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Labelling April Fools

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G'day Frauleine

hong said:
For example, since Austria is west of the Equator, this means that we transition over to daylight saving time 24 hours before the eastern hemisphere.

Take some lessons, Hong. Everyone knows Austria is down under where everything is reversed so we celebrate April Fools Day on the 1st of October in Spring (where Spring is meant to be). And not all of Austria uses daylight saving time as the extra hour of sunlight fades the curtains and confuses the cows (who don't know when they are being milked). Plus Austria has multiple time zones (Eastern, Not Eastern and Really Not Eastern). So April Fools Day, when we do have it, lasts 27 hours and we don't need to cram 4 times as much fun into it.

I have to go now. They are bringing my medication.


Back on topic, I vote for not labelling April Fool's jokes as such. April Fool's is too fun. I don't care who it hurts. Suffer, Kahuna Burger! Suffer! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :)

Wow, there is more discussion on this than when I pulled the "Gary Gygax is dead" April Fool's prank some years ago. Interesting stuff.


hong said:
[...] Austrian dropbears and man-eating platypae will attest. [...]
What is WRONG with you and "ae" ?

plat·y·pus ([font=verdana, sans-serif] P [/font]) Pronunciation Key (pl
n. pl. plat·y·pus·es


First "ninjae", then "solae", now this.

What a goof you are.


First Post
Austria... Austrian... Australia... Australian...

Honestly, I'm really confused... head's spinnin'...
Or, in the words of the great Atom and His Package: can you hear the sound of my head moving side to side?


Hmmm... on second thought, maybe April Fools _should_ be labelled. Anyone foolish enough to think such a joke is real should be labelled with a superglued sticker to the forehead...

Hand of Evil

The problem is that there are no town fools anymore and we have overcompensated with a day. Bring back the town fool and the day would be just like any other. :D


First Post
LGodamus said:
good one steveroo.....too funny :D

Actually, I'm serious.

My problem isn't with April Fools Day. My problem is with fake news.

Last year, there really were people fooled by the jokes, who were still posting about it, months later. Part of the April Fools' Day tradition is, also, after you have fooled someone, you're supposed to say "April Fools!", laugh, and let them in on the joke... This, too, is traditional.

What I'm saying is, ENWorld doesn't do that. Okay, so with the Micro$oft stuff, it isn't likely to happen... but it did, last year, with the Greyhawk joke...

I can understand the humour and tradition aspects of the joke, and even not wanting to post "April Folls!" at the bottom of the page, because it might spoil the joke... but letting it run through next July, and forever, isn't the way April Fools is done.

It wouldn't hurt ENWorld (or the tradition, or any of you jokesters) if ENWorld started a new tradition, where, every April SECOND, they posted a note in the news (at the top of APRIL FIRST'S) saying something like "All of the "News" posts on this site, every April First, are jokes! If you took them seriously... April Fools!"

Everyone can have their fun, be fooled (or not), and we could *NOT* have April Folls running around believing that no one at WotC remembers Greyhawk a year after the joke was supposed to be over! :p

April Fools' Day has its place, but lets confine it there, shall we? Telling the April Fools that they've been fooled is ALSO part of the tradition... and you don' wanna mess with TRADITION!

Why, without TRADITION, our lives would be as unstable as... A Fiddler on the Roof! ;) :eek:
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First Post
Steverooo said:
It wouldn't hurt ENWorld (or the tradition, or any of you jokesters) if ENWorld started a new tradition, where, every April SECOND, they posted a note in the news (at the top of APRIL FIRST'S) saying something like "All of the "News" posts on this site, every April First, are jokes! If you took them seriously... April Fools!"

Yep, that would be pretty much what I have written in my first post here and probably a good solution for everyone.


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