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KidCthulhu's Scarred Land story hour


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What follows is "episode 7" --our conversation with Lord Dobberick and our subsequent arrest. We are trying to post in order now, so this comes right after Marja's last two posts.

When last we left our intrepid adventurers. Th posh sitting room was in shambles, there were dead goblins in two corners, a dead guard in the center of the room, an unconscious fop on the floor and the party separated (of their own free will) into two small factions. Guards were surrounding Borin, Xenia, Deke, Fergus, and Marja while Gemma, Kalina and Morgaine slowly traversed the woods back to town to warn the guards before Dobberick had the chance.

Inside Lord Dobberick’s stately manor, Borin, Marja and Deke try unsuccessfully to convince the guards that their employer is a worshipper of Mormo. The sentry accuses them of murder, attempted murder, breaking and entering and assault. They close on the adventurers. Looking around at the dead strewn about the room, the house guards call a truce with the business end of Borin’s axe and Xenia’s sword. All agree to wait for the city guards. Borin, no longer enraged, slumps on the ruined sofa and asks for more ale. Xenia, Marja and Borin each enjoy a pint of the Lord’s lavish libations. Fergus picks up a copy of “A Brief History of the Elven Race, Volume I” and pretends to read enthusiastically.


Gemma, Kalina and Morgaine – en route to town to register their story with the city guard before Dobberick can – encounter a contingent of local law enforcement marching down the road toward the house. Twenty torch-bearing, armed men are moving at a pretty good clip in the direction from which Gemma and co. have just come. Hiding in the woods, they watch as the troupe passes, noticing one of the men bears the symbols of a sergeant. Deciding they may fare better with the guards than doubling all the way back to the city, Gemma and Kalina elect to show themselves. Morgaine, as usual, wavers indecisively. In a vain attempt to lend themselves credibility, Gemma and Kalina crash out of the woods near the guards, feigning breathlessness. The hope is to convince the guards that they have just run from the manor house and therefore eliminate suspicion. Morgaine lamely brings up the rear. She’s not a very good actress. Needless to say, the sergeant is less than convinced and orders them all to the manor house at sword point.

Once inside the manor, the party once again tries unsuccessfully to plead with the sergeant, who identifies himself as Tumbleson. He listens skeptically to their recount of events and protests of innocence. “Let me see if I’ve got this straight…you broke into a lord’s house, killed two of his guards, attacked one of his guests, destroyed his sitting room and threatened him with a sword. All because a stranger – whom you’ve also killed – said he was a worshipper of Mormo. I can see how you should be cleared of guilt.”

Morgaine, in a moment of frustration and foolhardiness, begins to rant about Lord Dobberick as the Mormo worshipper he is and that he is getting away. When Sgt. Tumbleson refuses to realize the full importance of this, she begins a diatribe against Mormo worshippers in general and their evil ways. Inadvertently, she tells him about the priest held captive under the Inn back in town. Her cohorts try ineffectually to end this impassioned speech but to no avail. Eventually Fergus fascinates her with his whistling and forces her into silence. Unfortunately, the damage is done and the guards now know about the “secret” tower in the cellar of the Inn. Having sworn they would not reveal this to anyone, our heroes, in addition to being in trouble with the law, have now displeased the Druids of Denev as well. Her companions stare daggers at Morgaine. When she finally realizes her folly, she sits quietly chagrined in an overstuffed easy chair. She really has no business adventuring.
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Deke, in an attempt to distract the guards, decides to act the part of the Good Samaritan. While he is ostensibly "seeing to the needs" of the unconscious baronet, Deke picks his pockets. Of course, now that he is no longer forced to carry a fairly heavy bag of jewels and rings, Baronet Gobrey may well have an easier time of it, even if that’s not exactly what the law enforcement had in mind by taking care of him. In an impressive non-display of dexterous talent, Deke slips this bag in his underwear. As he later confesses, “They won’t grab the family jewels.”

Sgt. Tumbleson orders his men to search the suspects and take “everything”. At this, Fergus questions the Sgt. “everything??” Upon receiving confirmation that he has, indeed, heard correctly, Fergus strips and stands in the room wearing nothing but his red hair and freckles. Borin laughs aloud at the crazy halfling. Deke sniggers. Gemma looks exasperated, Marja shakes her head and Kalina shrugs and rolls her eyes. Poor Morgaine is thunderstruck, sputtering and stammering, and averts her eyes with a desperate plea to Fergus to clothe himself. Sgt. Tumbleson comments on Fergus’ endowment (or lack thereof) and orders him to get dressed again. When the Baronet awakens and claims that he has been robbed, the Sgt dismisses his wailings because the “party’s been searched,” which causes another wave of chuckles from guards and adventurers alike.

Much to the dismay of our steadfast heroes, Baronet Gobrey does not recall ever hearing Lord Dobberick admit to being a worshipper of Mormo, thereby immediately slicing large holes in their story and casting them even further into the shadow of guilt. He does, however, remember enough of the events to challenge Borin and Xenia to duel for the assault on his lover, his person and his honor. Borin, a barbarian dwarf, looks at the fop’s flimsy rapier and laughs heartily. Xenia, a walking tin can in full spiked plate mail, also looks bemused. A chuckle also spreads through some of the guard. Deke, never one to be left out, challenges Gobrey to a duel for challenging Borin and Xenia to duels. Gobrey readily agrees.

Amidst discussion of how the Baronet lost his memory, the Sgt. commands the “lawbreakers” to surrender their arms and spell components. Xenia agrees providing she can retain her spiked armor. Borin says there are no words for “surrender your arms” in Dwarvish, then lets out a stream of Dwarven obscenities and refuses. Fergus translates for the guards by saying that it loosely means “over my dead body will you pry this out of my cold, rigid hands.” Eventually, cooler heads prevail and Marja convinces Borin that cooperating now may bolster their case later. Reluctantly, he agrees but the pain is clearly written in his face. Sgt. Tumbleson moves the party out as Borin leans over to Deke and whispers, “Next time, we do your plan and burn this place down!” Fortunately, the guards do not hear or feign indifference.


First Post
The group is put in a dank, musty cell; the air is stale and not moving. Cots line both sidewalls and the fetid stench of urine permeates everything. Two small slits in the back wall act as windows but they are high up and so narrow that no breeze wafts through to the prisoners. The guards are not gentle as they shove the party members unceremoniously. Once inside, the gang is forced to surrender all weapons and magic items. This includes Morgaine’s spell book. Like Borin with his axe, this is the very core of her being and she clutches it like a mother bear protecting her cub. The guards literally pry it out of her arms, causing her to break down in great hiccupping sobs. Even the reticent Gemma is moved to reassure her that this loss is only temporary.

Shortly after they have been locked into the cell, Lord Dobberick arrives at the jailhouse to gloat. Sneering superciliously, he clucks his tongue in mock pity at their plight. Xenia charges the bars, Gemma threatens to hunt him down like the vile creature he is and Morgaine screams a stream of Goblin obscenities so vile and offensive that even Deke (the only other party member who speaks Goblin) blushes to the roots of his hair. Un-phased, Dobberick takes his leave of the jailbirds with a parting taunt.

Not surprisingly, sleep eludes the party members. Somewhere near 4 am, Sgt. Tumbleson returns to the jail and takes watch just outside their cell. Gone is the outright skepticism with which he first greeted our heroes. It is replaced by a willingness to listen and even interest in their version of truth. The bottom line, as he sees it, is that there is no corroboration to support the party’s claim that Dobberick is anything but the upstanding citizen he professes to be. Personal feelings aside – he admits to a strong dislike of the callous, scheming lord -- the Sgt.’s hand are tied. However, sitting in a jail cell does not procure any more evidence for the party’s case and the Druids of Denev, while supportive, cannot substantiate any testimony. Before taking his leave, Tumbleson indicates that there are large sections of the city that are unpatrolled and it would be difficult to track an inconspicuous group outside the city. Such a group could then obtain proof of its innocence and another’s guilt, if it were their will to do so. Tumbleson then bids his “suspects” good night and sends in a very sleepy guard to replace him. Shortly, his soft snores fill the hallway. Marja hopefully speculates that perhaps Sgt. Tumbleson used a bit of the sleep drug they confiscated from Morgaine. Deke –being Deke – remarks that it doesn’t matter and manages to pick the lock on the cell with Borin’s cloak pin, easing the heavy door open gently so as not to awaken the dozing guard. With deft skill, he relieves the guard of the jail keys and the party heads toward the door. This is exactly the kind of escapade Deke has dreamed about his entire life and he manages this with finesse and aplomb.

Within minutes, Borin is reunited with his axe, Morgaine with her spell book, Gemma with her bow, Deke with his rapier and Kalina with Fang. Fergus, sadly, must leave his cart behind, but takes all the paperwork on their case. Marja never had to surrender her charming personality. With the jailbreak successfully accomplished, the troupe skulks through the pre-dawn streets to the deserted area of town. Amidst abandoned homes and warehouses, they regroup to plan their next move. Using the cover of darkness, they leave the city and head southeast into the woods. When they are sure they are far enough away and not being followed, the adventurers make a hasty camp and drop into much needed unconscious slumber. They sleep until noon.


First Post
Upon waking, Deke informs the party that one of Baronet Gobrey’s rings indicates he is from Otenazu, Morgaine’s hometown. Unfortunately but not surprisingly, Morgaine has never heard of this noble. Realizing that they should not attempt to enter Amalthea again during the daylight, the group ponders their limited options while breaking camp. Head back to the Inn to question the Druids of Denev? Sneak back into town to question locals? Seek out Gobrey to “remind” him of the events? As they debate the merits of each choice, some of the group hear an unnatural howl off in the distance. Neither of the resident nature experts (Gemma the Ranger and Kalina the Druid) recognizes the call, nor does anyone else in the party. Deke heads out to investigate since he can hide behind a blade of grass should the need arise. The group follows at a distance.

Morgaine casts message on Deke, Gemma, Kalina and herself, allowing them to communicate via whispers. Deke travels about 150 yards and climbs up a tree to scout the area. Not far off, he hears the spine-chilling wail of the creature and the equally disturbing response of its mate. He informs the party via the mental link that there are at least two creatures and then gasps as the horrifying beasts come into view. Two large, black panther-like creatures are slinking through the tall grasses in the direction of the party. From this height he can see the red, searing slashes in their hide and large swords projecting out of their bodies at random. Parts of the creatures even seem to glint in the waning sunlight, almost as if they were metallic. One of the bladebeasts makes its way to the base of the tree in which Deke is cowering…er hiding. Up close, he can see that this creature is enormous – at least ten feet long and weighing somewhere in the vicinity of five hundred pounds. Its partner is even bigger. Gulp…nice kitties.

As the beast attempts to jump up into the tree, Deke uses his ring of jumping and leaps 20 feet up through the leaves to a higher branch. He lands with a teeth-jarring thud which leaves him reeling and shaken as his insides slam into their walls. At his scream and subsequent calls for help, the party takes off at full run but they are still almost 130 yards away and it will take time to reach him. Xenia in full plate mail lags far behind and Morgaine hesitates seconds longer than her companions, causing her to also trail at the back.

Deke desperately looks around for an escape as the blade beast begins to climb the tree with razor-sharp claws ripping away bark and small twigs. The tree shakes and sways with its weight as the second cat circles the base of the tree, eagerly anticipating the tasty morsel falling from his perch. Looking around, Deke sees another tree close by. Once again with his ring of jumping, Deke does his most impressive acrobatics and lands lightly on a heavy branch, winded but unharmed. The beasts move to the base of the second tree and Deke flies effortlessly to a third tree, slowly making his way back towards the party. This time, however, one cat lingers at the base of the fourth tree while the other again begins his ascent in this one. This is obviously a smart breed of bladebeasts. Help is still frighteningly far away....


First Post
Deke frantically scrambles higher into the tree, hoping he can stave off the creatures. Eventually, other party members begin arriving and offer a distraction for the hapless rogue turned acrobat. Borin and Gemma thrash into the clearing 20 feet from the creatures. The cunning beast waiting at the fourth tree circles around and pounces on Borin from behind. The scent of his blood spurs the creatures on. Marja casts magic missile at the creature still attempting to climb up to Deke, who then leaps to the ground and attacks with long, sharp swords slicing out from its underside. Kalina casts entangle and watches triumphantly as large roots begin to writhe and grow around the trees, catching both cats. Poor planning cause an unfortunate Borin to also fall victim to the ensnaring underbrush. Trapped as he is with both creatures, Borin goes berserk with rage in an attempt to break free from the snarling brambles while still attacking the nearest enemy. This is not as effective as he would like and the cats’ harsh claws repeatedly swipe him, ripping large gashes into his neck and chest.

Deke ties himself to the tree when a cat begins to shake the tree violently with its full weight as it rips at the roots partially ensnaring it. Once secure, he pulls out his crossbow and aims at the beast. Alas, shaken as he is, the bolt flies errant and misses in a wide arc to the left. Fergus and Morgaine finally arrive; he inspires greatness while she casts melf’s acid arrow at the one closest to Borin. Fergus then charges at the cat shaking the tree, his sword slicing neatly into the metallic flesh, creating a large gash in its haunch. Gemma also targets this creature with two arrows neatly sunk into its flank. Wounded and bleeding badly, the bladebeast drops to the ground.

The beast attacking Borin lets out an unearthly howl at the death of its mate, leaping at Fergus who impales it with his sword. The sword then continues into the beast as it is sucked inside the creature from Fergus’ incredulous hands. Once again, Marja casts magic missiles and watches the flaming green sparks of energy emerge from her hands and sink into the chest of the howling beast. Morgaine sends a melf’s acid arrow hurtling toward the blade beast but harried as she is, her aim is less than perfect. She narrowly misses hitting the very injured Borin. Kalina aims a perfect sling-shot into its temple, while Fergus and Borin attempt to flank it.

Finally free of the ensnaring roots, Borin manages at last to sling his axe into the beast’s metallic hide, hacking a large chunk of its throat. The beast lets out one long howl and drops unconscious next to its fallen mate. Exhausted and no longer in a rage, Borin drops unconscious next to the creatures and the healers scramble to tend his terrible wounds. Deke scouts for other creatures in the vicinity and Fergus attempts to retrieve his sword. Shortly thereafter, Xenia runs up breathless and itching to fight just as Morgaine drops unconscious, eyes fluttering in her head.


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Here follows the begining of episode 8 -- See PirateCat's original post. It's easy to see how low level our characters really are. And hopefully how much fun we have playing them.

Eyes twitching, shaking violently, Morgaine’s companions watch in stunned silence as she passes into a trance before them. She comes to several seconds later calling to her grandmother, frightened and confused. Once coherent, she reports seeing her grandmother beside their home in Otenazu with a cackling goblin-like creature casting a spell and laughing maniacally. This has increased import for the group when she informs them that her grandmother has been dead over a year. Visibly shaken, Morgaine spends much of the rest of the day in contemplative silence.

Fergus and Xenia spend several minutes retrieving Fergus’ sword from the bowels of the bladebeast. In the process, they discover several rusty weapons of little value and a large club that radiates with transmutation magic. Feeling adventurous, Xenia picks up the weighty cudgel and begins to sense her body growing and changing. Suddenly, before the party’s eyes, Xenia grows to 12 feet tall. Someone (probably Marja) gasps as her bottom lip protrudes out from her face and her nose flattens to almost a snout. Instantly she becomes aware of the awesome power surging through her body and is compelled by a sudden urge to hit things. Unfortunately, she does not understand her companions and is, in fact, not even sure who they are. She can see these small creatures waving at her but it is difficult to understand what they are saying. Xenia knows the desire to hit and kill, but her pea-sized brain has difficulty deciphering much else. Seeing Deke tied to the tree, Xenia attempts to shake it violently. Deke manages to get her attention using short, terse words. “Xenia, stop. Shake.” At this, the Xenia-Ogre waves her arms in the air and shakes herself wildly.

Eventually, she puts the club down and shrinks back to her normal 6-foot frame. Deke steers clear of her for most of the afternoon. Although the image of Xenia the Ogre waving her arms above her head in an oddly amusing dance lingers in everyone's mind for quite some time. Deciding to wait until the law cools down, the group chooses to head to Otenazu – a six or seven-day journey southeast. Perhaps they can discover more background about Gobrey. At the very least, they may be able to investigate what is behind Morgaine’s vision.

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