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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 1b)


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OOC: EDENA did You got my post that I was making Chorazin a flying city with my action right?

Iuz ponders the fate of Anabstercorian... and decides that it would be best tha the little Illithid be done with... the Eternal Empire will finish off the foe of Toril...

OOC: Coupe de Grace on Anab
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OOC-I will now ask for Rajaat's power to be imprisoned and then immediately returned...or else something greater than Red Goo will be unleashed upon the multiverse, sorry to have to put it down to threats William, O'Skoteinos, and Forsaken One.

Expect an email soon.

Hellmaster frowns, "Archcleric Hazen, Scion Queen, and O'Skoteinos, you have won against my newfound ally this day, however I must ask that you not destroy his magic users and instead give them back to me. I can assure you I will keep a hold on Rajaat to make sure that he doesn't interfere too much with your issues. I understand if you don't comply but I will be forced to unleash one of my cards on the table, if you think I'm bluffing feel free to take a bet on it. If you have a price name it and I will consider it."


Anab, What exactly where you up to? I chose Imprisonment because I wanted to be able to release those people to you, if you weren't planning on killing myself or my allies. (Call it a pre-emptive strike) (Oh and since you are disarmend I'll just check to make sure your weren't up to anyhting sneaky)
(ie They will be released very shortly judging by Edena's remarks)
(No Coup De Grace is forthcoming from me, btw)

Given that Iuz seems to want you dead, I'll release Mina even if you weren't doing anything benefical to me, just something neutral.

Edena- Given I have Mina and a bunch of mages and clerics in a pocket dimension how long would it take me to convince them of the flaws in the ways of the one god. (I fully expect this to be treated as domination even though the methodology is not the same I understand the game effect is)

So let me get this straight I researched 11th in Turn 6, I did not get a free power because of this however the Union did the same and did get a free power. Now to add to it Skote got a free power and can now use their 11th to gain 11th for his power as well as a huge PL boost. Would someone care to tell me WTF? I seem to fall into the category of those better of killing their there people them being an active player. Heck even if I hadn't researched 11th in turn 6 I'd still be as well off as I currently am since i could have done a Zelda ie claimed no power and been awarded 11th. Why do I have the feeling if the UoO had solely gained 11th I'd be rotting somewher by now? And free 11th would not have been given out.
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First Post
New Status of the 11th level Powers and Non-11th level Powers

Alyx’s Church of Toril - 100% intact
Alzem’s Hope Isles of Toril and Oerth - 100% intact
Anabstercorian’s Knights of Neraka and Mina - 0% intact - DISARMED POWER
Black Omega’s Coalition of Light and Shadow - 100% intact
Creamsteak’s Church of Mercy - 100% intact
Dagger’s Kingdom of Ulek - 100% intact
Mr. Draco / Serpenteye’s Union of Oerth - 75% intact
Mr. Draco / Serpenteye’s Humanoid Alliance - 100% intact
Festy Dog’s Scro Star League - 100% intact

Forsaken One’s Hive Cluster - 75% intact
GnomeWork’s Veiled Alliance - 100% intact
Kaboom’s Nations of the Chosen of Mystra - 100% intact
Kalanyr’s Ishtarland and Drow/Yuan-Ti/elf Alliance - 100% intact
Maudlin’s Minions of Acererak and Scarlet Brotherhood - 100% intact
Melkor’s Church of Shade and Shadow Empire - 99% intact
‘o Skoteino’s Immortals of Mystara - 100% intact
Rajaat and his Champions - 0% intact - DISARMED POWER
Black Brotherhood - 100% intact
United Commonwealth of Toril - 97% intact
Sollir’s Unseelie of Oerth - 100% intact
Tokiwong’s Eternal Empire of Toril - 100% intact
Uvenelei’s Republic of Selune - 100% intact
Venus’s Emerald Order - 50% intact
William’s Kevellond League - 100% intact
Zelda’s Thillronian Alliance - 100% intact
Zouron’s Eternal Union - 100% intact

- - -

Alyx’s Alliance of the Rising Sun - Main Infrastructure 100% intact
Anabstercorian’s Penumbral Hub, led by Anabstercorian the PC - 100% intact
Creamsteak’s Delrunian Alliance - 100% intact
Festy Dog’s Under-Oerth Alliance - 100% intact
GnomeWork’s Lortmil Technomancy - 100% intact
Kaboom’s Sky-Sea League - 100% intact
‘o Skoteino’s Orcish Empire of the Pomarj and Allies - 100% intact
Sollir’s League of the Warlords - 100% intact
Tokiwong’s Empire of Iuz - 100% intact
Uvenelei’s Alliance of the Crescent - 100% intact
William’s Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation - 100% intact



Edena_of_Neith said:
(Anabstercorian's Defense over the Church of Mercy immediately collapses, as he is now Disarmed. Of course, Kalanyr can always free his prisoners, so that Anabstercorian is a fully armed 11th level Power again. It is up to Kalanyr - he must state, as soon as possible, if he is releasing any prisoners.)

Oh my... protecting the Church of Mercy? Now if there was anything that surprised me this turn so far, this is it.

Anabster can come to the Church of Mercy with his PC and anyone else he needs to flee with. Even though it was unnecessary for him to defend me (though it could have been necessary) he did do something worthy of being housed.

Your home in the sun might get hot with all that 11th level magic gone. Like I said, you can flee to the Church.


First Post
Kalanyr posted:

(ie They will be released very shortly judging by Edena's remarks)



They will be released if and when, and only if and when, you - Kalanyr - decide to release them.

Otherwise, they are imprisoned permanently.
There is no appeal, and there is NO possibility of them being freed by ANY method.


Releasing all of the prisoners except Mina. I'm sending them all back to the Penumbral Hub, unharmed and intact. The second after I captured them.

Protecting the church of mercy? Whoo. Ok you got my respect now. Glad I chose Imprisonment.

If you want Mina back, let me know, if you can explain to me how you intend to stop her bringing the 'blessing' of the One God everywhere I'll release her too.


First Post
Day One is not over yet.

When I have all the declarations I called for (changing Defenses, new declarations of Attacks, declarations that Held Attacks will be launched) then Day One will be over.
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