Just Curious ... Hom many come from AD&D?


Started playing in 1983 (or was that 1982?). Spent about a year with the red box before moving to AD&D. Played primarily AD&D until about 1993, when TSR's attitude toward their property, as well as focus on Forgotten Realms, and the general suckitude of 2E caused my to ditch the game. Spent the next seven or so years playing World of Darkness and Hero and never looked back or missed D&D.

When 3E was announced, some of the buzz caught my interest, so I started watching Eric Noah's site. I liked what I saw and have been doing D&D 3.x almost exclusively since. I still have no interest in ever playing any version prior to 3E again -- the 6 months I spent in a 2E game, once my attension had returned to D&D, convinced me of that.

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First Post
When I was 11 or so, I picked up Dragons of Spring Dawning and was hooked. A few weeks later I convinced my mother to take me on my first trip to a gaming store. All the 2nd Ed books had sold out, so I suppose it was right after the launch. I opted to buy the AD&D books they still had in stock. It took me about a year to finally buy 2nd Ed. By the time 3.0 came around I was champing at the bit for something new. I whine about 3rd Ed with the best of them, but I made the switch without a second's thought.


First Post
I started with the basic game in 1980, hardier to play as an adult but the games are much more fullfilling. Plus I can afford to get the books I want. :D


First played in November 1979 with a DM who was using the old white boxed set. By January 1980 we were playing AD&D. Basically kept the same group going throughout the '80's and transitioned into 2E through the early '90's. Gradually fizzled out through the '90's as we all moved farther apart and played less frequently. About two years ago I played in my first 3E campaign, which didn't last long. About a year ago I found an OD&D game through EnWorld. We try to meet every other Sunday but we're flexible. It's just a matter of blocking out the time and making a commitment to play. The group is large enough that if one person doesn't show the game can still go on. We all work or go to school, have families and other activities/responsibilities. We just really like the game so we make time for it. That simple.

Mithril Dragon

First Post
Wow. So Im not as alone as I thought. I have three sons, so my playing time is extremely limited but I still like to keep up with whats going on. I owned the basic set but never really had a chance to play D&D until it became AD&D. I also messed around with Rolemaster for a while in the early 90s but its a fairly tedious system and not all that flexible in some regards. Anyway ... as long as I can keep drawing barbarians, orcs, goblins, dragons, and maidens in distress I guess I am doing OK. But I still miss paying from time to time.

Mithril Dragon



I got dice older than you.
Started with Moldvay Basic, progressed to AD&D, bailed out of RPGs just prior to 2e, got back into 1e AD&D in 1998/99, started running 3e in 2001.

I still play and DM 1e AD&D, and play in a bi-weekly 3.5 game.


First Post
Started when I was 12 with the red box in '82, moved on to AD&D within the year...then 2e...then Skills & Powers....3e...3.5....

Last wednesday we played with a group of characters that have been 4 versions, now!



I learned nerd for this.
I started about 10 or 11 years ago with 2nd ed. Never really played 1st but the group used some of the rules, it was a mish mash of 1st, 2nd and home rules.

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