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Kanadrin Defeats Mithreander by Default .... (Thanks to Patch for Judging!)


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Kanadrin steps from a nearby inn and retreats to the flower garden nearby..... she stands and stretches and practices her kata's...... waiting for anyone to come along to challenge her... it's been so long sense she'd had a fight she has forgtten what it feels like to do so....

Copper Sash 2
Copper Sash: Signature Style: Lotus Blossom, Arena Fighter, Profiteer, Crowd Pleaser, Golden Touch
Red Luckstone: Hard Hitter
Yen: 16
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Mithreander, a new and inexpierenced fighter steps into the light from the inn, in time to catch sight of Kanadrin.

"Hello, you look quite ready to take someone on. Are you willing to spare? I've never had the pleasure of faceing you in the arena, and would like the opertunity to try my skill against you."

Mithreander sweeps strands of his long, nearly transparent hair from his pink eyes to better see the lady infront of him. Of course I've never faced ANYONE in the ring, but what the heck, it's about time to make my debute. And even if I loose, hopefully I'll still learn something from the expereince, as long as she doesn't kill me. the inexperenced fighter thinks, as he moves agile into the courtyard, looking rather unempressive with his 95 lbs of flesh on his 6' frame.

Novice 0
Moves: None
Yen: 0



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Kanadrin glaces at the newcommer and smiles...

"It's been a while sense I've seen a newcommer to this land kind sir..... I'd be happy to test my skills aginst you..... my name is Kanadrin.... and welcome... let see what you can do...."

OOC- Mithreander... do you have the link to our web genorator? if not.. here's the link: http://members.cox.net/reiella/yb/yb.html ..... we use it to gen insults at the begining of a match and moves to oppose eachother during the match..... oh.. and also... good luck :)

"Here's my insult good sir.. lets here yours!"

I find your brother to be half-witted, your well to be dilapidated, and your chi to be negligible.
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Mithreander smiles at her with lips that appear to thin and replies "I have to laugh at the insinuation of your insult and as you wish, here is mine, though take to heart that though the insult is acurate, I still hold you in the highest esteme."

He bows, then quipes with "I find your spouse to be dishonorable, your household to be shabby, and your karma to be callused."

Mithreander almost blushes with the pittiful insult, but shrugs it away. It was not his place to determine who's insult was greater, but the judges. Where is the judge, anyway? he thinks, almost letting his question devert his attention from the fight.

OOC: Do we have to ask for a judge? Also, am I typing to much into each response?


First Post
OOC- yes... we do have to ask for a judge.. and we can't start the fight till we find one.. *heh* but I'm sure Kalanyr will be along sometime tonight to judge... and maybe if we're lucky someone else MIGHT come along before then.. but as you can see the game almost died on us... so they're aren't many of us left..... we'll just have to wait it out for now.. :)

also Mithreander..... do you use the MIRC chat program???? if you do..we have a chat channel for this game as well... the channel name is #yb and we fight in #ybfight :) join us sometime if you use it.. :D


OoC: Thanks for the invite, but unfortunately, I do this from the other side of a firewall, so have access ot very few message boards, chat rooms, ect. In fact I still ahve to use the enworld.cyberstreet.com address to access this website, because the firewall blocks enworld.net. It's a bummer, but that's what I get for doing this from work. Cheers.


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OOC: One suggestion, Mithreander: You mentioned 'enworld.net' as the site you are blocked from by your firewall. Have you tried enworld.org? That is the most current main address that you can reach the messageboards from. If that doesn't work then at least it was a shot.

A man steps out of the nearby inn with a girl on each arm and a mug of ale in each hand. The smile on his face is fierce and he looks like someone you wouldn't want to mess with, despite his rather small stature and strange garb. With strange boots pointed at the toe, a leather jacket with fringes, and a hat that comes down nearly to his eyepatch, the man takes note of the two fighters looking around as if waiting for someone. The glow of his cigar reflects a feral gleam in the man's single eye as he disentangles himself from the embrace of both ladies.

"Darlins, I got some business to atend to here for a bit. Why don't you head on back to my room and make yourselves comfortable and I'll be along before ya know it."

As the ladies walk away gigling, the gruff man runs one hand through the long sideburns running down his cheeks before speaking to the fighters.

"Howdy, I'm known round here as Patch. Three guesses as to why, and the first two don't count. Anyway, I see you two seem to be hankering for a fight but don't have a judge yet. I've been known to do that gig now and then in the past, and I'd be happy to assist ya tonight. Though we'll have to keep it kinda short as I got palces to go and people to do tonight..."

"So, to get down to business I'll judge your insults first. Mithreander, I think your insult definately has more sting to it, so you'll get to choose the type of match (standard, strategy, or style) as well as the length of the match (number of flags you will battle to gain and win the match). Remember that you can't usually pick less than 3 flags for the match length, but I wouldn't make it much longer than that for now either."

"Oh yeah, you'll be wanting a decree from the Ancient Masters too. Just so happens I knew one a couple centuries ago and he told me I'd see this fight today, although I had forgotten about it till now. He told me to tell you this:

"The ancient masters have decreed this match to take place at the cemetery north of the Ancient Ruins on the night of the sword."

"That should about do it for now. Let me know what your choices are and then make your first attack and we'll get this underway. Good luck to you both and make it a good fight."


First Post
Mithreander, just noticed something and wanted to post to let you know. I see you posted your YB character in the YBA registery instead of the YB character registery. Though both games are very similar, they are different and the characters are not compatible from one to the other game. Since you have started this battle with a YB character, your current character should be in the YB character registry instead of the YBA one. Just switch it over and delete the YBA post and you'll be good to go.

As always, just ask if any questions.


(OoC: Wow, for aplace that's almost dead, there certainly are alot of ways to screw up, excuse my english. Okay, I'll move my charcter and 'delete' the entry in the YBA regestration.)

Mithreander looks at the new judge and a single word pops in his mind: Logan? He shakes his head and looks back at the judge and nods, but proceeds with a question.

"Does that mean we have to wait for the night of the sword (when ever that is) and fight at the cemetary, north or the ruins (where ever that may be)?"

Mithreander nods to the answer nad anounces his choice of match and the number of flags. "I choose a standard match, with 3 flags for victory! Now prepare yourself!" With that, the nimble elf launches himself into the air, going some distance into the air to attack directly at the woman's head, arms shield against a slashing attack that may be the girls counter.

-Move- said:
The weasel kicks higher than the cavern; shields the stab of the sickle!


First Post
"In answer to your question, nope. It's already the night of the sword and this here inn was built on top of an old cemetary with the ruins of the old inn down south'a here, so all the conditions are already met. You'll find that it tends ta work out that way all the time."

Seeing the knowing look on the pale elf's face, "Patch" nods and winks at him while putting a single finger to his lips in a "shush"ing sign before whispering, "Don't tell anybody ya seen me here, bub...I'm in disguise."
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