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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 4)


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We should continue. I need to continue. A war that beggars the Blood War in every way possible is unfolding; I need to see the end of that war. Seeing as how my next campaign is going to end up like this massive war, I've go to see how it ends to get a better sense of what I'm getting myself into. Even if Edena were to tell me that there's a 100% chance that I lose everything on the morrow, I'd still say press on.

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Black Omega

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After going back and re-reading certain posts....

Hey Edena,

Are you ok with going on? You seem pretty down about how things have gone. If this is going to really get to you, I'm fine with it ending. This should be fun for everyone and that includes you. Just my two cents.

William Ronald

Can someone convince me that this is not going to end in animosity and bitterness. I have seen people grumble when they lose NPCs, or a plan falls apart. Based on how people behave, I am afraid a lot of people are going to blame Edena and each other.

You want to know what I see? Mutually assured destruction for practically everyone in the IR. People complaining that this plan or this tactic should have worked.

I hear people talking about victory or seeing how a story ends. I do not see people commenting on the bad feelings that will likely be generated when pretty much the IR is reduced to one or two players. Yes, I think it will go down to that. I think a lot of people will leave this game with bad memories and bad feelings, and Edena will not be thought of well.

Has anyone really thought why Edena is asking for a halt to this? He has his own feelings that I fear will be hurt when this falls apart. Morally, I have to vote for this to stop. Reading between the lines, I think this is not going to be fun for Edena. Participating should be done out of a desire for fun, not be an obligation.

Perhaps we can stop thinking about our individual needs and consider everyone else. Especially our moderator. Don't you think he has very good reasons for asking why this should stop.

He has worked harder on this than most of you likely imagine. I do not want his reward to be insults, bitterness, and bad memories.

Can someone show me where my reasoning is flawed?
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I have no problem with being defeated. I am absolutely fine with losing. I know some people are not the same about that, but I find losing to be the inevitable coming of any game.

Of course I am an avid internet game player, so I am used to back-stabbing, item taking, and otherwise ruthless players. I am quite adjusted to taking falls at any game.

But, there are other kinds of people, and other kinds of games.

Mr. Draco

First Post
William Ronald said:
Can someone convince me that this is not going to end in animosity and bitterness. I have seen people grumble when they lose NPCs, or a plan falls apart. Based on how people behave, I am afraid a lot of people are going to blame Edena and each other.

You want to know what I see? Mutually assured destruction for practically everyone in the IR. People complaining that this plan or this tactic should have worked.

I hear people talking about victory or seeing how a story ends. I do not see people commenting on the bad feelings that will likely be generated when pretty much the IR is reduced to one or two players. Yes, I think it will go down to that. I think a lot of people will leave this game with bad memories and bad feelings, and Edena will not be thought of well.

Has anyone really thought why Edena is asking for a halt to this? He has his own feelings that I fear will be hurt when this falls apart. Morally, I have to vote for this to stop. Reading between the lines, I think this is not going to be fun for Edena. Participating should be done out of a desire for fun, not be an obligation.

Perhaps we can stop thinking about our individual needs and consider everyone else. Especially our moderator. Don't you think he has very good reasons for asking why this should stop.

He has worked harder on this than most of you likely imagine. I do not want his reward to be insults, bitterness, and bad memories.

Can someone show me where my reasoning is flawed?

I see your point william. While i will not change my vote (that we continue), i will say this, I will not hold anything against edena. The IR has been a blast, and I'll always remember it as that even if the day four results show that everybody attacked the Union of Worlds and it was completely decimated. (just an example)

The thing is, for me, this IR has been like reading a REALLY good book, now I can tell I'm nearing the end because I can see how much of the book is left, but there are still too many things left unfinished for me to even dream of stopping. The end is in sight, and I can't wait to see what happens.

I hope you will not think less of me for my descision, selfish though it may be.


First Post

I emailed you my attack/defense postures... no attack Defense 4 for this turn... and well as for the other stuff no say either way... have fun but lost in all the madness... personally Iuz wants nothing to with the madness and has stood by his reclusiveness to further his plans which affect none but his people...


I agree with Anabstercorian's views. This is a war. This is beyond a game. Our characters, our nations, our dreams for the IR have experienced life...

It is now time to face death.

We have seen, so many wierd things these 7 long turns... twists of fate, sudden surprise alliances, nuclear explosions, usage of 11th level magic... to stop now, to say that it all works out fine in the end, when we damn well know that it isn't and won't end up that way without a whole lot of effort, would be lying to ourselves.

I say, go on. We as people, our characters, and everything that we have interacted with has grown and evolved throughout the last four months. It is as though the world in which we have gamed is alive. To simply stop, is to destroy that suspension of disbelief. To stop, and say that everything would work out fine, would be to destroy everything that we have worked for.

To go on, is to suffer the same fate. But... it would not leave any of us with a feeling of regret... the ocassional thought of: "What would have happened?"... I, for one, could not go through the next few weeks, months, or possibly even years, without wondering what would have happened... everything has it's ups and downs, and I think that we are about to enter the lowest point, from our perspective, the IR has ever hit... it will be nasty... but even so, it will be fun. And the world will still feel... alive.

And, IMHO, the world feeling alive is more important than having fun... we have had a lot of fun thus far, it is time for the realism of the world of the IR to set in, for us to truly feel the profound effects of our actions and suffer the consequences... let us understand what we have done to the world, to the universe, and make the realism come forth in all it's bloody and destructive splendor...


Disclaimer - please excuse my ramblings, I haven't had caffeine today and I am dead tired... however, my vote is "go on."

I have no problem with being overthrown, defeated, killed, or worse either...this IR has been magnificant, but without Edena it would be nothing. I really want more information on how you are doing Edena and what do you think we should do before really making a vote, Hellmaster Phibrizzo plays villain since you needed one methinks, before then if evil was winning perhaps he would betray evil and turn good, he certainly had the capability for either. Red Pudding and destroying the multiverse is fun, but it's only fun if everyone else has fun :)



You are right... but I only think you are partially right...

Kalanyr, for one, would accept being killed. I get that from him. I know he has no expectations beyond trying.

I know that I, for two, will end this game begging for another one.

I know that you, William, for three, could handle a loss and would support Edena.

I know Mr. Draco is a chess player, and I know a lot of chess players. They enjoy the game whether they win or lose, at least the ones that admit they can lose do. I think Mr. Draco could take it.

I know Zelda cares more about roleplaying than winning, as it should be. I trust Zelda to accept defeat the same way the above players would.

I know if Bugbear or Darkness or John Brown were still here they could take it. They know what it means to lose. Especially John Brown, who admited defeat during turn 1.

These are the players I am sure of... that is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 current players and 1,2,3 players that have already left the IR. But I don't know about the rest of you. I don't know how often some of you "get beaten" and have no recourse but to blame someone.

If you know what I am talking about I think I have an anology...

If you play hack n' slash internet RPG's (like Diablo II) and someone cheats you (taking items, player killing, or otherwise being a jerk) you get upset. But some people that are upset remember that they can do nothing more, thier loss if final, and so they leave the game with grace. Then there are those people that flame back and fourth for hours on end, neither party willing to give up that what has happened is done...

I want to continue, and I want to see the end.


Hey, even if Torril, Oerth, and everything else sinks, we still havn't played in Rokugan, right?

Heh... man I was hoping to see the results of dueling... I am curious as to what everyone else is doing. I am curious as to what the results are.

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