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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 5)

William Ronald

I tried

I tried to find some way to keep several billion people and worlds from being devastatated. There is a possibility that the person who has made the threats has no interest in peace and is merely lying.

Fine, you want to play dirty. Here is what I am doing.

My remaining powers will try to summon every good aligned being in the multiverse to fight the Alliance of Dread. I don't care if I get everything from Peter Pan to the Marvel Super Heroes. I am pulling all the stops.

The Forsaken One could have stopped this. I am asking now that he makes nuclear fission and fusion impossible in anything less than a star sized object.

I summon aid from Aerbrinnis, world of the Birthright setting and its continent of Cerilia.

While I have only played Magic the Gathering occassionally, I summon Urza and the Sera Angels.

I summon help from the United Planetary Federation of the Star Frontiers game and the Verge worlds of the Alternity game. And the Top Secret game and Gangbusters. And Boot Hill.

And, Sollir, just to deny them to you, I summon Rocky and Bullwinkle and Natasha from the TSR game of that name. (Sollir, I will let you play with Boris Badenoff and Fearless Leader. And Pikachu too.) Plus whatever I can from the Dragon Dice game.

(Post meant semi-seriously.):D

However, Sollir I have strong reason not to believe you.

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Edena, it seems you missed again that the Scro Armada and the corrups from SKot are defending Mystara.

There are 2 11th factions defending there.

And that I didn't do that, not even thought about it neither did anyone else so don't point the finger at me.

I I cancelled magic on Oerth and Toril I would have killed all undead, all unseelie and seelie, all magical beasts, all Cydians, everything magically based. Would that have been a price worth to pay?

And FEW that I didn't get hit for once :)

IMPORTANT QUESTION: did anyone actually know IC that I have this power exept maybe for Festy? (and skot offcourse). So William, for as far as I know you don't even know I can.

And william, if I'm gonna use changes it's on my own world.. sorry dudes and dudettes. In here for survival like I said.
And since I got a VERY limited number of them.. and I'm not planning on kissing any ass here.. I just act as I see fit for my own race... and like I said, don't point you little holy finger at me since noone came up with the Idea.

And Edena, just 10th and 11th isn't fundamental but specifique. Magic on itself is fundamental and it would eradicate species if I would.
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(If you don't believe me, that's fine, but in defense it was still too short a time to call off an attack with so much uncertainty)

In response:
Read the recent magic books (if this is the time when Urza is alive)...we bring in Phyrexia into play, Urza was corrupted into serving Phyrexia and his actual body has been replaced into a Phyrexian one, he serves Yahgmoth (sp?)

Edit-In truth, none of the good races in Magic can fight against the Phyrexians...
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First Post
The taraakian

Through the wall of the Crystal Sphere that holds Greyspace comes a shooting star, brilliant blue in color.

It is travelling at one thousand times the speed of light, in normal Wildspace.

Nevermind that that is impossible.

The shooting star effect is from a shield that is protecting the bird, and it's rider.

For it is a bird, and the flapping of it's wings takes it invariably to where it wants to go.
It can decelerate in an instant to a standstill.
It can accelerate in an instant to the lesser speed-state that it is in (the greater speed-state requires special preparation.)

The fact that such decelerations and accelerations would produce a Nova does not affect it or it's rider, nor does such a Nova occur, or any other effect.

This bird is a kindly looking bird, with great eyes and a gracious body, huge wings spread out to either side.
The bird coos, a high and haunting sound, as it echoes the feelings of it's rider.

It's rider looks like a human male.
However, the unnaturally pale skin, the snow white hair, and the birthmark on the neck - that of a sword - proclaim this rider to be taraakian.

The taraakian is dressed from head to toe in black, and only his head is not covered.
A soft black material of unknown type covers his legs, body, and arms. It is so black it seems like a Sphere of Annihilation has come, and it never reflects any light.

The taraakian is wearing other things over that black. All of these other things, are blood red.
His belt - it looks like a belt - is red.
His boots are red.
His - partial armor? - is red. Perhaps it is armor, and perhaps it is symbolic. It includes vambraces, protection for the front of his legs, and a red pauldron over his right shoulder.
More to the point, the twin belts that cross his torso, overlapping each other over his heart, are red.

On his left hand, he is wearing some sort of black glove.

On his right hand, he is wearing a very great glove - perhaps the size of a huge winter mitten, which extends clear back to his elbow.
This glove is blazing red.

So too is the scabbard of his sword. His long sword.
There is no peacebinding on that sword, either.

- - -

The bird and it's rider decelerate to lightspeed, and circle Oerth three times.
Grey eyes look down upon that world, and they see everything.
No camera ever made by the United Commonwealth could have seen things more clearly, or more closely.
No supercomputer ever invented by the greatest gnome scientist could have taken in information faster, and relayed that information back to the rest of his kind.
That vision sees what is, and it sees what was.
It looks through people, perceiving all their thoughts, and all their deeds, present - and past.

The God Emperor, Kas, Iuz, Hazen, Kalanyr, Phibrizzo, and others feel this intense scrutiny, feeling themselves suddenly naked and exposed, their entire life being looked at and examined in microscopic detail.
It is, obviously, very unpleasant for some, but there is no way to shut it out.
12th level magic is backing it, and it cannot be halted.

After a single revolution around the planet of Oerth, the rider conducts a circult past the ruined world of Luna, past Celune where Acererak long had his hiding place.

The shooting star that is the taraakian sweeps by the Penumbral Hub, and Anabstercorian - now alerted that something is up - finds his psionic probes blocked, then finds his own mind opened up like a book, and read - in a split second.

The taraakian sweeps through all of Greyspace.
Nothing is overlooked.
Nothing is missed.

Realmspace is next.
The 11th level defenses of the various Powers of Realmspace do not hinder the rider, or stop it's probing.
Perhaps for the first time, the Chosen of Mystra feel a power greater than their own, as their minds and history are sifted through, weighed, and judged.

Then on to Krynnspace, where the Dragon Overlords and their foes alike feel the probing.

Mystara's Immortals cannot stop the Incomer, or even shield their own minds and history from this being.

The taraakian then passes into the Crystal Sphere that holds Athas, and makes a great curve inward towards Athas, circling that world.
Forsaken One's Diadem of Dreams forbids all magic in this Sphere, but the magic of the taraakians is greater than that of the Diadem of Dreams, and ignores it.

Finally, the rider returns to Greyspace, and comes shooting down through Oerth's atmosphere in a blazing fire that lights up the whole sky, as if it were a great meteor crashing into the world.

The rider comes to a stop, and dismounts (he was riding bare-backed, by the way.)

He looks around at the blackened waste that used to be the Domain of Greyhawk.

He says nothing. His race does not speak - and nobody knows if they are able to speak at all by any normal means.

However, his summons is heard, and it is answered.
It is answered immediately, whether those summoned want it or not.
They are all instantly teleported or worldwalked to that spot.

The following people arrive:

The Player Characters of every Power in the IR except Phibrizzo.
If you are reading this, THAT MEANS YOU.
Even Zouron and Melkor are summoned, torn right out of Ravenloft as if the Mists truly were only mists, helpless to stop anyone from passing through their insubstantiality.
Forrester and Erika Lesage, and all the PCs of those who have departed the IR, are summoned also.
(Those players who have abandoned the IR, of course, are not required to play their characters.)

The taraakian does not speak.

The taraakian does, however, immediately show a vision of the near future.

The Red Goo assault is launched.
The Death Machines appear and attack.
11th Level Attacks and Defenses go off.

Krynn is totally destroyed, it's entire surface obliterated.
Krynnspace is sterilized.

Mystara holds out momentarily, then it burns, and the Hollow World inside it is not spared.

A great explosion of Shade turns Toril into a burned-out cinder, Selune erupts in greyish-purple flames, Luna is blown to pieces.
Realmspace is sterilized.

The green-blue world of Oerth glows like the sun, then fades into a ruin of nuclear explosions and red goo, the world slain.
Greyspace dies with Oerth.

The Penumbral Hub is destroyed, Anabstercorian killed.
Venus's great city is destroyed as it is built.

In Ravenloft, the Dark Powers seize upon the Red Goo that was sent there, turning it into a thousand new horrific types of power, taking the concentrated evil and making new and more ghastly things with it.
Not that those sent there from the IR care - they were all killed by the Red Poison assault.

The destruction causes the 5th and 6th Touches to go off instantly.
All the Crystal Spheres are pulled into Ravenloft.

Forsaken One and 'o Skoteinos, suddenly find themselves in Ravenloft, under Melkor's rule.
Melkor instantly destroys the Cube City of 'o Skoteinos.
The Hive Cluster is instantly turned into Shade slaves of Melkor.

All that is left of the IR is consumed by Melkor, turned into his abject slaves, into Shade.

Those spared, the women, become his absolute slaves.

The Angels are no match for the assault - they are slain or driven away.

- - -

The vision of the near future fades, and the leadership is back in the Now.

The taraakian looks around at the leaders of the IR (excluding Phibrizzo, who not only was not brought, but who cannot come here, by any means.)

A telepathic message comes from the taraakian, as he lifts an eyebrow:

Would you all please explain your behavior to us?

William Ronald

Edena: The UC of Toril launched its missiles in a conventional attack meant to work with the magical attack of my allies on the corrupted UC Toril Allies of the Shade. If Sollir can make coordinated multiple conventional attacks, I can coordinate a conventional attack with my allies to have the same effect.

Sollir, there is always a way out of a tough situation. I have been through some rough stuff in real life. So, your threats mean little to me in or out of character.

Lord Ronald speaks to Phibrizzo:

"Well, you have revealed your true colors. No one asked you to surrender, except the Union. There is a way out of the Domains of Dread. I thought I was talking to a great leader. Instead, I am merely addressing a self centered child. You cannot have what you want, so you seek to destroy it. We are summoning everything we have ever heard of that might oppose you. I would say have a nice day, but I don't believe in being a hypocrite."

Edena: Summoning everything I mentioned. I tried at peace, but peace failed. One person can start a war, but many people are needed for a true peace.

Sollir: I did not know that. So, I summon what ever is available. Doctor Strange and the Mighty Thor are going to jump on your behind.:D
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Edena, fundamental change, no nuclear fusion or fission in the Sphere of Athas.

Last attack hurt me enough.

I am transplanting everyone I can from Mystara to Athas, the civ population into protected safe areas. Why?

Because the sun just died out as well. The whole Sphere is cooling down fast.

Like I care? no, I'm immune to cold (neener neener neener) and I still got 11th there.

The civilian poppulation will be teleported and safeguarded in the hive clusters beneat the surface of Athas.

The Swarms will take up defensive positions around Athas and prepare for any type of assault that might be launched at this sphere.

The Queen herself and the few I might have bred from my new Race that I am just calling the Zerg now (yeah going through with this :p exept these got psionic powers as well like the toss, I just got purity of form and essence mixed :D To boldly go where no blizzard employee has gone before!), are being sent to the Silver Hive. The controlling queen will be killed and the renegade brood will be assimilated.

After that they will retreat into Athas again and take up precoordinated positions and taskes.

Made us for the Swarm!!!


Kalanyr steps forth

" I can explain my actions. I do what is necessary to defend my people and my allies. I do what I can to stop the Red Goo infestation spreading further. That is all. Judge me as you wish. This is not the time for fancy words. "


First Post
Vaeregoth is pulled to Oerth, just like everyone else.
There is no choice given, and refusal to go is not an option.

The taraakian repeats himself, telepathically:

- - -

Would you care to explain your behavior to us?

Black Omega

First Post
Sollir Furryfoot said:
"You have all had your chance, I said destruction would come, didn't I? You failed to listen, three times...and you will pay for it, indecision is your weakness yet I have already made up my mind it seems-you take me for a fool, expect me to surrender to you, and be destroyed in the process! The tarakaans might come, but either way the Legion of Dread as well as the Dark Powers will win."

Indecision? How is saying 'No' three times indecision? I'll make it easy on you one more time. No. We will not surrounder. If we might you may destroy us. If we surrounder you -will- destroy us. For Oerth and all Realmspace, we will oppose you until nothing is left of the Dread Alliance but bad memories.

Voidrunner's Codex

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