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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Honorary Captain Tsadichi Moru

Name: Honorary Captain Tsadichi Moru
Class: Witch
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hero Points: 3

Str: 07 -2 (7)                 Level: 9           XP: 75,000
Dex: 16 +3 (16)                BAB: +4            HP: 65 (36+3d6+18)
Con: 13 +1 (13)                CMB/CMD: +2/+15    Dmg Red: 6/-
Int: 22 +6 (16/+2R/+2L/+2E)    Speed: 30'         Spell Res: -
Wis: 08 -1 (8)                 Init: +3           Spell Save: 20+lv
Cha: 13 -2 (13)                ACP: 0             Spell Fail: -

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +5   (+4)   +3     +0    +0   +0   =18(22)
Touch: 13(17)            Flatfooted: 15(19)

                     Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                 3    +1    +0    +4
Ref:                  3    +3    +0    +6
Will:                 6    -1    +1    +6

Weapon                  Attack         Damage*   Critical
Club                     +2             1d6-2       X2

Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Auren, Ignan, Terran, Aquan

Spell casting
- dancing lights, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, 
  mending, message, read magic, resistance, stabilize

Spell Casting: Save DC 20
Spells KNOWN: 

[B]lEVEL 1[/B] 
-burning hands, cause fear, comprehend languages, cure light 
wounds, detect secret doors, enlarge person, identify, mount, 
reduce person, sleep, summon monster I, unseen servant.

[B]LEVEL 2[/B] 
- alter self, burning gaze*, cure moderate wounds, delay poison, 
detect thoughts, find traps, fog cloud, gentle repose, glide*, 
glitterdust, hidden speech*, hold person, levitate, perceive cues*,
 pox pustules*, see invisibility, spectral hand, status, summon 
monster II, summon swarm, touch of idiocy,  web, zone of truth.

[B]LEVEL 3[/B] 
-arcane sight, bestow curse, clairaudience/clairvoyance,  deep 
slumber, dispel magic, glyph of warding, guiding star*, heroism, 
lightning bolt, locate object,  ray of exhaustion, remove 
blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, screech*, 
seek thoughts*, share senses*, speak with dead, stinking cloud, 
suggestion, summon monster III,  twilight knife*, water walk.

[B]LEVEL 4[/B] 
-arcane eye, black tentacles, charm monster, confusion,  
cure serious wounds, death ward, detect scrying, dimension door, 
discern lies, divination,  fear, geas (lesser), ice storm, , locate 
creature, minor creation, neutralize poison, phantasmal killer, scrying, 
secure shelter, sleepwalk*, solid fog, spite*, summon monster IV.

[B]LEVEL 5[/B] 
-break enchantment, cure critical wounds, hold monster,  major 
creation,  overland flight, reincarnate, secret chest, teleport.

Familiar Bond
Patron Spells: Wisdom
2nd—shield of faith,
4th—owl’s wisdom, 
6th—magic vestment, 
8th—globe of invulnerability (lesser),

- Flight: 9 minutes/day
- Fortune: 1 reroll per round for 2 rounds, once per ally per day
- Misfortune: 1 reroll per round for 2 rounds, once per foe per day
- Evil Eye: -4 to either AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving
   throws, or skill checks for 9 rounds. Will DC 20 for only 1 round
- Cauldron: Bonus Feat, Brew Potion
- Tongues: Speak and unnderstand all languages

**+1 caster lvl for all fire spells
**3 charges/day (SWift) spend 1/2/3 for +2d6/3d6/4d6 dmg to any
    fire spell
- *resist 5 fire/cold/electric
- *Emit sivlery light at will (Standard)
- *Immunity to Blindness/Dazzling
- *Double Carrying Capacity
- *Hold Breath 12 hours
- *3/3 a day sacrifice lvl 1+ spell to cast Magic Missile
- *3/3 a day sacrifice lvl 3+ spell to cast Empowered & 
    Maximized Fireball
- *3/3 a day sacrifice lvl 4+ spell to cast Freedom of Movement
- *3/3 a day sacrifice lvl 5+ spell to cast Teleport
- *3/3 charges/day (SWift) spend 1/2/3 for +2d8/3d8/4d8 healing
- *1/day cast Commune (4 questions)

1 Evolved Familiar
- Extra Hex (Bonus Human)
- Brew Potion (Bonus Cauldron)
3 Craft Wondrous Item
5 Extraordinary Artisan
7 Dragon Familiar
9 Craft Rod

Hedge Magician, -5% Item Creation Cost
Indomitable Faith, +1 Will Saves

Skill Points: 63
Skills               Ranks   Mod  Misc  Total
Fly                    9     +3   +3     +16
Craft (Alchemy)        9     +6   +5     +20
Knowledge (Arcana)     9     +6   +3     +18
Knowledge (Planes)     9     +6   +3     +18
perception             9     -1     +0     +8
Spellcraft             9     +6   +3     +18
Use Magic Device       9     +1   +3     +13

Items: (33,000g)                         Book Cost  Weight   My Cost
+2 Headband of Intellect                    4,000g  --       1,400g 
Wand of Shield                                750g  1lbs     750g 
+1 Mithral chain Shirt of Twilight          5,100g  12.5lbs  5,100g 
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Maximize           18,000g  1lbs     6,300g 
Ring of Mystic Fire**                       7,500g  --       7,500g

Endless Mug                                   200g  1lbs     70g
Everlasting Rations                           350g  2lbs     122.5g
Feather Token (tree) X3                     1,200g  --       420g

Raiment of the Four*: (9,835g)
Sullen Sea Empowered Spellshard (Fireball) 15,000g  --       5,250g
Gloves of the Starry Sky                    1,100g  --       385g
Goggles of the Golden Sun                   4,000g  --       1,400g
Healing Belt of the Wide Earth              8,000g  --       3,193.5g

Total Weight: 17.5 lbs

Wyrmling Brass Dragon
Tiny Dragon
Hit Dice: 4d12+4 (32 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 60 ft. (12 sq), Burrow 30ft (6 sq), Fly 100 avg. (20 Sq)
Armor Class: 25 (10 +3 Dex, +10 natural, +2 size), touch 15, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +4
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d4+Ravage)
Full Attack:
Claw X2 +9 melee (1d4+Ravage)
Bite +9 melee (1d4+Ravage)
Space/Reach: 0 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Breath Weapon 3d4 Fire 30ft line Ref DC13 for 1/2
Golden Ice Ravage 1d6Dex/2d6Dex DC 14 2 rounds affects evil only
Special Qualities: Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver touch
Speak with Master, Speak with dragons
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: (36) Fly +10, Perception +9, Stealth +10, Acrobatics +10, Survival +7
1 Improved Natural Attack (Claw)
3 Touch of Golden Ice
5 Hover
7 Improved Natural Armor
9 Improved Natural Armor

Dragon Spirit Cincture of Healing 2,000g -- 1,093.5g
- Gives +1 die to breath weapon (3d4)
- 3 charges/day (SWift) spend 1/2/3 for +2d8/3d8/4d8 healing
[sblock=Description]Mushu is a heap of brass coils with a couple pairs of legs and
a filmy set of gossamer wings. At this point he looks more like a golden winged snake
than an actual dragon, until his vicious little claws come darting out farther than
the length of his whole body.[/sblock]

Moru's Physical Stats
Age: 30
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120lb
Eyes: Almond
Hair: Silver
Skin: Pale[/sblock][sblock=Appearance] A spidery thin man of some oriental lineage, his gangly arms and
legs seem to shiver and sway in even the slightest of breezes, just as his light robes do. The word thin
can be used to describe almost every feature of this cloistered fellow, from his crane-like face with
its whispy eyebrows, to the tight braid of permaturely silver hair that swings down past his knees.

Coiled amongst his airy, yellow and orange silk robes is poised a magifiscent sight. A baby dragon
with scales the color of freshly beaten brass rests comfortably, its sinewy young body looped around
Moru's slender torso and his head swiveling just below his master's chin. Gazing about casually with
eyes of deepest emerald, the occasional tendrils of smoke rise from tiny nostrils while his razor
sharp claws cling to the mithral chain beneath him.

Lenses of mirrored gold cover Moru's slanted almond eyes and a deep red headband adorns his brow,
covered in mystic writings. This matches his runed gloves and wide belt. A Mithral chain bares some
kind of stone, but it hangs inside his clothing. A wand and rod hang from either side of the belt.[/sblock]
[sblock=Personality]Playful and inquisitive, this pair of beings have been known to occasionally get in the
occasional fix that usually requires an inventive escape. with the superior knowledge of Tsadichi and harmless
sense of humor of Mushu, they usually get out of it. It does help though to have friends nearby in case of emergencies.[/sblock]
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First Post
Here is what it's formatting could look like Scott:
Just quote this one and add your skill/spells/personality/background after removing your old/messed up versions. :)
[sblock=Moru][sblock=Stat Block]
Name: Honorary Captain Tsadichi Moru
Class: Witch
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hero Points: 3

Str: 07 -2 (7)                      Level: 9              XP: 75,000
Dex: 16 +3 (16)                     BAB: +4               HP: 65 (36+3d6+18)
Con: 13 +1 (13)                     CMB/CMD: +2/+15       Dmg Red: 6/-
Int: 22 +6 (16/+2R/+2L/+2E)         Speed: 30'            Spell Res: -
Wis: 08 -1 (8)                      Init: +3              Spell Save: -
Cha: 13 -2 (13)                     ACP: 0                Spell Fail: -

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +5   (+4)   +3     +0    +0   +0   =18(22)
Touch: 13(17)            Flatfooted: 15(19)

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                     3    +1    +0    +4
Ref:                      3    +3    +0    +6
Will:                     6    -1    +1    +6

Weapon                          Attack             Damage*   Critical
Club                             +2                 1d6-2       X2

Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Auren, Ignan, Terran, Aquan

Orisons: 4 
- Dancing Lights, Read Magic, Resistance, Detect Magic

Spell Casting: (Spells Known) Save DC, spell lvl +16
1 Shocking Grasp, Burning Hands, Ray of Enfeeblement, Enlarge Person, Ear Piercing Scream
2 Flaming Sphere, False Life, Share Memory, Haunting Mists, See Invisibility
3 Fireball, Eruptive Pustules, Excruciating Deformation, Ray of Exhaustion, Bestow Curse
4 Wall of Ice, Cape of Wasps, Greater False Life, Symbol of Healing, Black Tenacles
5 Break enchantment, Baleful Polymorph

Spells Memorized: (Bonuses)
6(1st) - Burning Hands X2, Ear Piercing Scream X2, Enlarge Person, Shocking Grasp
6(2nd) - Haunting Mists X2, See Invisibility, False Life, Flaming Sphere X2
4(3rd) - Fireball X2, Eruptive Pustules, Excruciating Deformation
3(4th) - Greater False Life, Black Tentacles, Wall of Ice
2(5th) - Baleful Polymorph X2

Familiar Bond
Patron Spells: Elements

- Flight: 9 minutes/day
- Fortune: 1 reroll per round for 2 rounds, once per ally per day
- Misfortune: 1 reroll per round for 2 rounds, once per foe per day
- Evil Eye: -4 to either AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws,
or skill checks for 9 rounds. Will DC 20 for only 1 round
- Cauldron: Bonus Feat, Brew Potion
- Tongues: Speak and unnderstand all languages

**+1 caster lvl for all fire spells
**3 charges/day (SWift) spend 1/2/3 for +2d6/3d6/4d6 dmg to any fire spell
- *resist 5 fire/cold/electric
- *Emit sivlery light at will (Standard)
- *Immunity to Blindness/Dazzling
- *Double Carrying Capacity
- *Hold Breath 12 hours
- *3/3 a day sacrifice lvl 1+ spell to cast Magic Missile
- *3/3 a day sacrifice lvl 3+ spell to cast Empowered & Maximized Fireball
- *3/3 a day sacrifice lvl 4+ spell to cast Freedom of Movement
- *3/3 a day sacrifice lvl 5+ spell to cast Teleport
- *3/3 charges/day (SWift) spend 1/2/3 for +2d8/3d8/4d8 healing
- *1/day cast Commune (4 questions)

1 Evolved Familiar
- Extra Hex (Bonus Human)
- Brew Potion (Bonus Cauldron)
3 Craft Wondrous Item
5 Extraordinary Artisan
7 Dragon Familiar
9 Craft Rod

Hedge Magician, -5% Item Creation Cost
Indomitable Faith, +1 Will Saves

Skill Points: 63
Skills                   Ranks   Mod  Misc  Total
Fly                        9     +3   +3     +16
Craft (Alchemy)            9     +6   +5     +20
Knowledge (Arcana)         9     +6   +3     +18
Knowledge (Planes)         9     +6   +3     +18
Knowledge (History)        4     +6   +3     +13
Knowledge (Nature)         5     +6   +3     +14
Spellcraft                 9     +6   +3     +18
Use Magic Device           9     +1   +3     +13

Items: (33,000g)                             Book Cost  Weight   My Cost
+2 Headband of Intellect                        4,000g  --       1,400g
Wand of Shield                                    750g  1lbs     750g
+1 Mithral chain Shirt of Twilight              5,100g  12.5lbs  5,100g
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Maximize               18,000g  1lbs     6,300g
Ring of Mystic Fire**                           7,500g  --       7,500g

Endless Mug                                       200g  1lbs     70g
Everlasting Rations                               350g  2lbs     122.5g
Feather Token (tree) X3                         1,200g  --       420g

Raiment of the Four*: (9,835g)
Sullen Sea Empowered Spellshard (Fireball)     15,000g  --       5,250g
Gloves of the Starry Sky                        1,100g  --       385g
Goggles of the Golden Sun                       4,000g  --       1,400g
Healing Belt of the Wide Earth                  8,000g  --       3,193.5g

Total Weight: 17.5 lbs

                        Lgt   Med     Hvy     Lift     Push
Max Weight:             116    233    350    750    1,750

Age: 30
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120lb
Eyes: Almond
Hair: Silver
Skin: Pale
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance] A spidery thin man of some oriental lineage, his gangly arms and legs seem to shiver and sway in even the slightest of breezes, just as his light robes do. The word thin can be used to describe almost every feature of this cloistered fellow, from his crane-like face with its whispy eyebrows, to the tight braid of prematurely silver hair that swings down past his knees.

Coiled amongst his airy, yellow and orange silk robes is poised a magifiscent sight. A baby dragon with scales the color of freshly beaten brass rests comfortably, its sinewy young body looped around Moru's slender torso and his head swiveling just below his master's chin. Gazing about casually with eyes of deepest emerald, the occasional tendrils of smoke rise from tiny nostrils while his razor sharp claws cling to the mithral chain beneath him.

Lenses of mirrored gold cover Moru's slanted almond eyes and a deep red headband adorns his brow, covered in mystic writings. This matches his runed gloves and wide belt. A Mithral chain bares some
kind of stone, but it hangs inside his clothing. A wand and rod hang from either side of the belt.[/sblock][sblock=Personality]?[/sblock][sblock=Background]?[/sblock][sblock=Familiar]Mushu
Wyrmling Brass Dragon
Tiny Dragon
Hit Dice: 4d12+4 (32 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 60 ft. (12 sq), Burrow 30ft (6 sq), Fly 100 avg. (20 Sq)
Armor Class: 25 (10 +3 Dex, +10 natural, +2 size), touch 15, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +4
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d4+Ravage)
Full Attack:
Claw X2 +9 melee (1d4+Ravage)
Bite +9 melee (1d4+Ravage)
Space/Reach: 0 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Breath Weapons: 30ft line of 3d4 Fire - OR - 15ft cone of sleep gas
- Ref DC15 for 1/2, 1/d4 rounds
Golden Ice Ravage: 1d6Dex/2d6Dex DC 14 2 rounds affects evil only
Special Qualities: Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link,
Deliver Touch Attacks, Speak with Master, Speak with dragons, Fire Subtype
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: (36) Fly +10, Perception +9, Stealth +10, Acrobatics +10
1 Improved Natural Attack (Claw)
3 Touch of Golden Ice
5 Hover
7 Improved Natural Armor
9 Improved Natural Armor

Dragon Spirit Cincture of Healing 2,000g -- 1,093.5g
- Gives +1 die to breath weapon (3d4)
- 3 charges/day (SWift) spend 1/2/3 for +2d8/3d8/4d8 healing
[sblock=Description]Mushu is a heap of brass coils with a couple pairs of legs and a filmy set of gossamer wings. At this point he looks more like a golden winged snake than an actual dragon, until his vicious little claws come darting out farther than the length of his whole body.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
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First Post
Ready to kick the tires and light the fires, as soon as you start posting in the IC thread again J. :D by the way your PM box is full.
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First Post
I think J. is waiting for opening posts in the IC thread from our 2 new folks before continuing. The IC link is here. Here's the RG link.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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