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Knights of the Old Republic: The Last of the Sith(Master Essenu's Group)

The Goblin King said:
Clasping his hands behind his back Shombay waits patiently. Occassionally glanceing out the window at space.

((OOC: am I on the right ship?))
((OOC: Yep, you're with Essenu. Just to clarify...Urcala, Shombat, Jei, and Aalun stick to this thread. The other four of you are off to the new one, and the other ship. Sorry for any confusion. :)))

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Urcala Nattu emerged from her chambers after some time. Connecting with the Force through meditation was warming and inviting. In fact, it was mainly through meditation that Urcala renewed her strength in the Force.

She quickly found her fellow Padawan in the lounge area aboard the ship and joined them.

"I'm afraid I have learned nothing from my meditations," the Miralukan said. "We are on the right course, as I knew we would be. Mistress Essenu is strong in the Force, and knows what we should be doing, and I do not mean to question that. I only wish we could learn more about this planet before setting down. Perhaps a full scan with our ship's sensors would be in order once we arrive."

The Padawan turned towards a viewport, reaching out with the Force to the stars beyond. "I wish I knew more about these ships," she added.
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Jei lounged in one of the chairs, fiddling idly with his gear, checking that everything was in good order.

"Don't worry Urcala. The Force will guide our path."

Satisfied, he put away his gear and looked over his shoulder at Urcala.

"Until we get there there's not a lot to worry about. So 'till then, who bought the pazaak deck?"

OOC: are we allowed to check out whats happening in the other thread, or is it off-limits?
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The Other Librarian said:
OOC: are we allowed to check out whats happening in the other thread, or is it off-limits?

((OOC: Only under the condition that you seperate OOC knowledge from IC knowledge. If you can't do that, don't check it. Besides, you will have some communication with them every so often. :)))

A twelve hour hyperspace journey later, the ice planet of Rhen Var sat in the viewport of Master Essenu's ship, Gemstar. There were clouds flowing across parts of the planet, and even soft blues here and there. Overall, it even looked cold. Very cold to be exact.

Not long after the jump to hyperspace, Master Essenu had given each of you a small datapad with four profiles on them. One for each of the Jedi you had all been tasked to find. The first on the list was a human woman named Adresnia Galant. She had been on Ossus until just before its destruction, and watched her Master be killed by the fallen Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun. Adrensia had escaped with her life, but ever since those who knew her worried about her pull towards revenge. She seemed to be even herself out not long after the event, and the fears were put aside. Then after being assigned to assist in neotigations with the Hutts on some dipute, she'd disappeared. One Jedi had caught sight of her on dead Ossus a few days later. She spoke with the Jedi of making sure the Sith was gone, and when he expressed worry about her tone, she left. He calculated that her ship's course would have put her into Sith Space as was feared.

The second Jedi was the human Jedi Master Oran Ithsada. He was the Jedi on Ossus who had talked with Adrensia last, and after speaking with other Jedi Masters, was allowed the task of finding and bringing back Adrensia. He had felt somewhat responsible for what she had done, as he was a good friend of her Master, and reported back multiple times during his search. His last transmission, however, was cut off. It is not believe that he has fallen, but it is worried that he might be dead...or worse.

The third was the great Twi'lek Jedi Warrior named Arach Tuorr. He had saved more than one planet from the Sith during the war, and was a great beacon of light for the Jedi during the dark time that the war brought. However, he himself expressed worry about his constant contact with the Sith. Because of this, he instructed many of his friends to keep a close watch on his actions, just in case something were to happen. He was no fool, and knew of the dangers of the Dark Side, which is why he took such strong precautions. Master Essenu was one of the many to watch over him, and when he disspeared, leaving only a note about 'Korriban', the fabled Sith homeworld, the decision was made to find him. Arach is the true reason this search has been called.

Last was Marin's brother, Seros Nedana. He had fought on Rollan, and the Sith world of Yavin through the war. The last time anyone saw him was on Mon Calamari, where he met with his sister to discuss his own problems. Apparently, he had been seeing visions of the Sith returning. He saw Jedi Knights coming back and assassinating thier Masters, as had happened in the beginning of the war. He seemed almost consumed by fear, and despite Marin's warnings, he left to make sure the Sith were gone.

The Goblin King

First Post
Shombay furrowed his brows thoughtfully, which was quite unlike him. He recalled the words of his mistress, "It is difficult to see the Dark Side. It clouds the future and everything it touches." Putting down the datapad Shombay says, "Well, we 'ave our work cut out for us. But we's talkin' 'bout four missin' Jedi. 'S not like youse can sweep them under a rug. Can't be too hard to find."

"Beggin yur pardon, M'lady. But, 'ow we know these Jedi still here? If they gone lookin' for the Sith shouldn't we be goin' ta Sith space too?"

The Goblin King said:
"Beggin yur pardon, M'lady. But, 'ow we know these Jedi still here? If they gone lookin' for the Sith shouldn't we be goin' ta Sith space too?"

Marin turned in her seat to look to Shombay, "The thing that the four of them had, that we don't...are star charts into the area. Unless we stumble upon another ship or something similar, we will be flying blind. So, we start at the edge where we know..." for a moment, she glanced down towards the icy planet below, "Rhen Var...it was a Sith stronghold for a short time. It is likely there are clues to more planets in Sith Space, and just as likely that those we seek at least passed through here...it is well known among most Jedi."

The Goblin King

First Post
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Marin turned in her seat to look to Shombay, "The thing that the four of them had, that we don't...are star charts into the area. Unless we stumble upon another ship or something similar, we will be flying blind. So, we start at the edge where we know..." for a moment, she glanced down towards the icy planet below, "Rhen Var...it was a Sith stronghold for a short time. It is likely there are clues to more planets in Sith Space, and just as likely that those we seek at least passed through here...it is well known among most Jedi."

Shombay nods, "Dat makes sense." He follows his mistresses gaze down to the planet. Absently he rubs his arms, as if to fend off the cold.

Jei studied the frozen white wasteland waiting below through the ship's viewport. He sighed inwardly. Why must it be the planet of howling, icy wind? Didn't the Sith ever set up base on a seaside resort planet? Surely even the corrupt must enjoy a balmy sea breeze every now and then.

He picked up on Shombay's unconscious chill. Must be thinking the same thing. It's going to be hard enough to cope with the weather, let alone find anything down there. I hope the force will show us the path quickly.

"let's see what the Gemstar has to tell us about this snowball."

Jei wandered over to the ship's computer interface and began running a standard sweep of the planet.

ooc: Will try computer use for a general sweep of the planet, just loking for anything interesting.

There seems to be a large concentration of ruins in the southern hemisphere of the planet. The sensors can't pick up any life, but its possible that the distance is causing that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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