop moves

At Robilar’s command the might of the IBKSC is unleashed.

The boom of Napoleonic era cannons echo of the Cairn Hills, their cannon balls ripping though the legions of undead. Musketeers, both Human and Humanoid rise out of trenches and fire volley after volley into the Shade that swarm toward their positions. The Shade also go down in surprising numbers, for these are not merely chucks of lead being hurled at them. Each cannonball and musket ball contains shards of Dweomite, enchanted to be particularly lethal to such beings.

Demons and Yugoloths, released from their constraints wade into their foes. The carnage is truly horrible to behold

In the skies above, darks specks are seen. As they come closer, their silotue becomes unmistakable…Red Dragons! Not nearly as many or some of them nearly as old as Robilar would of liked, but they are here just the same. It soon becomes evident that other smaller flying creatures are escorting the dragons. Initially spotters for the Kevellond League identify them as mounted wyverns. But as they draw closer their true nature becomes evident. These wyverns and their orc pilots have been exposed to the dark powers of the Abyss. The result: terrifying, chitenous-plated, fiendish wyvern and orcs. Again, not as many as Robilar would of hoped for, but he welcomes them all the same.

The dragons circle Greyhawk; raining what destructive spells they have upon the city. While the wyverns – all clenching zombie bodies badly inflected with the undead killing Green Death – dive bomb Vecna’s forces. The wind creates a terrifying screech as it quickly flows thorough their chitenous plates. They deposit the disease carrying zombies amongst Vecna’s forces. Once their mission is complete, they quickly rejoin the dragons.

Once the dragons and fiendish wyverns reform they start to strafe the city. The fiery breathe of the Dragons setting the city ablaze. The wyverns provide cover for the dragons, sacrificing themselves if need be.

In the east, the steel blades of the Doomgrinder – which for untold years have moved only tiny increments – start to do something amazing. They begin to spin…

(More to come)
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William Ronald

The planar forces under the control of Black Omega and Uvenelei (who passed control while they are out to me) appear besides the Kevellond League's warriors. Their soldiers also carry the black banner of the Oerth Alliance. The elven spelljammers arrive at the scene of the battle.

The troops hurl grenades filled with phosphorus, oil and magnesium. They burn with a light brighter than daylight, blinding and weakening the Shade troops. The Shade Troops are fired upon as the grenades burn. They scream in agony as they drop.

The same weapons are used by Turrosh Mak's forces and those of Dagger. I imagine that Kaboom and Gnomeworks have versions of them too. Plus the devastating air-aerosol attack.

Kaboom and Dagger, can you ferry some troops to the battle from the outer areas. Dagger, your ships are faster. (We will work on that soon, Kaboom.)

Archcleric Hazen sends a message to Rary:

"Magnificently done, Lord Rary. We look forward to your victory in Greyhawk!"
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As the lights flikker in the distance and the thundering roars of a battle never seen before fill the sky for thousands of miles around they stood and watched.
Silver the kobold of kobolds, ever serving and trustworthy. Kalanyr, lord of the drow, shining in a hidiously beautifull way as the lights of battle pierce the nightly darkness and reflect on his scales. Vaeregoth, mistress of the mind, unreveller of secrets, seems ablaze with her body radiating a eery light as her carapace shifts between shadowstuff and fairy dreammatter, she is paradox, she is ultimate chaos fluxuating and surging in she who is law incarnated.

As they stood on huge cliff, the deep peering down below them as the cliff went straight down. Vertical for 2 miles down.. down .. down..
They stood and watched the signs of battle in the distance. Vaeregoth reached into her mind and felt her swarm... waiting.. hungering down in the deeps of the oerth. But their time was not now not anytime soon. Let the storm rage, let darkness creep over oerth and let all be at war. How this will end.. time will tell.. time will tell.....
She turned her massive body around and faced the lord of the drow. "Kalanyr, how is the work comming? I sense a great stress and hurt inside of you but there is a gleefull delight. Have you unravelled the secrets that were only Vecna's to poses and comprehend? Have you unlocked that what has been forbidden and priviliged to Lord Vecna alone?"

As she waited for his reply she felt his power swell and his mind...... tremble of respect for who he would soon be and the power he would wield. She enlarges her awareness to thousands of miles around and let her mind shift through the battle. She saw Vecna, Kas, Forrester, Hazen and they were all there in this moment of truth. Kalanyrs voice pulled her back from the massive battle and as she kept peering into the distance she listened to what he... the lord Kalanyr had to say, for Kalanyr speaks with command and he speaks with confidence, lord Kalanyr speaks truth for he does not need to lie, for he is powerfull indeed, and soon shall be more powerfull then any of of three have dreamt of for so long but the time is upon us, let Loth herself praise her mightiest demon, for he unravelled that what should have been HIS secret, the secret HE will share soon... very soon...".

And she feels amused and so confident in the trust these humans have in their peace treaty.... They don't fear a massive attack from behind into their now unprotected lands for as far as the eye can see and over the horizon. All undefended and waiting to be burned to the ground the living souls enthralled for the glory of the Swarm. But their time is not now, they fight valiantly for their existance, they shall be allowed to fight for it. Respect for these humans she gained... their never ending struggle for their puny existances and still they make these sacrefises for nay in the end.... They amuse her and they fascinate her. She and her allies will allow them their fight and to determine their faith and destiny in battle, and not their demise in treachery. So they have chosen, so they promised, so they shall keep their oaths to which they bound themselves. May a great future await who shall emerge victorious from this battle, for it shall resolve the future of this realm. Light, darkness or the shadow in between. Perhaps there is no end to this battle. For where light is there comes darkness and where those are, shadows lie around.

OOC: THROW EVERYTHING AT THEM INCLUDING THE KITCHENS SINK ^______________^ Turrosh had that I believe:)
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