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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 5)

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First Post
I request this OOC argument stop now, before it goes any further.

There is great IC anger. As you can see, that IC anger has killed 15 billion people IC, and it may well kill over 100 billion people on day 5.

If you take that anger OOC, it will simply kill the IR.

A few comments, if I may:

OOC: Nice to see you are still trying to grab countries. I suppose that is what drove Reprisal away, a sense that he could not even hold his own power together. You want to play dirty, fine.


Yes, they are playing dirty (or at least ruthlessly.)
That is their style of play.
I have tried to let everyone play this IR according to their own style of play.

My advice is: If you think they are playing dirty, then the only answer is to pulverize the Union of the Worlds. Nothing else will do! :)

- - -

I guess this is why more than one person who left the IR and has talked with me has called this the 'win at all costs IR. This is not an insult, but an observation.


It becomes the Win At All Costs IR if players make it so.
That is not something I can control.
It isn't my right to tell everyone how they must play.

I do regret, however, that the tone of the IR has driven people away.
I cherished some of the people who left, and it hurt when we lost them.

- - -

Anyway, the IR seems to be heading towards the end. If we're not sent into Ravenloft to be slaves to Melkor or Zouron the Taraakians will destroy everyone who's not a member of the Oerth Alliance. The Ravenloft end is more interesting, but nevertheless it's an end.


Never assume.
They thought it was the end repeatedly in IRs 1 and 2, but somehow they kept going.
Things may not turn out as you think.

Besides, who says the taraakians will spare the Alliance of Oerth?

Of course, if you quit the IR, then it will end.
I cannot stop anyone from quitting.
I can, however, hope that they stay.
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William Ronald

I just realized something....

I forgot to give Lannon a first name. I will search for an appropriate name.

My speechwriting energy is almost at an end.

Serpenteye, no insult meant. I do like your strategic thinking. Also, I have to check with Edena but I think I have found the one thing in all the multiverse that the God Emperor does not have that he truly longs for. (No fair guessing, but I will see if the God Emperor (does he have a name?) can receive something more precious than diamonds or gold. If you know what it is, maybe keep quiet so we can make it remarkable, okay?) It is not a trap or anything like that, but you did mention it in one of your previous posts.


In Ishtarland, the Council sit in meeting, for once Altryss is not banging his head on the table.

Kalanyr looks around at the council people of so many races and backgrounds.

"High praise, he gives to me, but its not my doing but yours, if you had no come with me, I would be dead even now. Truly noble speeches from the Leaders of both Toril and the Kevellond League. It is a keen reminder that there is always hope. Speaking of hope, have you arranged sanctuary for the Lost Elves yet?"

Eclavadra looks up from her thoughts
"Yes, they are settled in, in the forests."

"Good, what of the Good Unseelie?"

"The same"


Iggwilv sighs
"Such moving speeches make it hard to concentrate on what we must do. They make you think of so much. But we must remember if we do not act then speeches like those are in vain, there very message ignored and destroyed, we must not let that happen."

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First Post
A unique post from the Alliance of Dread


A new message comes from the Alliance of Dread, and is sent to everyone:

Ok, look everyone.
We are not Angels and we don't believe in Peace Conferences.
We don't like kender, and we don't believe in justice, mercy, tolerance, and all that stuff.

But we do believe you wish to survive.

You DO wish to survive, right???

You're not suicidal? You want to live? Most people do want to live. You're Most People, right?

Just who the heck are these taraakians, coming into our Spheres, and telling us what to do?

Does it matter if they are the most lofty people in existence, or the most demonically evil in existence ... does it matter, if we have to lick their boots, and do what they tell us, or be killed for failure to obey?

They have 12th level magic.
That means they have great power, they know they have great power, and apparently ... they like to throw that power around.
Sounds a lot like us.

We don't pretend that we want peace with any of you, but do you really want to be the slaves - even if it is a noble slavery - of this alien race from another dimension?

We, the Alliance of Dread, say that - despite it all - we have our dignity, and we are the people of Oerth and Toril and Krynn, and nobody tells us what to do, or pushes us around.

With our combined strength, our 11th level magic is as strong as their 12th level magic.
For there are many of us, and only a few of them.

With our combined strength, we can kick their rears out of our affairs.

Just who do they think they are, coming into our Spheres and interfering in our business?
Who appointed them as our Guardians and Rulers?
What gives them the right to self-proclaim themselves as our Leaders?

If all they want to do is halt the Red Poison attack by the Unseelie, that's fine.
They can go and save all the Crystal Spheres they want. That's fine with us.
If they want to spend their time saving other people, we don't mind, and we don't care.

However, we do not need to be saved from ourselves.
We do not need some superpowerful, super lofty race coming in, pointing their superpowered magic at us, and telling us what to do.

For THAT matter, any race that would do so, isn't any better than we are, whatever they pretend to be.

We have the right to determine our own fate.
We have the right to make our own ending.
Even if we all must perish, we have the right to dictate events in our own Spheres.

We believe that this is reasonable thinking by any standard.

We do not pretend that we are your allies, or ever will be.

But if the Alliance of Oerth, the Union of the Worlds, the Hive Cluster, the United Commonwealth and all of it's allies, and everyone else would stand together, and we joined you, we could kick these would be taraakian overlords back to where they belong!


First Post
Because of the latest speech from the Alliance of Dread, and due to the complicated nature of the present state of affairs, I cannot give a time for Resolution of Attacks and Defenses for Day 5 yet.

If you all stick to your present course, Resolution will probably occur in 24 hours, as of this post.

If some of the Powers decide to change their course, I must address that, and resolution will be delayed until I do so.

However, should there be a rush to resolution of Attacks and Defenses for Day 5?
Those Attacks and Defenses could end with the death, IC, of over 100 billion people.
I think most people would agree with me when I say that such things need not be rushed.


If course, if everyone demands I hurry up, and resolve Attacks and Defenses, I will do so.
Nothing like hurriedly burning everything down ...

'o Skoteinos

First Post
Edena, The Forsaken One asked if he could use the reality changes in Ravenloft or if he could use them outside Ravenloft to affect Ravenloft...I haven't seen your response to this (I might have missed it, you might not have answered it)...so, can he?

BTW: How goes the converting of the imprisoned mages? Kaboom and Kalanyr are doing the same thing, and Kaboom even got a 100% power because of this. Is this working for me too (I posted this before, Thread 4 last page)?

William Ronald

One more post after this before bed. (Naturally, when I realized I did not have a first name for Acting President Lannon my bookworm tendencies forced me to go to the Previous IR threads at http://bugbearslair.homestead.com/IR1_IDX.html.)

I have decided to honor two additional IR players with this new political personage. Acting President Lannon's full name is Ian Icarus Lannon, honoring both Reprisal's Ian Payne and icarus who was in the first IR. It also adds a sense of history and continuity between IRs.

I will have to consider Hazen's reply to the new message from the Alliance of Dread. Suffice it to say that they seem to be very afraid. I suggest everyone consider their course of action. In the interim, Hazen will try to learn everything he can about the Taraakians.

In the command bunker of the Kevellond League, Lord Sammel Hain, Larissa Hunter, Emperor Cho-Je Paser of Suhfang, the Druidess Fand Dyvyr, Lord William Ronald of Keoland, Moghyr the Old, Orrin Rilanth, and Gwilym Raonul are sitting at a table.

"I am awed and perhaps a little envious of President Hazen. He truly has become an example of what the questing heart of one man can achieve," Emperor Cho-Je Paser says softly.

"He is remarkable. I am flattered that he attributed my quote to me. It is nice that he gives credit where credit is due," Orrin Rilanth says smiling.

"Well, I have lived 90 years and never saw a day like this. It was also good to hear the UC of Toril having someone stick up for them. I've been a soldier and an innkeeper. If someone had told me about this a year ago, I would have asked what they were drinking," Sammel Hain says, appearing to be in his 30s despite his years.

"I am over 200 years old, and I am still amazed at all that has happened in less than a year. Still, I will say that Hazen rose to the occassion, as usual," Moghyr the Old says while reviewing a scroll.

"In more ways than one," Fand says, shaking her thick black hair. "Still, there is a lot of work to be done. Hazen's proposal on restoring Luna will take a lot of work. As will the proposal to restore the races that Rajaat murdered so long ago. Just thinking about him makes my skin crawl."

"Understandable, Fand. The message from the Alliance of Dread was most unusual," Larissa Hunter says.

"They are afraid. They are afraid that all will oppose them and they will be defeated by us or the Taraakians. What they did not count on was that their actions would have consequences," Gwilym says, shaking his head. "What arrogance."

"Arrogant, yes. However, they did prove one of my points," Lord Ronald says, grinning.

"What is that?" Gwilym asks, looking puzzled.

"The Alliance of Dread's real symbol should be a chicken. Of course, that might give Anabstercorian new ideas about a sign," Lord Ronald says.

"I hope not," Larissa Hunter said. "I would hate to be a parent trying not to explain the last one to a child."

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