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Kingdom of Ashes IC discussion (What if we held a war and *everybody* came?)

Laurel said:
Sometime the last day we had, if Justice is in her room or around somewhere to be found.

L'aurel once she finds her, gives her a hug hello, "Justice, it has been a while since we could enjoy a simple dinner. Father and I would welcome your company with us tonight if you are free?"
"Dinner would a wonderful... Preston and I plan to practice our forms this evening... would you mind if he joined us before we left for the practice room?"

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First Post
Queen_Dopplepopolis said:
"Dinner would a wonderful... Preston and I plan to practice our forms this evening... would you mind if he joined us before we left for the practice room?"
With an open smile and laugh, "Of course! It will be good to chat as a family."

Becoming Siblings

Justice tip-toes silently through the hallway of the palace at Hyrwl. She is still in her white nightgown—pink roses embroidered along the cuffs of the sleeves. With the sun just cresting the horizon, Justice walks, as quietly as she can, to Xath’s bedroom door… knowing the elf is gone, she silently opens the door and sits on the bed only moments ago shared by Archonus and Xath.

Sitting down on the bed, she whispers, "Archonus... I need you to wake up." Placing her hand on his shoulder, she shakes him... "Archonus... wake up, please."

Archonus rolls over smiling. Half-asleep he reaches up and places his hand on Justice’s. "It's still early my love, come back to bed."

She laughs... "Archonus, I know that I am devistatingly good looking... but, I am certainly not your love. And, more importantly, I have never been in your bed. As such, I cannot come back.” A stern look crosses her face and, in her best motherly tone she says, "Now, wake up-- I need to speak with you."

Archonus’ eyes explode open and he lunges up and out of bed. He stands on the other side of the bed wearing only his family ring on a cord necklace and pants. "By the Light Fairweather! What are you doing in here?"

Hiding a smile behind a yawn, she says, "As I have said several times, I need to speak with you... this is the only time I knew you would be alone."
Rubbing the back of his neck, Archonus speaks, "What did you want to talk about?"

An emotion—shame?—flashes in Justice’s blue eyes. She takes a deep breath... "Archonus, I have been harsh to you. I have said things that were brash and mean... downright rude... and...” Silence fills the air for several long seconds. “I want to... apologize.”

He stands there for a second without saying anything. Looking down at the vulnerable woman on his bed, "You don't need to apologize. My actions have earned your scorn."

Justice stands. "There is nothing that you have done to earn any scorn. I have disrespected you... disrespected your decisions and second guessed
your judgment. If anything, I deserve the scorn. I have trained as a leader--a leader is supposed to listen to both sides of the story... and I have
been deaf to yours. I am sorry, Archonus. And, I want you to know that. I do trust your judgment... your wisdom."

Archonus shrugs his strong shoulders. “I am no wiser then anyone else. I don't want you to trust my judgment. Everyone makes mistakes. The only thing i ask is that you just trust me. I've never wished you ill and I would never do anything to put you or any of the Circle at risk."

Justice nods... "I know that, now. Archonus, I want you to know that your support, your approval, means a lot to me... I really look up to you... as a friend..." She looks into Archon's eyes intently... "As a brother."
Surprise fills Archonus’ eyes. "Justice..." He smiles the walks around the bed to hug her. "You will always have my support. I may disagree with you sometimes, but I stand with you. No matter the cost.”

Her voice cracking slightly... "Thank you." Letting her arms drop to her sides, she looks up at Archon, biting her lip, her face flushes. "Keep that in mind in the next couple days... There is someone that may be speaking with you."

Grinning, Justice turns to leave, knowing well Archonus’ mouth is hanging open with words unsaid. Quickly, she shuts the door and bounds back to her room.
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First Post
um- be sure to read the disclaimer at the end

The fighting finally died down. There we stood, Archonus Bluestar and Archonus Arrendor for the first time both without armor or adornments and looking even more like a mirrored reflection. Xath stands in the doorway of her fellow clansman, while L’aurel stands in front of her what little cloth she had worn to bed burned to almost nothing. A beast stands beside her blood dripping from teeth and claws. Justice it seems is the only one prepared for battle only swordless…. Kareth needing nothing more then his fists finally woke to the fireballs and screams and metal clanking happening just outside his door.

All eyes are pinning the strange blond figure at the end of the hallway. He knew Arhconus’ name. How? Looking at each of us he finally speaks, “I am Jansten here with an… invitation.” Everyone tenses not sure what is to come next, “As hero’s of the realm each of you is invited to the Metropolitan Memorial Methodist Church located in the city of DC. I had-” he pats his sides and searches hundred of hidden pockets, “I could have sworn I remembered them. Aha!” With a flourish he pulls a folded piece of parchment from his pocket, then frowning, “No… these are mom’s recipe for chicken soup.” Shaking his head, “She’s gonna kill me!” Holding up his hands at our bewildered looks, “Wait I know I’ll tell you what’s in it and then go find the actual pieces of paper- deal?” Not sure weather to laugh or cry at the poor man’s attempts we nod our heads. “Okay then it s a marriage of two commoners, but their good people and my mom knows ‘em and says their good people. But see they wanted you there too seeing as how great you all are, should add to the fun right? So it’s at that church I mentioned before, and afterwards there will be a banquet with food, sweets, spirits, and a tournament (of dancing). It’s on-“ Scratching his head and pondering long and hard, “Oh, I know this…. It’s on November 6th me dad’s birth date. I remember where I put the invites next to his birth date card!” With that he poofs away, perhaps to return with the actual invitations.

Disclaimer: Okay so the weird idea credit goes to greg, the award for horrible spelling and grammar and story line goes to me. And yes this is just for fun and not actually somethign that happens in story.... We have invites we wanted to hand to everyone, and instead had issues and never had everyone together…. So next time we all get together you should be getting official looking things- everyone or not since it's getting kind late!!! Thanks for understanding that my brain is currently fried J
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He's not so bad- oh wait it's just a fail sense motive.....

Day AD+3

You stand in front of the mage's hut, shielding yourself as best you can from the biting cold. It has been a cold autumn - it will be a colder winter. You knock, and a slide on the door opens to reveal a jaundiced eye staring back at your torso. Slowly, the eye swings up to your face. 'I'll never get used to that," he grunts. "Mostly, this is prettier to look at, but it's got it's only little wrongnesses." "You comin' in?" he asks, eyes pulling away from the peep hole.

Fine greeting for only the second meeting and the first on my own- She had been able to ignore the cold against her bared skin under the cloak, but she didn’t know if she could take his looks. Xath and Justice had commented enough about how he acted. But she wasn’t like them, and so had thought nothing of it… till now, “If you have a fire going. Otherwise we might as well speak out here.”

"There's no fire, but it's warmer in here. Come on in," you hear from behind the door, as it opens a crack.

She nudges inside keeping the cloak tightly wrapped around her. "I'm sorry they didn't find a more suitably perfect body for me. I'm sure you have seen better and worse," a teasing smile tugs at her lips, "And I have found there are unseen benefits to this new form. But as enlightening as it may be I did not come to discuss the pro’s and con’s of my form, and I'm sure you have a better way to occupy your time." Her body still cold, she keeps the cloak tightly wrapped managing to pull out the strange stone Arhconus gave her. “I did come to ask you about this.”

"I gave it back to the Redmask for a reason. Didn't feel right keeping it. Felt like it was looking at me. Besides, I got that oath, now. Queen. Country. You know the drill."

A small chuckle escapes, as she holds it up, “Knowing Link he very well could be! But where- how did you get it?”

"It was easy. Was with the ashes. You just gotta be able to get your hands dirty. Figured it might be valuable. As it turns out, it was mostly just creepy. Same enchantment as Aregonn's Eye - this one was probably the prototype."

“Everything has value, something’s are just valuable not with a price of gold...Well, I thank you.” Giving him a very light and very quick hug. Smiling, “You are a strange man, Cawys, but there seems to be lots of good in you as well. And though you didn’t ask for it,” she hands him a small pouch that seems to tink with metal. “Consider it payment for a… a holding fee.”

He waves his hand dismissively at the apparent bag of gold. "No one to sell it to, anyway. It was worthless to me - you payed me exactly what it was worth, already."

L’Aurel confused by his words and actions, "Archonus?"

"What about him? He asked, I had it to give. He came in here loaded for bear...I thought I'd save myself a fight."

"You said we had already given you payment for it. I thought you ment Arhconus had paid... he's not exactly easy to be friends with, but usually means well."

"You misunderstood me. It was worthless. You paid me nothing. Fair trade."

He always wants something for everything maybe he’s not so bad- Shrugging, and then turning to open the door "Well, thanks then. I'm sure we will be chatting again."

"I have no doubt" he grunts, dismissing you. As you leave, he bends to pick up something, humming tunelessly to himself.
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First Post
From Baroness to Messenger

You step over a low pile of stones, old and forgotten mortar crunching beneath your heals. The sun hangs low in the sky, almost as if unwilling to move far from its shelter in the horizon. It's cold – as cold as it has been since you can to Hyrwl. Your eyes adjust quickly to the shadows of the temple. No work has begun here, today - the Abbess will be along shortly with her volunteers, but for now, this is a place of solitude. You can almost hear the ancient voices, chanting to you from the long-forgotten past. You see him, wrapped in his cloak, huddled against one of the few intact pillars in the ancient basilica. His breath puffs out in white clouds, as he stares out into nothingness. His un-marked eye is bloodshot, red rimmed. He doesn't look up as you approach.

L'Aurel's steps falter as she sees more... emotion, more pain then ever before plain on his face. Slowing her steps forward reaching out her hand, but this isn't Arhconus Arrendor... Her hand remains poised over his shoulder hovering, as a weak "Archonus?" escapes.

His head jerks toward her, sudden clarity flash in his face. A snarl crosses his lips, and then softens. His face goes dead once more. "L'Aurel," he states flatly. Her concern and sadness can’t be hidden like his, “Have you been here all night?” Her arm still poised outward as if to comfort even though he has moved away.

"Since after the attacks," he growls. "I needed to be alone. I'd prefer to remain that way. Good day, L'Aurel," he continues, turning his body fully away from hers.

Her tone still soft, “So you’d rather suffer alone. You’ve already given up haven’t you?”

"Yes. I would rather not share my suffering. You could not share in it, even if you wished to. But given up? No. I have not, will not give up. My will is all that is left to me."

Her arm drops, but keeping her voice gentle, “Friends are there for just that, but it’s still easier to push people out isn’t it? I have said it before, I know I can’t understand what you’ve gone through, what your going through. I’m not here to share your suffering, and I can’t take it away no matter how much I may wish to. I know these things, but you have been given again so much- a second chance… Your sister has returned is that not something to be glad of?”

His voice drops, deadened. In the cold morning air, it barely manages to reach you. "I am not Archonus Arendorr. I am not the man you adventured with. I am Archonus Bluestar. I wish him and his new-found sister well. But I have no family, not any more. I am a servant of Death, with naught left to me but my memory." He pauses, as if catching his breath from having spoken for so long. "Naught but memory, and hope." he continues, quietly.

She slides just one step around him, but stops at his side, “No, you are not Archonus Arrendor. Choose whatever name you wish to label yourself with, it changes naught the man inside. If you have hope then you have two great allies inside you already. Hope and Will. But what do you hope for?”

He looks up at you, eyes burning with anger, and anguish. "My hopes are small, weak. To share them would be to kill them, and I am not willing to give them to my grandfather as well...not yet. They remain mine, and mine alone."

Her voice cracks for the first time with emotion held in check, “Hope is all some have, but even a tattered shred of hope can eventually change the world. Yes, they are your hopes and your dreams alone to see come true. And since to speak to even a friend is to tell your grandfather, I am sorry I came- that I invaded. No, no lies. I am sorry but not for that.”

He sighs, shaking his head. "Why are you here? You sought me for a reason. What is it?"

Stepping back one pace with a mocked bow, “I come as nothing more then a messenger for the Queen, she wishes your presence at a meeting in the throne room.”

"I need some time to clean up. You may tell her that I will present myself to her as soon as possible. Apologize for my delay," he says, looking truly concerned for the first time since you began speaking. "Please?"

Sad but genuine her lips pull in a slight smile, her voice once more dropping to quieter tones, “I shall… she knows some of what has happened. She will understand. The others, the rest of the circle should still be in the throne room. Do you wish for Mansblade to be brought to you first?”

He grimaces to himself. "Yes, please. Bring it to the real Archonus's room, and I will take possession of it, there. It was unwise of me to leave it in the first place."

“A lot happened last night no one was thinking strai- Forgive me. I will take it to your room if you wish, Archonus Bluestar. First I shall relay the message to Jaine and then bring the sword to you.” She walks a few paces away then looking over her shoulder to the center of the ruins she utters a quick prayer to a higher messenger, Oberon.
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A Love is Born

Justice stands in the cavernous throne room of the Royal Palace in Hyrwl, a
once-empty barony that now stands as the last bastion of hope in the
Falcon Kingdom. A tainted King holds the falcon throne in Caer
Albion, and draconic hordes even now prey upon the people he swore to

A rebel queen sits upon a makeshift throne ahead of the tall, blonde woman, consulting
with advisors and courtiers, working to preserve a shattered people,
to defend them against the threats of a kingdom gone mad. Her
voluminous robes hide her slightly swelling belly, the first physical
evidence of her pregnancy. In but a few months, Jaine Rhynn will have
an heir.

Looking up from a conversation Justice cannot quite hear, she beckons to her,
motioning for her to approach the raised dais upon which her throne
sits. Stepping forward as she waves her hand, dispersing the
messengers and bureaucrats that seemed to swarm around her.

"Justice, I need you to take this to Lord Greyclaw," she says, handing
the paladin a tightly wrapped scroll, evidently given to her by one of the
courtiers she had scattered moments before. "He'll know what it is,
and what must be done. Hurry, and return here as soon as your
business is taken care of."

As Justice starts to turn away, she manages to lean forward enough to grasp
her elaborate gold sleeve. Stopping, she looks over her shoulder to see what else
her Queen would bid. Smiling, she continued, "We have all
felt Arfin's loss keenly. But please, Justice - smile."

The blonde woman attempts to smile, but anyone watching would see only a grimace - a
mix of pain, loss, and anger that no smile could reflect. Giving up,
Justice nods, turns, and then strides out of the throne room into the cold
harsh sun of the day.


With the scroll clenched between her teeth, she climbs up the massive
trunk of the tree that serves as the Duke's palace, the center of New
Oceanus. Passing snow-covered bows, Justice’s climb takes her hundreds of
feet upward, culminating in a nearly effortless push against the flat
part of the floor that serves the former home of the Woodshadow as a

It swings upward, and then back down, slamming onto the planks with a
deafening *crack.* Warm air rushes over Justice’s pale skin, quickly escaping the
sky-borne hut, and climbing the remaining few rungs of the ladder,
stooping only long enough to close the door her opened.

Taking the scroll in hand once more, she takes a moment to look over
the walls of a place that one of the greatest heroes of the past
millennium called home. Lord Greyclaw has changed little.
Nonetheless, the walls, once covered with weapons taken as trophies by
the ancient warrior, now stand naked - the weapons in the hands of the
defenders of New Oceanus and Hyrwl, even now on the watch for another
attack from their former home.

The Duke is not in sight, so she calls out -- hoping to capture his
attention from wherever the charcoal-skinned noble is hiding.

Justice needs only wait a moment before his familiar, deep voice calls out
in return. "Mistress Fairweather, is that you?" he bellows, from
somewhere above you. "I'll be down in a moment," he continues, as she
hears the sounds of feet shuffling above.

A few minutes later, the Duke breezes through a doorway to Justice’s
right, still pulling a loose fitting tunic over his grey-skinned
chest. As he continues toward her, he tosses a long wooden staff into
a corner near the doorway, using his free hand to towel beaded sweat
from his forehead. His amber eyes look into hers. He smiles.

Bowing curtly, he says, "Mistress Fairweather, I am at your service."

Placing the scroll behind her golden belt (it matches her fine gold
slippers, but no one would ever know as those fine slippers are hidden
under layers and layers of beautiful gold and black gown), Justice
takes in the scene around her. For a moment, Justice only smiles
back... looking into his eyes. For a moment, she is oblivious to the
world around her. As that moment grows longer--stretching from
normal, warm greeting to an uncomfortable silence--Justice realizes
she has forgotten why she was here. Her mind whirrs... "I know that I
didn't come here to gaze in that mans eyes-- I had a purpose!" Justice
thinks... all the while, absent mindedly twirling a loose curl that
had escaped from the mound of yellow curls atop her head.

In an attempt to behave normally, she coughs and bows quickly... and,
as she straightens, the scroll slips from her belt, onto the floor.
As it lands, Justice is rocketed back to reality... "Good day Duke
Greyclaw... Jaine has asked me to deliver this to you."

As he reaches out to take the scroll, his fingers brush across yours.
A small smile splits his obsidian face, revealing stark white teeth in
contrast to the dusk of his skin. "It's a good day, indeed," he
muses, seemingly to no one in particular. Shaking his head after a
half-second, he recovers, "Any idea what it contains, fair lady

Grinning slightly she jokes, "Please, Duke Greyclaw... I've no
objection to being called 'fair lady,' but fair lady Justice is much
more informal." Deliberately placing her most stunning smile on her
face, she glances at the scroll... "I've no idea what the scroll
contains. Jaine said you would know."

"Our queen is rarely mistaken, but in this - she is. I've no more
idea of what it contains than you." Smiling back, he continues, "But
I can hardly complain about the company this scroll has brought me. I
shall hold it in high esteem even if it bears bad news - it has brought
the sun itself into my shadowed home."

Red bursts into Justice's cheeks and her mouth drops-- she has never
been complimented so openly by a man... especially one this
attractive. Though she's told no one, she has dreamed of this since
first meeting the ebon skinned man... quickly, she recovers, "Why, you
say that as if carrying the message to you was not equally
enjoyable..." She grins, almost deviously, "Indeed, in the past
months, your presence here in Hyrwl has made even the most dreadful
situations more... attractive."

Returning your devilish grin, he looks as if he is about to say
something, then stops. Composing himself, he looks down at the
scroll. "I suppose we must see what it is that requires I view it
with such speed." Opening it with characteristic flourish, his eyes
quickly scan the page.

He looks back up at you, his eyes hooded. "I am truly blessed this
day! Good news graces my presence, borne by a beautiful woman! A
formal treaty with the dwarves of Khaz Modan. This bodes well for our

For a brief second, Justice looks a military general. "Indeed, that
is grand news." However, the sternness quickly fades into silence as
she looks down to her hidden slippers and bites her lip. Meekly
looking up, "Possibly cause for celebration?"

He grins, a lopsided expression different from the public face he
usually wears. Stepping closer, he looks directly into your eyes.
"Celebration..." he whispers, mere inches from your face. "A kiss?"
he breathes, almost inaudibly.

Her face blazing red, she steps closer... slowly lifting herself up on
her tip toes to reach his lips-- it is not often Justice has to stand
on her tip toes to do anything. Her heart flutters and her face glows
even brighter remembering the words she had spoken to her cousin just
days before-- "no time for suitors and "air headed floozy"--were some
of the choice phrases she had used to describe her feelings about
romantic relationships. But, despite her better judgment, she
allowed herself to lean closer and closer to the tall, dark man.

His lips brush across yours. Lightly at first, and then firmly, his
arms wrap around you, drawing you still closer. As you return the
kiss, he makes a noise, deep in his throat - almost a groan. The kiss
seems to go on forever, eons rushing by around you as everything
around you -- save Greyclaw -- seems to disappear.

Centuries later, he pulls back long enough to say, "I have been
waiting to do that since the first time I saw you, fair lady."

Her body goes almost limp in his arms. She breathes a deep, long
breath and looks into his eyes. With a small smile, all she can say
is, "Really?"

His crooked smile returns. "I wouldn't lie. Not to you."

An almost angry look crosses her face, "You should I told me! I have
spent so many nights dreaming of you... all because I thought it was a
lost cause-- not that I am not fond of adopting something that is, by
appearances, a lost cause-- but, there's only so many lost causes a
woman can adopt before she becomes totally overwhelmed..." She sighs
and looks up into his eyes. "I have, since first coming to Oceanus,
been completely infatuated with you, but did not pursue because I
thought it could never happen..."

"Obviously, that is not the case." he says, leaning in to kiss you once more.

She happily kisses back, hugging him tightly. Between kisses, almost
involuntarily, she whispers her thoughts aloud, "I think could fall in
love with you." Suddenly, she tightens, realizing what she has said.
Loosening her grip around his torso, without letting go, she looks up
at him. Frowning she says, "Varis... I need to leave--Jaine may need

His arms tighten around your narrow waist. "Wh-What did you say?"

Shock flashes in her eyes. She clears her throat and stutters--her
cool ability to bend the truth seemingly failing her, now, "I said
that... um... Jaine may need me..."

"No," he demands, shaking his head, "before that!"

Eyes wide, as if she is silently pleading him to not make her repeat
her foolish words she finally gives in. "I said that I could fall in
love with you..."

His amber eyes widen in shock. "Y-you hardly even know me," he says,
his arms not loosening.

"That is true..." She sighs. "I should not have said it... I did not
mean to... my thoughts simply spilled out." Starting to pull away,
her demeanor shifts from feminine and soft to stern and hard. "My
apologies Duke Greyclaw. I will leave you, now."

"No!" he practically screams. Composing himself, he repeats, "No. I
would not have you leave me for anything. I...I don't find it so hard
to believe that someone could fall in love in an instant..."

Justice seems to make no attempt to hide the fact that she is trying
to convince herself as much as Varis with her words, "You said it
yourself, Varis. We hardly know each other... I would be called a
foolish goat by everyone I know to claim that I had fallen in love
after a single kiss."

"And even more foolish," he mutters, "to claim to have fallen in love
without so much as that."

Quizzically, she looks up, "What do you mean?"

"If claiming to have fallen in love after no more than a kiss is
foolish, than claiming to have fallen in love before even the touch
one's lips to another’s' must be doubly so."

"Yet," he muses, "I could not deny the truth of it."

Reaching up to brush stray hairs off her face, her hand stops at the
high cheek bones of the tall man holding her, "Varis... I don't know
what to say..."

"Don't say anything," he says. "Just kiss me again."

She perks her head and presses her lips to his for a brief moment,
attempting to recapture the feel of their first kiss. Pulling back,
she shakes her head, "What is this to accomplish?"

"Accomplish!?" he laughs. "Nothing less than my happiness -- and
yours too, I hope..."

"Oh! It does make me happy-- very happy. Truth be told, the last ten
minutes are probably the happiest I have ever experienced... But, it
certainly does not take back my fool-girl words... Varis, I have
obligations, responsibilities--we both do-- and, stealing kisses
hardly seems to further our cause... no matter how happy it makes
either of us."

"The cause is important," he intones, brushing his coal-black fingers
across your ivory face. "But not so important that they we can refuse
to live. This is important, too, fair lady."

"I do not doubt the importance of living... but, I do wonder what
good--what happiness-- can come from stolen kisses and long
separation... What could you want from a woman that is constantly
moving, leaving, fighting? A woman whose life is guided more by
prophecy than her own damned decisions?"

"I would take whatever time the Light saw fit to give us, just as we
have today," he answers. "What do I want? I want you - more than
anything I have ever wanted before."

Eyes turning fierce, she nearly growls, "Would you simply have me to
snuggle when I am back from one of our missions? As a convenience? A
plaything for when the time allows, Varis?" Her shoulders begin to
shake, tears of shame and
fear fall freely onto her cheeks. "Really?! What more could you want
from a woman like me?"

"I want a life, as soon as fate allows, Justice Fairweather. I want
to explore our love; I want to spend every waking moment of our lives
together. Our callings may not make it easy, but they do not make a
life together impossible."

Her eyes grow wide, like a child discovering some unknown truth for
the first time. "... Life together?"

He raises a single eyebrow, a sardonic smile replacing a sincere one.
"After all this talk of love itself mere moments after a first kiss,
you would balk at the mention of a life together?"

A confused look adorns her face. "I am not balking. I am questioning
your meaning. Those things are incredibly different."

"But not so far from one another in their extremity," he says,
sweeping you up into his arms, gold-slippered feet kicking in surprise
as you find yourself suddenly airborne. He kisses you again,
passionately, spinning you through the air as he does. Pulling back,
he continues, "I spoke of honestly of what I believe to be love, and
you asked of the future. For love to run its cause, a life together
is practically required, is it not?"

"I have a hard time imagining what sort of life it would be, Varis. I
will be leaving in less than two weeks, again... going, The Light only
knows where and returning The Light only knows when."

"You needn't go so soon," he says, almost pleads. "Surely the fates
call to us, but you can spare more time than that! Where is it you
must go in a mere fortnight?"

"That is up to my friends--my circle--whatever they decide is where I
go. That is the way it has been since we met." She shrugs, "It is not
a policy I am fond of-- but it is part of what binds me to them, and
them to me. We have tens, hundreds of tasks before us--which one we
choose to undertake now is yet to be decided. But, be assured, within
the next two weeks, I will be gone again. To the Isle of Mourning,
the Frozen North... maybe to Tain's front door-- my place is where
they need me." Her voice cracking, "Even if it is not where my heart
would have me."

"I will wait for you, Justice - for my fate has me bound here, though
my heart would lead me elsewhere. You have my promise, my word. My

Smiling, "And, I will leave my heart here with you whenever I am
gone... it has been with you since first meeting you."

"What more could I give you beyond that?" he muses, as much to himself
as to you.

She gazes at him with an anticipatory wonder, waiting for him to
answer his own question.

He leans in, kissing you yet again. "But would that there were more..."

She kisses him with her eyes open, one brow raised questioningly.
But, after a few seconds, allows her eyes to close so that she may
concentrate on his kiss. "A beautiful, yet strange man" she thinks to

"Surely we could not get married, not so soon. We've barely kissed,
hardly spoken..."

The pucker in her lips fades to a stern line and in true Justice
style, overreacts, "You are correct, Varis. It is much much too soon
for something like that! It is quite fine for you to have my hand--
and not my heart!"

He pulls back as well. "If such a thing were to happen, I would have
both. I could not bear to settle for one or the other."

Her expression softens slightly, yet the tight, unsure lines next to
her eyes remain, "When would you have us wed? In mere days I will be
gone and will be able to offer no date of return."

"If wed we must, then the sooner the better!"

Awe painted upon her face, Justice gapes at Varis. Crinkling her nose
in deep thought, she turns away from the dark elf. Tilting her head
back, she rests in on his shoulder... she sighs and pulls his arms
around her waist in a tight sort of reverse-hug.
In a sad, hopeful voice she whispers, "Do you really mean it?"

"I could not lie," he states, simply. "Not to you."

"There would be no time for the celebration that would normally
revolve around the marriage of a duke... or, at least, it would have
to wait."

"Something soon - quiet. Celebration can be reserved for later.
These are my people, but this is about out lives. I would not deny
myself a chance at life with you for a feast."

Her smile starts small, only touching her lips... but, within seconds
has grown to light her entire face. Turning to face him once again,
Justice nearly sings, "Varis, I will marry you!"

As quickly as that glorious smile graced her face, it was gone again.
Face turned to the ground, shame fills her soft voice, "I have no
father for you to discuss our marriage with..."

"And I have no dowry to give him, even if you had one. Is there
someone else you would have me speak with?"

The shame on her face still apparent, she contemplates... "I love
Preston as my father. He is my blood relative... his age, experience,
and piety make him a man that I respect and look up to without
question. However, Archonus is the one I trust most. He is my
friend, he is my brother..."

"Then it is he whom I shall ask," he replies.

Her smile returns, full, beautiful, and innocent. Kissing him on the nose she
says, "You are magnificent. But, the day grows short... as much as I
long to spend all my waking hours here with you, Jaine may need me."
That full, beautiful smile shifts to something slightly less innocent,
"May I return... tonight?"

His eyes light up with mock-diabolic glee. "You may, my dear. We
have kissing to perfect...and other things...."

Squealing with laughter, Justice kisses him again and turns to leave,
suddenly very aware of the way she walks--intentionally swaying her
hips with each step. Stopping, she turns gracefully, "We must have
dinner with my friends and family this evening to announce the news.
I will send for you later, Love."

Voidrunner's Codex

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