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Knights of the Old Republic: The Last of the Sith(Master Essenu's Group)


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The snap-hiss of Aalun's lightsaber breaks the steady hum of Tuorr's. Especially aware, the gand takes in the area for objects that he might use to his advantage, or could be used against him. He notes the lighting in the room and the stale air on his skin. Mostly, he notes the drawing in of the force by the former jedi. "Only the force knows what my comforting last thought might be, master Tuorr. But Aalun hopes that it might be his children gathered around his deathbed back home." Aalun lashes out from his odd fighting stance, using grace and skill with the stroke, hoping to catch Tuorr in the midst of him vampiric leeching on the force.

((OOC: Lightsaber +7 to hit, 2d8 damage, 19-20 crit. As well, what is the lighting in the room? Can Aalun do something to render the room into darkness where the Twi would only have the light of the lightsabers to see by, since Aalun has darkvision. What objects are around that Aalun can possibly use?))

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((Alright, I've attached a very, very rough sketch of the room you're in. The somewhat front view isn't exactly to scale, and looks exactly the same on the side that I didn't finish with. Note that the pedastal is about 1 meter off the ground. The room is lit by torches, with four around the central pedastal, and two in the three corners which flank a statue. The other sides have steps that lead to small sections with other statues, though the one in the back left is crumbled and there are tons of pieces all over the ground. Does that help?

Aalun's attack is a 22. Miss.))

Without showing any effort at all, Tuorr easily parries Aalun's strike. He bats the Gand's blade up and away in a loud crack of energy and a flash of white. The collision of the blades is almost blinding, and a second later, Tuorr spins left, his green lightsaber arcing toward's Aalun's waist.

((Tuorr's attack is a 21. Hits and Aalun takes 25 vitality damage. That drops Aalun to 25VP. Remember, you weren't actually hit, but that was something close to a glancing blow, near miss, or a last minute block on Aalun's part. Which of those, I leave up to you.))

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((Aalun will always attempt to "Dissipate Energy" each time he is hit (the force feat, picked up at sixth level) which should be damn near every time until he's dead...))

"What turned you, Master Tuorr?" The gand asks, trying to ignore the pain in his side. "How could a great warrior of the jedi order, who's actions saved so many now so callously toss life aside as those souls once trapped inside that holocron?"

Aalun reaches out with the force and tries to move objects, picking up dirt from the cave floor and will attempt to put out the torches with it. He backs away from Tuorr toward the exit in full defensive posture, trying to lure the ex-jedi away from Master Essenu and Urcala, hoping to buy them time to recover and talking in hopes of keeping Tuorr's attention fixed upon himself.

((Alright...going to go ahead and put the Dissipate Energy use into the last post since you would have used it. That means you have to make a Fort save vs. DC 25. Your only way to succeed was on a 20...and you only got a 9. So, still take that damage.

As for your move object to take out the torches...simple DC 10 check to move the dust up. An 11, so you pulled it off, and it only costs you 1 VP. Going to have a % chance that the torches go out. Alright, all but four are knocked out. The one's still up are:

-Upper left around the pedastal; Upper left flanking northmost statue; Both torches flanking the rightmost statue.))

The dust and dirt Aalun kicks up swirls across the entire room for a moment, extinguishing all but four of the torches. None of them are very close, though, and the primary sources of light for where you stand are now the two lightsaber, glowing silver and green.

In the darkness, Aalun has no trouble seeing the grin that grows on Tuorr's face, "I have not turned, Gand! The souls in that holocron were Sith! I have killed them, and yet you still challenge me! You are as hypocritical as the entire Order!"

The bright green blade suddenly flourishes off to the Twi'lek's side, his off hand reaching out towards Aalun.

((Aalun has to make a Ref save vs. DC 20 to take half damage from the Force Strike. He gets a 22, so only takes 2 more Vitality damage. Down to 22VP now.))

Aalun feels a heavy, invisible wall rush into him, though he is able to shield himself from the brunt of the strike. At the Gand's feet, the dust and smaller pebbles shoot back at an alarming speed.


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"You drink deeply in the darkside as you ignite your lightsabre after killing dozens, much less anyone, trapped and helpless, causing harm to two jedi and one who tells you we did not come to harm you, and you think Aalun is hypocritical? Why would only three jedi, only one of which has earned the honor of Knight and Master, come to this place? Why have you attacked us? Why do you call upon the dark side when the light still burns, even in this darkness? If you do not lie, search the force for the reason we came." Aalun continues to back away moving out into the hall if need be. He is still trying to defend himself and again, does not attack, but trying to buy his Jedi friends enough time to heal themselves by luring Tuorr away from them so he cannot strike them while they are down.

"I have killed no one!" Tuorr snapped viciously as he pressed forward, forcing Aalun back towards the doorway but not attacking yet...obviously watching the Gand for a hole in his defenses, "I have freed those spirits! Trapped in that thing for a thousand years and now I have let them go! You call that murder?! I have no harmed anyone that has no harmed me! Is that not the Jedi way? Defense before attack?"

As he speaks, you can see the two Miraluka getting to their feet behind him. You see Master Essenu shakily rise to her feet then turn her eyeless head towards you and Tuorr, though she says nothing and you can feel something is definitely wrong.


First Post
"They were Sith, you said. Perhaps they were Imprisoned within the Holocron, and now you have freed criminals, and worse, criminals of the sith! You took great pleasure in this act as you ignited your lightsabre and drew in the darkside like a dried out sponge dropped into a pool of water. Please to forgive Aalun if he has misunderstood your actions, and the shards that Aalun had to dodge, Aalun clearly perceived as an attack for you gave no warning that Aalun was in danger. Aalun is willing to discuss this matter with Master Tuorr, if the master wishes to sit together in peace." Aalun continues to back toward the open hall and trying to defend himself as best as possible, and again, will not strike. The gand reaches out with the force to Master Essenu, somewhat worried that the fallen Jedi will sense this but feeling the risk is worth it if he can get some sense in the force from Master Essenu of what he needs to do.

As Aalun reaches out to Master Essenu, he is repelled by a very strong...malevolent force. It was strong enough to nearly knock him off of his feet, especially since it is so far beyond anything he had ever felt from her.

"They were Sith, Gand, not criminals! Do you know nothing of holocrons?! The Jedi Holocrons are the same! Trapping away a spirit for a thousands of years so students may leech knowledge from them! Would it be righteous to release them?! Why are the Sith any different?!" Tuorr growled, pulling Aalun back to the present as the Twi'lek continued to push him forward, out into the long corridor.

He stands in the doorway, watching you with an odd smile on his face as both the Miraluka behind him activate their lightsabers. Despite the loud, echoing noise, Tuorr doesn't even turn his head.


First Post
"Are you claiming, then, to have rescued the sith from the holocron?" The gand continues, egging on the fallen Jedi as he continues to back away from him in his strange defensive posture. He looks at Master Essenu, trying to figure out what is going on.

"I am claiming nothing at all, Gand," Tuorr steps forward again, a larger step to bring him a good way out of the entrance to the chamber now behind him, motioning that way with a blue arm, "See for yourself!"

He then took a breath as if to continue on with whatever it was he was saying, but behind him, there was a loud, long hum and then a light blue blade arcs up and completely slices off half of the Twi'lek's outstretched left arm. Arach Tuorr cries out in both surprise and pain, spinning around to glare at Urcala, who Aalun can now see standing firmly behind him, lightsaber still a blue blur.

The Twi'lek stumbles back, hitting the and sliding to the floor with a look of absolute shock on his face as Urcala's blade pulls back and prepares to finish him off.

"Stop!" the voice is Master Essenu's, though something about it is very wrong. Urcala's blade holds its position as Master Essenu looks away from the Twi'lek to Aalun, "Tuorr has learned his lesson, do not kill him now. It is Aalun that is the danger."

Urcala nod's slowly, turning to face Aalun with an eyeless, stern face. Her blade raises up into an attacking position, and she looks ready to charge.

((Tuorr's out of this...but Urcala's in his place initiative wise. Aalun's up again. :)))

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