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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 8)

Demon Lord Baelros was contemplating a new situation. Now with Melkor`s imprisonment he was in charge... fortunately Red Armies has almost crushed the rebellion and absorbed allmost all of Shade into Red Scourge. Soon, Melkor`s wish shall be fullfilled, he would not fail his master, The Night Eternal shall rule supreme!

Yet he felt quite uneasy speaking to what resembled a quite huge Sphere of Anhilation, inside he could see a complete and total emtiness, Void with no end, where everything finds its doom, The True Death.

-Everything is going according to the plan, soon you shall be able to manifest in this multiverse in almost full glory.

It responed, its words conjured the images of billions of worlds dying, of stars imploding, infinity of voices crying in unison before only silence is left. It was beautiful, Baelros could feel The Primordial Entropy, Eternal Desire for oblivion, he wanted it to claim him, he wanted to imbrace The Eternity, to be part of it.. but the time hasn`t come yet! He could now fully understand his Master, it was a cause trully worth of serving, especially for a Demonic being!

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OOC: Mr Draco, it is nice that you are referencing history of my country, actually we have been defending for a month, 2 times longer that France! And it would have been even longer if it wasn`t for Stalin backstabbing us! And of course our allies attacking Germany from The West would have also helped quite a bit.
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First Post
Rulings and answers

- - -


Now, we'll just have to prevent that from happening, don't we?
It was wrong for me to even think of this suicide plan, it was just plain wrong. I'm sorry for that. I will stick around, untill turn 10 at least, if we make that
I'll be gone for the early (in my timezone anyway) part of the day, come online in the afternoon and again be gone again near the evening.
I am preparing a big IC post, to explain my deeds to my allies.


Venus has declared both his Powers are moving into the Kevellond League.

- - -


Well Black Omega, do we go along with this? My response is currently: seems like a good idea.


Wishes to know the answer to this himself.

- - -

'o Skoteinos

(article deleted)


'o Skoteinos has only moved his civilians into the Kevellond League.
His Immortals, and his army, have not entered - thus, I am counting that his Powers have not entered.

- - -

Black Omega

Vesve is mostly inside the Domain of Hope already, so sure. move your people on in. I agree.


Black Omega's Power has now moved inside the Kevellond League.

- - -


My powers/population are moving in if Hazen will have us. Settle down somewhere near where Vesve is/should be.


Kalanyr's Powers have moved into the Kevellond League.

- - -

'o Skoteinos

All my Orcs and the civilian population from mystrara go to the demiplane of hope.


As noted above. This means the Powers run by 'o Skoteinos have not entered the Kevellond League. Consider that a ruling.

- - -


Anabstercorian looks over the shattered waste of the glory of the Penumbral Hub with a heavy heart. The cold vacuum of space envelops all, and the broken towers and cracked Substare lie fallow of hope and dreams.

<< Look where I have led my people. >>

And he starts to cry, leaning on the True Staff, supported by the arcane knowledge of massive armies and whole civilizations - Yet he has still reached too far, it seems.

<< All surviving PostIllithid! Travel to the shelters of the Kevrellond League. I will be guarding them, and the Demiplane of Hope, with my life. >>

Edena, Anabstercorian is guarding the Demiplane of Hope against invasion and incursion by enemy forces.


Actually, half of the Penumbral Hub and more than half your people have survived (see the Second Chance post.)

Anabstercorian's Powers have now moved into the Kevellond League.

- - -


Alzem moves his people to the DoH.

“Hello Hazen we are here, as we were told to come”

OOC: Anabstercorian - Blah, blah, blah. That's all we really hear
Edena I will also protect Anabstercorian's people if they need it.


Spoof's Powers have moved into the Kevellond League.

- - -


Iuz is not leading his people to the Demiplane of Hope... he has his own plane... and one he feels will serve him well.. and his people...


Tokiwong has not moved his Powers into the Kevellond League.

- - -

Mr. Draco


Sure, the Union of Worlds will move everything into the demiplane of hope. It seems like the Taraakians want to try again with "normal" relations with us Perhaps after the fighting they figured out that it wasn't proper diplomacy to leave a possible ally alone in the middle of a discussion and launch an attack? Either way, the Union of Worlds is going to move EVERYTHING of ours into the demiplane of hope. We only demand that in our sector (where all of our people/bases/etc are located) our subjects follow our law.
So, without further ado, the Union is moving.


The Union of Oerth is moving into the Kevellond League.
There is precious little room.
Over 200 billion people are now in the Kevellond League and it's upper air ally, Starleev.
It's getting pretty crowded in here.

Funny thing, but not a single taraakian has entered the Kevellond League.

- - -


Iuz sends a vision of himself to Hazen... "We appreciate the offer... but the Demipleane of Hope is counter to many of the beleiefs of my people and I wish to give them the chance to fulfill their own destinies... I shall maintain my own plane and city... we are aware of the threats in the coming conflict and bid you luck... Angel..."

Iuz pauses, "We must decline... for now. Perhaps if we survive our two worlds can expereince and trade and crowth... for now... we must focus on our survival..."

OOC: No problem William... just got lucky and hit my favorites and blammo here I was


And again, Iuz rejects the taraakian order.

- - -


I get my people inside the demiplane of Hope yesterday. A flurry of dragons and assorted other beasts show up at your doorstep, William. If you need to preserve space, just tell them to shrink into some small insect and watch your feet!

There, I've read thread 8, now I'll go back and read 6 and 7.


Welcome back, Alyx. :)

You may not like what you read on the latest threads, my friend.

Alyx's Powers have now moved inside the Kevellond League.

I'm limited to about an hour of internet access each day now, until the cords go back up.
Thinking about switching my service provider. Allow me to convey my utmost serious apologies to Edena, William, Anab, all of you who are working so hard on the IR for my absence. With any luck this will be all over soon for me, and I can come back to stay. I am really feeling bad about my absence, so please don't let it inconvinience any of you in any way.
Since I will most likely be internet uncabable for the next two days, I'll use my powers resources for William's benefit as much as possible.
I'll catch up for this week, and then skim this weekend's activities on Monday. Best of luck, friends.


Cheers to you, Alyx.
No need to apologize for your server or your choices!
I'm just glad you're back. :)

- - -


I'll tell you this, people - If my hunch is correct, anyone who isn't inside the Demiplane of Hope in 24 hours is screwed. I think the Taraakians are turning back to their original plan.


The taraakians are giving no indication whatsoever that they are going to attack any IR Power.
Indeed, the taraakians haven't even been heard from since they issued their order.

I, for one, agree with them.
If you want to stop them, good luck, but you'll have to go through a hell of a lot of angry Militant Fair. I'd run like hell if I were you.
11th level actions:
Level 4 Attack on the Loch Nar
Level 4 defense over the Demiplane of Hope, because, frankly, the Loch Nar makes me crap my trousers
Wonder: Boost Anabstercorian's PL by 20



- - -


I noted this in the other thread, but I'll repost it here.
The Church of Mercy (and millions if not billions of refugees) will be moved into the plane of hope. I am bringing my demi-planes with me, and closing all entrances leading to anywhere other than the plane of hope. This is just to keep space up.
I am adding my full defense (which DOES stack according to the DM) to the plane of hope. That gives it +26 Defense. I am launching a level 8 Attack against the Lok 'nar. I am launching an assault, but that is secret -isn't it?


ANY attack declarations and assault declarations are secret.
If you decide to attack another Power that has come to the Demiplane of Hope, your Attack is secret until it goes off.

Creamsteak's Powers are now all in the Kevellond League, where space is at a premium.

- - -


OOC: I thought the Lok'Nar was an evil entity from the Heavy Metal movie... an orb of green... really evil... and eternal enemy of the Taraakians


The Union of Oerth committed an evil act in summoning it here.
Hopefully, all of you will not have to suffer the consequences of that summoning.

- - -


Edena: is it possible to drag The Nations of the Chosen of Mystra into the DoH?


Yes. Unless you state otherwise, I am assuming you have moved your Powers to the Kevellond League.

- - -


Ok, if all defences on the Plane of Hope from those inside stack, I'm changing what I'm doing, not like it matters if people know.
Defence: Ishtarland (4 (day one) + 10 (5 days charging) + 1 (Avatar) is added to Demiplane.
Angels Defence: Demiplane (4)
Unseelie Defence: Demiplane (6)
Attack: Ishtarland (4+1(Avatar))
Unseelie (4)
Angels (4)
All at Loch-Nar
Summary: 25 Defence on Demiplane of Hope
13 Attack Loch Nar
Mask of Johdee: No one is scrying the Demiplane of Hope.
11th level Wonder:
Ishtarland/Unseelie: Ready to support what the Coalition of Light and Shadow are doing if it will work (everything possible will be done to support it, including the same steps as the Coalition are willing to take) and Angels countering suicide attacks.
Ishtarland: Steal Lolths Drow Portfolio
Unseelie: Increase Kalanyr's PL by 20
Angels: Counter Suicide Attacks
My powers move to the Demiplane of Hope.


All of Kalanyr's Powers are now in the Kevellond League.

- - -

Edena, is the Lok'nar a green ball, or a ship?


It appears as a great green jewel.
It is actually a being from a Category 10 magical reality.
It is so inherently magical that in this reality (which is Category 6, magically) it cannot assume it's native form.
Thus, it appears as a great jewel instead.

It is quite an arrogant, unpleasant, and evil being ... it is definitely not good company to be around.

- - -


Bringing up the topic yet again,

I just tried Google, and I got two references:

(rest of article deleted)


Those references aren't relevant here.
The Taraakian Star Empire consists of millions of worlds.
Their greatest enemy is the Loch-Nar.
Their second greatest enemy are the Sleen.

In the dimension of the Spheres (Crystal Spheres), the taraakians, sleen, and loch-nar have never been a real presence before.
The IR has brought them in force to the Spheres in the local area.

The presence of deities in most of the Spheres has proven a deterrent to the taraakians, sleen, and loch-nar.
None of the three will enter any Sphere that has deities.
It would appear the deities have this tendency to kick them out or kill them, if they show up.

The IR Spheres have deities, so this is an exception (the only exception) to the rules.

Those who have travelled to the Outer Planes, have found a place where these three entities can never go.

- - -

Melkor, Lord Of ALL!

Edena, could you respond to my last email?


I have to read it first. Will do.

- - -

Melkor, Lord Of ALL!

Leader of The Red Army of Ravenloft laughs:
-Let those fools escape, there is nowhere to hide, soon Hope will die, The Night Eternal shall rule supreme!


The Alliance of Dread, still in place on Oerth, laughs with Melkor.
Soon indeed, they state. Soon indeed.

- - -

Mr. Draco

William: Thanks for the rp ideas, i just can't resist.

(rest of article deleted)


The DM smiles.

Nice rping, Mr Draco. Nice rping, William. :)


First Post
Due to the ENBoard experiment, what was going to happen was pushed back 24 hours.

Therefore, it is now 18 hours IRL from that point still.

- - -

The following Powers have entered the Kevellond League

All of Alyx's Powers
Anabstercorian's Powers
Black Omega's Powers
Creamsteak's Powers
Dagger's Powers (run by William)
All of Mr. Draco and Serpenteye's Powers
Kaboom's Powers
Kalanyr's Powers
Spoof's Powers
Uvenelei's Power
Venus's Powers
William's Powers
Zelda's Powers (I think ... Black Omega, is this right?)
The Silver Hive (played by the DM)

The following Powers, who were ordered to enter the Kevellond League, have not entered the Kevellond League:

Festy Dog's Power
Forsaken One's Powers
GnomeWork's Powers
'o Skoteino's Powers
Tokiwong's Powers

- - -

So far, folks, nothing has happened.
Nothing, except that the 200 odd billion beings in the Kevellond League are smelling the place up.
Since there was no room for all of them on the ground, most have taken to the air, in the sky-realm of Starleeva.
Since Starleeva is a magical cloud realm, and people must relieve themselves, this adds a new dimension to the words acid rainfall.

Now, as of the moment, nobody in the Kevellond League has started fighting anyone else in the Kevellond League.
However, you could freely choose to do so.
Hazen does not have the power to stop you - he is not a Domain Lord, and this is not Ravenloft.

Hazen and his people are only a tiny minority of all those now crammed into the Kevellond League.
You can pretty much do as you please.

This DM is curious - what are you doing?

Of course, I will be reviewing your declarations of Attack and Defense very shortly.
These will remain secret until they go off.
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First Post

The Dark Powers are now awarding Hellmaster Phibrizzo.

For you see, folks, the Dark Powers contacted the Hellmaster in secret (via e-mail from Yours Truly!) and offered to him the same thing offered to Melkor.

A new Domain opens in Ravenloft, big enough to swallow the whole of the IR (including those of you who think you are safe because you fled to other Planes or Spheres.)

Hellmaster Phibrizzo becomes Domain Lord here, and he is God in this Domain.
He sets the rules, declares what magic will and will not work, what technology will and will not work, and all in his Domain are his private property.

The Hellmaster may elect to take his entire Power with him, or leave them on Oerth, where they can continue their assault.

The Domain created by Melkor also remains, even though it's Darklord is gone.
The Domain awaits a new Darklord - and if the Shade outside Ravenloft all self-destruct, the Domain will pick one of the Shade who came with Melkor to be Darklord.

The 70 million innocent people (or, not so innocent people) from Oerth that were pulled into Ravenloft, remain trapped in Ravenloft.

Whatever the taraakians are doing, rescuing these people is not a part of it.


First Post
I posted it on the test boards, but all of my people are moving into the Demiplane of Hope. I sent you an email with attack/defense, Edena.


First Post
I wish to repeat myself here:

The following Powers, who were ordered to enter the Kevellond League, have not entered the Kevellond League:

Festy Dog's Power
Forsaken One's Powers
GnomeWork's Powers
'o Skoteino's Powers
Tokiwong's Powers

- - -

Whatever is going to happen, is going to happen 18 hours from the typing of these words.
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Posted by Edena:

Whatever is going to happen, is going to happen 18 hours from the typing of these words.

It is unfortunate, since I will be ofline for entire Saturday and maybe even Sunday.

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