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Is it just me...


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Khaira said:
Play mad, insane character, who may...be loveable.

I believe Fowai falls under this category. :D

Khaira said:
"Aha! If you do THIS, the world will be bright, rosy, and filled with pink, fluffy bunnies!" Who wants pink, fluffy bunnies, anyway. Talk about trippy...

What's wrong with pink, fluffy bunnies?!

Khaira said:
No conniving player behind the screen, rubbing his hand maniacally, thinking "Boy, they'll look stupid when they do this!"

Now, that is an intriguing concept...perhaps that is the kind of villain the person who asked about 'really good villains' was looking for...also, 'really good villains'...oxymoron, is it not?

Well, enough of my 'quoting and randomly commenting'. Onto 'adding my two cents'...

First: I would like to say that I, at times, am on both sides of the faux 'Veteran vs. Newbie' war. Allow me to clarify. At times, I feel like those whom have trouble initiating a conversation and/or have trouble finding a conversation with which they want to get involved (e.g. Fowai hums a merry tune and twiddles his thumbs). Then again, I also, at times, feel the way those who proclaim 'DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOURSELF!'...though not quite that loudly. So, I am guilty of both 'crimes' being brought up in this thread.

Secondly: I agree (grudgingly so...I'm only 19...that technically categorizes me as a 'teenager', which therefore qualifies me to abhor listening to my elders and to believe I know it all...) with those whom declare that wisdom comes with experience. The advice given here by those in the 'Veterans' camp oft times works...and oft times doesn't. It depends on the player. I personally consider myself a 'Newbie-Veteran', as I was exposed to the ISRP experience for a brief time before the WotC closure. Thus, I have had a glimpse of the 'not-so-many-restrictions' of which some speak and wish to have back. In all honesty, I'd like to see those days back once again. It made things interesting. I also agree with and understand why said restrictions are now in place. There was a dreadful occurence which took place and boggled my mind. The player who commited this unspeakable act (as I was informed) attempted to ride it off as 'I can't be held responsible for my actions, as I was attempting to remain in-character...and that's the sort of thing my character would do'. Now, I probably shouldn't have brought that up, as it will inevitably lead to posts like, 'What was this horrible act of which you speak?'. To those inevitable posts I say, "Did I not say that it was unspeakable? Besides, it is in the past and I simply bring it up to point out one of the myriad of reasons the rules which are in place today exist."

Third: The joyful RP-ing experience, and lack there of, fully falls into the realm of 'it depends on the player', in my opinion. If you're not able to entertain yourself while participating in ISRP, then ISRP might not be for you. Now, don't misunderstand what I am saying and think that I am dissuading players to join in the ISRP experience. That is not at all what I am saying. I am simply stating that some things are not suitable for some people. Just like fish don't fly and birds don't swim.

Fowai: Ahem...then how do you explain those fish that leap out of the water and expand membranes on which they glide for a short period of time? Or penguins for that matter?

Fowai's player: *glares at Fowai* You're not helping...

Fowai: *chuckles* Whoever said I was trying to help?

Fowai's player securely locks Fowai away in the recesses of his mind.

Where was I? Ah, yes. Anyway, to bring this post to a close, I just want to say, "Listen to the advice given here if you wish. And if after trying the suggested methods of your issue you still fail to resolve said issue, try coming up with solutions of your own." And now, I bid you all a fond farewell. For now...BWA-hahahahahahahah -- *breaks off into a coughing fit*
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First Post
I'd like to ask some things:

What is a Veteran anyway? Aren't we all still learning no matter how new or old we are to this game? You make it sound like we've retired from trying if we've been here a while, and that's just not true at all.

So you're new, so what? A lot of new people start here everyday. Deidre asks about player attitude over IC to OOC values. A lot of people do have problems blurring the line between such values (and don't jump down my throat and say I'm pointing fingers - EVERYONE has been guilty of this at least once whilst being on site. If anyone claims not to, they're lying! It's like the pr0n question... you just can't win it*)

Why doesn't someone just set up a thread where people can exchange emails and talk about plot ideas for a storyline together?

I remember doing that quite a lot with Donny, Kudo and the like.

And Khaira is very, very right. ISRP does ebb and flow. People get busy, people get unbusy, you can't control that and you can't just go around pouting about it either (...although... pouting is cute...). Just give it a couple of weeks and let things come back to a flow!

And also, I'd like to make a little sidenote that people do try and do things to keep it exciting here: Danielle suggested the 'Disney Princess' themes, we've had dances organised, competitions, evil storylines (The Game - if we can persuade Thar to get into gear beyond Requiem stuff) and we should be grateful that at least they try, new -or- old.

...now you guys hug and make up, or I am withholding chocolate! :mad:

*The pr0n question is simple. You say you watch it, you're a pervert. You say you don't, and you're just a lying pervert. Unwinnable. Unless you like being a pervert...
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First Post
Bhryn said:
*The pr0n question is simple. You say you watch it, you're a pervert. You say you don't, and you're just a lying pervert. Unwinnable. Unless you like being a pervert...

sssssshhhhhh Gods be damned Bhryn stop givin out my secrets!


First Post
I am not a pervert.... but I play one in ISRP.

So I have a question/idea..

Would people actually get use out a thread, where story-lines could be announced in?

We currently have a thread for groups, maybe a thread for current plots and who to contact?

If it won't be used, then obviously there's no point in it. But if so, I'll be happy to manage one for folks.

So, would it be useful?


First Post
Dontella said:
So I have a question/idea..

Would people actually get use out a thread, where story-lines could be announced in?

We currently have a thread for groups, maybe a thread for current plots and who to contact?

If it won't be used, then obviously there's no point in it. But if so, I'll be happy to manage one for folks.

So, would it be useful?


...I said that first... sheesh... ;)

Saera Duraston

First Post
Re: making fun of people IC

*sighs* Yes, I'm guilty. Yes, my chars do it, for various reasons.

One is a drow who will make fun of anyone who isn't drow, and even of drow if they don't meet her standards of drowness. She expects people to hate her for it, and call her out to the clearing, and yes, that's happened a lot. Does it reflect any of my opinions OOC? No!

Some are various versions of good alignment. They will be shocked and disgusted by people who casually befriend vampires and demons, and yes, they may make comments.

Most are from realistic medieval cultures because I do Renn-faire type stuff outside of ISRP and I know the background. They will look askance at the "lewd" females who have transparent clothing or bare stomachs or exposed bare legs. Given true medieval fashions, however, showing lots of cleavage is okay. *rolls eyes at inconsistency but there it is* However, they stop "making fun" of such characters once they get to know them, and they're very open to knowing people.

The fighter types will snicker (usually just to themselves) at someone in a chainmail bikini with a solid gold greatsword. People have seen "300" right? Where the Spartans are very careful to protect their forearms with bracers and their heads with helmets and leave the rest of their bodies totally exposed. Nice beefcake, bad fighting style.

Oh, and sometimes my char is just being an ass or is in a horrible situation or bad mood and takes it out on anyone around, and yes, they deserved to be slapped around for it.

If/when my chars do feel this way, I try to avoid posting any of these comments only as thought balloons. That's not fair, it doesn't give the other char a chance to react or respond, and yes, it looks like a sneaky snarky OOC comment weaselled into play. If a char makes the comment openly, then the other char can explain their culture or point out faults in my char too or call them out for the insult, and it stays IC.

I also try to make sure I don't carry over opinions from one char to another, to the point of being extra generous with one char if another is being mean. And god knows, if anyone PMs me and asks me to stop, then I shut up! Playing your char consistently and honestly is good, but not if it's hurting someone OOC!

Saera Duraston

First Post
John a.k.a Sir D said:
Another thing that we have to consider is why people will suddenly pm you and tell you that they can't handle the storyline and that it is over, thus destroying your entire purpose of using that character. I have seen this happen quite a bit...

BTW, this one really surprises me. I've only run into it once in 4 years of play and there were other issues involved. I hate knowing where a story is going, myself, I much prefer to wing it, but maybe with people like that you do have to work out the whole rise and fall of the plotline with them ahead of time?

Acacia Velvendra

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Honestly, I haven't really been around the ISRP very much, but I don't really have much trouble getting involved. I just seem to either get noticed or just jump into something, maybe by just going up to a random individual or by flinging myself head-first into a conversation I know absolutely nothing about. I'm a shy person in real life, but being shy doesn't get you noticed. I've noticed that people tend to latch onto descriptiveness. When I describe my character as moving in with a fluid grace, her dress moving about her legs with a soft rustle, it turns heads. That, and my descriptions of characters, if a little long, tend to be...well...very descriptive. I agree with a lot of the previous posts, that you have to do or say something to get noticed. Don't be a wallflower, it won't get you noticed or dragged into storylines.

*giggles* I know that one from experience, having been drawn into Ru's storyline from the get-go! *huggles Ru close and offers the chocolates being withheld!*

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