Legacy of the Silver Dragon (Swords and Wizardry Core, 4th Ed)

Voda Vosa

First Post
Yeah, big deal over there about that eh? Don't worry, we south americans are used to such things, its not the end of the world, perhaps the end of the USA empire, in the most optimistic point of view. Luckily for the american people, the government might realize it has to spend more time trying to sort out the inside problems instead of wasting money bombarding foreign countries and such genocidal endeavours.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
I'm an outsider to all this, granted, but is it just me or have the democrats gone plain crazy? I can just about understand the guns thing if I squint hard enough, but their reaction to Obamacare seems... entirely out of proportion to the offense (which nobody seems quite able to actually spell out why it's so offensive, actually). It's not like we've seen a general collapse of liberties/economics in all the *other* countries that have adopted a universal health care system or anything...

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
What's everone's thoughts on Antares' speech colour (Wheat)? VV mentionned that he had trouble reading it on white background. Did bolding it help? Is anybody else on white background having problems?

Voda Vosa

First Post
I can read it now that its bolded, but perhaps another colour would be less troublesome? Golden Rod seems like a good alternative.


XPs for Interlude:

100 GP returned to the party via Mikon through at least somewhat honest guards. Split 4 ways as Stellan is still participating as a 'party member' not just a hireling (25 XP each).

Monster XP = 80 divided 4 ways (20 XP each)

Saving Gregof = 75 XP each (except Stellan)

RP Awards:

Beatrix - Will give full for RP allowed (25% of amount needed to advance to next level) = 375 XP
Muzdim - Received 2/3 amount for RP allowed last time XP was handed out, receives the final 1/3 this time = 125 XP cleric class / 167 XP fighter class. Also receives 1 hero point for healing Gregof in the middle of the battle.
Antares - Already maxed out
Stellan - None

Final XP amounts (modified by +5% or +10% for class's prime attributes):

Fighter XP: 736 (670 + 66), Mage XP: 834 (771 + 63), 1 Hero Point
Next Levels: 2000/2500

XP: 520
Next Level: 1500

Fighter XP: 691 (464 + 239), Cleric XP: 544 (359 + 195), 1 Hero Point (for healing Gregof in the middle of the battle)
Next Levels: 2000/1500

XP: 274 (229 + 45)
Next Level: 2000 XP

Please note that everyone has reached their limit of XP awards available for level 1 solely through RP. Therefore, XPs will only be coming through gold (which I'll calculate for the group for their new home base shortly), killing monsters, or the odd story award which I usually won't give except for exceptional cases... where I didn't expect something, such as for the group to be able to save Gregof. If y'all are happy with long discussions with people, that's fine. Just don't expect to reach Level 2 before 2015. :)

That said, I am becoming a bit more active, hopefully can provide updates at least twice, sometimes three times a week (with perhaps a day like this every so often where I can spend much of a day providing updates).
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Thanks for the XP, Gambler! :D

Antares: Fighter XP: 736 (670 + 66), Mage XP: 834 (771 + 63), 1 Hero Point
I'm coming up with 791/886? I think you may have left out the 100 XP you gave us for roleplaying in the Half and Human that first day? Also, multiclass characters don't usually get bonus XP from high stats (p.18), but I certainly won't say no to some. :)

[sblock=XP Details]55/52 Roleplaying around the Half and Human (1st day)
670/771 Securing the cursed bell from Jorgen and rescuing Anna (2nd day)
66/63 Fighting the goblins and rescuing captain Gregof (3rd day)[/sblock]
Please note that everyone has reached their limit of XP awards available for level 1 solely through RP. Therefore, XPs will only be coming through gold (which I'll calculate for the group for their new home base shortly), killing monsters, or the odd story award which I usually won't give except for exceptional cases... where I didn't expect something, such as for the group to be able to save Gregof. If y'all are happy with long discussions with people, that's fine. Just don't expect to reach Level 2 before 2015.
Well, *without* the RP bonus Antares has earned a total of 536 XP so far. That's a quarter of what he needs to reach first level if he was single class (less than 12% of what he actually needs, being multiclass)...

So, honestly, I think we either need to shrug and determine that story-advancement will be our main reward in this game (and I'm, obviously, quite alright with that): level 2 will come when it comes and that's that. And/or, if level advancement is to become a favoured feature of our roleplaying landscape, then probably the way XP are awarded should be re-visited/adapted to the slower flow of the PbP medium?

As I said though, I'm quite alright with the rich and exciting story we're building together right now so I favor option 1: "let it roll" -- possibly with a small multiplier for "PbP XPs" earned so we actually get to experience level 2...? What do you guys think?
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I have no problems with y'all staying 1st level for a long time (in real life). I'm not going to increase the rate of XP for pbp simply because I've already done that with the roleplay awards which are much more than a trivial increase. This campaign was originally intended to be something different than what it's become, but advancement is still going to be tied to the restrictions of S&W rules. However you get the gold to apply to XP is up to you, and things like getting a base of operations are very valid ways. As it gets improved, I'll take into account the new value.

As far as current XP amounts, I'll do a more thorough recount next week and show all my accounting to make sure everyone's in agreement. But no one's close to 2nd level at present so it's not my highest priority. At first glance it looks like you're probably right that I didn't include the original 100 points for roleplay.

And yes, I'm including the prime requisite increases for multiclass characters. Each prime requisite that applies increases the bonus for the class it applies to. Didn't make sense to me not to do so.

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