D&D 5E Koboa, 3rd Party Setting Spotlighted at DnDBeyond


I crit!
I think this is important for them to do and am glad to see it. Is it the first article level highlight? I think this is part of the community outreach.

The art from the kickstarter

Successfully kickstarted in May, Koboa is a 150+ page setting book based on the stories and cultures of South American Indigenous, Afrolatine, and Mestize peoples. It’s filled to the brim with extensive worldbuilding, a plethora of player options, a large lineup of new creatures, and drop-dead gorgeous art.
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B/X Known World
"It will support D&D’s fifth edition, Pathfinder 2, and Kobold Press’ Core Fantasy Roleplaying."

It's amazing to me these others are even mentioned.

I also missed the Kickstarter but this looks amazing.

If this is the kind of thing people are into, also check out Legendary Games' Boricubos: The Lost Isles book and their Latin American Monsters book. Both come in 5E, P1, and P2 varieties.


B/X Known World
The website is cool.

And the trailer is fantastic.

Post-colonial indeed. I love the "find that which has been lost and return it to rightful hands" angle. That's the stuff right there.


Book-Friend, he/him
That's really cool. I see a lot of 5e kickstarters, but I didn't catch this one. I'm glad to learn about and even happier WotC is spotlighting 3PP. I hope they do more of these.

I wonder if they would put some of this spotlighted content on Beyond. That seems like the next logical step to me.
Yeah, this. Creating a marketplace where WotC can spread around third party work would be genuinely helpful for everyone.

If this is the kind of thing people are into, also check out Legendary Games' Boricubos: The Lost Isles book and their Latin American Monsters book.
Yeah, I own the Legendary Games books and backed Koboa. As far as i can tell, Boricubos is much more tightly Caribbean focused, while Koboa draws influences from a broader South American geographical area. And then there's Heroes of Mythic Americas, which is even more geographically ambitious and covers Aztec, Mayan, Incan, Inuit, Plains peoples, etc etc as well.

My opinion is this should be good for both sides. Hasbro can earn money working as a "streamer service" for d20 3PPs, and these find the best showcase to introduce their products. Lots of 3PPs have got fabulous ideas, but after the crownfunding their names are forgotten too soon.

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