• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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Hearing snatches of the conversation as he runs through the halls David stops and pops his head in. "I have noooooooo clue what's here. Hey you two." He points to the little ghosts floating around. "You guys listen to me?" They pause, look at each other confused then slowly nod their heads. "Good, show people the facilities and have a suitable Change of clothing for the lady brought. That is...." Here he gets a wicked grin. "If she's wiling to wear them." David steps in and shows off his chains and studded leather. "Have to warn you, this isn't a costume and if this place is truly mine... Well the wardrobe will be large but focused. But do feel free, ask Jim there, I love to dress people up in my clothes." One of the ghosts floats through the wall a moment later a strange crew enters the room and mobs the party. Pixies, fairies, salamanders, gnomes, and ghosts, not one more then a foot tall, flood the room. Some come in bearing food and refreshments, others warm towels and water, others still with measuring tape. These last descend on Diana and take her measurements. Four fairies hover in front of her; one dressed similar to David with chains and studs, the next is a bit more punky with a kilt and death boots, the third has dark frills and petty coats for gothic lollita and the last is more trousers and over coats as a gothic aristocrat. The last two look cute together. They hover in front of her one slowly rising at a time showing off their outfits. David looks over this whole thing with a huge grin. "This is totally where I parked my car." He then grabs a rum bottle as a ghost drifts past and takes a swig. Coughing he trades it for a glass of mixed drink from a gnome.

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First Post
"Wow D, nice place." Raivon says as she looks around. "Do I get a drink?"
"What about you Alzoll? You doing okay? Want to make sure my.. Ummm... Demon buddy is alright." She says with a smile.
"I am dirty and a little hungry." He responds as he eyes up one of the gnomes.
"Yeah I should clean up as well. Food sounds nice too." Smiling at Alzoll.
"Where do I put the guardian?" Alzoll asks as he turns to face D.


First Post
David turns to one of the ghosts to make inquiries. "Do we have an area for the wounded?" The little ghost shakes its head. "Show the big guy to a guest room then and bring him the biggest piece of meat we got before he eats some one. Look after every one else too, they're comrades after all." He pauses and thinks for a moment then sighs. Turning to the group as a whole he addresses those gathered. "Greetings my name is David, welcome to..." he pauses for a moment. "Raven's Loft?" One of the ghosts cautiously nods. "Please make yourselves comfortable." He bows to the group. When he straightens he shrugs. "I told myself I'd actually introduce myself when we got out of that but Scott kinda ruined my self intro."

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First Post
Rob takes a moment to catch his breath, soot covered, coughing sporadically because of the smoke, he watches to see who the police seem to be reporting to.

When he determines who that is, he will approach them, "Excuse me," He starts, "I was at the convention and I saw what happened. If you do not realize it yet, there may be a larger problem. There were dozens of people who seem to have gone psychotic in there, people with, well for a lack of a better term, super powers. They tried to kill us for no apparent reason. When the fire started most of them fled. I am not sure what they are going to do, but I get the feeling it is nothing that any of us are going to like."


First Post
"Nothing to worry about this dangerous man here officers! What my friend is saying is the truth though. We tried putting the fire out, but it became too much. Even now it is still some trouble, anyway we can help." Unsure if he is speaking for both himself and Rob, but regardless Scott at least attempts to help the fire fighters put out the fire.


First Post
Still looking around with a look of mixed disbelief and amusement David wanders. Turning to a ghost he waves a glass and asks, "So where are the facilities? Could we get a nice glowing path or something? Now there is something I'm missing..." Hanging its head the ghost flicks it's fingers and little path of ghost lights goes out the door. David smirks and pulls out his iPad, His fingers flick across the screen before he closes it and wanders out the door.
[sblock=txt to Rob] J00 ||\| j4|1 ¥37¿ [/sblock]

[sblock= second txt a few minutes later] Serious now, how things there?[/sblock]
[sblock=OoC] I know iPads don't send texts, the book doesn't actually have tablets so I paid for a smart phone and just calling it an iPad. Not far off really.[/sblock]

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<Convention Hall>
"If I hadn't just seen what happened in DC before I came over here, and witnessed that.. iron man guy take out the.. other guy.." The captain sighs and shakes his head. "I shouldn't, it makes absolutely no sense, but.. but I believe you guys. So, Super-heroes, care to fill me in on what's going on, how many badguys got away and.. well, anything else that could prove useful? If you can help then you've got my support."

During the conversation, Rob's cell buzzes that he has text messages.

<Raven's Loft>
The ghostly servants direct everyone to different chambers to clean and refresh themselves, providing changes of clothes to any who need them, though the selection is all rather Gothic.

Once they've all cleaned up and reassembled in the main chamber for some food, Jim clears his throat "So... interesting convention. Let's recap, shall we?
A Portal opened from another dimension, and the Guardian and Evil necro-warlock came out, and started empowering people. Seems like those that got hit by the warlock turned into evil villains, and the Guardians bolts made super-heros, like all of you. From what I can tell the Guardian is powered by dreams and imagination and the warlock by fear and nightmares. They're well versed in planar travel and Earth is for some reason special to them - the Guardian luring.. what did he call him.. Mikael here as a last ditch effort to beat him. Looks like a stalemate to me." Jim sighs and takes a drink before continuing.

"Which brings us to the stuff that I know but have no idea HOW I know.. hence, my superpower apparently being Exposition... The Guardian we saved is one member of a multiverse spanning force that Guards the cosmos against evil."
As Jim speaks, his eyes start resembling stary fields again and he stares off into the distance
"Mikael the Warlock that we managed to drive off was one of their own who went rogue after getting a taste of the power of Nightmares. He released a group of evil bastards known as the Nightmare Lords that were locked in the nightmare realm, and they hit the Guardians by surprise, before starting a long and bloody war that's nearing its conclusion. The 12 remaining Guardians lured the most powerful Nightmare Lords into fights and then brought them Here, seeking places where great power or imagination were gathered. Which means this same thing happened in 11 other places on Earth.." He swoons a bit as though dizzy and shakes his head, his eyes returning to normal
"I don't know exactly what happened at each of those places but I know that 4 of the Guardians are dead and only 2 of the Nightmare Lords are dead, and there's now thousands of super-powered people and monsters running around the world - most of them evil. Seems like the Guardians plan failed.."

OOC: Available clothing is anything Gothic-themed, or blueish archaic armour from Juan
Sorry the outside stuff was a bit brief.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Interesting. Could the Guardian empower us further? With Mikael gone, if he can give us more powers we might be able to get the upper hand on the villains. Otherwise, the numbers are not in our favour." Juan says, hands in his pockets.


First Post
Rob looks at the first text quizically, shakes his head. "Sorry about that. My guess is there was something like 100 people in the hall. not all those people displayed powers, not all those people went psychotic, but there seemed to be being that popped into existence out of thin air, so I am not sure of the numbers. Probably no more than 200 otherwise we would have been more crowded than we were, unfortunately, most of those seemed to have been of the psychotic nature."

When his phone buzzes with the second text he looks again at it, grumbling a little bit he fumbles with the phone replying about 2 minutes later he gets out:

"ok sec"

"Again, sorry about that," He says to the captain, "We tried to get everyone unconscious out, but some of those people are going ot be dangerous when they wake up, just like Fire Eye over there, so we need to be careful. If you need help subduing any of them come and get me, I am going to try to help them put out the fire. My name is Robert and while I just met the Iron Man over there, I think he is trying to help as well."

He will answer any other of the police captains questions and then while walking over to the fire captain he will fumble with his phone again producing:


OOC: Real Life Rob suffers from the crippling affliction of Texting Ineptitude. It is a terrible condition and I am taking donations for those so afflicted

Voidrunner's Codex

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