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L2: The Dragon's Maw (Erekose13 judging)


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"KERMIS HAVE ROPE." the barbarian simply states after all the commotion, and pulls out a lnegth of rope for all to see

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The Return of Dez

Mr. DEz returns to the group. "I have secured passage for you on the Helen of Bom. It is a small trader that will be leaving in 4 days. Its first stop is Gregsport. Simply report to the ship the morning of its departure, they will be expecting you."

LogicsFate said:
The note stated climbing experience a plus, I'm to assume if we have steads we should just leave them behind?

"I did not arrange passage for any mounts. If you have any that you wish to bring along, you can try to arrange something with the captain. I would suggest that you meet with him soon in order to insure passage.

Apparantly, the medallion is secreted in what has been described to me as cave, or rather, a large hole in the ground. I was told that access is only possible by climbing down, thus any normal mount would be unable to follow. However, the location of the cave is some 25 miles from Gregsport, so it may be desireable to have animals available to carry supplies."

OOC: The group may continue their interaction with Robert Dez or take their leave and make any preparations they desire before leaving Orussus.

Verbatim, Go ahead and make the change to the character. It is nice to see some LEW feats being used.


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The animated elf smiles broadly at Kermis. By now, even he'd picked up on the meaning of the barbarian's thumping-the-chest gesture.

Thumping his own chest likewise, he says to the big man, in his own best big barbarian voice (which is to say, more of a little barbarian), "HAHA! KERMIS AND AAZWEN BIG FRIENDS!"

At Valan's voice behind his shoulder, Aazwen spins and faces him. "Rope? I have rope. Let me check..." He almost starts the spinning process again, but fortunately, notices the section of rope Merlis had lifted up onto his shoulder. He points to it, saying, "See? Told ya I had rope. *ch* 50' whole foots of it, good ol' solid ropish rope." He leans in toward Valan's ear and says in a decidedly conspiratorial whisper, "Don't tell anyone else, but...I hear it's good for climbing. Shhh." As he pulls away he mimes a 'turning key to lock his mouth and tossing the key away' gesture to emphasize the critical importance of keeping that secret between the two of them.

Now it was Robert Dez' turn to be addressed. Lucky boy.

Aazwen assumes a very pensive stance, one foot up on a chair seat, elbow on knee, chin in hand. A professorial voice emanates from the thinker's pose, "Hmmm...yes...yes, I do believe it may behoove us to acquire, hmm...perhaps some pitons to aid our descent, just in case, you know. Our brawny compatriot, Kermis, could, of course, help regulate the sway and spring of those dangling from the rope as they make their way down. That should reduce the chance of dangerous slippage. I would imagine one of our fine arcanistically inclined members could provide clean, cool light. Much else? If said 'hole in the ground' is but a repository location for the deceased bandit's ill-gotten goods, then we should have little else to concern ourselves with." Strains of ominous music would be appropriate here.

He stands and regards Merlis again. "And you said you had the spark of the diviner within you? Well, that should prove quite handy, indeed. Always beneficial to have the knowledge at hand earlier rather than later."

Aazwen takes a step backward toward a spot where there probably should have been a chair, but in assuming his cogitating pose, he'd moved it a bit to one side. As result, the briefly lucid green-and-brown haired elf ends up sitting in mid-air for just a moment before hitting the floor. Once there, he makes no reaction to the situation, and simply smiles, wide-eyed and half-agape.
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Still unsure of what to make of those around him, Merlis nodded his head in thanks to Mr. Dez.

"Your quick assistance with the travel is appreciated sir."

No sooner had his words left his mouth, the mercurial elf in front of him began pounding his chest like Kermis and began yelling as the larger man had done earlier.

~He touched in the head that one...Kermis seems simple...this one seems unhinged.~

As if his thoughts were overheard, the elf's wild eyes suddenly rested on the ever smiling human as he began speaking to Valen in the polite tones of a scholar. Then resting his muddy boot on one of the expensive chairs he overstated the obvious to Mr. Dez as a father would to a child that simply wanted a pony but the father felt he needed to be taught the history of equines first.

~Definately unhinged...~

Turning towards the ever silent enchanter, Merlis wondered what his fellow magus thought of all this when the crazed elf's dramatics caught him in their mix.

"And you said you had the spark of the diviner within you? Well, that should prove quite handy, indeed. Always beneficial to have the knowledge at hand earlier rather than later."

Steeling his resolve, Merlis hoped that his answer was not going to end with the request for his dismissal from those gathered.

~Why could this not have been asked while Mr. Dez was booking us passage...~

"Although while I had access to many tomes during my training at the Chromatic Academy, my current spells are journeyman quality to be best. Also as I focused mainly in the protective magics, abjurations they are formally called, my spellbook currently reflects that. Given time and coin, I can study and acquire more divinations to assist those I am with, but for the moment, we will be going in blind on what awaits us."

[sblock=OOC]Changed the feat to reflect the Acadamy Grad and his bonus to Spellcraft and Knowledge (Arcana). Also Swamptreader, it was Valen not Merlis who pointed out the rope, so I hope you don't mind me keeping the flow that way vice moving Merlis further into the spotlight.[/sblock]


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"KERMIS READY!" the barbarian replies, hoisting his battleaxe over his shoulder. he then thrusts out his hand in front of him towards Mr. Dez as Valan does. however not understanding the gesture. withdraws his hand and turns to head back to the door before mr dez can reach out for it. he assumed it meant waving goodbye.


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Aazwen nods sagely to Merlis as he paints himself of lesser use than expected. "Ahh, well, we shall have to...HAHAHA!" The elf suddenly slaps his thigh and stamps his foot, apparently in reaction to Kermis' gotcha handshake.

"KERMIS! YOU FUNNY! EVERYBODY LIKE KERMIS!" says a somewhat barbarianish voice straight on the heels of Professor Aazwen.

Aazwen quickly rushes past Dez with his hand out, jerking it back just as the elf gets a bit too far away, laughing again as he joins Kermis on his way out the door.


OOC[sblock]Verbatim: Yep, my bad. I've corrected the reference in the earlier post. And how dare you call Kermis simple! ;)[/sblock]


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"YOU FUNNY TOO. KERMIS LIKE SHINIES" the barbarian replies and claps the elf on the shoulder. then making sure no one is looking leans down and whispers ".....Where we go?" he asks his new friend as they head to the door.
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Throran looks between the elf and the human. "I wonder if this elf is actualy a human who messed up a spell..... that or this is what happens when you spend too much time with humans and their ilk. Throran shudders slightly at the thought.

Moving over to the table, He grabs his part of the advance. soothing his robes, he looks to Valan and Merlis "I am not ready to go, there are a few supplies, namely rope, that i would like to pick up. Merlis, if you would like, perhaps we can exchange a few notes on our magics. As stated before I focus upon those of enchantment."

Watching the crazy elf and the crazyer human leave, Throran slightly shakes his head. "Where was i? ah yes, comparing notes and gathering some supplies. Just find me when you wish to compair." Throran comments as he makes for the door.
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turning back before exiting the house, Kermis shouts "VALAN WHAT WE DO NOW?" he asks his cleric friend for advice "PLAY DROW HI CARD AGAIN?" smiling at the thought of more fun hopefully?

ooc - more than likey i will follow valan around until they are ready to depart. kermis doesnt really need anything for the moment.

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