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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 4 (thread 1)

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Sanctus Punitor winks at both of you, and construction of a statue of each of you will be placed in Delrune. The Statue will, in some way, depict your tactic used to slay Vecna. I am also constructing a Statue of Kas back to back With Sanctus Punitor.

Mistress Tao arises from the Burned Fells, she believes she is mother nature incarnate.

LOL... that should be interesting...
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Yes, it shall be very interesting. Currently, she could very possibly have the highest charisma in the IR ;). It ranges in the 70s-80s. I'll be roleplaying a few things with her soon...


Edena, all the troops I ferry with Kabooms ships (70 total so far, 20 from kaboom and 50 from isle of hope) I am ferrying to the Cairn hills then they will attack from there when the battle starts. The sky ships are not going near the front lines or near any blood wastes.

I can ferry your force if you like creamsteak. We have about 250 pl of ferry space left.

So far we have transported 70 to the Cairn hills.

50 from Isle of Hope (of which 5 is planar)
and 20 from Kaboom.

Also my spell jammers and npcs will be covering the skyships the whole time.
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Don't Ferry me yet. I would rather have to play that card when it comes time to. As of right now, I can walk there, so I will. Then, if I need to be somewhere else you can ferry me...

Yes, it shall be very interesting. Currently, she could very possibly have the highest charisma in the IR . It ranges in the 70s-80s. I'll be roleplaying a few things with her soon...

Huge Charisma and thinks she is mother nature while the earth is being rotted out... She is going to want to kick some ass, but nobody will be able to look at her and attack her at the same time... Yes... this will be very interesting...


Edena- Given time can I make the mountain large enough to hold myself and my allies in peace times (using 10th level magic to enlarge it each turn, how many turns would it take)? I am not attacking yet. I await Forrester's Uber Post.


First Post
(OOC: To my allies, I am sorry. It will probably screw up many a plan, but in an attempt to stay in character, this is what I think the IBKSC would do in this situation.)

The following actions that would have been taken by the IBKSC:

If the poisoning suddenly became so bad that I had to abandon the Cairn, and since the IBKSC does not possess the ability to repair the damage itself. It would do the following:

1. Doomgrinder is gotten under control, repaired, and then moved to the Horned Lands.

1. All improvements except roads, barracks and military supply depots would be destroyed in the Cairn Hills and Bright Desert area. Tenser’s Tower would be destroyed. Since the IBKSC is technologically advanced enough to have access to a wide-array of explosives plus 9th level magic this shouldn’t prove to be difficult. If the IBKSC can’t reap the benefits of these lands, then no one will.

2. Rary and company will move 3C back to his tower back in the Bright Desert. They will stay there until it becomes utterly unsafe. At that point he will have Yugoloths teleport him Robilar, and everyone else in his tower to Ket. This is a “canon” ability that Rary can employ. It is how he got his tower to the Bright Lands in the first place.

3. The Dark Union, and The Warlords will be altered to the fact the civilian refugees will be coming through their territories. It is clear to all this is no act of compassion on the part of the IBKSC. It is simply an attempt to salvage as much PL as possible. Also, Iuz isn’t asking; he is telling. Iuz rescued Kas. Iuz didn’t crush the Warlords. It is now time to pay up! His ambassadors also make it perfectly clear that The Shade and Vecna are not the only ones with Doomsday plans. With the threat of the City of Gods looming over everyone, it would be unfortunate if he had to unleash it on them. Iuz’s ambassadors make it perfectly clear that the refugees have no plans on staying. They are simply passing through. If they are harmed, harassed, or detained, in any way, what happens next will be entirely their own fault.

4. An all out assault will be launched by the IBKSC against Greyhawk by the forces in the Cairn Hills and the Bright Desert. The IBKSC is not interested in simply taking ground. It is attempting to literally destroy the Shade. No retreat orders will be given. No retreat will take place. The Shade have backed the IBKSC into a corner. The generals make it perfectly clear that there is no choice. There is no escape. Running away won’t save the lives of the troops. The Shade have seen to that. The only option left is revenge. Bloody, violent revenge. If every one of them has to die, then they might as well take as many of them with them as possible.

5. Iuz and the Boneheart attempt to sever the link between Prime Material Plane and the demi-plane of Shadow or where ever the Shade get their power from.

6. Once the situation becomes totally hopeless, the tunnels, roads, military depots, etc. will be blown-up. Those doing so will then join the refugees.

William Ronald

Against a common foe

In the depths of the Coral Empire, a sea elf addresses a troop of his people, locathah, mermen and other aquatic creatures.

"The deal has been struck. We will attack now!"

"We fight this day against a common foe. A foe who seeks to master undeath in this world and all others. We cannot allow this."

"Although some who are fighting this threat have been enemies in the past, this is a matter of mutual self interest and survival. We won't see them and they won't see us. It is for the best."

"Your target: Hepmonaland - The Scarlet Brotherhood territories!"

"You have your orders, alert your troops. We move now!"

Edena: As has been previously agreed with the Dark Union, the Oerth Alliance has secured permission to move troops against the Shade. In the interest of mutual cooperation and mutual survival, 70 PLs of Kaboom's aquatic forces will attack the Scarlet Brotherhood's holdings in Hepmonaland. This will give the Dark Union forces more of a free reign agains Acerak and the Scarlet Brotherhood.

These sea creatures will do their best to destroy all SB holdings in Hepmonaland.

I have had a several conversations via e-mail with Serpenteye about mutual threats. I forwarded them to Mr. Draco.

The Oerth Alliance can land troops in Urnst and will do so using dagger's spelljammers and kaboom's ships and citadels. Up to the maximum allowed. The march through the Cairn Hills - the only land route begins.

John Brown: Iuz's forces are quite welcome to move with us as you are an ally against the Shade. We can provide transport if needed. Edena indicated it would be possible to move troops through the hills.

We await Forrester's Uber post.

Also, Keoghtom, Murlynd and Heward will continue with my new NPCs to hunt down Black Brotherhood agents in Suhfang and the Kevellond League. Some will take a brief break for a role playing post after Forrester's uber posts.

William Ronald


Archcleric Hazen stands before a group of soldiers of various Oerth Alliance nations (Edena: It is Oerth Alliance, not Oerthian Alliance.)

"Warriors, heroes, I should say. Each of you have proven yourself on the battlefield."

"Vecna, the Church of Shade, the Black Brotherhood, and Acerak have declared war on all on earth who will not submit to their will or complete annihilation."

"A paladin once asked me when can mercy not be shown to a foe. The answer in my faith is found in the Word of Incarum, holiest of the texts of Rao. You may show mercy to someone who -based on your best judgement and all available evidence- is truly sincere and will not attack you after you grant him mercy. However, the Word is quite clear that there are limits to mercy. You do not need to and should not grant mercy to a foe who will seek to stab you as he begs for mercy or will immediately attack after accepting it."

"Vecna and his allies are in this latter category. No quarter can be expected or given. They are to be killed with extreme prejudice. If they try to use despicable tactics, use your best judgement based on the dictates of your commanding officers and your principles. In my opinion, you should destroy the enemy utterly."

"The Church of Shade claims that all who do not think as they do are weaklings. As usual they are wrong. Gwilym Raonul, the ambassador who recently returned from Toril, found it a tropical paradise of magic and technology. The governments there generally resemble that of the Yeomanry - a valued member of the Kevellond League and the Oerth Alliance."

"The Church of Shade is nothing more on Toril than a band of thugs who are despised by 99 percent of the population. They may be tough adversaries, but so are we."

"We have many allies in this, the Oerth War. Many of you fought in the Battle of the Line, where many lands became the Bloody Waste. We are threatened by it. Do not bend or break in the task that is ahead of you."

"We have a new ally in this war for survival. The Dark Union will strike Acerak. Some of our forces are aiding this effort to prevent his Apotheosis. (Forrester, Kalanyr - a mythal creating an anti-magic area or a dead magic area may harm Acerak.) They are granting us the right of troop movement and sending in a small force to fight the Shade. They realize that we share a common goal: mutually assured survival."

"Lord Kalanyr, champion of Freedom, will join us on the battlefield with his allies. We stand as one with all those who fight for Oerth the beloved. We will triumph over this dark tide of madness."

"You will now depart on your transports. We await some news on the fight against Vecna and the City of the Gods. (Forrester, Kalanyr: See if 10th level magic will resurrect an individual who has codes on controlling the city of the gods. They will listen to their creators. See Asimov's three laws of robotics. Determine the nature of such individuals. We are in all likelihood, to some degree, their descendants.) Now is the hour to destroy the Shade and Vecna's phylactery. Nothing less than total victory will suffice."

(Edena: Vecna was destroyed and no mention of his phylactery was made. Also you initially said it would take him a full turn to reform from his death. I should have remembered this earlier.)

"The damage to our world will be healed. We have no other option. May the gods bless you in your battles. Know that you have their support and the good will of the people of Oerth."

Still waiting for the uber post. The Oerth Alliance forces will link up with Kalanyr, creamsteak, and Mr. Draco's forces.

(Sorry I did not tell you everything Edena, but as you are playing Vecna and Vecna knows everything, I must keep my cards close to my vest.)

Kalanyr: Dagger informed me he went out. His forces and Kabooms will help ferry your troops if your flying mountain is not enough to do so. How many PLs does your mountain let you ferry?

Most of my forces will remain at home for hunting down the Black Brotherhood and as a reserve force if needed. However, I am keeping my NPCs -including the demigods Heward, Murlynd and Keoghtom - as a rapid strike force. They will appear as needed. (Because of the highly magical nature of these persons, teleportation is easy.) For the present they are killing any Black Brotherhood agents they can find. And any Shade agents. The efforts to stop further pollution continue, and if needed are expanded elsewhere.

Going to bed soon. Will check one more time tonight in a few minutes. Edena, the Oerth Alliance members can represent my interests.

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