(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 2)


Sollir, Iuz, Gnomeworks: What is your response to joining with peace? I listed Sollir on the list, but that was an assumption I had to make. I would like him to speak his opinion of peace openly.

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Absolute Peace is fine.

"I'll be at the conference."

Action: Holding my attack for Day 4. Holding my defense as well.

Day 4 action: 1 Hour Action: Attempting to steal Lolth's Drow Portfolio.

What is the actual effect of stealing a portfolio? High Chance of Death, Low Chance of Reward, no listed effect.
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First Post
Iuz will not be present but he has made no hostile action this entire month... and so beleives that should speak for itself... he stands for life... if it takes peace then so be it... but Iuz will not attend... he supports the ideal though.


Iuz, you will not make yourself a target in any way by coming.

It is safe, the barrier set up by the church will protect you from attack, and any enemies you have will not be able to escape the Church's wrath if someone wrongs you.

I promise to subdue anyone who tries to start a fight, and I promise everyone full access to thier abilities. If you choose to cause a fight and then run, I have 13,000 PL that says you are not getting away with it, and a level 10 defense you will have to launch a full attack to break - and thats just the first step to getting away.

Not coming would be a mistake, methinks.



The Church of Mercy is asking the Forces of the UC of Torril to aid in the defense of the Church. Since they have no attack score, maybe they can get a half defense score and raise the Church's defense by two right now.

Edit: Could you also post all the surviving NPC's you are playings reactions to the meeting. If they speak up, they could easily be invited. That includes Rhialto's PC (If he had one) and any others.
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First Post
"Iuz supports peace is that not enough? He has not launched an attack against anyone and has been attacked and still did not retaliate... the last conference solved nothing I doubt this one will do any better..." Talindra replies...

William Ronald


Hazen sends a message to Sanctus Punitor, Alzem, and the members of the Oerth Alliance.

"I will, of course, attend the peace conference. We need to step back from the edge of ruin."

"Perhaps we must all put aside our thoughts of vengeance to seek survival for us all."

"I ask that my allies hold Lord Melkor's people in prison. I will try to convince him that a universal peace will be in his best interest. He should be given some positive reason to accept a peace."

"I had hoped the Fourth Touch could be avoided. Now we must act to avoid a Fifth Touch and to restore what has been lost."

OOC: Anabstercorian, PLEASE check your e-mail. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT.

A message is sent to Melkor, the deity:

"While you view me as an enemy, have you ever known me to lie to you? I say this in truth. Any offer the Dark Powers make is a trap, a sugar coated lie. Even with your own domain, you would ultimately be their prisoner and plaything."

"I have stated that I am for a universal peace. If you become a prisoner of the Dark Powers, you will not have a chance to achieve victory on your own terms. Any victory you achieve over us will be tainted by the knowledge that you can never leave the Domain of Dread."

"In a lasting peace, you would have a chance to rebuild. Your people and you deserve better than to be eternal prisoners for the amusement of the Dark Powers."

"You have a choice. Sometimes the most difficult choice is the wisest. I have taken steps to ensure that you and your people can survive past this day. All is not lost."

"Which would you prefer, a chance to one day strike at me and all your enemies and then move to other worlds. Or a trip to the Domain of Dread, where it is uncertain that I or Anabstercorian would accompany you. Which choice fits your plans, your desires."

A second message is set secretly to Lord Rhaumagaum, Regent of the City of Shade:

"I would ask that you implore Lord Melkor not to accept the offer of the Dark Powers. It is a trap that could ensnare you all."

"I have said that I stand for a universal peace. This will give all of us time to step back from the Domain of Dread and rebuild. The people of Netheril do not deserve to become playthings in a prison run by the Dark Powers. Also, I place the blame for the past bad relations between us at the feet of Lord Melkor."

"A universal peace would mean your borders would be respected. You would have a chance to rebuild -- and not enter the domain of Dread. You would also have the opportunity to more freely pursue your own ends."

William Ronald

A message is sent to Lord Iuz:

"Lord Iuz, your presence at the peace confernence would be most welcome. Also the effort to clean the Bright Desert (OOC: Your territory, Tokiwong) was successful. Little effort on your part would be needed to restore it to its full health."

My 11th level action: I clean an area in the Sea of Dust, equal to the size of Furyondy, of Red Goo.

I also use the Cup and Talisman of Al Akbar to clear an area from t he Land of the Black Ice to the tip of the Thrillonian Penisula of Red Goo. (I previously cleared a Furyondy sized area of Black Omega's lands.) I will try to clean the remainder of Black Omega's lands and clean the Empire of Iuz, and creamsteak's territory of Red Goo.

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