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It's the OOC thread for Tales from The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog Tavern!

Craw Hammerfist

First Post
Name: Golurn Barrelstave
Gender: 	Male 
Race: 		Dwarf
Class:		Rogue 5 
Alignment: 	CG
Str 16 –(10 pts)
Dex 18 – (13 pts) +1
Con 16 -- (6 pts)
Int 14-- (6 pts) 
Wis 8 -- (0 pts)
Cha 6 -- (0 pts)

Hit Points 39
Action Points 8
AC 12, Touch 12, Flat 10
Init +2 
BAB +2, Grap +2
Speed 30 (base 30, load 0/38, no armor)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5

+7 Melee, Dagger+1, 1d4+4, 19-20/x2, P or S
+8 Ranged, Mwk Composite Shortbow +3 Str , 1d6+3, 19-20/x2

Size category: Med 3'7" tall, 145 lb, 69 yrs old

Speaks common, dwarven and orc
Skills: [80 pts 8/4 max]
+2	Appraise (Int), 		0	+2	
+8	Balance (Dex), (acp0)		4	+4
-2	Bluff (Cha),  			0	-2
+7	Climb (Str), (acp0)		4	+3
+3	Concentration (Con), 		0	+3
-2	Diplomacy (Cha), 		0	-2
+10	Disable Device (Int), 		8	+2
-2	Disguise (Cha),		0	-2
+8	Escape Artist (Dex), (acp0)	4	+4
+2	Forgery (Int), 			0	+2
-2	Gather Information (Cha), 	0	-2
-1	Heal (Wis),			0	-1
+12	Hide (Dex), (acp0)		8	+4
-2	Intimidate (Cha), 		0	-2
+3	Jump (Str), (acp0)		0	+3
+3	Knowledge (dungeon) (Int), 	1(cc)	+2
+4	Knowledge (local) (Int), 	2	+2
+7	Listen (Wis), 			8	-1
+12	Move Silently (Dex), (acp0)	8	+4
+12	Open Lock (Dex),		8	+4
+4	Ride (Dex),			0	+4 
+6	Search (Int), 			4	+2
-1	Sense Motive (Wis), 		0	-1
+12	Slight of Hand (Dex),		8	+4
+7	Spot (Wis), 			8	-1
-1	Survival (Wis), 		0	-1
+3	Swim (Str), (acp0)		0	+3
+12	Tumble (Dex), (acp0)		8	+4
+4	Use Rope (Dex),		0	+4
Dodge, Mobility

Dwarf Traits
Darkvision, Stonecunning, +2 save v spells & spell-like effects, +1 attack v Goblinoids, +4 AC v giants.

Rogue Abilities
Trapfinding, Sneak Attack +3d6, Evasion, Trapsense +1, Uncanny Dodge

Background and Personality
Golurn is a reprobate. Foul-mouthed when he can be understood at all, Golurn constantly mumbles to himself. He has a pathological fear of drinking alone and will offer to buy at the drop of a hat if someone will drink with him. In order to keep a willing supply of drinking companions, Golurn will curb his baser instincts and be almost altruistic. Once someone has shared a few dozen tankards with Golurn, they occupy a special place in his heart. Golurn will risk death to save a drinking buddy. When it comes to alcohol, Golurn will wax poetic and become downright charitable. Known to buy a round for the house, he has developed a reputation for generosity among non-dwarves. Among dwarves, he is considered insane for the same reason. Outside of situations involving alcohol, Golurn is virtually unbearable. He doesn’t have the sense of decency to say other than what first comes to mind. He schemes to obtain (steal) money to buy alcohol and is none too picky about the mark. Frankly, Golurn would kill for a drink, but is afraid pure contract killing would hurt his image at the bar. Not that he would pour ale on a burning saint (or a burning drinking buddy, for that matter – he’d put his drink down and use his beard to beat out the flames.) His only other weakness is kittens.

Dirty red hair and beard. A constant grimace on his face with an odd feverish twinkle in his eye that never matches the rest of his facial expression. Short, even for a dwarf.

Ale acquiring inventory – {I’ll fill in the inventory shortly} 5400 gold?[/sblock]
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First Post
Craw Hammerfist said:
I'll put in a character proposal tonight, but I just had to note that the Anna Nicole quip just got a whole lot stranger. :uhoh:

Yeah, so, I make that joke, right? It's like one of my staple "like ____ on _____ " jokes. Then on the way out of the building I see a picture of her in the elevator lobby monitor, on the front page of the NY Times website. Didn't see the headline, but my reaction was the same: Rolling eyes and a half-hearted "now what"? Then I hear two people talking about her in the elevator, all about her kids, her lawyer/lover/husband/not-husband, her goldigging winnings from the ancient oilman what croaked so long ago, all the usual stuff.

Then, about three hours later at home, Mrs. Laz says, "Hey, did you hear Anna Nicole died?"

Is it bad that the first thought that popped into my head was, "Whoa, that's gonna make for some weird reactions in the Old Bald thread tomorrow"?



First Post
Shayuri said:
Any room for an eager to please, enthusiastic, polite little cleric of Bahamut who's only crime is being a KOBOLD? :)

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Maybe. If that's his only crime he may be shocked and appalled at this group. Lemme see a character sheet!


First Post
Thank you, Craw Hammerfist, looks good so far. I have no idea what the starting gold for 5th level characters is because they've failed to put it in the SRD, and I don't have my DMG on me at the moment. (If anyone happens to have this info, will you kindly post it?)


First Post
This looks like a zany game!

As such I'm think about submitting something a little weird.

[sblock=Strange Character Submission]An awakened male capuchin monkey Variant Druid.

I'm also hoping that I can appy a lesser version of the awaken spell.

Basically all I'm interested in having no racial modifier to intelligence (in lieu of the 3d6, I'd buy it along the normal lines via the point buy method) and the ability to speak 1 starting language.

For the last few days the idea has been knocking around my head, and I can see it being great fun to RP the little guy, especially since I won't be letting on to anyone that he can actually speak. So there'll be lots of pantomine and playing down how smart the monkey really is.

So the net result would be the following ability score modifiers Str: -8, Dex: +4, Con: +0, Int: +0, Wis: +2, Cha: -6. Which seems to be balanced if a bit on the low side which suits me dandy.[/sblock]


First Post
DrZombie said:
Lazlow, I'm at work all week, I only have acces to the SRD. Can you post the changes fromthe UA variant?

Okay, sorry for the delay, here you go:

- Replace Diplomacy with Bluff on the class skill list
- Aura of Resolve: Beginning at 3rd level, a Paladin of Freedom is immune to compulsion effects. Each ally within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability otherwise functions identically to the paladin's aura of courage class feature.
- Remove the following spells from the paladin's spell list: death ward, discern lies, dispel chaos, magic circle against chaos, protection from chaos. Add the following spells to the spell list: 1: Protection from law; 3: Magic circle against law, remove curse; 4: Dispel law, freedom of movement.
- Code of Conduct: Must be CG and loses all class abilities if he ever willingly commits an evil act. Additionally,k the code requires that he respect individual liberty, help those in need (provided they do not use the help for lawful or evil ends), and punish those who threaten or curtail personal liberty.[/sblock]


First Post
Below is a more detailed character submission[sblock]
This is still a work in progress, and I've decided to go the Soul Knife / Pyrokineticist route, as a psycho monkey pyromanic is just too much fun. :]

Infernus 'The Psychic Pyromaniac Monkey'
Lesser Awakened Male Capuchin Monkey Soul Knife 5 (Pyrokineticist at 6th level)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Tiny
Type: Magical Beast
Base Speed: 30', 30'Climb

Str: 2 (-4) 2 pts -8 Racial
Dex: 21 (+5) 10 pts +4 Racial +1 Level
Con: 13 (+1) 5 pts
Int: 14 (+1) 6 pts
Wis: 14 (+2) 4 pts +2 Racial
Cha: 8 (-1) 6 pts -6 Racial

HP: 37 (5d10+5)

AC: 16 (10 base +5 Dex +2 Size -1 flaw)

For: +2 (1 Base +1 Con)
Ref: +9 (4 Base +5 Dex)
Wil: +6 (4 Base +2 Wis)

Init: +9

Base attack bonus: +3

+1 (+3 base +2 size -4 str) Bite 1d3-4
+12 (+3 base +2 size +5 dex +1 weap focus +1 enhancement) Mindblade 1d6-3 + 1d8 Psychic Strike +2d6 Psionic Shot if thrown.
* Infernus starts each day by changing his mind blade to a bastard sword shape and charges it with his psychic strike ability. The psychic strike is then renewed at his earliest opportunaty. Also Infernus starts each day by gaining his psionic focus and renews this at the earliest opportunatey after it has been lost.

Skills                 Total     Ranks   Stats    Misc
Balance                  15       2.0(*)   5        8
Bluff                   -1        0.0     -1        0
Climb                    21       8.0      5        8
Concentration            9        8.0      1        0
Craft (Alchemy)          3        1.0      2        0
Diplomacy               -1        0.0     -1        0
Disguise                -1        0.0     -1        0
Escape Artist            5        0.0      5        0
Gather Information      -1        0.0     -1        0
Heal                     2        0.0      2        0
Hide                     17       4.0      5        8
Intimidate              -1        4.0     -1        0
Jump                    -4        0.0     -4        0
Listen                   6        4.0      2        0
Move Silently            10       5.0      5        0
Ride                     5        0.0      5        0
Search                   2        0.0      2        0
Sense Motive             2        0.0      2        0
Spot                     6        4.0      2        0
Survival                 2        0.0      2        0
Swim                    -4        0.0     -4        0
Tumble                   5        0.0      5        0
Use Rope                 5        0.0      5        0
(*) Cross Class Skill

1st - Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Psionic Shot
- Weapon Focus(Mind Blade), Wild Talent
3rd - Weapon Finesse

Murky Eyed (Roll twice against concealment to hit), Vulnerable (-1 AC)

Languages: Monkey, Common, ?, ?


Treasure: 9000gp
Weight Carried: 0lbs
Carrying Capacity: Light(? lb), Medium(?-?lb), Heavy(?-?lb)

Racial Traits[sblock]
S -8 D+4 C+0 I+0 W+2 CH-6
30' climb speed
+8 racial bonus on climb and balance checks
Can takes 10 on climb checks

Soul Knife Abilities[sblock]
Mind Blade: Short Sword (1d3), move action to form.
Bonus Feats - Weapon Focus(MB) & Wild Talent
Throw Mind Blade: 30'
Psychic Strike: +1d8, move action to charge mind blade with psionic energy, deals damage against next living opponent.
+1 Mind Blade
Free Draw: Free action to form mind blade
Shape Mind Blade: Longsword (1d4), Bastard Sword (1d6) or 2 Short Swords, full round action to change.

Height: 1'
Weight: 6 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Fur: Gray/Brown

Infernus looks like your typical cute Capuchin monkey and wears an embroidered red vest.

Infernus uses his tiny stature, cute animal looks and peoples assumption that he is mearly a 'dumb' animal to his advantage.

As such Infernus normally plays the role of adorable cuddly animal to the hilt, and is only too happy to perform various tricks for the apparent amusement of others.

All the while Infernus bides his times and he slowly and methodically gathers information on the strengths and weaknesses of those around him.

Infernus was born a typical member of his society but was raised to sentience at an early age thru the efforts of a Druid name Snowstorm Bitterleaf.

Bitterleaf was waging a one man battle to preserve an ancient tract of forest from the depredations of both a nearby human settlement as well as local humanoid tribes. All of whom coveted the valuable resources that the forest could provide.

Bitterleaf hoped to raise an army of sentient animal followers who could act as both his eyes and ears, as well as being able to lend tooth and claw to the fray when necessary.

Bitterleaf succeeded in his endeavour and discovered a relatively simple spell to enhance an animals intelligence to human-like proportions without placing too much of drain upon himself.

Unfortunately Bitterleaf was killed in a recently battle against a rampaging tribe of humanoids, Bitterleaf left behind a smattering of sentient animal followers to carry with this mission, prominent amongst them Infernus.

Infernus chose his name to reflect both his love of starting controlled fires to capture and slay his enemies, as well as his pledge to carry on his master's mission to the very depths of hell, if necessary.

Voidrunner's Codex

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