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Legacy of the Silver Dragon (Swords and Wizardry Core, 4th Ed)


Hi all, yes still here just crazy. Still planning on cleric though hoping to switch Cha for Con to avoid the HP penalty since it looks like I will be on the front lines a good bit.

Gambler, are you using specific gods or just a general church or alignments or what?

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Lots of quick stuff here:

IC Thread is here:

Feel free to start RPing on there even if your character isn't completely equipped/set, it'll be a good way to introduce the town and your characters to everyone. Binder Fred is already there. :) Also, if there's a convo that you're interested in but doesn't have much other than just a quote (no mention of who or what is saying it), you can either just assume you overheard it without seeing who said it and indicate to me that you're interested in it. Or you can do as Binder Fred did, and actually give an NPC and place... (so at least at the start, we build the town up together).

Another item for everyone...
I realize it got buried in my chargen rules, so for now you can use the standard equipment tables. I'll make a specific town equipment list in the next week or so. Effectively anything made of wood gets a 20% discount, anything made of metal gets a +10% penalty in cost.

Whizbang Dustyboots: Ok, sounds good.

mdengler: Got your character in your e-mail, looks good. Just post it here after you've rolled your HP (or feel free to try the dice roller here - 1d8, with your actual HP being (1d8/2 + 4).

Fenris: Yup, you can switch any two stats you like. I'm going to use the 'three alignment system' (Law, Neutral, Chaos) in S&W for characters OTHER than Clerics. Clerics have the full 9 alignment system: my reasoning being that the average person does good and bad things (as defined by society/morality) both, but is more defined when it comes to whether they obey laws. (For everyone else, feel free to mentally add 'good or neutral' to the three alignments listed above, but it's for RP purposes only). A cleric however has A) thought long and hard about morality and his/her personal beliefs, and B) is required to represent his religion faithfully.

So, as far as specific deities. If you have access to the D&D 3.x PHB, here are the deities I would consider appropriate to choose from:

Ehlonna (NG): Goddess of the woodlands. Has a large enough following in the town due to the location in the wilderness, although there's some tension between the more extreme members of her faith who say that cutting the trees nearby is against her ways, and the average person who thinks that making sure new trees are planted is enough to replace the ones cut, and that the forest is her blessing on the town. An adventuring cleric in her faith would be something along the lines of a Ranger/Druid.

Fharlanghn (N): God of the roads. In spite of there only being one real road into Ascadar, it's a rather important one, so there's a minor sect that worships him. An adventuring cleric in his faith would be expected to keep roads clear and safe.

Heironeous (LG): God of Valor. Adventuring clerics in his faith would be a Holy Warrior of sorts. There's a small church devoted to his worship, but not many people consider him an important god in this region.

Kord (CG): God of strength. He's well thought of out at the edges of the Empire, as many of the people who live here are those who are used to using their strength to get by. There's a reasonably large group of people who worship him, though a lot of these are frequently seen getting into fights in the tavern these days.

Pelor (NG): God of the sun. As in most places, the humans here have a large church devoted to him, and many followers.

Wee Jas (LN): Goddess of death and magic. She's not a popular goddess in Ascadar, but there's a small community of followers.

St. Cuthbert (LN): God of retribution (revenge and just punishment on those who deserve it). He wasn't popular when Eliaesel was still present, but his religion has grown in strength, but is specific to humans in Ascadar - many of whom take transgressions by non-humans as a reason why the non-human races should be reduced in political power. Obviously this is a perversion of the faith, but the church seems unable or unwilling to control its followers.

The evil gods aren't worshiped openly but everyone knows a friend who says they've heard of secret services in hidden places at night.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Having them be close friends since childhood will work just fine for me. I hadn't fleshed out too many details so far so I'll go with your lead - did you envision them as lifelong locals or new to the area? I'm toying with the idea of a young man frustrated between his love of the town, and concern for its safety and prosperity, and a sense that greedy politics and corruption is its worst enemy. Does that work with your ideas at all?
Hm, well with that die roll I'm seeing a poor background for your PC, which in Ascadar would likely mean his father is a woodcutter (or a farmer maybe?)? With the attendant kiriel of brothers and sisters maybe? I get the sense that your chara is the noble/idealist sort, pushed to take personnal risks to defend the innocents and the oppressed (Peasant Paladin-type)? That could have motivated him to rise above his humble beginings, to seek out tales of heroics to emulate (may be where Anatres comes in? or his family/uncle migth outright own the logging camp where your father works? The 'rescued form bullying' scenario might work too: it IS a classic :D) and odd jobs to earn a hero's "proper equipment" AND help people out at the same time. I'd see him as always trying to drag Antares into "helping", an influence the elf's parent would approve of as at least productive of *something*... What do you think? Anything grab your fancy?

EDIT = see this post for Antares' background info, such as it is. He is definitively a native of the place.
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First Post
I was thinking his father was a caravan guard killed on the way here when he was a young boy. His mother had no money to leave and settled in town where you and I met and became friends. I don't see him as a "paladin" type as much as a frustrated youth with a growing sense of anger. More of a restless young man who isn't sure what he believes about the world around him. He grew up loving the town (partly because his mother passed to him a sense of gratitude for being taken in) but the growing tension and problems are showing him a new side of the people there. Part of him is disgusted by it and part of him wants to fix it and all of him needs some way to focus his restless energy and he's hearing the call of excitement and adventure from everywhere around him.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
OK, buying equipment ...

Will edit in rolls for gold and then the stuff Bosco owns.

So, 140 gold.

Backpack - 5 gold
Bedroll - .2 gold
Case (map/scroll) - 1 gold
Chalk, 10 pieces - .5 gold
Crowbar - .2 gold
Flint & Steel - 1 gold
Grappling hook - 1 gold
Hammer - .5 gold
Lantern, bullseye - 12 gold
Oil, 5 pints - .5 gold
Rations, trail, 5 days - 2.5 gold
Rope, help, 50 feet - 1 gold
Sack (15 pound capacity) x 3 - 3 gold
Spike, iron x 5 - .25 gold
Waterskin - 1 gold

Dagger x 3 - 6 gold
Sword, short - 8 gold
Sling - .2 gold
Sling stones x 20 - 0 gold

Armor, leather - 5 gold

Total expenses: 48.85 gold
Remaining cash: 91.15
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
I was thinking his father was a caravan guard killed on the way here when he was a young boy. His mother had no money to leave and settled in town where you and I met and became friends.
How did she earn a living, if it's not indiscreet? Did she (perhaps) re-marry? How many brothers and sisters?

I don't see him as a "paladin" type as much as a frustrated youth with a growing sense of anger. More of a restless young man who isn't sure what he believes about the world around him. He grew up loving the town (partly because his mother passed to him a sense of gratitude for being taken in) but the growing tension and problems are showing him a new side of the people there. Part of him is disgusted by it and part of him wants to fix it and all of him needs some way to focus his restless energy and he's hearing the call of excitement and adventure from everywhere around him.
Well I don't know: Disgusted with corruption + irrepressible desire to eradicate it... :p

Total expenses: 48.85 gold
Remaining cash: 91.15
Oh, oh, buy me a pony, Mr Bracegirdle! ;)


First Post
Ah, I think it's the "irrepressible urge to eradicate it" part where we aren't seeing the same thing. I'm playing a character more internally motivated than one driven to "save the world". He's not sure yet how he views these things so his mind is equally unsure on what reaction he has to them. He dislikes corruption but doesn't know if that is "just how it's done" or not. As he grows we'll see what the world tells him.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
So what about the family questions above, Matt? Antares being very much the 'stay at home' kind, I'm thinking we may have met through either of your parents jobs or through one of your brothers/sisters (a younger brother with an interrest in magics? A sister for dating/hating/unrequieted love?). Hm, could your mother have been hired to do the cleaning and/or shopping in the wizard's tower maybe? She could help out Antares' mother in the kitchen as well (his mother being a busy artisan and all, but still caring very much for her family).
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Hi all. I'll try to respond to any posts on the IC thread before the end of day today, or no later than tomorow. I could potentially be without internet for awhile dstarting late tomorrow ue to Irene - but being in Massachusetts we shouldn't be affected for that long.

I have a business trip fom the 4th-9th, , so I suggest that folks plan to be finished with the prologue stuff that's going on currently, before then so that y'all can talk amongst yourselves as to where you want to go from there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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