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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 1 - Homeless)


[sblock=DT]Kel reluctantly speaks with the priest, as he talks he starts to warm to the man, he may be human but he is likeable, quick witted and wise. Pretty soon Kel is telling Heron about the local herbs and what they're best used for[/sblock]

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Deuce Traveler

Sgt. Kyle Radnal greets you at the new barracks that he has made. It was his decision to save room for now by taking over the military administrative building and saving room for the towns people by making the underground tunnels that the kobolds had created into an underground barracks for his troops. Although not the best location since it requires a lot of torches and lanterns to move about (oil is coming in at a slow trickle from the elven lands), it does serve well defensively.

"Silas! Good to see you! I've heard you've accepted my request without even hearing the details. Good man," he says in all seriousness. "Let me tell you what I know. The gnomes in the hills farther south to us are having trouble with increased kobold and goblin raids. Their delegation has been the most helpful in agreeing to send to us needed supplies, but they actually had come to ask the elves for help, and did not initially know of our own plight. We really can't send our own forces to help right now, as they are needed here and are of limited numbers. We asked if a small group of specialists, like the one that helped clear this town would be welcome instead. The gnomes gratefully agreed. Now Silas, we plan to send the group that helped before, but they lack a mage and I would hope one would join to aid their party. You will be gone until the issue is resolved. Of course failure may mean that the gnomish lands become overrun, causing our south to be filled with aggressive groups of kobolds and goblins. If you are still up for it, meet the baron in his building an hour after breakfast is served in the square tomorrow morning. You may go back home for now, or stay in our barracks to meditate and train."

Heron nods as you talk, all the while leading you into the burned ruins of a former temple that was destroyed when the village was taken. It is difficult to discern which god was worshipped here. Now Heron's followers of the Rider treat the sick patients. Heron keeps talking as you pass by the ill, "I hope these herbs will help, Brother Kel, and I thank you. I'll have some assistants try to gather some later. As you see, not everyone made the trip here in good health. I have about 50 very ill people and a few hundred moderately sick that I had to send back to the new homes. A few dozen have died along the way, like the parents of this young boy," he stops in front of one glassy-eyed child and his voice becomes lower, "Some are not really sick. They've just given up."

Heron is lost in thought for a moment, but then says, "Brother Kel, I do not know what god you may follow, but give a prayer for us from time to time."

You leave the temple after a while and you are met by one of your fellow elves. He says there is to be a meeting with the human baron at the main building an hour after breakfast tomorrow. Your presence is requested.

At noticing your wound, Syra unconsciously moves her hand to touch at your wound, but is interrupted with a loud cough from a distressed-looking Lady Huffring. Syra smiles at the interruption and asks, "Alexander, will you meet with my father tomorrow at his office an hour after breakfast is served in the square? Your presence is requested." With a courteous nod to you, Syra leaves followed by a pouting Lady Huffring, who gives you a sharp, angry look.
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[sblock=DT]Silas nods. "Thank you, sir." He hesitates a moment. "I've said my goodbyes..." His voice trails off before he straightens and continues. "...so I will billet here until the briefing in the morning. Sir."

When Sgt. Radnal gives him leave, Silas will exit the barracks and seek out a quiet and secluded spot to meditate and study his spellbook taking advantage of the daylight to save precious lamp oil...[/sblock]

Land Outcast

[sblock=DM]"Sure..." Ignorant of Lady Huffring's glare, Alexander absently continues "I hope we meet again..."

It was the first time a women extended a hand towards him... since his mother. More than once he had noticed people in the city looked at him, including women, but that's why he prefered to be outside, in the forest; those critical eyes weren't welcome.

More than once he had expended a glance towards those beautiful creatures, women... but they weren't as easy to catch as the other creatures of the Huntress, he didn't know how to weave those nets of speech of flowers and moonlight.
And the little words exchanged showed that they wanted to have nothing to do with speech of stalking and living away from the city.

But my scars didn't drive her away from me...[/sblock]

Suddenly having changed his previous ideas of leaving the town as soon as possible, Alexander walks around, hoping to find Ravil to speak with him both as son and as fellow servant of the Lady of the Lake


First Post
OOC : Late response to post 95

IC : "Well they are determined to live. They may be refugees now, but they want to get back to a normal life as soon as possible and are willing to fight for it." Lira says. "Im not too surprised with what they have done really, humans have always been survivalists. I am not too sure about what our role is to be here, now that they have a home. Are we to be the unofficials diplomats to the town?"

Deuce Traveler

Silas the elf nods in answer to you, "Diplomats and a little more. These humans are living on the southern end of our territory now. A proximity I am less than comfortable with, but many of the bleeding-heart council members had other ideas. Still, the High Seat (leader of the elven council) was concerned enough to ask we maintain an eye on this town and determine if the humans end up being a threat to us. I will stay here to oversee the refugee's supplies that are coming from out lands. Tomorrow they are sending an expedition to help the gnome delegation, and members of the last group you were with will be involved. I want you and Kel to rejoin that party and report to me on the actions of the other three when you return." Silas the elf raises his glass to you in a salute, "Get some rest, Lira. Meet me in the baron's meeting room an hour after breakfast is served in the morning. Long life."

Deuce Traveler

Ravil, priest of the Lady, is assisting Heron attend to the sick at the remnants of a long-ago burned out temple. For a moment you thought you saw Kel leaving and walking down a nearby trail. As you approach, Ravil walks away from the sleeping body of a sick-looking woman. He wipes his hands in a cleaning rag, then clasps your hand and pumps vigorously, "Alexander! I'm sorry I've had little time to seek you out with all of our exhausted peoples becoming ill. How have you been?"

Deuce Traveler

The sun begins to go down, and you realize that it is time to get some sleep, especially if you will be starting an important journey tomorrow. Rest comes easier than expected, despite the troubling last few weeks. As you enter the land of dreams, terrible images begin to fill your mind. You see gnomish underground dwellings in ruins, goblins overrunning the last of the defenders. The image fades, then a new one takes its place. A strange, hairless humanoid creature holds a struggling kobold in its arms, then straps the the smaller creature to a chair with a strange helmet-like contraption. The device is lowered onto the kobold's head, and you feel your blood run cold as the creature's struggling grows weaker, then stops, the intelligence in its eyes disappearing as its pupils turn white and mindless. Again the image fades, only to be replaced with the image of a large, pulsating purple sphere levetating off the floor. A gnome with a pointed hat stands before it, his face shining with a joyous rapture akin to worship. His unkempt face is that of a madman. An image that you cannot make out appears on the surface of the crystal. Somehow you manage to get closer to the vision, and you see your own sleeping form imprinted upon the sphere's surface. Fear tosses you from the land of dreams, but not before you hear the madman throw his head backwards and howl in glee. In a cold sweat you wake, glad to see the safety of your cot and signs of the approaching dawn. You know in your heart that a new chapter of your life is about to open for you.

Chapter 1 - Homeless, now closed.
Chapter 2 - Illusions, opens tomorrow. Please check the OOC thread for the link to the new chapter when it is set-up tomorrow night. I will try to link it here, also.

Land Outcast

Ravil, priest of the Lady, is assisting Heron attend to the sick at the remnants of a long-ago burned out temple. For a moment you thought you saw Kel leaving and walking down a nearby trail. As you approach, Ravil walks away from the sleeping body of a sick-looking woman. He wipes his hands in a cleaning rag, then clasps your hand and pumps vigorously, "Alexander! I'm sorry I've had little time to seek you out with all of our exhausted peoples becoming ill. How have you been?"[/sblock]

Alexander joins his other hand to the clasp, and smiles warmly for the first time in days.
"Ravil, I have doubts... doubts concerning happiness and doubts concerning fears..."
Alexander spends the rest of the day helping to tend the sick, and when most of them are stable and not in need of immediate attention, he speaks with Ravil.

Speaking by the fireside, time runs like water, night falls, and they speak for a long time...

He speaks about his doubts, about how he should deal with Rix, about what sickness attacked the refugees.
Then he goes to the important doubts about him falling in battle without being of help when they had the prey sorrounded, and about Syra, how she wasn't scared by him or his scars...

Deuce Traveler

Ravil listens for a long without interruption, but with a nodding of his head and an occasional smirk. Finally he speaks when you have finished, "Rix is a rascal, and will always be a rascal. He is greedy, untrusting, and likely to be a detriment to your group if he can gain from causing you harm. Yet, there is a small, compassionate side to the kobold. You are afraid of falling from the light, and into the darker beliefs that he has. Be strong, and remember it cuts both ways. Your faith can also make him see that there is a better way of dealing with life. Be his friend when you are in agreement, but do not fear argument when he wants to do something that is against the Lady's way."

"As for Syla," He sighs, then pauses. "I have seen her gazing also at Sgt Radnal. Syla has been protected by Cal, the strong man in her life. Now that he is gone and her father is... not the strongest man... she seeks other strong men to help support her during her own crisis of faith. You are the talk of the town right now, our wild protector who was felled by the wolf, but refused to die. So are the others. She needs a hero right now, as do the rest of us. Be her friend, but be careful with her. It will take some time for her to find her own strength."

"Men fall in battle, Alexander. Sometimes they fall from stress. Look at these people. They've lost their homes, moved a hundred miles or more in a few weeks, and are having to start anew in a strange land. The illnesses are natural, and it is remarkable there aren't more sick. It's their willpower that has kept our people healthy, but you must also keep the body intact. Men die in battle, that is the way of the world. Yet, you survived that wolf attack. Perhaps you lowered your guard a moment before it leapt. Have you thought about how this constant movement and these understandable doubts may have exhausted you? Go rest now, Alexander. You have even greater trials ahead, and exhaustion will not suit you in battle. And remember... The Lady is with you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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