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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems

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The fishhook doesn't look at all religious to Pilgrim's trained eye. Given Teggest's situation on bluffs overlooking the Tegyrn River and the city's reputation as a major port and commerce hub, perhaps the necklace belonged to a fisherman or was the petty adornment of a Rivermark customer.


Maelicent spends his time in the stables scrapping the more messy ichor and blood from his overcoat with the edge of a dagger. Thoroughly cleaning the garment doesn't seem to the goblin's goal however. In fact, seeing as how the leather jack is russet in color, it might occur to an onlooker watching him work that the hue of the garment might be due to it being repeatedly died with blood.

The Gudwulf warrior quiets down and keeps watch through the cracks between the shed's wooden wall slats when the pair of giant-kin come to reclaim the body of the slain groom. Once they've left the area Maelicent relaxes once more and begins cutting and scrapping the meaty bits or gristle from inside his pair of giant-spider limbs. To the albino dwarf Maelicent inquires: "So can I take a look at this precious magic stick o yours?"

Maelicent spies on the guardsmen, watching them go about their business, and scoffing at the giant-kin's weak stomach and lack of fortitude. The two men sport curious garb of garrish color. Both identically match and are dressed in the crisp red tabard and yellow breeches favored by the Guardsmen in this city. As if a giant target, both the tabard and the pants are piped in white. A bit of black leather belt about the mens' middle, polished black boots, and a long pike each completes the uniform.

Voadam is still back in the Cockatrice, so he can't take the wand from Gamad at the moment. Did you mean Maelicent, who is with Gamad in the stable?

Voadam tosses the bucket of water on Cheal, who comes up sputtering. Wiping back wetted down hair and smelling not too much unlike wet dog, Cheal coughs and snorts. "Whosit whatsit?! Doniel! Mattias!" Cheal looks around for his comrades but, spotting Voadam and the others, narrows his eyes. "What's ye on about, bandylegs?" Cheal moves, clearly wanting to stand up.


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H.L. walks up to to Cheal and pokes him hard on his forehead. "You seemed interested in that wand those spidery fellows were after. What do you know about it? Please, spare me no details."

Cheal gets up. "You seem interested in it, too. Why don't you tell me what you know about it, eh, Nancy?" His face red with anger, Cheal pokes H. Lewit hard in the chest in return.


First Post
"Oh my, scary." Lewit pretends to cower to his knees. He stops, stands up, and stares into blank space for a second, then focuses back on Cheal. "I know nothing honestly, but I think one of the people on my side might. They seem familiar with things not of this world. However, I don't think this is a trade of information. As far as you are concerned, you might as well be a hostage. Now, information, if you have it, please speak it. Let us keep this civilized as long as possible." Lewit's voice has gone cold and somewhat threatening.

Voidrunner's Codex

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