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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 3 - The Imperials)


Ventus stands at the edge of the grove, a rather severe expression on his face, tight lipped and stock still. It is as much of his inner feelings as he would let show on the exterior, he does not allow his anger to cloud his face. He is angry at Barok for rushing off into the trap, he is angry at the others for following, and he is angry at himself for not having the willpower to resist the dryad's song.

The situation has resolved itself, but that would bring about its own worries, for now the neccesary reprimand for Barok's impetuous behavior would never come. He stands watch stoicly over the recovering Dorinthians, glad at least that he was able to repay his debt and aid in some small way their release. His eyes gaze out over the men, seeking out the one who's words saved him from sharing their fate on his first journey to this glade, fearing that he may have been to late.

At the dawning of the new morning, Ventus stands watching the newcomers, sizing them up to determine their purpose. Their clothing is familiar enough. He steps forward to call out.

"Hail to you, Craeceans. What business brings you here?"

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Nikolos glanced at his entourage, then looked at Caramip. "Well, this should be fascinating." Leaning on his longspear, which made a passable walking staff, he called back, "We are a scholarly expedition, seeking knowledge in the blessed name of Adeiros the Seeker. I am the Witness Nikolos. Whom am I addressing?" It was obviously rather silly to try to fight, and Nikolos rather doubted that his party, leading pack mules loaded with supplies and all the impedimentia of scholarly field work, were going to long out-run Dorinthian horse archers.


As the group sets up camp, Dartis again finds time to have private words with the various members of the group.

[sblock=Danica and DT]
"Again you have proven your worth and valor Daughter of Dorinthia. You and your abilities, all of them, benefit the people of Dorinthia, our people." says Dartis clasping her on the shoulders. "On behalf of them I thank you" [/sblock]

[sblock=Ventus and DT]

Dartis approaches the stoic legionairre as he stands to the side of the camp.

"Well Tallione, you have proven yourself truthful and more than competent in battle. I thank you for your aid in defeating the ogre. We could not have won with out you. I again say to you that I hold your vow upheld. By your own admission, the men who saved you are now free. Though you are free to pursue your own path, I sense you would not return to Tallione. I would ask you then Ventusm would you not journey with us a while. We could use a stout man who knows about standing and fighting. I know there may be some distrust that may exist for a bit, but I at the least offer my hand in friendship." says Dartis extending his right hand, while pulling out a knife with his left in offer to cut the remaining and symbolic bonds on the legionairres wrists. [/sblock]

[sblock=Barok and DT] Dartis finds Barok at some point. "I wish to thank you for your efforts Barok. Both against the ogre and to replace the heart. However I would also caution you to not be so rash. There is far too much at stake here. The future of our people hangs upon every action we take and we must not fail. I am overjoyed that you succeeded, but, had you not......."

"This is not a reprimand, nor a formal action. Though I am captain of the army, I ask you as a companion and a friend, to please exercise some due caution. There are so many back there. The same that followed you to the mountian, that desperately need us to succeed. I cannot afford to lose you, nor can I afford to have any failures. Our people's morale hangs by a thread, it is our duty to maintian that. I know you are not used to leading and thinking of the people you lead. But look at Cal and how he grieves over the men he lost. Imagine the people you lead to the mountian. They still look to you. I still need you to help lead our people to safety Barok. Dorinthia needs you Barok, will you be there for Her?"

[sblock=DT] Dartis finds Cal at some point through the evening and pulls him aside for a private counsel.
"Cal, you must recover here. You have lost no luster in your men's eyes. There is no shame here. This is not war or battle. This is sorcery. I myself was smitten by the song. I was held captive by the grasses. There is no shame in that, it does not diminsih your value as a warrior. We faced a gnome some time back who cast his sorcerous magic. Oh it was beautiful. He showed me here I could find our people, where we could live safe. But it was a lie. But Cal, these lies only have power because in our hearts we want what is promised so much. In our hearts lies the hope of Dorinthia. To desire the success of of people is nothing to be ashamed of. And if that hope makes us more vulnerable to evil sorcery, then so be it. For with out that hope in our hearts Cal, Dorthinia will die."

Dartis turns to face Cal, and grabs him by the shoulders and stares into his face "Cal, my brother, my kinsmen, listen to me. You must shake this black mood off. Our men, our people need us. Did we weep after Kalden? Of course, but we did not cower from the next battle. Tonight we will honor those who have fallen. But we must move on Cal. Hope is finally rising, we must show that to our people."

Dartis then proceeds to tell Cal the tale of their rescue mission to find them, how they found the Imperials and how they were turned back, and finally the tale of Morduk. He also informs Cal that his father grieves terribly for him and will desire news of him soon. [/sblock]

In the morning Ventus' call alerts Dartis who goes to join Ventus at the edge of the camp.
"Ventus, what do you know of these Craeceans?"

Dartus calls back "A scholarly expedition you say. Then by all means come and join us Witness Nikolos!" as Dartis waves Silas on up. Best to have another scholar to join the parlay, if inded these men were scholars. As an after thought Dartis gives Barok a small signal to indicate that the crafty man should circle around to provide some cover and ensure that this group was alone.

Deuce Traveler

Cal nods at you, though does not look into your eyes, "Thank you, Baron Kalnian, but leading men to die by the sword is one thing. Watching them helplessly as their lives are sucked out of their bodies is quite another. Still, I will carry on, for my men so that they may better serve our people if nothing else."

OOC: Please check the talking the talk thread for XP and gold. And also please reply for what the party's intentions are now.


Ventus nods solemnly and runs his wrist slightly for a moment, relieving the sensation that has stayed with him for many days now. He looks Dartis in the eyes, trying to read the man, then clasps hands with him firmly.

"You are correct in assuming that I can no more return to my home than your people can to theirs. I find myself in need of a new home, or a new purpose. Perhaps I will find my way along side you and your comrades."[/sblock]

Ventus shrugs in response to Dartis's query. He leans in to answer quietly.

"A peaceful enough people, scholars and educators. . . but subjects of the Tallione Empire."

He relaxes somewhat, taking his hand away from the hilt of his sword, but he continues to watch the new arrivals in case they are more than they claim to be.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Danica yelps as Dartis grabs her shoulders--even as the wound begins to heal, it is sensitive, and the skin of her upper arm exposed through the tear in the cloth.

But she smiles, and courtsies, and says, "Thank you, my Lord. For Dorinthia."

Nikolos smiled a little. It wasn't lost on him that the Dorinthians hadn't actually identified themselves. Still, there was little help for it now. "Well, let's go see what we can learn down below. Best behavior, hmmm?" This last was directed at his various staff.

Then he walked down the hill, smiling in anticipation of learning new and interesting things. Of course, the first thing he learned was that these Dorinthians looked as if they'd been battered around a good bit.

Many thanks for your kind welcome. I can't help but see that you've had some trouble. May I be of assistance? I'm not the greatest healer,but the Seeker is beneficient with his power."


First Post
Caramip Ashhearth

With an innocent smile, she nods her head and follows in step behind her large friend. Her innocent smile quickly turns mischievous as she reaches into her pack and produces two empty coconut halves. As if on cue, she quickly raps the two coconut halves together as she walks behind her friend. The beat and sound of the empty coconuts mimic that of a large house trotting a long a cobble stone road. At the same time she hums a load an obvious out of tune hymn similar to that of trumpets blaring for some Lord.

Despite any protest from her large friend she continues with the gross buffoonery. Only to stop with hysterical laughter once they come face to face with the weary travelers.

OOC: Couldn't resist - Just saw Monty Python :D


Blarkon Dragonslayer said:
Many thanks for your kind welcome. I can't help but see that you've had some trouble. May I be of assistance? I'm not the greatest healer,but the Seeker is beneficient with his power."

"Gladly would we accept your help as well Nikolos. The Seeker's gifts are welcome here. But if I may ask, what brings a small group so far from Tallione, Craecean?" asks Dartis


First Post
Fenris said:
As the group sets up camp, Dartis again finds time to have private words with the various members of the group.
[sblock=Barok and DT] Dartis finds Barok at some point. "I wish to thank you for your efforts Barok. Both against the ogre and to replace the heart. However I would also caution you to not be so rash. There is far too much at stake here. The future of our people hangs upon every action we take and we must not fail. I am overjoyed that you succeeded, but, had you not......."

"This is not a reprimand, nor a formal action. Though I am captain of the army, I ask you as a companion and a friend, to please exercise some due caution. There are so many back there. The same that followed you to the mountian, that desperately need us to succeed. I cannot afford to lose you, nor can I afford to have any failures. Our people's morale hangs by a thread, it is our duty to maintian that. I know you are not used to leading and thinking of the people you lead. But look at Cal and how he grieves over the men he lost. Imagine the people you lead to the mountian. They still look to you. I still need you to help lead our people to safety Barok. Dorinthia needs you Barok, will you be there for Her?"
[sblock=Dartis and DT]
"You really believe you're going to restore Dorinthia again? That you can put everything back together, bring us victory and peace and then give yourself a crown? With this?" he gestures to the encampment. "No, Dorinthia is lost. Her people murdered or in chains, her towns and fields in ashes inhabited only by beasts and ghosts. All we can do now is seek our vengeance and our deaths like men."
"You don't think I grieve only because I do not wallow in it? I have lost as much as any of you, but this is not the time for tears. These,"
he touches one of his wounds and the crusted blood surrounding it, "are the only tears I'm going to cry. And if I seek some pleasure on my way to death, can you blame me?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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