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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 3 - The Imperials)


Dartis will leave the first bear to Silas and Danica, and rides forward to try to save the other spearman. He will ride close to the bear in circles to confuse it as he again peppers it with a a pair of arrows.

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Deuce Traveler

Silas, Dartis, and Danica
Silas twirls his staff once more, and connects solidly against the bear's ribs, causing it to roar feebly. The bear returns the attack, missing with the first swipe, but nearly lifting Silas off his feet with the next (-10 hps to Silas). As the huge beast opens its large maw to snap at the abjurer, a crossbow bolt flies past Silas' head and buries itself deep through the roof of the bear's mouth. It tumbles next to the wizard, flops once with a mighty twitch, and lies still, dead. Danica smiles at the shocked Silas, pleased with her critically successful shot.

Dartis fires twice more at the other bear, his first shot hitting hit once more, while the second shot went wide. The bear charged the rider while his horse pranced nearly out of the way. Nearly, except for the strong swipe that rocked Dartis from off his horse, causing him to fall painfully to the ground and his horse to dance away once more (-14 hps to Dartis). Although fairly wounded, the brown bear moves closer to finish Dartis off... it is 5 feet from Dartis and 30 feet from Danica and Silas.

Chalik, Alexander, Kel
The leader of the cavalry stiffens slightly at Kel's words before letting out the words, "Take them down, but take them alive if you can." His men move to attack, four kicking the flanks of their mounts to charge Kel and Alexander from horseback, while the cavalry leader and another rider wheel around and raise the flat of their blades over Chalik's head.

Actions please...


First Post
Grinding his teeth, Chalik draws his blade and slides to his right, trying to ward off the horsemen.

OOC: Moving to keep myself from getting flanked and drawing my rapier. Then an attack on whoever is more convenient, picking the "other rider" (not the leader) if possible. Designating the leader as my Dodge target.

Init mod: +3
AC: 16 (modified to 18 by using Combat Expertise for 2, 19 for the leader due to Dodge)
HP: 21 (for the moment)
Rapier +4 (including Combat Expertise) (1d6+1 18-20/x2)
Character Link: http://www.enworld.org/showpost.php?p=3107379&postcount=9


Silas stares at the sky, coughs, rolls over, and spits blood from having bitten his tongue. Groaning, he warily looks at the bear lying next to him. Thank the gods I was magically protected or I'd be dead... "Thanks, Danica." He flinches at the pain of his battered ribs. "I think I owe you... He trails off as he hears the roar of the other bear.

He turns to see the other bear towering over Dartis and instinctively reaches for his staff only to discover it lying some distance away. He curses then quickly begins chanting words power and pointing at the bear.

OOC: Scorching Ray, ranged touch attack +0, 4d6 damage.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
GlassEye said:
Thank the gods I was magically protected or I'd be dead... "Thanks, Danica." He flinches at the pain of his battered ribs. "I think I owe you...

"Hee hee!" says Danica, smiling at Silas, her voice rising to a squeak on the second note of her giggle. She shrugs a shoulder, "Just a sec."

She turns, looks at the other bear, aims and fires. Pfft.

Then reloads.


Dartis lands with a thud, but rises quickly shrugging off the pain in his bleeding shoulder for the moment, with a new situation, Dartis draws his sword and strikes at the bear.

OOC:[sblock] Buckler will give +1 AC now. Where the spears the men using longspears by any chance? [/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

Chalik, Kel, Alexander
Chalik moved first, swinging his rapier at the rider closest to him. His opponent moved too arrogantly close to the talented dwarf, who stabbed into the human's raised armpit and buried his blade deep enough to pierce the man's heart. With a shudder, the Imperial cavalryman collapsed coughing blood. The second man (the leader) rode at the dwarf, but barely missed with his own strike, his blade bouncing off Chalik's masterwork leather.

Kel and Alexander also moved before their opponents, with Kel missing both the nearest horse and rider with his deadly long sword. Alexander had more luck with his scimitar, slicing off the arm of the rider nearest to him. The wounded man screamed as his wound bled profusely, before he too collapsed in a pool of blood.

The remaining three riders conducted their reprisals, however. Although Alexander remained unscathed from the remaining rider that moved against him, Kel was beset by two other cavalrymen who flanked the elf. The first missed, but the second was able to move behind Kel and bury his sword deep into the elf's shoulder (critical, -10 hps to Kel).

OOC: 4 more riders to go. The leader on Chalik, 1 rider on Alexander, and two more attacking Kel.

Dartis, Danica, Silas
Danica attacks first, her bolt burying into the large bear before it can maul Dartis. It lets out a roar and stands up on its hind legs, as Dartis takes the opportunity to get up and attack the creature. Both Dartis and the bear hack at one another simultaneously, a fountain of blood billowing forth from both individuals (-11 hps to Dartis, who is badly needing a chance to heal by now). Silas casts his own spell, a beam of hot light coming forth and burning a hole into the bear just as it raised a paw to slap Dartis back down. The beast doesn't even have a chance to cry out, despite its jaw being contorted in agony. Its guts are blown out as a hole is made through the bear, and it too flops to its side and dies.

The three of you are victorious, the only sound now heard being that of your own breath, the frightened grunts of a swordman and horse, and the dying moans of the surviving spearman lying on the ground and bleeding his life away.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Danica feels like collapsing to the ground, her knees buckling from the excitement. But she stays on her feet, and looks at her companions.

"Who's hurt? Is there anything I can do?"

She lowers her crossbow and starts moving to see if Dartis is alright. "Can I help you, My Lord?"


Silas hurries to the dying spearman murmuring, "Hold on, hold on," all the way. He'll do his best to bandage the man's wounds and make him comfortable. When he has done all that he can for the man Silas will sit beside him and talk so that the man doesn't feel alone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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