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Kanadrin Defeats Mithreander by Default .... (Thanks to Patch for Judging!)


OoC: For now! Thanks!

Mithreander looks perplexed at the woman.

"So you're a Nephilim? I thought that God threw down all of the offending Son's of God that had preyed on the Duaghter's of Eve?" Hearing what he had said, and thinking that he may have insulted the woman accedently, Mithreander ammended "Then again, God allowed for the Anikites to thrive, so what do I know?"

Mithreander had no doubts that the woman would be able to follow his discusion, being a desendent of an angel, though he knew that his last statements would be lost on those less familiar with the word of God.
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"I know.... not a story most like to hear.... sounds kind of fake.... but Archangel was my father... and he was here...... he left me this red luckstone when I was born to always remeber him by... it gives me clips and flashes of time spent with him..... but only when I was a baby...... I know very little about him... and wish to learn more..... they say there are ones arounf here who have fought him as I fought you not long ago...... but I cannot find them either.... it seems like something is covering his tracks as if I'm not supposed to find him.... and this saddens me greatly....."

"There is ONE man in particular I'd like to speak to..... I belive everyone here called him..... "Neko".... I know not his full name or even how it fits into this puzzle..... but I have images from the stone.. and his name is mentioned.... I'm sorry..I know this alot to process... and I shouldn't burden you with it.... but sometimes... I just need to vent... all this surching and so many dead ends.... it's so...... disheartening...."

Kanadrin sighs and goes silent... sinking into some sort of deep thought....


Mithreander smiles at the woman, though she was not looking at him. "Seems that you have purpose in your life. Most do not, so I think you will find your father, or his final destination and his reasons for leaving you with this burden."

Mithreander takes the time to pass the drink he had baught for the woman to her and take a drink from his, hands still shaking from the excersion of the battle and his 'episode'. Once he has some of the amber wine down his throat, he sighs as he feels the alcoholic beverage start to relax is tense muscles.

"Shall I tell you about myself? Mythe asks, trying to take her mind from her present troubles.

Turning in the bar stool so that he's looking away from the bar, he leans back and sighs.

"Mine is no where as complicated as yours. I'm here to prove myself to me and my own. See, i've never been one of the healthiest individuals around, as you've seen, and I want to prove that training and mental exertion such as study, willpower and focus, can more then make up for physical disabilities, even in physical arenas, such as here." Mithreander smiles sheepishly and adds "I seem to have done a knock-out job so far."

Mithreander then raises his glass in solute. "To you and your eventual success in locating your father, and to me, in hopes that I don't kill myself in trying to prove the impossible!" His smile is genuine and shows that his self mocking is less serious then it sounds from his lips.


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Kanadrin clinks her glass aginst her new friends and smiles for a moment.....

"Agreed.... good luck to both of us in what we seek.... now... I belive after this drink we should attempt another match......."

OOC- Mith.. I have open challenge thread started for Kanadrin..... go ahead and answer the challenge.. :)
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Mithreander smiles back, finishes the drink and stands, his legs still a little shakey, but Kanadrin had been more then fair about waiting. "Alright! After you ,my lady." he says as he moves to the door and holds it open.

He follows her out, hoping that her future holds joy in the end for her rather then disappointment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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