IVV1: The Forgotten Map [orsal judging]

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: ok, I will keep him going then

Karl sighs in exaspiration , but keeps on forward to hopefullu help hurd the creature in.

*slog slog slog*


LEW Judge
Things start to get interesting

Vindala finally moves into the lizards' path, positioning herself 10-15' in front of them. Dianna pulls up alongside them, her spiked chain at the ready. The rest of you just move through the marsh toward the action as quickly as you can.

Round 5: As the lizards blindly continue forward, Dianna reaches out with her chain in an attempt to trip the one in front. She misses horribly as the chain does not make contact. While she can't stop their escape, someone else can: Vindala, into whom they start to run. Realizing they've been blocked, they stop, and then BLZZTP! Blue bolts of electricity shoot out from the one right in front of Vindala, hitting both her and Dianna. Reflex save DC 12 to take half damage. 18 HP if you fail, 9 HP if you make it. Dianna makes the save. Is Vindala at 0 or -9 HP?

The rest of you can move in Round 5.



First Post
"I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," Babette thinks as she moves forward. Thrusting her hand forward, two bolts of arcane energy strike the lizard nearest Vindala.

ooc: move action forward, 2 magic missiles at the lizard nearest Vindala. 2d4+2=7


LEW Judge
A week since my last post, and still nothing from Karl. I'm going to stop waiting, and assume that all able-bodied PCs (and former PCs) follow Babette's lead and use whatever force they can.

Babette (19) fires her magic missiles. The lizard is visibly wounded, but not down.
Karl (19) moves 15' closer, draws his shortbow and fires at arrow at the same lizard. His shot just misses, landing in the swamp.
Vindala (17) wades into the bog to get a little farther from the lizards. She can see that it gets quite deep, but as long as she stays around the edges it's not a problem for her. Wading through the shallow part is half speed, and is not strenuous; through the deep part, one quarter speed. I'm assuming Vindala is sticking to the shallow part. If she goes NE, she can move 20' even while disabled.
Oskar (13) without a ranged weapon, runs in as fast as his dwarven legs can handle. "Keep it up Vindala, I'm coming for you".
Razengrul (9) also fires an arrow; it goes rather wide, to the left. She moves up slowly.
Lerrin (9) has his sling ready. His bullet does manage to hit the lizard's body, but does not seem to hurt it.
Dianna (8) is now close enough to attack with her spiked chain. But she stumbles as she swings it, and misses wildly.

Round 6:
The lizards (24) generate another shock, doing 18 points of damage to Dianna, who fails her save. Dianna is now dead. Vindala has fortunately gotten out of the range of the shock. Having realized they bumped up against someone they were trying to avoid, they turn to the west and move on that way -- closer to Karl, as it turns out, but farther from the rest of you.

What do you all do next?

Here's the map. Light blue is shallow bog. Dark blue is deep bog. An uncoloured 'x' is either shalow bog or none of you have gotten close enough to tell how deep it is.



First Post
Seeing Diana go down, Babette shouts, "Everybody stay back, dammit!"

She throws more arcane energy at the same lizard, but her obvious emotional distress brings forth a weak effort.

MM 2d4+2=4

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: sorry all, somehow I missed that it was my move. you plaed him as i would have: bow shot. Thank you very much.

Karl sees Dianna fall, not sure if she still is alive or not. He does not want to be the recipiant of the shocker's defenses, so he moves south 10 feet and shoots his bow again

1d20+2=13, 1d6=5


LEW Judge
Round 6:
Babette (19) shoots more magic missiles, still not fatally.
Karl (19) moves 10' back and fires another arrow. This one is better aimed, but does not penetrate the lizard's scales.
Vindala (17) is reassured to see the lizards turning away from her, but just to make sure, moves farther back and onto a dry clump.
Oskar (13) heeds Babette's warning and stops in his tracks, hoping the archers among the group can do what he is ill-equipped for. He draws his longspear in case the lizards turn toward him.
Razengrul (9) shoots another wild arrow.
Lerrin (9) shoots another bullet, but it lands nowhere near a target.

Round 7: The lizards' blindness has worn off. They go full speed to the northwest.

Your turn now. The lizards are at least 40' west of Vindala and at least 45' north of the rest of you. Here's the map. Light blue is shallow bog. Dark blue is deep bog. An uncoloured 'x' is either shalow bog or none of you have gotten close enough to tell how deep it is.


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