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Island Empire, Part III, The Lich's Curse


Gnurl Whiskerling

"Ahhh, most satisfactory accomodations, Lord Marin, wherever you are!" says Gnurl as he stretches himself almost prone in one of the extraordinarilly comfortable chairs in his room. Gnurl, overcome by sudden thirst, goes to the sideboard and pours himself a generous glass of whiskey and garnishes it with an even more generous sprig of mint. "Mmmmmm, just the way I like it! *Sigh* "I already miss Captain Swabby! I don't suppose that he would be able to accept my invitation to visit, though, would he?

Gnurl will relax and nurse a drink for about an hour. Then he will secure his belongings in the room and go looking for his friends.

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Finn Hunter

Finn said most of his goodbyes to the crew of the 'Sheet during the voyage back from Mermaid's Rest. To the members of the cannon crews and each member of the his watch, he gives a gold piece. When he can get a quiet moment alone with the elder Abelards, he gives them three platinums. "This, ma'am. if for the fine food and care you have give me while aboard ship. I didn't want to give your son a platinum straight from me to him, as I think that much money might turn his head. But after the sacrifice he almost made during that fight, he deserves some award. And I'm sure you will dole out this in such a way that he knows he's being rewarded."

Once in port, he goes with Captain Marin's group to the White Wake, and takes the offered room. Stowing his sea bag, he slips out a back passage to go report to his Cambre contact.


Finn is quickly settled into a nice room and on the streets of Cambre. He is only a couple of blocks from the storefront shop of Madame deShardonie--Fortune Teller and Finder of Lost Things, at least that's what the sign over the door says.


First Post

As Radoon reads the note, he catches himself smiling inspite of himself. He truely feels happy. He will get cleaned up. Did Marin happen to say who he knew to have these special magic items made? If he did, Radoon will go and retreive the backpack if it is finished before his scheduled meet with M. at 10pm. If he does make a trip out he will also look for a place to purchase some flowers to place in M.'s room and some cologne for himself.


Gnurl Explores Cambre

Gnurl will ask someone at the front desk of the inn where he is staying if he can direct Gnurl to "A shop that sells items of an esoteric, unusual nature --some might even call them enchanted." He will specify that he seeks only the most reputable and respectable dealer of such items. "Also, my good man, could you tell me, is there, nearby, a wizard for hire of good reputation and report??"

J. Alexander

First Post

As night has fallen, Geoffrey will spend the night in relative peace catching up on paperwork and thinking about the equipment/provisions needed for such a voyage and assualt against the sea sorceors lair...........then inspiration hitting him he begins to prepare a letter...while he writes his letter he will send for Nathan. Once Nathan arrives he will comment.

"We are going against possibly a very strong defensive position with multiple layers of magical and mundane defenses......we should be prepared......let's see if we can recruit additional arcane muscle for this in order to help us breach the wards.......as well as perhaps some physical muscle as well"

For the DM
[sblock]Geoffrey will write a letter to his superior in the church and give a very detailed account of what happend during the rescue of Alois as well as any sketcy information he has as to the lead up to the Masque and the Masque itself....in the letter he will inform him of his intent to follow the newly made lich and ask that a squad of church knights/paladins be attached to the crew of the Radiant Sun so as to be prepared to confront this evil...Ideally he is looking for a squad of 5 paladins...one perhaps 5 and the others 1st level or even a 3rd level and the rest 1st......to augment the Suns strike force.[/sblock]
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For Radoon

Captain Marin has arranged to have the items delivered when they are ready. His backpack should arrive tomorrow.

Finding flowers and scent at this time of night is somewhat challenging, but not impossible in Cambre. Flowers in hand and smelling fresh as a daisy, Radoon finds he has to make haste to return to the Inn of the White Wake by 10.


Leif said:
Gnurl will ask someone at the front desk of the inn where he is staying if he can direct Gnurl to "A shop that sells items of an esoteric, unusual nature --some might even call them enchanted." He will specify that he seeks only the most reputable and respectable dealer of such items. "Also, my good man, could you tell me, is there, nearby, a wizard for hire of good reputation and report??"

The halfling behind the desk scratches an ear absently as he considers, "Well, such items are generally not available on the open market; however, I've heard that Razlebash Emberglow has been known to offer such things at his Curiosity shop. Emberglow's Curious Notions. It is in an old tower on the West March hill near Westgate." He smiles, "What sort of wizard do you have need of? There are several to be found in the city. I know a woman of great skill who is a Diviner if you've lost something or there is old Bartleman who can be found reading poetry most days at the public library. He's really quite an accomplished spellcaster, but he prefers a simple life of reading and contemplation. Present him with an interesting challenge and you might just draw him out of his revere. Now Camron Crumblecake is a halfling lad and Transmuter with a fine reputation."


For Geoffrey

Nathan nods his agreement. "I'll get that posted by the fastest means I can find Captain. Will there be anything else this evening?"

J. Alexander

First Post

'No that is all i can think of but starting tomorrow we should proably give the crew a 48 hour liberty saving only a skeleton watch...we dont know how long we will be at see...and we should see to stocking up mundane equipment, and divine protective scrolls and potions..we set off against an unknown amount of powerful undead...we best be prepared."

Voidrunner's Codex

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