LEB Discussion Thread '10

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RP's are earned for month of play. I didn't award RP's b/c the DM doesn't have to until the end of the adventure. You've "earned" them, just haven't been awarded them WD.
To be fair, this isn't really that clear if you're new to LEB, especially since all other rewards are given in lumps at specific points. Maybe DMs (not as a rule, but just as a suggestion) should try to remember to mention something to new players after the first month so they know they are accruing? That's just general advice, not a proposal or anything. :)


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My two adventures didn't took the time you took for Moonwatch alone, but at least I don't drop them in the middle. I go up to the end of the story, even if it isn't the end I expected.


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To be fair, this isn't really that clear if you're new to LEB, especially since all other rewards are given in lumps at specific points. Maybe DMs (not as a rule, but just as a suggestion) should try to remember to mention something to new players after the first month so they know they are accruing? That's just general advice, not a proposal or anything. :)

"Each player earns one Reward Part (RP) full month of play in an adventure; this point is forfeit if they abandon the adventure (previous points earned remain). RPs are officially awarded at a time of a DMs choosing—either when other awards are given or at the end of an adventure" - Charter

Hmmm...it's clear to me, but again I know the system.


That's just it: you're exactly right, it's spelled out there. BUT no one typically has RPs "officially" handed to them until reward times come. So it would be easy to draw the conclusion that you had not "earned" them until you were specifically given them.

Like how XP is earned but not really "given" until you rest / end of encounter / whenever. You can't really level up until you have been given XP. However, RPs work slightly differently; you CAN act on earning RPs before you have been "given" RPs because technically they're already earned.

And reading that back to myself I am sure this is confusing. :) Anyway it's just a suggestion! YMMV


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Sidenote; I'm both miffed and excited about essentials, after flipping through the heroes of the this and that book at my local store.

Can't wait for the CB update (miffed about that too...) so that I can see exactly how everything fits together.


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To be fair to WotC the essentials was originally slated for the Oct. update, but someone there apparently decided to try and get it in early, likely as a consolation prize for the delayed Sept. update. Unfortunately, they made the classic mistake of over-promising and under-delivering. They really need to stop doing that. The better way to do things is under-promise and over-deliver.


First Post
oh, sorry, didn't mean what was received...

I'm miffed I didn't get a September update at all, not that it didn't include essentials.

I totally agree r1, under-promise over-deliver, not the other way around.

Also, it's not earth-shattering, they skipped a month of updates last year as well (though that was holidays)

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