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Kevin Smith does Star Wars on the small screen...

John Crichton

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Chun-tzu said:
I guess I'm too cynical about George Lucas' judgment these days, but I don't see it happening. Kevin Smith is too hip and edgy to be the guy. Star Wars has, unfortunately, gone the opposite direction, becoming more Disneyesque (I wish that were a good thing). For example, Kevin's had gay characters in all of his work, hasn't he? I can't imagine Star Wars (or Star Trek, for that matter) ever allowing an openly gay character. Hence, the decline of both Star Wars and Star Trek, in my book. Too mainstream, too afraid to skirt the edge even a little.

Kevin would be a good choice from the fan's perspective, but studio types don't think like we do.
Chasing Amy, yeah. That was just about it. Lots-o-gay in that one. Lots of potty-mouth stuff, too.

Of course, Star Wars had nothing like sexual attraction between siblings or anything. ;)

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Very cool John, thanks for the tip. Though, it would have been nice of you to paste the article contents so that others wouldn't need to visit a site which is crawling with ads. Not everyone uses a good adblock filter (as I thankfully do!)

Kevin Smith and Luke Skywalker?
December 20, 2004 - When Revenge of the Sith hits theaters in May, it will likely mean the end of Star Wars on the big screen. But fans are already anticipating the epic space fantasy's move to television which creator George Lucas has hinted at in recent months.

The latest rumor, per the IESB website, is that fan and filmmaker Kevin Smith is secretly developing the series. When asked about the possibility, he's been completely mum on the subject – very much out of character for Smith. Something could be up.

And that's not all... a scooper for IESB claims that Mark Hamill will appear as Luke Skywalker in a recurring role. The report states that Hamill is currently collaborating with Smith on the pilot for the weekly series and that he'd appear in a "pop up now and then" role. The series reportedly features mostly new characters.

As is their custom, don't expect Lucasfilm to even acknowledge the existence of the planned TV series until after Episode III. In the meantime, tell us what you think about the prospect of Star Wars on TV and we'll keep you posted on the latest.

I think this is great news. I only wonder if the TV series will be faithful to the Extended Universe material, or if it will totally rewrite it. Personally, if they come up with something better, I wouldn't mind it they just threw it all out, because a lot of it is just horrible.


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I have no idea if this will happen, but I think Smith is a good choice. He seems like a "self-aware fan." By that I mean he knows and loves the movies, but also does not get too sucked into fandom. He both references and mocks Star Wars movies and fans in (almost) all of his own films.

Hmm. . . Anyone care to list all the Star Wars references in the Kevin Smith films (not to hijack the thread or anything)? Here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head while at work:

1. Death Star construction/moral dilemma conversation in "Clerks."
2. Darth Vader is a Nubian speech by Hooper in "Chasing Amy"
3. "Worst idea since Greedo shooting first" line by Holden in "J&SBSB."
4. Star Wars themed gay wedding (kids making fun of Dante and Randall) in "J&SBSB".

I am sure there are some in "Mallrats", but I can't think of any right now.

EDIT: How could I have forgotten all the Jedi Mind Trick stuff in "Mallrats?" I must need to wake up.

That's all I got at the moment.
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nakia said:
1. Death Star construction/moral dilemma conversation in "Clerks."

Ahh, I love it. And to make it better, George Lucas has commented on this one multiple times(especially recently on the Episode II DVD commentary) so we know he likes Kevin Smith's stuff.

I first heard about(and posted to the news here) this rumor about a week ago. There's some more stuff popping up here and there from questions being asked to Kevin Smith, and every time he just dodges the question with some kind of evil grin.


First Post
nakia said:
Hmm. . . Anyone care to list all the Star Wars references in the Kevin Smith films (not to hijack the thread or anything)? Here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head while at work:

The whole fight scene between Jay & Silent Bob and Mark Hamel. With Chris Rock's comment about Lucas sueing him.

Back to your reguarly promgramed thread. :)

Truth Seeker

Expect the confirmation after ROTS film, by then, storyboards, scripts, actors and the sets, should be ready by then.

I am guessing on that George wants to see, if the movie does well, the ground swell, could be carried over to the TV series.

This is just conjucture.

Black Omega

First Post
I'd rather see JMS do a Star Wars series then Kevin Smith, it would add a strong epic nature to the series. But then, I'm not much of a Kevin Smith fan, to be honest.

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