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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

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Aust Thale

Tuck, help me with this,” Falen says in Kobold, “we need to secure this door or resign ourselves to killing this rabble.

Falen makes his way to securing the door, either by re-locking or jamming it in place, or having guards secure it. Either way, once completed he firmly withdraws into the background, searching the warehouse for other potential clues or useful items. He then motions for Tuck & Sobla to join him and makes his way quickly to the Dusk assassin he killed at the onset of hostilities. He examines the dwarf on his way to the Dusk.
He searches both quietly and intently, looking for values items, magic items, weapons, and clothing, papers, or otherwise identifying information regarding their origin, their affiliation (beyond the obvious), their plans & travels, contacts, and perhaps why they were at this candle shop at the same time our fellowship was. Falen seriously gives the Dusk fellow the twice over. He stows all items in a separate sack for each (he possesses 3 sacks), throws it over his shoulder, and quietly attends to any other wounded. He eyes everything around him. And if he sees any more threats, he motions to Sobla and tells her to notify the others quite loudly.


World of Kulan DM
Falen (belatedly):
Listening to the pitched battle sounds but paying attention the thugs in the basement, he hears/feels a shudder in the ground as dust is knocked off the ceiling of the warehouse, and the preternatural death rattle of the monster from beyond. He smiles and laughs at Tuck's warning to the thugs. He winks at Sobla. He motions for Tuck to come back up, and as Tuck passes him and turns to join Falen in flanking the doorway, he addresses the thugs, "We aren't your masters; you don't have to fight us to the death. Stay there. If you come up now for formal parlay, you will receive mercy. If not, then go on your way. But should we encounter you again, you won't be so lucky." To Tuck, "Can you assist me in locking this door back?"
Tuck listens to Falen's talk of mercy and he grins at the thug in the dark. "He'll give you mercy. You should take it. You won't get it from me if you raise that blade once more."

The Brelish man shakes his head and steps back into the darkness. "Another time, kobold. You might want to get out of here before we lock you in. I'll give my master, Kelik, your best."

The kobold urban range hears a lever being pulled and he just manages to scramble back up into the warehouse before a wooden wall comes down to block his path. He had noticed the lever in the dark. Tuck's not even sure where the lever would be. He finds himself stand on the top half of the stairs with the dying thug underneath him. The thugs left him for dead.

"Sobla, help me with this ugly human," Tuck says to his young family member while he sheathes his sword.

She nods, puts down tuck's crossbow on the nearest crate, and helps Tuck drag the man back up into the warehouse. Tucks loathes the idea of helping the Loyalist, but dead prisoners don't talk. He and Sobla bandage the wound that Falen inflicted as best they can but the wound is too severe. The humanbane blade did its work, and Tuck is not willing to waste a healing potion on the man. He and Sobla leave the man to Fate.

Tuck, help me with this,” Falen says in Kobold, “we need to secure this door or resign ourselves to killing this rabble.

Falen makes his way to securing the door, either by re-locking or jamming it in place, or having guards secure it. Either way, once completed he firmly withdraws into the background, searching the warehouse for other potential clues or useful items.
Tuck looks over at Falen. "I heard you" he replies. "First..." he moves over to the weapons rack and pushes the lever back into place. Falen watches as the stone floor slides back into place. Tuck removed the weapon with the hollowed out hilt and puts it in his magical bag. "They're not going to be able to use that again... well, not from up here."

He moves to the door and helps the half-hobgoblin relock the door and try to make it even harder for the thugs to open it from the other side. He looks at Falen's handiwork and nods. All he can think of to do is jam something small into the lock. He goes to the nearest crate and pulls out a loose nail. Tuck twists it and jams it into the lock.

"That will have to do," he says to Falen.

Falen finds that there aren't very many significant "clues" in the warehouse, although it is full of many interesting items. The crates, once opened, are filled with uniforms, both military and mercantile. The crates are orderly and packed with everything a person would need to make disguises to walk around Old City without attracting attention. There are uniforms for the Regulars, Elites, and even one Sectarian uniform. There are outfits for bakers, coopers, minstrels, traders, etc. There are a few forged working documents as well. Not the best that Falen's ever seen but passible.

The table is a mess. Mutt got to it first, and now all the of food that had been placed to be eaten is in the dog's stomach or spilled all over the floor. Falen doesn't find any documents on the table. If there were any, the big dog ate them.

The barrels are filled with foodstuffs and wine.

OOC: Tuck - Open Lock Aid Another (DC 10): 1D20+5 = [6]+5 = 11 (success)
The DC to open the door is now 21.

Aust Thale said:
He then motions for Tuck & Sobla to join him and makes his way quickly to the Dusk assassin he killed at the onset of hostilities. He examines the dwarf on his way to the Dusk.
The guards that had been gathered around them were now back out on the street. Mutt barks happily when he sees Tuck. "Good boy," Tuck says to the dog. "Come."

Tuck, Mutt, and Sobla follows Falen outside and looks at the scene on Candle Street. Loyalists and dead mercenaries everywhere.

"So, did we win?" Sobla asks.

Tuck looks at the guards. They seem to be celebrating the dead of The Beast. "It seems so."

"Time to loot?" Sobla says excitedly.

"Yes, but carefully," Tuck says as they follow Falen down the street. "They used a lot of poison."

Falen hears Tucks warning too, and it reminds him that the dwarf used poison on his weapons agains Big Tim. Once he is close enough, he can see the black liquid still clinging to the dead mercenary's axe and katar. The two weapons lie on the ground next to the dead dwarf. The raging warrior's mouth is still filled with blood and ceramic from him eating his own potions.

Besides the axe and katar, he also finds an amulet, gloves, and a strange looking belt on the dwarf, as well as a pouch with a poison vial in it.

Tuck come up behind him and notes the dwarf's impressive chain shirt . "Adamantine."

While Falen moves on to search the Dusk assassin, Tuck turns his attention to The Butcher. He and Sobla are soon going through the dead fiendish man-thing's valuables. He and Sobla pull off the fiend's impressive visored helmet. The Butcher's rings were already claimed by Captain Camburn and one of the other guards, but Tuck takes the fiend's cloak and and single glove, which are probably magical. The Butcher wears a fine chain shirt and two spiked gauntlets. His weapons are scatted across the street. A spear lies next to him and the fiend's cold iron longsword lies where The Butcher dropped it. Tuck goes to get the sword while Sobla takes off the man's scabbard. The two are soon together and disappear into Tuck's bag of holding.

"Akos will want to destroy it himself," Tucks says out loud to no one in particular.

Sobla finds a full coin pouch in a hidden pocket under the man's armour. She holds it up for Tuck to see with a huge smile on her face. He smiles and nods. The pouch disappears into Sobla's own pocket.

Aust Thale said:
He searches both quietly and intently, looking for values items, magic items, weapons, and clothing, papers, or otherwise identifying information regarding their origin, their affiliation (beyond the obvious), their plans & travels, contacts, and perhaps why they were at this candle shop at the same time our fellowship was. Falen seriously gives the Dusk fellow the twice over. He stows all items in a separate sack for each (he possesses 3 sacks), throws it over his shoulder, and quietly attends to any other wounded. He eyes everything around him. And if he sees any more threats, he motions to Sobla and tells her to notify the others quite loudly.
Falen didn't finds any documents on the dwarf, which wasn't a surprise. The rage warrior likely hadn't been the scholarly type. He becomes frustrated as he goes through the assassin's belongings. No documents. No notes. No identification at all. Yet, he's not completely surprised. The Dusk likely didn't leave any sort of paper trail.

Falen does find another amulet on the man, as well as ring, cloak, and his boots, which are obviously all magical in nature. He also finds two potions that are different from the potions the Loyalists and mercenaries used. There is also a poison vial with a snake symbol on it. The man's short sword and unique dagger look to be masterwork. He also finds a case full of blowgun darts and the man's dropped blowgun near the tree by the back door of the candle shop.

(There is also a pouch with 2 pp, 15 gg, and 10 sp.)

OOC: I'll add more details about what is found on the OOC thread. There is a lot for me to account for... actually, a lot doesn't even begin to describe the "loot". Commander Oakfirst will insist that PCs share some of the wealth with the surviving guards (for them and the families of the dead).


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
At the surprising power of a strange dwarf with his miniature pegasus, lore master arches one eyebrow, but is quickly distracted. First by the need of healing of many combatants; he starts by removing fatigue and nausea caused by the poison and stopping the bleeding of the worst wounds using magic if someone looks like he doesn't have time for a treatment.

But after barely a minute, he's distracted again by the heart that somehow got stuck on the lance. He drifts there and looks it over from the outside and detecting magic over it.

He's not about to touch a bloody gross thing without proper equipment and suitably trained butchers.

He looks at the dwarf, scrutinizing his tattoos and weirdly small stature, cataloguing peculiarities as he looks at the heart. Finally he speaks to new arriva.
"Good work, ranger. You deserve a commendation for this. I am Akos. I cannot give you orders obviously, but would you please drop that heart into something moveable so we can analyze it."

Using Vernal touch along with the healing, use however many can be looked over in a minute - critical ones are healed by a spell, healing belt or healing blast depending on how many are literally dying. Otherwise, he's just using normal medicine.

neurotic: repeat10 D20 + 11#akoshealchecks → 29; 13; 18; 15; 24; 22; 18; 25; 14; 17(18 + 11);(2 + 11);(7 + 11);(4 + 11);(13 + 11);(11 + 11);(7 + 11);(14 + 11);(3 + 11);(6 + 11)#Akos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checks
Healing checks for humans: 29, 13, 18, 15, 24, 22, 18, 25, 14, 17

neurotic: D20 + 11#healcheck → 12(1 + 11)#Heal check for the heart - :ROFLMAO: - don't touch this!


World of Kulan DM
Vincenzo smiles and say, "Stand down brave warriors. For today your names shall be sung by bards!" He drags his weakened body to each of the remaining heroes and shakes their hands. "Stay here until relieved, I am going to speak to the captain on your behalf." He finishes his sentence with a coughing spasm that leaves blood trickling out of his tear ducts and mouth.
The two guards on the tower don't respond to him. They are still feeling the affects of the fear from The Beast. Vinny is forced to climb up to the top of the tower where he finds the guard he admonished earlier on the stairs sitting against the battlements with his head in his hands. The man is shaking.

The tower wizard is trying to encourage him to get up. She is also shaking but not quite as bad. "No time to sit around," she says to the man. "The creature's dead and we're alive and that's all that matters."

The man looks up and sees Vinny. His eyes go wide. He stands and salutes the Sectarian. "Sir! Sorry sir!"

The woman turns to see Vincenzo and she comes to attention as well. Vinny can see that neither one of them are his biggest fans right now. He pushed them to continue fighting. Luckily, the dwarf and his mount finished off the creature. Vincenzo repeats his praise of them, which seems to soften the blow from earlier.

The woman notes the pain he's in and offers to help him down the stairs. But, Vinny can see that her heart isn't in it. He leaves them to do their duties and heads down the stairs on his own to the street. Along the way, he finds Petronille and other guards who took shelter in the tower on the next level of the tower. The Elite woman looks wiped out, but she is trying to help the other two snap out of their stupor.

Petronille takes a look at Vinny and immediately moves to help him down the stairs. She doesn't take no for an answer. "I'm going to help the Sectarian. Thiudimer, take charge of him," she says to the tower guard. The other guard, a Regular, is shaking with fear.

OOC: Tim has given his word of honor to serve Oakfirst to the best of his ability. Plus, he's a rules follower by nature to begin with. Tim will not disobey the order.
Tim obeys the commander. He heads towards the warehouse to tell Falen and Tuck, but he finds that the duo is already on the street searching the dead foes. Sobla is with Tuck. Falen disappears up the side street to search the dead dwarf and the dead member of The Dusk.

The guards are glad to see the Tall Knight. It has quickly become an honorific that the guards and citizens of Old City use to address him.

"You did it! You killed that thing," Zenpher says to Tim. "All of Bluffside will sing your praises, Tall Knight."

"And the other Exemplars," Emelia adds. She is still burnt badly, but Breva is soon at her side with his healing wand.

"Actually, it was the dwarf," Breva says to them. "Rockhorn?" He looks at Tim. "I think that is what Commander Oakfirst called him."

The guards look surprised. They had assumed Tim had killed The Beast. Still, they praise him for him bravery in the fight against the Loyalists and the Rising Sword mercenaries. Emelia, then, goes to check on Burchard and the commander. Zenpher goes to meet Rockhorn and thank him for his bravery.

This leaves Maena to finally take stock of the dead lying on Candle Street. "They threw their lives away for nothing," the Regular says to Tim. "I don't understand how anyone can could such a thing. Once you and the other Exemplars started to overwhelm them, they could have surrendered. They could have received some mercy."

Slowly and clumsily Vinny places his rapier in its sheath and moves down to street level. He approaches the captain, "Sir," his voice rasps with pan with each breath, "Captain, those two are to be commended for remaining at their station in this fearsome battle."

He falls to his knees out of breath and his skin gray from the poison

"I am dying, I am poisoned. I am holding on by magic only."
Even with Petronille helping him, it takes some time for Vinny to find his way down to the street. He begins looking for Commander Oakfirst, but he discovers that the Lord Commander of Bluffside has left the scene to the Exemplars. He is carrying Captain Camburn through the streets to the Palace in his arms. Custodio goes with him, as does Burchard and Emelia once Akos has treated their wounds. Vinny learns later that around half way to the Palace, an honour guard of loyal citizens marches with Oakfirst to the Palace. The captain was... is well known.

Vinny finds his captain, Ela de la Camoys among the Exemplars. She is helping them take stock of the dead and gather up what little there is left of Unglar. The elderly woman looks at Vincenzo with a critical eye. She is know to be tough on Sectarians, but her look quickly becomes one of concern for younger arcane guard.

"We need to get you to a healer," she says to Vinny.

Rockhorn returns to his lance and looks at the great heart in wonder. "This is unexpected. This heart should be examined for weird magics or something."
The Sectarian Captain yells out to Rockhorn who is examining the strange heart of The Beast stuck to his lance. "Ranger! I need you to fly to the Temple District! Find a healer who has a restoration spell prepared today! Tell them to hurry! Go quickly!"

At the surprising power of a strange dwarf with his miniature pegasus, lore master arches one eyebrow, but is quickly distracted. First by the need of healing of many combatants; he starts by removing fatigue and nausea caused by the poison and stopping the bleeding of the worst wounds using magic if someone looks like he doesn't have time for a treatment.
The Loremaster finds that most of the guards on the street aren't close to dying. Breva's wand helped most of them. Emelia is the worst off of them, as she was burned badly by The Beast. The commander and Sectarian Captain have only minor wounds. It is Vincenzo and Big Tim that need the most help, but while Akos healing power removes the worst effects of the poison in their system, it won't undo what the poison has already done to them.

"Loremaster, if you looking for others to help, there are guards in the towers who might still be alive," Petronille says to Akos while holding up Vinny. "Careful though, some of them are traitors. Thiudimer, he's the head Elite in the tower, well, he's now the head of the remaining guards. He told me that while you were fighting the Loyalists here, a dozen Regulars turned on the guards in the gate's towers to keep them from coming to your aid."

She shakes her head. "I don't know who is who, but Thiudimer will be able to tell you." She looks up at he tower. "While I wouldn't go back in there alone, you'll probably be fine."

"We also need to go to the Blade Gate and see if there are any survivors there... or at Wyndlasmere House. Also, the last time I saw it, that damn Renegade's portal was still open along the walls next to the Old Growers' Gate," Ela suggests. She looks towards the east. "I don't think it is open. There would still be an uproar among the people. Most fled into their but some chose to fight. It didn't go well for them."

She looks at Vinny and then back at Akos. "Do what you can, Loremaster. I will make sure your friend survives. He is a Sectarian, after all. I can't be letting him die on duty." She moves and takes Vinny from Petronille. "Come sit with me wizard warrior," she says to Vinny in a motherly tone as she leads him to the table and bench by the candle shop. "Rest."

Ela looks at Petronille. "Go help the others clear the street of the dead and lock down the candle shop and that damn warehouse. Search every building from here to the Golden Lantern. Hop to it!"

"Yes ma'am," Petronille replies with a salute. She runs off help the other guards.

The Sectarian Captain looks at Akos. "Best to keep them busy. Keep their minds what has just happened. Remember, they are not adventurers, even the Elites. Plus, that damn Renegade has made all our lives a living hell since the first incident in New City." She sighs. "We need a break from this bastard. He has chasing our tails while he sits and plans in his planar stronghold. And, he has the advantage of altered time over us."

She looks at the other Exemplars on the street. "You have your work cut out for you, Loremaster."

Neurotic said:
But after barely a minute, he's distracted again by the heart that somehow got stuck on the lance. He drifts there and looks it over from the outside and detecting magic over it.

He's not about to touch a bloody gross thing without proper equipment and suitably trained butchers.

He looks at the dwarf, scrutinizing his tattoos and weirdly small stature, cataloguing peculiarities as he looks at the heart. Finally he speaks to new arrival.
"Good work, ranger. You deserve a commendation for this. I am Akos. I cannot give you orders obviously, but would you please drop that heart into something moveable so we can analyze it."
Rockhorn is brought out of his fascination for The Beast's heart, first, by Ela yelling at him, and second, by the Loremaster's suggestion regarding the heart.

Neurotic said:
Using Vernal touch along with the healing, use however many can be looked over in a minute - critical ones are healed by a spell, healing belt or healing blast depending on how many are literally dying. Otherwise, he's just using normal medicine.

neurotic: repeat10 D20 + 11#akoshealchecks → 29; 13; 18; 15; 24; 22; 18; 25; 14; 17(18 + 11);(2 + 11);(7 + 11);(4 + 11);(13 + 11);(11 + 11);(7 + 11);(14 + 11);(3 + 11);(6 + 11)#Akos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checksAkos heal checks
Healing checks for humans: 29, 13, 18, 15, 24, 22, 18, 25, 14, 17

neurotic: D20 + 11#healcheck → 12(1 + 11)#Heal check for the heart - :ROFLMAO: - don't touch this!
OOC: I'm assuming your not worrying about trying to stabilize any of the bad guys (not that it would matter -- they're all dead)*. Vinny is the worst off. He was poisoned very badly, but he's already taken all the temporary CON damage he's going to take (11 points). He's going to need lots of rest (or a restoration spell). Vernal Touch will keep him from feeling the worst effects of the poison, but it won't heal the CON damage.

Tim has also taken temporary CON damage, but not as much (4 points). A lesser restoration spell could heal it all with a perfect roll of the dice. An actual restoration spell would be better. Falen was also poisoned, but he made both his saves. The Regular who was poisoned also made all his saves. He is on the tower. I don't think any of the other guards were poisoned.

*Except the thug that Tuck and Sobla dragged up the stairs into the warehouse. He's still alive but not stablized.

Aust Thale

Falen: (more actions):
Having searched the Dusk and the dwarf, he surveys injuries and shell shocked citizens. He looks at the monster from a distance, watching the others collect some of the organic matter of it (what is that, the heart?!?!). He makes himself small again, cleaning his visage below his hat of disguise. No more turdnugget. He concentrated on the Dusk, and he adds his visage to his repertoire.

He walks toward the back door of the candle shop, standing in the doorway with his dagger drawn. He surveys the interior. In Kobold: “Tuck, were there civilians who were in here? That Butcher mercenary went into this build d and came out of the warehouse, presumably from that cellar. Does Capt. Camburn or Commander Oakfirst know whether all of the buildings are connected?” The question to Tuck is almost rhetorical. The next one isn’t. He says loudly, “Where the hell is the candle maker?

He wonders about the vagabond. Frustrated, he doesn’t like full on open warfare. He prefers skulking, frankly. He’s not afraid of a fight, but tactically, this mess didn’t play to his strength.

He checks the candle shop for alchemical or magical property candles, and if there and if no one in sight, pilfers several in thorough irritation at his situation in this city.

He needs a meal, medicine, a flagon of mead, a nap, and a chunk of quiet time to clear his head. Hopefully the win vs the mercenaries and this giant otherworldly critter will give some comfort and pause to the denizens in the city.

In addition, he is careful where he touched the magic items for the Dusk. When he is in earshot of Akos, he mentions that the amulet or anything else could be scryed. “When we settle where we rest, and I hope it’s soon, we need to find protection from that.

"We need to get you to a healer," she says to Vinny.

The Sectarian Captain yells out to Rockhorn who is examining the strange heart of The Beast stuck to his lance. "Ranger! I need you to fly to the Temple District! Find a healer who has a restoration spell prepared today! Tell them to hurry! Go quickly!"

Rockhorn is brought out of his fascination for The Beast's heart, first, by Ela yelling at him, and second, by the Loremaster's suggestion regarding the heart.
Rockhorn snaps out of his musings and curses himself for a fool, the captain is dead and here he is looking at the beast heart. They are really fascinating, especially those that can be affected by the magics like this. But the other captain is right, this group, The Exemplars he heard, need his help.

"On it!" he yells back, once again out of protocol
"Don't worry, warrior, I'll bring one in no time. Spritewing! Let's go!"

OOC: ideally, small sized one so he can fly with Rockhorn (Spritewing can fly with two for short flights, another halfling or gnome shouldn't bring it to heavy encumberance)


World of Kulan DM
Falen: (more actions):
Having searched the Dusk and the dwarf, he surveys injuries and shell shocked citizens. He looks at the monster from a distance, watching the others collect some of the organic matter of it (what is that, the heart?!?!). He makes himself small again, cleaning his visage below his hat of disguise. No more turdnugget. He concentrated on the Dusk, and he adds his visage to his repertoire.

He walks toward the back door of the candle shop, standing in the doorway with his dagger drawn. He surveys the interior. In Kobold: “Tuck, were there civilians who were in here? That Butcher mercenary went into this building and came out of the warehouse, presumably from that cellar. Does Capt. Camburn or Commander Oakfirst know whether all of the buildings are connected?” The question to Tuck is almost rhetorical. The next one isn’t. He says loudly, “Where the hell is the candle maker?
While Tuck watches Falen's back, he has Sobla go from corpse to corpse to gather what she can in Tuck bag of holding. "It's all going to be for everyone, so no more pocketing coin pouches. You can have that one you found on the butcher," Tuck says to her. "Mutt, stay with her."

The big dog whines but stays close to Sobla. Tuck realizes that Falen wants to explore the back of the candle shop, so he gets the key from Sobla. "You locked it?" He asks her.

She nods.

The kobold urban ranger comes up to Falen just as the unseen seer is about to open the door and hands him the key to the shop. He listens to Falen's questions, as the two of them enter the shop.

"There was a girl, a halfling who works here," Tuck replies. "She seemed innocent enough. When the Loyalists appeared, she became very frightened. I think she escaped out this door. Akos was back here. I was fighting in the front room."

Tuck points to the door leading to the front room. "Sobla barricaded that door from the other side once we took down the enemy. We didn't want more of them surprising us."

He watches as Falen pulls back the curtain leading into the second room in the back of the shop. Everything looks in order, but there are obvious signs that the bed has been moved and then slide back into place. Dust has been disturbed along the wall, but the rest of the floor is clean. The single bed is perfect, too perfect. The half-hobgoblin finds that the bed hasn't been slept in for quite some time. A prop to fool anyone who casually came back here.

The girl likely didn't sleep here, but neither did anyone else.

"We didn't see the owner, this Kelik, or Barclay, or whatever his name is," Tuck adds. "They were expecting us. He's either hiding down below or wasn't even here."

Aust Thale said:
He wonders about the vagabond. Frustrated, he doesn’t like full on open warfare. He prefers skulking, frankly. He’s not afraid of a fight, but tactically, this mess didn’t play to his strength.

He checks the candle shop for alchemical or magical property candles, and if there and if no one in sight, pilfers several in thorough irritation at his situation in this city.
Tuck helps Falen search the shop. They find some fine scented candles that would be highly valuable to the nobility of Old City, as well as ritual candles used to enhance clerical magic, but no true magic candles. Falen finds a small coin pouch with a handful of silvers and coppers stored in a small crate next to the long table next to the back door. The pouch is small. It probably belongs to the halfling. Her pay? If so, it's not much for such a fancy shop.

In the other room with the bed, there is short stone table and an old wooden chest with some metal banding. It hardly looks worth the effort to get open. It is locked but only with a simple lock. Falen doesn't find any traps and it opens very easily. He isn't surprised to find that it is filled with mundane items of very little value. There are several books containing records for the shop. It all looks in order. No secret purchases, no lost inventory. Very clean. Too clean. There are a handful of letters to Barclay Winton, Kelik's known identity, from various nobles asking about their special orders, as well as official documents from the city and several suppliers. There isn't anything that seems suspicious about them. The documents were likely left to be found by someone like Falen.

It seems this Kelik is very careful.

Tuck looks at the bed and the table while Falen goes through the chest. If there is a way to get down below from this room, he cannot find it. It is too well hidden.

"I don't know if this shop and the warehouse are connected to the other buildings," he says to Falen. "I saw the commander carrying the captain through the gate. I think the creature killed Camburn."

OOC: I'm assuming a Take 20 to search the chest for traps (n/a) and open the simple lock (DC 20).

Tuck - Search check: 1D20+17 = [2]+17 = 19 (failed)

Aust Thale said:
Falen needs a meal, medicine, a flagon of mead, a nap, and a chunk of quiet time to clear his head. Hopefully the win vs the mercenaries and this giant otherworldly critter will give some comfort and pause to the denizens in the city.

In addition, he is careful where he touched the magic items for the Dusk. When he is in earshot of Akos, he mentions that the amulet or anything else could be scryed. “When we settle where we rest, and I hope it’s soon, we need to find protection from that.
Once Falen and Tuck finish up in the shop, they head around to the other side to gather with the others. Tuck takes charge of Sobla and gathers up everything he can find. Several guards help him strip the dead foes of anything valuable and dangerous. The guards take stock of all of the poison vials, minus any that Tuck already has stashed in his bag of holding. Armour is left on the dead foes until the bodies can be taken someplace more secure.

Falen finds Akos and Breva standing near the Sectarian Captain and Vincenzo. The young guard looks to be on death's door. Poison, most likely.

After an hours worth of work, Tuck and Sobla are standing next to Tim. "That's all of it, I think." Tuck looks up at Tim. "Did you notice that the dwarf was wearing an adamantine chain shirt when you were fighting him. It seems Waldo has very deep pockets."

Rockhorn snaps out of his musings and curses himself for a fool, the captain is dead and here he is looking at the beast heart. They are really fascinating, especially those that can be affected by the magics like this. But the other captain is right, this group, The Exemplars he heard, need his help.

"On it!" he yells back, once again out of protocol
"Don't worry, warrior, I'll bring one in no time. Spritewing! Let's go!"
Rider and pintsized pegasus are soon winging over Old City and beyond to pass over the ruins of Sem La Vah. Sometimes Bluffside being divided into physically separate district is a hindrance. This is one of those times. Rockhorn knows he'll have to check in at the Temple District's main gate. The letter he received from Oakfirst over a week ago only gave him permission to fly over Old City. The gate guards expected his arrival, but when he was early, they still forced him to land and check in.

When he arrives as the Temple Gate, the guards there go over his paperwork very carefully. It is only when he mentions the Exemplars and that one of them might be dying from poison that they quickly let him through. Luckily, the Temple Market is right on the other side of the gate. However, it is full of so many people that finding anyone to help will take some time. And, Rockhorn's unique appearance doesn't help him much. Yes, the Temple District sees all sorts but most of the merchants and traders think him savage and an easy mark.

One of the gate guards escorting him suggests the Castle of Purification. "They know of the Exemplars. Sir Breva and Custodio are part of their faithful." She points to the large castle-like temple in the adjacent ward down through Gate Street. "but, stay on the ground. You don't have permission to fly over this district. One of the tower guards might try to shoot your down with magic."

"There is also the Sublime Market," Breva suggests after Rockhorn and Spritewing take to the air and disappear. "We might find something there. A potion that could ease his symptoms."

"A good idea," Ela nods. She looks at Vincenzo and asks. "Are you up for it?"

Vinny nods.

"That market is very expensive," Petronille notes.

"If any trader tries to profit off this tragedy," Ela replies. "I'll make damn sure their licence to sell goods in this city are put under review."

She and Breva help Vinny up to his feet. She orders the guards to take charge of the bodies and have them transported to the Palace. The guards understand her reasoning. Old City's main barracks are suspect, at best, full of corrupt officials, at worst. Zenpher and Maena go to find a large wagon to gather up the dead.

"Sobla, stay here with Mutt," Tuck tells his young clan mate. "We don't need him causing a mess in the market. Help the guards keep the locals away."

The large kobold girl nods.

"The commander has been conducting a review of Old City's barracks for several weeks now, secretly, quietly," Ela de la Camoys whispers as she and Breva walk Vincenzo towards the Sublime Market. She makes sure that only the Exemplars can hear her words. With the Loyalists and mercenaries dead, some of the district's citizens begin risking poking their heads out of their shops and homes. Skirmishes on the streets between the villains and the guards has become commonplace, but The Beast's arrival has both wards on either side of the Golden Gateway on edge. Only the bravest, or most foolhardy, come out onto the street, and most of them followed the commander as he carried the dead form of Captain Camburn to the Palace.

"He is conducting his unofficial review from the Palace," Ela adds. "But, he, no... we, had no idea the Regulars had become this corrupt."

The market is quite subdued when you finally reach it. Most of the traders have gone and taken their wares with them. There are still a dozen or so merchants with permanent stalls who are hiding out of sight. There are no customers in the market at all. The Beast, even though it was on the other side of the inner gate, frightened everyone away.

"Come out!" Ela orders. "The creature is dead! We need someone who can help this man!"

A few of the braver merchants poke their heads out of their stalls but that is all they do.

One of them yells, his voice wavering. "W- we won't fall for your t- tricks, Loyalist! Tell your master to go s- stuff himself!"

"Damian, be quiet!" Another hisses at the man. "You go to get us all killed!"

They are all deathly afraid, despite the one man's false bravado.
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When he arrives as the Temple Gate, the guards there go over his paperwork very carefully. It is only when he mentions the Exemplars and that one of them might be dying from poison that they quickly let him through. Luckily, the Temple Market is right on the other side of the gate. However, it is full of so many people that finding anyone to help will take some time. And, Rockhorn's unique appearance doesn't help him much. Yes, the Temple District sees all sorts but most of the merchants and traders think him savage and an easy mark.

One of the gate guards escorting him suggests the Castle of Purification. "They know of the Exemplars. Sir Breva and Custodio are part of their faithful." She points to the large castle-like temple in the adjacent ward down through Gate Street. "but, stay on the ground. You don't have permission to fly over this district. One of the tower guards might try to shoot your down with magic."
Rockhorn looks over bustling humanity, essentially everyone bigger than himself and talks calmly to the guard.
"That is all very well, but the man might be dead before I get there and back. I apologize, good sir, this may cause some trouble. But it needs to be done."
He jumps up on Spritewing, looks around and says to Spritewing in dwarven
"Flare up!"
The pegasus whinnies loudly and extends his wings upward, fully opened. Rockhorn bellows out full strength.
"Listen up everyone! One of the Exemplars is dying of poison after we killed a monster in the city. I need someone who has restoration prepared right now. I'll take potion if I must or a scroll and you'll be paid in full, but I need it. RIGHT. NOW!"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Tuck looks all around him. The people are scared, wary, paranoid. And the urban ranger cannot blame them in the slightest.

"Akos, I've heard the name of one Kelik come up several times now," he says to the Loremaster quietly. "I am not sure if that is his true name, but is there some sort of spell that can track down a person by using their name? I fear Waldo has terrible magical traps in place if we use his name, but one of his underlings may just give us an opportunity."

The kobold studies Falen for several moments, intrigued by the man. Earlier he spoke in the kobold tongue to Sobla and Tuck, which is something very few non-kobolds ever did. The ranger also remembers that Falen changed his appearance at least once during this battle, and during their mission in the tunnel below, his method of fighting was more akin to a spy than an honourable knight. Even if he offered mercy where the kobold would not. Tuck is sure that there is a lot more to Falen than meets the eye, but for now he is content to let the man have his secrets. After all, there is no denying that everything Tuck has seen him do was for the good of the Exemplars and the City.

Then, after his musings, he turns to Akos once more.

"Perhaps you can give the people some hope again?"

Tuck grins at the Loremaster, knowing that Akos loves inspiring the citizens of Bluffside just as much as the kobold enjoys watching the inevitable show.

OOC: I've spent today going through this game, both the OOC and the IC thread, so here I am now. Hopefully I can get to the Crow God game tomorrow or Thursday.

I've found that the Discord chats are going to fast for me to keep up with regularly, so if there's something important there, notify me here please.

Also, posting this here to remind myself to update my RG soon:

New XP Totals
41,259 XP
Big Tim: 34,959 XP
Falen: 34,879 XP
Rockhorn: 21,253 XP
Tuck: 40,759 XP
Vincenzo: 44,175 XP
Commander Oakfirst: 70,363 XP
Custodio: 31,859 XP
Sobla: 18,307 XP

Voidrunner's Codex

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