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(IR) What would your PC do if he or she received the Wanderer's Sending - Thread Two

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To Serpenteye

Sunndi has fallen. It is now your private property :D
You gain 4 points for it, too - I will adjust the list on page one accordingly.
Mr. Draco is now running Rel Astra, and Rel Astra continues to successfully defy you.

A lot of refugees, especially clergy of the various faiths and those devoted to them, have fled into Adri Forest and into the Grandwood.
Many more have fled across the borders into Nyrond and Urnst, or even into the Iron League.

Your attempt to beat your way into Adri Forest is running into problems; the elves there are putting up one heck of a fight.

The anarchy in the Great Kingdom of Aerdi has subsided.
Although pretty much every church in the Realm is now a burned out shell, plundered of everything valuable or useful.

You have stated you are beginning industrialization ... so be it.

The Great Kingdom of Aerdi begins the Industrial Revolution.

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To William

Sunndi repeatedly appealed for help and aid to the Kevellond League.
Now, Sunndi has fallen.

The Sunndi ambassador to your lands curses your lords as hypocrites.
He asks you if you're going to stand around and let Rel Astra, the Grandwood, and the Iron League go the same route??

Greyhawk City decides it wasn't the Kevellond League after all who attacked them.
They do not apologize for their mistake, however.
Greyhawk City is now so much under the influence of the Church of Shade that it might as well be one of their possessions.
The Circle of Eight have fled Greyhawk and are assembling somewhere else ... probably Mordenkainen's Citadel of Steel, the location of which is not known.
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To John Brown

Nobody yet knows IC that Vecna is in Aerdi.
They are keeping THAT one a very, very, very careful secret.

There is no need (and indeed no way) you can now send troops against Vecna's legions, since they are all on Toril, and Toril's Guardians have sealed the Sphere.
Besides, Toril and the Angels will crush Vecna's legions pretty quickly, in spite of the damage they have done.

You are bringing demons in, eh?
Very well. The number of demons entering Oerth DOUBLES.
You now have 3 Points worth of demons, and have joined the Planar Arms race. That 3 points will rise rapidly, as more demons pour in (what the limit is on how many demons can come into Oerth is, is not known.)

You are industrializing. Very well.
The Empire of Iuz is joining the Industrial Revolution.

Ivid, I wondered when someone would speak of him.
He is in Rauxes, but at the moment there is some sort of shield over Rauxes. Nothing can get in or out. (that will change very short, but nobody knows that.)
And no, Ivid will NOT be happy with the upstart who has usurped his throne!

Yagig you can contact. Yagig the Insane.
He demands to know what you want?
He states he isn't concerning about Vecna because obviously the Torilians killed him.
He asks again what you want?
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First Post
William, you most definitely do not know Vecna is in Aerdi.

Demons ARE bringing brought, in huge numbers, into Oerth, by both the drow and by Iuz.
What kind of Celestials are you petitioning for help, William?

Ok, the Kevellond Alliance is joining the Industrial Revolution. Welcome to the club :)


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Darkness, welcome to the Planar Arms race.
You have now brought in 3 points worth of Elementals (of all the kinds you are summoning - what kinds exactly are you summoning?)
That number will increase rapidly as you keep on bringing more Elementals to Oerth.

I am going to make a separate Planar Arms Race chart, since so many powers are now involved in it.

Darkness, is the Baklunish Confederation attempting to join in the Industrial Revolution?

Hey, who said that The Shade Empire is giving our secrets to everyone! You must make make an offer!

And several of my posts are missing from the last thread!

Edena if you don`t oppose, the following happens:

Suddenly City of Netherese Shade, who are a part of Shadow Empire, teleports to the City of Greyhawk! With them come Shadowlords: Rivalen Tanthul and liches Rhanagaum and Waganard. They are joined by Shadowlady Ahlissa( already in Greyhawk, see my missing post in previous thread) and, together with hundreds of lesser mages, with sacrifice of thousands of humanoid slaves, they cast a 11th level True Dweomer.

Suddenly terrible darkness comes into the great city, as it is filled with Shadowstuff, of such intensity that it twists and corrupts souls of its inhabitants, changing them into NE Shade. Message is sent to all on Oerth: such a fate awaits those that shall oppose The Shadow!


First Post
Ok, Aerdi take note! Everyone take note.
Kas and all his Legions have gone to Rel Astra, and joined with Drax the Invulnerable.
This means a MAJOR power is now sitting on Aerdi's southeast side.

Welcome to the Industrial Revolution, Mr Draco.
Drax is all for it, and Rel Astra begins the process of change ...

Mr Draco wrote:

Three days from now I will begin a meeting of representative from all of your factions on
the subject of Vecna's presence on Oerth. It is required that you send a messenger, otherwise you will be considered an ally of Vecna, and dealth with accordingly. If you have no means of travel, contact my archmages, and we will arrange a teleportation. This meeting will commence at my capital city in the lands of Ral Astra. Remember, presence is mandatory.

You are summoned to Rel Astra for a Conference.
Attendance is mandatory!
If you do not attend, Rel Astra will consider you an ally of Vecna, and you shall be dealt with accordingly!

Edena, Shade begin to transport forces to city of Greyhawk via Plane of Shadow. We also open a pernament portal to Gehenna there, so our Daemon allies, promised souls and technology, can come join the party!

Shadowlady Ahlissa will come to the conference!


First Post
Ick. Reprisal is leaving us.

The forces of the UC and the Angels are able to wipe out the Legions of Vecna, and this is done throughly - so throughly that not one of them is left alive to tell the tale.
Toril begins the effort to rebuild - again.
The Churches of Toril and Mercy begins a massive resurrection campaign (they are able to resurrect without cost to themselves.)

The Sphere is not sealed, because Reprisal did not state it was.
However, the Border Guard study what Vecna did, and strengthen their preparations so that were he to try that again, they would catch him.
Nobody (and I do mean nobody) can enter Realmspace without coming face to face with the Border Guard, and only with their permission can they proceed further.

Quite a number of people volunteer to go to Oerth.
Many go to the Lortmil Technomancy.
Many, many more go to the Kevellond Alliance
They take their science and their magic and their wisdom with them.

As a result, in the Kevellond League the Industrial Revolution takes off, faster than anywhere else on Oerth except among the drow (who have the help of the Church of Shade.)

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