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(IR) The Imaginary IR


The Now Completely Crazy People of the Miranda Alliance would like to thank the NFS for producing such fine meals and would like to order a continuous supply.

Demogorgon stares at the Gas Giants and strange hamsters, apparently sufficiently disbelieving as to not eat them, yet.

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Paxus Asclepius

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Bugbear said:
Your Rakasha army is disqualified. An adventuring party, according to the Great Hunt Adventuring Association (GHAA) rules, is four members (ECL 0 Races).

When they return to your lands you find that severial are missing however. Inqueres into the mattere reveil that the beast trainers Regfreid and Soy have taken them to use in there animal show.

The Wolf God is highly upset. To assuage his displeasure, he eats Regfried and Soy.

William Ronald

IR Chats This Weekend

There will be two scheduled IR chats this weekend. The first will be at Saturday 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time ( 2 A.M. Greenwich Meridian Time) and on Sunday at 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (8 p.m. GMT).

This might be a way for each of us to talk about the game, and maybe even help a few potential new players.


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The Elves of Aliador have finally resurrected all their slain children (in the Imaginary IR, resurrection is possible.)
The Elves hold a very large and joyous (a solemn joy) celebration in Varna to mark this moment.

Queen Yolande and Lady Moonbow of the Lendores, also resurrected, join the celebration.

And Lord Arden of the once League of Athyr (now, completely within Greater Aliador) is also present, thankful for the elvish resurrection.


The Elves of Aliador bring home ALL their children (and the children of those other nations they were protecting) from wherever they sent them for safety (even from Xaels' elven demiplane.) They are brought home in time to partake in the celebration noted above.


The Elves of Aliador begin the construction of Shields (Aerial and Surface) around all their cities in Aliador, and in the major cities of the Theocracy of the Pale, Ratik, the Lendores, Celene, Veluna, the Yeomanry, Furyondy, Keoland, and other nations.
In this, the full magical might of the wizards of the Sheldomar Valley come to their aid, along with the wizards of the Lortmils.


The Elves of Aliador remain loyal to the Seldarine.
This is a matter of their nature. They would not be disloyal to each other, or knife each other in the back. And so, they will not turn their backs on their deities, regardless of perceived faults and mistakes.

The Star Elves (formerly the Good Drow) are reverting en mass to a being they call the Shining Lady.
Who is she?

She is known to be:

- A Power of the 7th Heaven, and Lawful Good.
- She always appears as a woman, usually a young woman, and usually of the race of the worshipper.
- She does not require worship, sacrifices, or rituals ... although occasionally her followers do all three. She does not seem to require anything at all. Yet all those who follow the Shining Lady revere her.
- She has no written code of conduct. Yet her code of conduct must be very strict. Because all who revere her follow an extremely strict code of conduct which resembles that of a paladin, but which is far more peaceful.
- She doesn't appear to demand any of her worshippers follow her code of conduct. Yet they all do, for some unknown reason.
- She grants a 'get into Heaven free' pass to all who worship her. Or so it would seem: she forgives all their past transgressions, and seems to forgive any new transgressions, and always seems to be about forgiveness, mercy, understanding, and kindness. And yet ... despite the lack of penalty or vengeance for disobedience ... her worshippers very, very rarely break her tenets, or commit evil deeds. Those that do these things, tend to collapse into tears and repent quickly for no apparent reason. As for the 'get into Heaven free' pass, it seems to make perfect sense to her worshippers, and no sense to anyone else.
- It is evident the Shining Lady values and cherishes life, happiness, hope, fulfillment, self-actualization, mercy, tolerance, kindness, compromise, civilization, personal and communal achievement, and civilized behavior.
- The Shining Lady does not grant spells, yet her worshippers claim she is an omnipresent force. They claim they can feel her even though the Crystal Sphere is sealed, although not in the way they could if it was open. (This, of course, does not make sense, but those who worship her disagree.)
- Those who revere the Shining Lady obtain clerical spells and can turn (but not command) the undead. How they do this is quite a mystery, since the Shining Lady herself does not grant such powers.

The Star Elves are turning to her in droves. Apparently, Eilistraee approves of this, too.


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There's been some sort of strange development in the Empire of Iuz.
Lady Shadow, the Dark Drow Leader, got ahold of a magical box with some funny markings on it.
She called it a Lament Box, or (perhaps) a Box of Lamentation.

Anyways, she opened it up, and then ...

Well, nobody knows for sure what happened then.
Dark Drow who escaped the event have reported to Iuz events just a little too unbelievable to take seriously.
Apparently, though, Lady Shadow is dead, having been ... apparently ... torn to pieces with ... hooks?
And something is now free, something real bad. Nobody knows what it is. A number of people who initially tried to find out disappeared. Wizards scrying the area were found shredded in their towers.

Aliador is speculating this could be the Big Bad they foresaw coming. Perhaps this is Vecna?


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Overgod Rhynnon sends a letter to the Shining Lady (care of the Star Elves) written on tree bark and written in crayon, asking her to join him for tea and to accept him as her one true lord and savior before it is too late.

The Pink Ninjas also send a message to The Shining Lady (care of the Star Elves) demanding that SHE be released. This is your first and only warning. Included with the letter is the severed head of a children's doll to show that they are serious.


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A soft, gentle warmth envelops Rhynnon.
If the Shining Lady still exists in Greyspace in spite of the Closing of the Shield, he has most certainly drawn her attention.
Being the object of her attention is like standing in front of a warm sun, after being out freezing all night. Or lying in a warm bath, after working all day. Or, perhaps, sitting in the soft lap of a loving mother who is singing gently to you.

She says she does not worship others.
She says she does not demand or even ask for worship.
She says to Rhynnon that he deserves to revere himself. She says she reveres the beauty in his heart. She says she reveres his frail mortality. She says she reveres his noble mind. She ... seems to think very, very highly of him ... and her empathetic support - her empathetic reverence and honor and support ... is an overwhelming draught, the sweetest of elixirs, the best feel-good experience Rhynnon has enjoyed in a long time.
And what does the Shining Lady want, in return for her respect, reverence, honor, and love? Nothing. Nothing at all. Zip. Null.

(is now bleeding profusely, having been attacked by a dog ... lol ... and no, I'm not joking)

A strange apparition has shown up in the Theocracy of the Pale.
He says he is from Hell. He says he is there to reward the clerics of Pholtus for their blind devotion and persecution of all other religions. He says he brings pleasure ... and pain.
Shortly thereafter, a fairly large number of people in the Theocracy are dead. Their corpses are badly mutilated, and it would appear they were cut apart by ... knives?

The Lord of Aliador, with a large force of elves, moves to investigate this figure and his (apparently) growing group of followers.
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Demogorgon publicly announces he would like to meat with the Shining Lady. It/They also declare themselves as greater gods and possessing 9.9999999999999 x 10^999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 th level magic, and 2000 Kilograms of Antimatter.


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(comes back with his new tetanus/diptheria booster, covered in antibiotic ointment, and a lot of oral antibiotics ... and considerable wear and tear.)

The Elves of Aliador do not know what levels or antimatter are.
Neither do the Star Elves.

The Star Elves and Eilistraee both comment that it is impossible to meet with the Shining Lady, since she is in the 7th Heaven, and the Greyspace Crystal Sphere has been sealed off from all places Outside.
They do not know how the Shining Lady is manifesting in Greyspace (if she is manifesting at all, for the star elves could be misled on this.)

The Lord of Aliador gets busy looking for whoever it was who butchered eight of the High Clerics of Pholtus, leaving a trail of red gore in his wake.
The Lord of Aliador states it could be Vecna, because it is showing up to divinations as being VERY evil.
Yet, Vecna wouldn't employ such tactics, thinks the Lord of Aliador. It isn't like him.

The Elves of Aliador request Demogorgon to cease and desist his attacks on the Empire of Lynn. Of course, they hardly expect him to congenially say Yes, but who knows ...
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First Post

James has, apparently, melted the ice in Polaria.
This is having some minor side effects on Oerth.

The waters around Polaria are warming, quickly and drastically, as there is no longer any freezing water spilling down from the Polarian Ice.
The climate across Oerths' southern hemisphere is warming. Everywhere, snowfields are melting, glaciers are in rapid retreat, and heavy rains and heat waves are assailing many areas.
In the equatorial regions of Oerth, a sudden drought is taking hold, accompanied by strong winds as cold air from the northern hemisphere (with the large icecap over Hyperboria) blows across the equator into the warm southern hemisphere. This does not cause any cooling at the equator (instead, it becomes warmer as the sunlight ceases to be interrupted by clouds and storms) but in the deserts of the northern hemisphere dust storms and freak winter heat and cold waves are produced.
There is no effect yet on the temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere, or in the high latitudes. Yet ocean currents are changing in the southern hemisphere and at the equator, and this will eventually affect the northern hemisphere.

Also, the sea level is rising rapidly, due to thermal expansion of the warmer waters of the oceans, and due to glacial runoff. The ocean is up several inches, and rising. Coastal flooding is a problem worldwide.

Voidrunner's Codex

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