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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 3 - The Imperials)

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Alexander!" Danica squeals, and takes his huge hand when it is offered. She feels like even more of a child as she reaches up to take it, but enjoys the warmth of his hand. As they shake, she feels stupid, and her lips twist into an odd embarassed grimace of mock seriousness.

When Darits introduces himself, she unknits her eyebrows and shakes his hand too:

"Yes. Hello. Um."

She tries again, retrieving her hand and self-counsciously wiping it on her dress, and then stopping when she realizes what it must look like.

"My Lord. I'm Danica Swann." She does a small courtsy.

"Let me serve you and Dorinthia as best I can."


The elf considers the army and then looks at Alexander "Yes I think your plan has merit but I don't think we should return to camp, I think we should just wait here. Night approaches anyway and in the hours that we wait we may observe something useful"

Deuce Traveler

Rix and Chalik
The situation was looking dim for the dwarven clan of Bermax. The Imperials had blockaded the main gates of the underground kingdom for weeks now and it would soon lead to food rationing. What's worse, the king had to feed a number of refugees from the remnants of Dorinth. Some factions advocated giving the humans up to the Imperials. But news of heroism coming from the Dorinthians was brought to the dwarves by their delegation to the humans (which included you) and the gnomes to the southwest have swayed the dwarves to help the Dorinthians.

It was still possible to avoid the Imperial blockade by use of secret, alternate entrances. The problem is that small groups of Imperial horsemen have also made steady patrols, making movement outside difficult. Because of your stealth, you were asked to do reconaissance on the enemy lines. As you skirted the edge of the enemy lines, you were reminded of this danger when you saw a struggling, captured kobold tied against a Tallione rider's saddle. As you watched, you realized that the kobold was Rix, an adventurer whose exploits helped make the refugees to the west be seen as heroes. If he's here his companions cannot be too far away. Blood pumping, you move from behind boulder to boulder, using them for cover until you get to behind the enemy lines and overlooking where the mountains meet the plains. If Rix's allies are there, they will be hiding in the tall, dry grass of the plains.

Sure enough from your view through a hole in the boulder you see two dark shapes move forward slightly to spy on the Imperials, and drop again to hide within the grass when horsemen are heard. Behind them a group of six horsemen ride hard towards the Imperial forces, slowing though as they approach the start of the mountains. If they continue in their direction they'll pass right over the two shapes you had just observed...

Kel and Alexander
You agree to move when it gets dark, but you both notice a small dwarf run from behind a boulder to one closer to you. It seems to be scanning the tall grass for something, and his eyes peer out from a cleft in the rock. You are close enough to where the plains meet the mountain terrain to recognize him. It's Chalik Bermax, someone who has travelled with the dwarven delegation to your refugee camp, and who is said to have spoken well of your exploits in the court of the dwarven king. You move forward a few feet to get a better look at him, and perhaps get his attention. He seems to see you, but then his head disappears from behind the boulder as the sound of hooves reaches your ears from behind. Taking his reaction as a warning, you duck back in the tall grass. You can't see what is coming, but it sounds like a handful of riders, all moving by your position and towards the Imperial lines.

Silas, Dartis, and Danica
Because of your low supplies, you send the men to the lake to camp, although you and a handful of men go to check out the site with the rocky hills, in case you have to move somewhere more defensible and have time to move. When you reach the hills, you see that they are strangely-shaped piles of red rock surrounded by a large field of short grass. Your hundred men would have the advantage of high ground if you placed them here, although archers would ruin your day since the position would be exposed.

You discuss about possible avenues of defense when your three men check on a previously unnoticed cave near the base of the hill. Suddenly, all three men scramble out of the tunnel, and you mistakenly find their screams bestial until you realize their yelling is being drowned out by two brown bears that burst from the entrance and seem most unhappy about being disturbed. Two of your men are armed with spears, and nervously try to keep the beasts at bay with their weapons. The third that was in the front and armed only with a short sword, makes a break for it and tries to hide behind you, which was the wrong move. One of the two bears breaks away from the spear-wielding men and attempts to chase him down.

Each dot or letter is 10 feet... B is for bear, M is for Spearman, R is for running man with sword, H is for Dartis who is on his new horse, S is for Silas, and D is for Danica.

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Danica takes a step to the right as she raises her crossbow, to allow a path between her and Dartis for the running man. If he runs past us, he should lure the bear with him... she thinks.

Pfft. She releases the bolt into the bear, and reloads.


Dartis wheels his horse to the front of the group so the man can hide and fires a pair of arrows at close range at the bear.

"Stand firm men" calls Dartis to the other two spearmen, "We'll eat well tonight"


First Post
Chalik curses under his breath. These Dorinthians are insane, he thinks. I kind of like them. He moves as quietly as possible, trying to reach the two skulking forms in the grass. Now if I can just make sure that's who I'm seeing, and keep them from killing me, maybe we can free the kobold and get out of here.

Deuce Traveler

You leave your hidden position in an attempt to scramble down towards another boulder near the high grass of the plains, but you hear a yell from the cavalry, and know instantly that you've been spotted. The horsemen are still distant, but begin to close the distance fast. They quickly pass the two Dorinthians, but are now 60 feet from you.

Kel and Alexander
The dwarf you have been observing makes an attempt to quickly scramble towards you, only to be seen by the group of approaching horsemen. You hear a yell and watch the dwarf freeze as six horses quickly pass your position and towards him, the Imperials with their weapons drawn. They are 5 feet in front of you, but 60 feet from him and closing fast.

Silas, Dartis, and Danica
Silas successfully casts his spell, and feels his protective magic wash over himself (OOC: I don't have my PHB here in Seattle and going off of notes... need info on stats on extended mage armor). Danica fires her crossbow bolt, which wounds the bear slightly. Dartis' two arrows speed towards the creature, one grazing it slightly while the other round penetrating deep into the beast's arm. In a rage, it takes a swipe at the man running away from it, but misses.

The other two men aren't as lucky. One of the spearmen has a gash opened in his shoulder, and he falls in shock. The other one screams in panic, and misses his jab at the bear in front of him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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