(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 5 (thread 1)

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Defense tactics!

All right, here's what I'm going to be doing.


Anabstercorian flashes in to existence above the Godspires, instantly whipping out his staff and emitting thunderous, cataclysmic blasts of power that level entire battalions of enemy forces instantly, sending waves of molten lava pouring down the mountains towards them.

<< Red goo isn't important, is it? Let me show you Red Goo... >>

And then come the dragons. Vast, virile reds, screaming, feral whites, roaring, hissing blacks, all coated from head to toe in invulnerable Red Steel, their teeth capped with razor heads and their claws fitted with Red Steel coatings. They fly in to the swathes of enemy forces and tear tanks apart with their bare hands, ripping open state of the art ceramic alloys like tinfoil.

<< Let me show you the Will... >>

Enormous Neothelids, the size of redwoods, smash out from the ground below the Solistarim forces, and my people give a great cry of glee as they use their True Telekinesis abilities, which they can use at will, to launch vast crystal spheres filled with nitroglycerine and Red Steel shrapnel, which crash in to the enemy lines with ungodly force. The shockwave alone shatters skulls and sends organs shooting out orifices - The shrapnel, moving faster than sound and sharper than dwarven swords, tear open bodies and tanks and through magical armor as though it wasn't there. Dozens of these spheres rain death upon enemy lines.

<< Let me show you the Magic... >>

Our finest mages lay waste to their battalions, unleashing all of their power with Meteor Storms and Horrid Wiltings.

<< Let me show you the Gun... >>

Anabstercorian teleports underground, sprinting at top speed, mowing down Empire troops with ease as he goes, moving with the practiced finesse of a 3th level Fighter, 20th level Monk, and 10th level Gundancer.

And then, Anabstercorian gets an idea....

The battle stops, abruptly. Both sides have gotten fervent orders to Stand Down, Dammit! The Eternal Empire forces are stunned and confused, as are the Solistarim.

At last, the general of the Eternal Empire expeditionary force walks out, wearing a powerful helmet of mental shielding, and stands strong as Anabstercorian floats to the ground, dropping in front of the general and bowing.

<< We pledge allegiance to you, Lord Frehernel. The Solistarim are at your service. >>

He nods. "Then your people will be spared..."

Bowing, Anabstercorian smiles....


OOC: One word, Edena. Dictum. We Enthrall the leader of the expeditionary force. If that doesn't work, well, you know our defense tactics anyway.
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And they state:

Anabstercorian, come out with your hands up.
You are under arrest.
You will be taken back to Toril, and face justice in the Eternal Court.

William Ronald


My question was directed about whether Anabstercorian was able to get to the Eternal Empire on Toril, and into their leader's headquarters.

My faction informs the Eternal Empire forces in AnaKeri of what is transpiring and urge them to deal peacefully with the native peoples. We try to treat them with respect, even if they refer to us as savages.

I try to broker a truce between the Eternal Empire and the AnaKeri peoples if fighting has stopped. My forces in their lands will try to separate combatants.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
To the Eternal Empire of Toril:

Mighty ones! We commend you for not harming the people of AnaKeri when the blame lies with Anabstercorian. Your wisdom truly is limitless.
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The Union of Oerth sends a huge delegation to the Eternal Empire bringing vast wealth in gifts including some of our finest weapons and armour made from red steel. They observe every diplomatic nicety and ritual and are extremely courteous to the Eternal parliament. They also distribute gifts to the people of the capital of EET. In other words, they are as friendly as they could possibly be. A simulacrum of the God Emperor speaks before the ruling assembly.

"I come to you as a friend, seeking only peace between your great people and mine. The Union of Oerth is insignificant compared to your greatness but it is yet the greatest single empire of Oerth and as such could be a valuable ally to you. In admiration of your glorious culture we bring you humble and insignificant gifts to you and the people of your wondrous city and hope that you consider our offer of alliance."
...etc,etc, humble ,glorious, suck up some more but in a dignified way, etc etc. ;)
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To GnomeWorks:

The Gem Dragons who are working with the Solistarim are beseeching help from the Gem Dragons working for the Lortmil Technomancy.

They know the Gem Dragons of the Lortmil Technomancy have nuclear weapons.

They state they are no match for the Eternal Empire, and need nuclear assistance in defeating them.

(And it is true, that Anabstercorian is outgunned two to one.)

- - -

For that matter, the Solistari embassies are appealing for help to all the other Powers of Oerth willing to help them against these outworld invaders.
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First Post
Hang on a sec!

It's important - Does my tactic of using the Dictum work against the Eternal Empire? I back it up with a convincing looking show of surrender.


First Post
Uh ... you could fool them into thinking Anabstercorian himself is surrendering.

But until they have him in their grasp, and are hustling him back to Toril, they are not going to stop the attack.


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
Forrester, does the Border Guard of Realmspace allow Serpenteye's delegation through?

If they do not, we issue a formal complaint and arrange for the meeting to be held in the EET Anakeris base.

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