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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 6)


" I will admit I do not have such a solution, such things are what I search for. I just do not believe that the peace of the sword is a peace at all. True peace is a conscious choice not a death sentence hanging over you."
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Iuz ponders before he goes... "An alternative? I can say that we as people need to understand that not all differences of opinion must end in bloodshed... I am a villain I will not deny that... but wholesale slaughter ona a whim is an act that proves to be pointless in the end... and costly."

"Respect... and a need to look at more then what a single action will net oneself... we must respect each other... you call us children... that in and of itself denotes a sense of disrespect. You look at us and consider us already beneath notice... that is not the beginning to a healthy relationship where equality and compromise can begin. You have been rebuked... for obvious reasons... you bring peace by the sword... there is no peace in that."

Iuz ponders for a moment, "Look to a respect for life... cherish what we have... I find this ironic that I must say it.. but it simply comes down to a simple statement from a human on this oft world called Earth... 'Can't we all just get along?'"

With that Iuz dissipates into nothingness and returns to his work...
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((okay I admit I cannot NOT answer for Zouron the Dark hehe I am not coming back just really.... really want to do his reaction call it the compulsive gamer))

*The dark being floats from the shadow, it's cold consuming eyes watches the taraakiens, it's mere vision corrupted and perverted, any humanity left is long gone, it reaches out with a hand and draws down from the sky a small bird with the help of its massive will. the birds land somewhat unwilling on its hand weakening fast then it dies... the bird's body turning to dust in matter of moments, however it's shadow vibranent and almost living races out to take what it cannot anymore have from others.
The Being turns to the taraakien and then speaks with its hallow and inhuman voice.*

Answers sought, Answers give
Oblivion was, Oblivion returns

Might of magic fades, Might of words pales
Darkness shall fall, Darkness is given
Weak the mighty was, Weak all be

Essence of eternity ends, Essence of Life ends
Mists shall fade now, Crystals shall fade then
Armies shall march, Armies will one with dust be
Hide in fear for a moment, Oblivion takes it away

*The being seems to watch the taraakien for a bit, then it turns to melkor. The Being studies melkor for a moment then it takes out of the air and writes with the soul of the dead bird.*

The Lord of Shade Falls, The Living Falls.
The Lord of Shadow nevermore, Oblivion gave a gift.

*The being dismisses the book with a simple gesture, adn though the vile book vanishes it seems the being itself corrupts the setting the light is weaker then before it seems, the sun does not seem to shine as warm. The very essence of the Being corrupts its surroundings and it knows it, and its cold hatred strive on it*

William Ronald

Hazen closes his eyes for a moment and begins thinking as he gazes at everyone. He gazes past everyone into Infinity. He touches the Taraakian ambassador gently, wiping away his tears. He radiates love and hope.

Yes, Hazen thinks, it is possible. We can have a compromise or two. Hope is not yet gone. Hope Is.

"I am sorry, brother, that my message caused you pain. However, there were some things which I thought must be said, for the good of all."

"Here is something I am willing to accept. I am willing to personally join your Empire, and accept some loss of power. I ask that we have the opportunity to earn it back. We may, if you desire, suffer the loss of power after any mutual threats are eliminated if need be. Or if all agree to some form of peace, true peace -not a false peace, then I would accept a loss of power immediately."

"For those who are most independent, such as Lord Kalanyr and Lady Siobhan, another compromise may be possible. They have sworn to help repair the damaged worlds. If there are those you must fight to secure this peace, they can pledge their assistance and promise future military assistance to you.Possibly a military alliance and a pledge to contribute a percentage of their resources to help those who were attacked and restore their worlds. I do not believe you truly wish to fight those whose values are remarkably similar to your own. I think the Taraakians, the Seelie, and Lord Kalanyr's people could all learn much from each other if they work together. I will tell you that if Lord Kalanyr and Lady Siobhan had to spend millenia repairing those worlds, they would do so out of love for their peoples. Talk to them. Siobhan and Kalanyr, I believe the Taraakians will require something of you as you require of them. Work it out. You love freedom and do not wish to surrender it. Perhaps you could surrender a portion of your power as a show of faith. Said portion to be returned upon proving your trust worthiness. Or to devote a portion of your power for the good of those the Taraakians have sworn to protect. A contribution, as it were, of power and resources to aid the needy."

"Lord Kalanyr and Lady Siobhan, it may be necessary to give up some of your power for a time to prove to the Taraakians that you are mature and wise enough to wield it. This process can be detailed on how we can win each others trust. Please, there has to be some compromise."

"They may be unwilling to surrender their power, but they can pledge to devote a great amount of their resources to helping you and your people. They can also aid you diplomatically in talking with their peoples through different worlds. Kalanyr and Siobhan, surely you can reach some sort of agreement. Offer them something. Diplomacy is about give and take."

"There are also other possibilities. For example, it is agreed that you do not want to see us destroyed. As part of our agreement, we can try to be a voice of reasons to worlds that are in danger of self destruction. I think we have a moral obligation to prevent this sort of tragedy from occuring."

"Others may find other compromises. I realize we must give something to you that is substantial for your aid. Whether a reduction in our power until we can prove that we are reasonable persons who can handle power responsibly, or a military, political and economic alliance to protect each other, restore worlds, and make a difference. We have much that we can give one another and share. Truly together we are greater than we are separately."

Acting President Ian Icarus Lannon of the UC of Toril steps forward towards the Taraakian ambassador.

"As long as we can keep our Constitution and have some self government, Hazen's compromise sounds good. We lost our great spellcasters."

"Plus I have a question. We ceded land to a member of the Alliance of Dread and the people they forcibly converted in the interest of peace. Maybe we can obtain those people back -- the richest and most populous territories of the UC of Toril -- or at least have the people there regain their free will and vote on it. Maybe the latter would be fairer. I think peace would be good. At least I am sure your people will keep their word, Mister Ambassador. So, I want to talk with you."

(OOC: The UC of Toril would want its territories back after being attacked. An election of people who are not corrupted but have free will would be a fun contest in the IR.)

"We really don't know each other. Hazen has said that respect is given, but trust must be earned. Ambassador of the Taraakians, you said that the UC has your respect. I would like a chance to earn your trust. Maybe joining your Empire -- even if it is just until we prove we can be trusted to be responsible and independent -- might be the start of a beautiful friendship. Let's talk and find a way to help each other out,"" Lannon says. He extends a friendly hand towards the Taraakian ambassador.

"I think you are a good man. Everyone, let's talk. Maybe each of us will need separate agreements. However, the Taraakians want our people to live. I must thank them for that and caring about us. There has to be a lot of good in them to risk so much for us," Lannon says. There is an honest and open smile on his face. Yes, he is unhappy with what happened in Calimshan, Amn, and Tethyr but he is honest about a real vote of people with free will if that would be fair. He also wants an explanation on why the Shade broke their agreement and attacked. (OOC: Melkor, I know you said you wouldn't have attacked. However, you can maybe have the people you corrupted give an explanation. I am trying to have someone who has good reason to hate your faction give them a chance. Something that might not happen in real life politics."
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Unfortunately, no, Melkor.

The taraakian looks at Melkor, and communicates:

- - -

What will you do, to aid in the solution, Melkor?

Or will you insist on continuing to be the problem?

Most certainly Zouron the Dark insists.
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First Post
Talindra speaks up... "Lord Iuz and his empire will NOT relinquish any of our power... such demands seek to belittle us... we are content with the abilities we have... and will not lose our right to continue as we see fit."

She looks Hazen, "The sentiment is good... but we do not agree such a compromise... we lose all footing we have and it will cripple my lords plans. Only prolonguing his quest to provide a new home to his people..."
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"Compromise is acceptable. Slavery is not. We have no real desire to do harm to the Taraakian's or any beings. We fight because we believe in our cause not for the sake of death. Did you know Taraakian that I possess the Mask of Jhodyee? If I chose to wear it not even you could read my mind. Yet I did not. I do not desire war or deceit, I merely wish peace and freedom. I owe a thousands times the years I have lived, doing good to make up for the evil I have done. My people are much the same, the elves of Dreipner and our allies from other places owe no such debt, but I believe that they would still spend just as long undoing any damage done.

Taraakian I ask of you, speak what you desire of myself and my people. And can I please have your name? Its disturbing speaking to a being without a name. "

Voidrunner's Codex

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