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Kulan: Bard's Gate PbP Campaign (IC) [Game Cancelled]


World of Kulan DM
Into the Keep

Originally Posted by kinem
Sarten says "Thanks, Captain. So far Bard's Gate has been ... interesting. 'Odals Alzota' is probably an alias, but perhaps Mr. Goloda can provide a description or other clues.

Caius, well met. Lead on, then."
"Welcome," Caius replies.

Originally Posted by Scott DeWar
A fox yips in the dark and the Elf perks up. from out of the dark a red fox trots out and walks up to Shrough. "He is with me Captain. He must have seen a field mouse and was hungry."
Originally Posted by Trogdor1992
Vak'tiel pats the elf on the shoulder before continuing along with the group.
"A fine looking animal," Captain Trethewey says politely. "Keep him close while inside."

The captain heads into The Keep ahead of the group while Selina leads the other Free Defenders back out on patrol.

Originally Posted by Scotley
Jagr proceeds to the main hall eager to continue. He gives the fox and Shrough a curious look, but says nothing.

Originally Posted by Scott DeWar
The fox trots up and a rat is seen in his mouth, "He is hungry, but . . . ."

The fox trots over to cat-person and drops it at his feet. "He like you!"
Caius watches the fox with bemused interest and then asks Shrough, "Does he have a license? If you let him wander around the city without one, he might get picked up by the Catchers Guild. They mainly go after rats and other vermin, but they'll trap any animal in the city that doesn't have a license. I suggest you get one for him, if you haven't yet. Until then, do as the captain suggests and keep him with you at all times."

Caius walks over to the open doorway and motions for the guards to close the iron door after the group is inside. The heroes find themselves in an short side passage that then opens up into a what appears to be a tower room.

"Normally, I'd have to insist that you all surrender your arms and armor here, but both Warden Wilsk and Linus Vinter have spoken for you. Your actions while here will be a reflection on them. Act foolishly and they will share any punishment that is charged to you," Caius says. "This way, please."

Caius leads the group into a small courtyard. The castle's interior is simple yet elegant. The surrounding walls of The Keep are tall and imposing. A few guards work nearby, sharpening swords or tending to horses.

"I hope it's okay for me to be here," says Wilie. The halfling had been walking silently next to Borya all this time.

"I'm sure there will be questions for you as well, Mr. Wilie," Caius replies.

Caius leads the group up a short sets of stone stairs to an open doorway. A guard stands on each side and they remain motionless as Caius leads the way inside the main hall of The Keep.

Inside, the group finds a spartan interior. The floors and walls are gray yet spotless. A massive square table sits in the center of the room with over a dozen chairs arrayed around it. While most of the chairs are empty, Kailer Goloda is seated in one of the far chairs. He seems physically fine despite his and his family's ordeal, but his spirit has obviously been shaken. He sits glumly and silently with his head down.

A guard stands behind Kailer, watching him intently. There is no malice but there is duty in the man's eyes. Nearby, Warder Wilsk and Linus Vinter are speaking with a handsome man dressed as a knight. There conversation distracts them from the group's arrival.

"We need to bring Andrigor in on this mess," Wilsk insists to knight. "We can't have that 'thing' on the bridge come morning."

"He is unavail-" the knight begins to respond.

"Sirs," Caius says while clearing his throat. "They are here."

Linus greets the group first, "Welcome to The Keep. Please be seated. We're waiting for the Chief of Constables to arrive."

"He's always late," the knight says. He steps forward to assess the group. He isn't surprised by their diversity. He nods in approval as he looks at each of them. "A fine company. I am Captain Imril Archambault of the Knights of the Griffon I thank you for your service to the city this night."

The captain looks over to Kailer who averts his gaze from the knight. "It seems there is more to this than just an arsonist with a grudge."

"Let's get this over with," a loud voice rings out through the hall. "I have more important matters to attend to than some crazy magical prank."

A surly looking man in fine garments and wearing a simple steel breastplate enters the hall behind the group.

"Garrid," Wilsk replies. "The issue is more complicated than we first thought."

The man named Garrid unceremoniously sits down in the nearest chair. "We shall see."

"Glad you could make it. Pthan won't be joining us?" Imbril asks.

"Are you kidding? That incompetent fool has no place here," Garrid replies.

"As you wish." Imbril waits for the group to find a seat around the table.

The guard behind Kailer shakes his head 'no' to any of them that try to sit down next to Kailer. Wilsk sits one chair over to Kailer's left while Linus sits one chair over to the right. Once everyone is seats, Imbril moves to stand behind Kailer. The guard moves back to stand resolute behind him.

"It seems that Master Goloda has been trying to deal with a problem on his own without success. He has told us of a merchant named Odals Alzota who approached him eleven days ago with a request to purchase a medallion that was in the city's treasure vaults."

"it seems this Alzota person somehow knew about the medallion, which is troubling in itself," Linus remarks.

"Yes, Kailer, please explain."

"Yes c-captain," Kailer sighs. "I-I barely remembered that the medallion was in the treasury. Odals offered 500 gold for it. It seemed like a generous offer for something that I wasn't even sure was still in the cellars. Eventually, I found it with a note attached to it from a previous city treasurer named Brolin Pilkvist. The note said that the medallion should never leave the cellars until F-Falerjan returned."

"Falerjan was a high priest of Vanitthu who helped to defeat a great evil in the city's past," Wilsk notes to the group.

"That great evil, as you have already learned from the magical face on the Market Bridge, was Yenejg Togan," Linus adds.

"W-what, what is this?" Garrid says with an uneasy voice. "I have no time for j-jokes, Imbril."

The hall's door creaks open and closes quietly in the background.

"I assure you, this is no joke, Garrid."

"Aye," a familiar voice intones near the door. "If half I've what I've been hearing is true, we might have a dangerous situation on our hands."

"Captain Trethewey," Imbril replies. "Did I invite you to this discussion?"

"No, but you should have."

"My apologies. There are so many of us that I sometimes lose track of which noses are bent out of shape."

"Don't be droll, Imbril. It doesn't suit you."

"Can we get back to Yenejg Togan, please?" Garrid shouts.

"Calm down, Garrid," Wilsk retorts. "The wizard isn't coming back from the dead."

"How can you possibly know that?" Garrid asks.

"I think our guests can tell us more," Linus suggests. "Jagr, if you could tell us what you've learned from the construct on the bridge, it would be helpful."

"Before we get into that, there is more for Kailer to tell us," Imbril says with his hands up. He motions for Jagr and the others in the group to sit and wait. "Go on, Kailer."

"Yes sir," Kailer replies. "Once I realized that the medallion was tied to both Falerjan and Yenejg, I told Odals that I had to consult the my superiors before I could sell it."

"Which you didn't do," notes Imbril.

"It, it was a ruse, sir. I decided to have my man Corlag follow Odals to see if he was being sincere."

"And he wasn't, was he," Wilsk replies.

"N-no," Kailer sighes. "Corlag followed Odals beyond the city and into the Tarwood. When I learned that fact, I feared that Odals was connected to Yenejg in some fashion. When Odals returned for the medallion, I flatly but politely refused his offer and suggested he leave the city and not return."

"And what happened then," Imbril insists.

"Odals became violent. He tried to m-magically trick my mind. I cried out for the guards and tried to grab a nearby sword. Before I could turn to attack him, the room was filled with a magical d-darkness. The guards couldn't get into my offices due a magical barrier that Odals put up. I tried to find and stab him in the darkness, as I could hear him uttering m-more m-magicks. By the time the barrier came down and the darkness disappeared, he was gone. I told the guards of the Offices that I would handle it."

"You should have brought this to our attention," Imbril says disapprovingly.

"The g-guards should have, at least," Garrid notes with anger. "I'll have their h-hides."

"The Offices of Commerce and Trade are my domain, Garrid," Wilsk intones calmly. "Trust me, they will be dealt with."

"This is when you sent Corlag and some hired mercenaries out into the Tarwood to find this Odals Alzota. And the next time you saw Corlag, was when he entered your home, tried to kill you and your family, and set fire to your estate," says Imbril.


"Gods, what a disaster," Garrid exclaims with his head in his hands. He looks like he's going be sick.

Imbril lets out a long sigh and sits down next to Kailer.

"Now, we'll get to your punishment some other time, Master Goloda. At the very least, you've lost your position as a city treasurer. You've been very helpful and honest, 'now', so I might speak on your behalf when it comes time for your sentencing, but I doubt you'll get a full pardon. Prison is likely in your future."

"I-I know."

Imbril shakes his head and looks across the table at each member of the group. "You have been drawn into this by this unknown person who calls himself The Gezgin." He looks at Wilsk. "Am I saying that right?"

Wilsk nods.

"It has to be Yenejg," Caius mumbles. Those gathered hadn't realized he was still in the room.

"We don't know that for certain," Linus replies. "And it's very unlikely."

"But, we have to consider it," Imbril says. "Stranger things have happened than a tyrant wizard coming back from the dead."

"Aye," Captain Trethewey agrees. "I still have my doubts, but I would be remiss to not consider it." The captain looks at Caius disapprovingly for speaking up without being asked. The soldier steps back and stands quietly at attention.

"I-it cannot be true," Garrid whispers. He makes several signs of protection.

"Lets hear from our guests now," Imbril suggests. "Perhaps they can shed some more light on this matter."

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World of Kulan DM
Sarten says "I don't think that an evil wizard drew us in to this. We were told to protect Mr. Galoda, and otherwise left to handle things as we saw fit. If we are being tricked, it hardly seems like an efficient use of the enemy's resources. That said, best not to let the amulet get into anyone's hands. How secure is the city vault against a powerful wizard who can control minds?

Also, it sounds like the amulet's magical properties if any have not been properly identified. Perhaps Shrough could do it."


World of Kulan DM
Jagr follows the conversation and agrees Sarten, "Yes, it might be very helpful to know what the amulet does. That might tell us why someone wants it, which could help us figure out who wants it." The big Catfolk seems restless with all the talk.


World of Kulan DM
Originally Posted by Knightfall
"Welcome," Caius replies. . . . . ."A fine looking animal," Captain Trethewey says politely. "Keep him close while inside."
Shrough smiles as he conveys the captain's desires telepathically. Zarr responds by suddenly darting off into the shadows with all the stealth of a dust mote, only to return with a still twitching rat of moderate size in his mouth, the back snapped just behind the head. He drops the dead rodent at the feet of the captain. A big toothy grin is worn by the fox ans he turns prancing up to the wizard, tail twitching like a precocious cat.

"Really Zarr, you dart off right after being told to stay close??" Shrough rolls his eyes and continues to walk with the rest of them.

Originally Posted by Knightfall
Caius watches the fox with bemused interest and then asks Shrough, "Does he have a license? If you let him wander around the city without one, he might get picked up by the Catchers Guild. They mainly go after rats and other vermin, but they'll trap any animal in the city that doesn't have a license. I suggest you get one for him, if you haven't yet. Until then, do as the captain suggests and keep him with you at all times."
"Either a license or I can leave a wizard's mark on his forehead . . ." Zarr give an aloof snort while Shrough pauses for a moment, ". . . . . . . in black." That last part causes the fox to stop and turn in his tracks barring his teeth and growling at Shrough. "Well, if you can't do something so simple as keeping close as per what the Captain said, I won't know if you will tolerate something as simple as a collar and license."

*yip snarl yip yip bark!*

“No one is contesting the present you gave him. The rat was very generous."

Another derisive chuff and then continues to walk at Shrough's side, but more subdued and silent.

“I see we have settled for the license and NOT a wizard's mark. How much and where do I get one?"

When directed to sit Shrough does so with great attentiveness, Zarr sits with all the regal pomp of a foo-cooshee dog.

Originally Posted by Knightfall
Once everyone is seated, Imbril moves to stand behind Kailer. The guard moves back to stand resolute behind him.

. . . . . edit stuff . . . . .

"N-no," Kailer sighes. "Corlag followed Odals beyond the city and into the Tarwood. When I learned that fact, I feared that Odals was connected to Yenejg in some fashion. When Odals returned for the medallion, I flatly but politely refused his offer and suggested he leave the city and not return."

"And what happened then," Imbril insists.

"Odals became violent. He tried to m-magically trick my mind. I cried out for the guards and tried to grab a nearby sword. Before I could turn to attack him, the room was filled with a magical d-darkness. The guards couldn't get into my offices due a magical barrier that Odals put up. I tried to find and stab him in the darkness, as I could hear him uttering m-more m-magicks. By the time the barrier came down and the darkness disappeared, he was gone. I told the guards of the Offices that I would handle it."

. . . . .edit stuff . . . . . .

"This is when you sent Corlag and some hired mercenaries out into the Tarwood to find this Odals Alzota. And the next time you saw Corlag, was when he entered your home, tried to kill you and your family, and set fire to your estate," says Imbril.


"Gods, what a disaster," Garrid exclaims with his head in his hands. He looks like he's going be sick.

Imbril lets out a long sigh and sits down next to Kailer.

"Now, we'll get to your punishment some other time, Master Goloda. At the very least, you've lost your position as a city treasurer. You've been very helpful and honest, 'now', so I might speak on your behalf when it comes time for your sentencing, but I doubt you'll get a full pardon. Prison is likely in your future."

"I-I know."
"Hmmm, the Tarwood. could be a lamia, could be a cult hiding there. Who would the cult be? Trying to resurrect the evil one, or divert attention that way to hide them selves" Shrough mumbles to himself deep in thought.


World of Kulan DM
Kisep listens intently, but to anyone looking he seems restless. His head moves this way and that, as he tries to catch all the sounds and sights with his beady eyes and nearly invisible ears. This obviously birdlike behavior is a little unsettling for those not used to interaction with the kenku race, but not too distracting. The raven on his shoulder stays perched there, silent and similarly observing. Neither responds to the warning about licenses for pet animals.

"Someone made sure that we are close when this attack on Master Goloda happened," Kisep croaks. "Whether this mysterious individual or group has the city's best interests at heart, is hard to say. It might be an agent of the evil wizard, but that seems improbable. We should remain cautious either way.

"We could ask the magical face on the streets for information about the medallion. Tales about magical artifacts with the power to change the course of history are all too common, so I believe we should take this very seriously. Are you certain it is still within the cellars? And is anything known about any magical qualities it might possess? Either way, our next move would be to visit the Tarwood, with some magical protection, of course, and see what we can discover."


World of Kulan DM
OOC: DM's Note: It is at this point that another one of my major posts is missing. The man, Garrid, storms out before the next post...


World of Kulan DM
Originally Posted by JustinCase
Kisep listens intently, but to anyone looking he seems restless. His head moves this way and that, as he tries to catch all the sounds and sights with his beady eyes and nearly invisible ears. This obviously birdlike behavior is a little unsettling for those not used to interaction with the kenku race, but not too distracting. The raven on his shoulder stays perched there, silent and similarly observing. Neither responds to the warning about licenses for pet animals.
Kisep listens intently and catches the glint of the shiny medallion in his eye after the box is opened. He cocks his head, curious, when the man called Garrid storms out of the hall.

Originally Posted by JustinCase
"Someone made sure that we are close when this attack on Master Goloda happened," Kisep croaks. "Whether this mysterious individual or group has the city's best interests at heart, is hard to say. It might be an agent of the evil wizard, but that seems improbable. We should remain cautious either way.

"We could ask the magical face on the streets for information about the medallion. Tales about magical artifacts with the power to change the course of history are all too common, so I believe we should take this very seriously. Are you certain it is still within the cellars? And is anything known about any magical qualities it might possess? Either way, our next move would be to visit the Tarwood, with some magical protection, of course, and see what we can discover.
"All good advice, uh," Imbril tries to recall Kisep's name.

"He is Kisep," Wilie says.

"A good birdy fellow," adds Borya.

"Uhm, yes," Imbril looks at Borya with a raised eyebrow before turning back to Kisep. "As I was saying, all good advice and I do encourage you all to continue to interrogate the magical face. What did it call itself again?"

"I forget," sighs Wilsk. "It's been a long night."

"I believe it called itself Vectius or, well, something like that," answers Linus.

"Hmm, that sounds Tumnoran," Imbril says thoughtfully. "I doubt that the Tumnoran Senate is involved but maybe a renegade general trying to spread their ideals. No, that's unlikely. Tumnoran wizards rarely rise above the rank of Centurion."

"Forget Yenejg. Imagine the chaos that would break out if a Tumnoran Legion appeared at the city's wall," Wilsk bemoans. "Even the rumor of that happening would be a disaster."

"Agreed," Linus adds.

"Perhaps one of them could ask the face where it comes from," suggests Captain Trethewey. "Kisep, do you think it would tell you if it is from Tumnor?"


World of Kulan DM
Originally Posted by Trogdor1992
"That guy seemed upset" Vak'tiel says, snickering a bit
"I've never known Garrid to be so easily frightened. Of course, he has family ties to the ruined city, Karros, where Yenejg ruled with an iron fist. That reminds me," Imbril taps the table and another guard brings him a rolled up piece of vellum. "You all should read this. It has more information about the medallion."

"W-where was that," Kailer asks, shocked.

"The Keep does have a library with several important documents. After hearing about the medallion, I had the librarian scour it for anything that might be related to the medallion or Yenejg or Falerjan. This is what he found."

He passes the vellum to Jagr.


  • Falerjan's Tale.pdf
    30.7 KB · Views: 298


World of Kulan DM
"Of course I am listening." Shrough responds indignantly, "I just do not have anything memorized at this time."

OOC: This is a response to a post I made where Wilie asks Shrough if he's paying attention.

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