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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems


I must leave, we cannot endanger the wand to the humans of the town, I need someone to accompany me.
The albino dwarf goes to the bar and drowns what left of the ale.
Who's with me, I'll go to hide in the stable and I hope the guards will depart quickly … or I'll shrink them
Without explaining the shrink things the dwarf goes to the kitchen.

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The Gudwulf warrior looks suspiciously around at the chattering giant-kin and kobold, growing ever more frustrated that he seemed unable to follow their discussion. Maelicent didn't know what a paladin was, but the giant-kin seemed to react favorably to the kobold in spite of his previous erratic behavior. Great; they've gone back into that queer adventurer talk.

Maelicent breaks off the shafts of the two arrows he'd shot into the wolf-spider carcasses and picks up his matched set of giant spider limbs. "I'll go with'cha dwarf... Albino is it? I still wanna see this damned stick." The diminutive goblin waves his handaxe in an arc to indicate everyone and no one in particular. "Don't let no one run off with me demon carcasses; I's be getting back to em shortly."

Lowel nods at everything being said and stands in the taproom, scratching behind one ear and staring at the ichor-dripping spider carcasses in wonderment. After Gamad and Maelicent quit the festhall in favor of hiding in the stable, Lowel closes the kitchen door then retreats behind the bar.

From outside in the byway, those still in the gambling hall hear what sounds like four guardsmen splintering into two groups of two. Two men stand silent watch in front of the Cockatrice's closed front doors, while the other two mill about the crowd, asking questions.

Voadam and H.Lewit overhear one of the guardsmen, a Petty Officer Second Class judging by the term of address used by his mate, questioning Vaja. At the second class's query, Vaja can distinctly be heard replying, "...Frane and I, with Lowel's help and some of our better custom, we made certain the things got no further...no, I couldn't say...what's left of 'em're in the Cockatrice, but wouldn't you be better off getting this gaggle of folk off the street afore we go in for a look? Last thing I want is everyone seeing what's inside and deciding to do their drinking and dicing elsewhere. I reckon the Guild might have a thing or two to say about you disturing our business...yes, the stable's fine...After hours?...Come around to the back."

Natural 19 and 20. You two have good ears.

After half an hour, during which time the bustle outside grows quieter and quieter as folk depart, a key can be heard turning in the door from the outside. The door handles on the northern of the pair of doors rattles fruitlessly, followed by what seems to be Vaja, who calls out, "Lowel, open up. The Guard's gone, but they'll back soon, and in greater numbers."


First Post
"I think your plan is sound, Voadam. I've met a few of the guard and I think they will simply wish to know what happened and be on about their business now that everything is quieted down." Directing himself to Gamad and Mael, "They may want to check out the back of the inn where the spiders entered so make sure to get out of site from their as well. It's pretty obvious that the spiders came through the kitchen so I don't think we should try to convince them to keep out of that area."

Maelicent and Gamad secure themselves in the stable and hunker down to wait out the Guard. Not long after hiding, both Maelicent and Gamad hear the sound of footfalls approach from the southern alley adjacent to the Cockatrice. A sharp intake of breath, followed in short order by the sound of wretching and vomit being deposited on the grass alert the pair to the presence of two men, one of whom whispers, "By the Gods! The Maiden take me, isn't that Jearl's boy, Alarn?" The other of the pair is too busy emptying the contents of his stomach in the garden to reply.

When at last the man recovers from upchucking, the pair approaches the stable for a better look at the dead stablehand. The two men speak in hushed whispers overheard by Gamad and Maelicent. "Lieutenant'll flay us if we don't cart the boy to the Halls of Stone. C'mon, there's bound to be a handcart round here somewhere."


First Post
H.L. intends to report to the guards the first chance he gets that he has seen a rod and one of Cheal's men who left early had it.


As soon as the men depart with the stable's boy corpse, Gamad will head to the bar again, signaling the goblin to follow, he turns to the other and say.
I'm departing to my personal quarters at the inn of the sleeping bull, I need to take care of my donkey for several minutes, so you are welcome to escort me to the main hall of the inn.
Trying to straighten some of his curly messy hair unsuccessfully Gamad continues
We can discuss about what to do with the stick over a mug of spirit and rabbit's stew


"The guard are going to return later, if we are going to interrogate these three ourselves now is the time." Voadam goes over to get a pitcher of cold water to dash in Cheal's face to rouse him. As he gets the pitcher he says to Gamad "Dwarf, let me see the wand before you go, what type of markings does it have?"


"Also, does anyone know anything about this symbol?" Voadam holds forth the yellowed-ivory abstract fish hook at the end of a leather band. "It looks to me like either something connected with a god of fishing, or symbolic of tearing and hooking flesh, which could be a demon cult symbol. I'm not familiar with the local pantheons yet so I can't place its significance."

Voidrunner's Codex

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